Step Sister Corruption Part 236 – Day 127 Ginger Tests the Meds Pt 1 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

*Sarah aka Ginger*

I really hope this stuff works that Dr. Hill prescribed because it’s been over a week since I’ve been fucked and Jason has been distant since he found out I went and saw a shrink.

I am so fucking ***horny***!!!!

I had already taken the girl’s to their friend’s house for a play date for the day and gotten them breakfast before I dropped them off while I let Jason sleep in.

When I got home I wasn’t too surprised to find he was still sleeping.

So I decided to have some fun this morning and make use of the medicine that Dr Hill prescribed though it was supposedly a one time use there was still a series of pills for myself *and* him.

I quickly took *my* pills which was a small handful from the containers as I read the instructions which was simply take with liquids.

For Jason there was some that needed to be taken with liquids and a couple that needed to be taken with food.

Looks like I’ll be cooking my loving husband some breakfast.

I decided to have some fun with it as I stripped down to what I was born with and put on only my apron.

First I made a cup of Jason’s favorite coffee as I ground down the beans from his, and Gabe’s, favorite place which was simply labeled *Liquid Crack Dark Roast* from Linoleum Baristas.

The moment I ground down the beans the kitchen had a strong coffee smell. I turned over to our high end coffee maker and packed the ground’s into the espresso apparatus and put it in the machine.

I was about to turn on the machine to start making espresso but then a devilish idea hit me.

I wanted sex and I wanted it now. I also wanted whatever this ‘medicine’ did to hit my husband fast so I can have sex sooner.

So why not mash up the ‘*medicine*’ that needs to be taken with liquids and put it in his coffee?

But I don’t have anything to mash it up.

Wait I can pretend it’s like garlic and use the flat end of a knife to mash of the pills until they’re a powder and simply put it in his coffee. That way it hits his system faster.

That could work. Right?

Well it made sense in my mind.

I grabbed a big knife and began smashing the pills on a cutting board until I got enough smashed until there was a powder. Then I brushed it into a cup using the knife.

Let’s see here powdered mug…check.

I grabbed the milk frother container put some milk in and set it on the frother station.

I set the mug under the espresso maker.

Now off to the food pills.

I followed the same process as the coffee pills with the food pills until there was nothing but dust.

Then grabbed a bowl and some eggs. Cracked the eggs and separated to get egg whites. Put in a splash of milk. Seasoned the eggs with the food dust added some real seasonings. Whisked and put on a pan.

Then I grabbed some bacon and threw it in the air fryer. Set the fryer to cook bacon in the options and selected *crispy*.

Next I grabbed a small bowl and mixed some batter, the remaining egg yolks, splash of vanilla, the remaining dust, and some milk then simply mixed.

When mixed I pulled out another pan and put in the small mixture in.

Let’s see here…. Laced coffee…. Check.

Laced eggs, double check.

And laced single pancake…. Check.

I turned on the coffee maker and air fryer. Then I turned on the stove to cook the eggs and pancake.

Within a few moments the kitchen began smelling like breakfast and I had to resist the urge of eating all the laced stuff for my husband. Does me no good to fuck myself when I don’t have a dick.

The smell was so great Jason walked out and caught him scratching himself only to stop to see me nude as he raised his eyebrow at me with a smile.

I smiled at him, “I thought I’d be nice and cook you a *special* breakfast.

Jason smiled but looked towards the stairs and knew where he was going with his gaze. I spoke, “If you’re wondering about the kiddos they’re at their friends for the day,” I wiggled my bare ass in his direction as he looked at me, “It’s just you and me.”

I saw his smile and a noticeable tent in his shorts.

Glad to see he was still attracted to me.

I walked over to the coffee maker seeing the espresso was done as a third of the cup was filled with espresso. I moved the mug over to the frothier and turned on the frothier to froth the milk which only took a minute before the milk in the container frothed up. With the milk frothed I poured it into the mug.

I walked back to the eggs and pancake seeing the egg whites were ready to be pulled and the pancake was ready to flip. I flipped the pancake so the other side can cook.

I walked over to the air fryer to see I had a couple of minutes left before it was done as the machine lightly whirred.

I walked over to the fridge and pulled out one of my breakfast sandwiches. I threw my sandwich in the microwave.

I walked back to the pancake and saw that it looked perfect when I looked underneath to make sure it was done.

I put the pancake on the plate with the eggs.

I heard a dual ding as both the bacon and my sandwich was done cooking.

I smiled as I retrieved the bacon to put on the plate. I grabbed the cup and put all of it in front of the smiling Jason as he had watched me cook his breakfast.

I spoke, “I hope you enjoy it dear,” as I thought *and I hope the medicine kicks in quick because I’m fucking **HORNY**!!!*

Jason smiled at me, “Thank you babe,” he looked down at his breakfast and looked up at me, “can you get me the butter syrup?”

I smiled and retrieve the syrup to put in front of him.

I walked back in the kitchen to get my breakfast and my own coffee I had gotten on my way home to sit next to Jason as I watched eat his *special* breakfast.

Naturally Jason first ate his eggs before digging into his pancake and finishing with the bacon while he lightly sipped his coffee until his plate was clean to finish off his coffee.

I watched him intently hoping all the lacing would kick in just so he could ravish me but he didn’t. He just smiled his goofy smile at me the entire time he ate.

With his plate clean and his breakfast in his stomach for all the meds to digest there was only one thing left to do…..wait.

Something I didn’t want to do then an idea hit me.

There was no kids. No teenagers. No one to bother us.

We were completely alone.

Time to act like teenagers….and that was to be naughty.

I smiled at Jason, “You ready for your second *breakfast*?”




  1. Man ginger is ready to get down and dirty …. straight up drugging and playing pharmacist lol.. grate awesome

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