New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus (CH 230-232) [Futanari][Futa/Female][Futa/Futa]

**Synopsis:** An old man dies, torn by regret. Due to his high karma, he has “near-limitless possibilities for reincarnation”. He chooses to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a voluptuous futanari succubus with big tits and an irresistible smile.

Erotic fiction that contains: Futanari/Dickgirls, Genderbending, Futa on Female, BDSM, Nymphos, Masochistic characters, Threesomes, Orgies, Facefuck, Deepthroat, Dom/Sub, Taken by Monsters, Corruption, Game elements, etc.

## 230: Provoking the Husband

The moment that the four-eyed milf shouted for Beatrice’s death, the hooded snake lady jumped for the dagger that lay closer to the milf than the snake lady.

“Oh no you don’t!” the milf jumped for the dagger too. With them both on the ground, the snake lady managed to reach the dagger first, but before she got to use it, the milf grabbed Number Sixty-six’s arm and punched her in the chest with such force that it knocked the breath right out of her and she let the dagger fall out of her hand.

With a self-satisfied smile, the milf grabbed the dagger and rose to her feet while Number Sixty-six struggled to breathe.

“Weakling,” she scoffed and turned her head to her husband to—“AAAAAAAAAHHH!!”

The snake lady bit the milf’s wrist like an animal, piercing the skin and causing blood to flow.

“YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!” Number Twenty-five screamed in pain and punched the snake lady right in the head, forcing her to let go of the bleeding wrist and knocking her back on the ground. Deep, skin-piercing human teeth marks were clearly visible on the side of Number Twenty-five’s wrist, however, even such a basic, animalistic attack was not enough to reclaim the dagger that remained in the milf’s hand.

“What a barbarian!” Number Twenty-six said, disgusted by such tactics.

“Argh! Fucking—” Number Twenty-five cursed and held her wrist, grimacing from the pain, which gave the snake lady the seconds she needed to get back on her feet and increase the distance between them.

Number Twenty-five retaliated and lunged at the snake lady with the dagger, aiming to cut her to pieces before another unorthodox tactic could be used. The snake lady avoided the blade repeatedly, without making a single counterattack. However, Number Twenty-five added kicks and punches to the attacks until she finally landed a direct kick into the snake lady’s stomach and sent her flying a dozen yards back.

“Too bad for him, but my wife is crazy strong,” Number Twenty-six said with pride. “She didn’t even need that little toothpick, though her desire to secure every possible advantage is one of her finer qualities! You want to get started now or do you prefer to watch her pulverize that skinny hooded guy first?”

“Either way is fine with me,” Beatrice said, but decided to clear up a certain confusion, “but that’s not a guy though.”

“… What the hell are you talking about? That’s obviously a dude!” Number Twenty-six argued.

“Nope!” Beatrice shook her head. “Her face may not be the most typical and martially hidden, her breasts may not come even close to measuring to your wife’s, but it’s not a dude.”

“B-but…He clearly had a dick! I saw it when he fucked my wife!”

“I gave it to him,” Beatrice said, figuring that it didn’t matter if this man knew about her powers or not, considering that only one of them would survive the next half hour.

“You? Gave… What? … Who—no—what are you?”

“A hero that will save the world,” Beatrice answered with a slight smile.

“A ‘hero’?” the man repeated with a ridiculing laugh. “In a place like this? And your plan for ‘saving the world’ is to turn every girl into a guy and make the remaining sentient population die out?”

“What? No! That’s just one of my sexual powers!” Beatrice explained calmly. “It allows me to transform the clits of sexy girls into big fat cocks and let them fuck each other to experience a whole new world of pleasure!”

“… I… I’ve heard things before… I’ve seen things before… Horrible things… Done by monstrous people,” Number Twenty-six said quietly and slowly, barely louder than a whisper, which was hard to hear as the fighting and screaming broke out all across the arena. “But in all my years I have not met anyone as abhorrently and incomprehensibly evil as you.”

“You’re so close-minded,” Beatrice said and waved off such a statement as silly, purposefully making fun of the man and provoking him. “I do not have a single unsatisfied customer! Once they experience the joy of simultaneous climax from fucking and getting fucked at the same time, their lives are changed forever!”

“…” The man did not respond, nor did he look into Beatrice’s eyes. His head was slightly tilted down, and the bangs of his sleek pink hair cast a shadow on his eyes. He only clenched his fists tighter while an increasingly protruding blood vessel on the side of his forehead threatened to pop.

Seeing this, Beatrice simply continued, “How do you know that it’s not something that your wife secretly desires too? You certainly seemed eager to let her be fucked by some stranger! Have you not ever considered that maybe, for once in her life your wife would like to try the other side of the pleasure? Maybe she’d love nothing more than to give you a chance to experience the joy of a big, fat cock in your ass? See you cum while she releases her big, hot load inside you?”

“I don’t often take pleasure in killing,” Number Twenty-six said as he took off his light purple fur coat and unbuttoned his purple vest. “But I will enjoy killing you!”

## 231: Beatrice’s First Opponent

“That’s a relief!” Beatrice said in response to Number Twenty-six’s declaration of killing intent. Although she was already no stranger to taking a life, it somehow was easier to come to terms with killing another when she knew that they had the same intention.

*Proactive self-defense?* Beatrice wondered how her mind rationalized when and how it was fine to take a life, even if she was the one who arranged the circumstances for such a situation. Even back in the Shadow Woods, surely a solution could have been reached for dealing with the murder-rapist bandits without acting as the judge, jury, and executioner. And yet, Beatrice acted without hesitation.

But there was no time for such moral dilemmas right now—Beatrice was about to tango with her first opponent in these Games.

“Relief? Did I hear you right?” Number Twenty-six asked in disbelief, astonished and insulted by Beatrice’s easygoing demeanor. “What’s with that carefree, daydreaming attitude? You’re taking this way too lightly.”

“Same goes for you. Or did you forget that of us four only one person is supposed to survive?” Beatrice pointed out. “Even if you kill me and your wife wins her fight, you’d still have to fight each other to the death.”

“You’re worrying about the wrong thing,” Number Twenty-six said.

“Oh? And what should I worry about?” Beatrice asked, preparing to fight as she sensed an approaching end to this conversation and saw her opponent slowly change his stance.

“About what I’ll do to your body for insulting my wife!” Number Twenty-six shouted and interlocked his fingers. “Power of Body!”

Number Twenty-six suddenly bulked up. His muscles grew in size and density as if he compressed two months’ worth of weight training into a single second. And he wasn’t done.

“Leg Double-up!” the man shouted. A moment later his leg muscles grew even bigger, pressed against his skinny pants, and tore them up in several places as the leg muscles worthy of a track cyclist could not be contained.

The next second, Number Twenty-six sprinted toward Beatrice with a battle cry, one hand in front of him, the other at his hip. The moment he was within range, he unleashed a powerful punch aiming it right for Beatrice’s solar plexus.

The punch connected perfectly.

*Huh?* Beatrice looked down, past her breasts, at the straight muscular arm that still pressed the fist against the skin of her abdomen.

“Huh?” Number Twenty-six blinked twice.

-30 HP

“That’s it?” Beatrice asked.

“WHUOAH!!” Number Twenty-six jumped back, flabbergasted at what just had transpired. He landed several yards away from the big-breasted bimbo that just took his all-out attack as if it was a punch of a child. With his glasses sliding off his nose, breathing heavily, the man tried to figure out what was going on as cold sweat formed on his forehead.

Beatrice looked at her poor, confused opponent while replaying in her mind what just happened. Nothing at all, really. Even though the succubus saw the beefed-up man charge at her at full speed, and could comprehend that he charged at her at full speed, it somehow felt like she had to patiently wait for him to reach her.

Even as the clenched fist flew directly at her, Beatrice kept changing her mind whether to simply step aside or to deflect it, or to catch it or to break his arm. In the end, the attack seemed so underwhelming that Beatrice could not conceive a reality in which it could possibly do any serious damage. So, Beatrice decided to simply take it head-on to gauge the maximum damage an undefended attack such as this could do to her.

*Just thirty Health Points?* Beatrice brought up her Information tab.


**Name** Beatrice

**Age** 18

**Class** Succubus

**Level** 18 (22%)

**Health Points** 485/500 (+0.88/sec)

**Arousal Points** 73/279 (+0.01/sec)

**Stamina Points** 190/190 (+0.48/sec)

**Physical Attack** 17

**Physical Defense** 22

**Magic Attack** 19

**Magic Defense** 34

**Speed** 17

*Not even a tenth of my total points! And half of it is already regenerated!*

All this time, as Beatrice continued to level and make gains in her stats, it never seemed like she made substantial progress in her character’s combat power. But now that Beatrice looked back to her few combat experiences in this world, she single-handedly wiped out four opponents, and while her last opponent overwhelmed her in raw power, she still ended up besting him. And Steve was no grunt either, but a unit leader of a powerful organization in this city.

And since Beatrice’s fight with Steve, she gained six more levels and made several noticeable upgrades to her wardrobe which boosted her stats considerably, even without the cloak that Beatrice left with Ember.

When Beatrice took all that into account, as well as the fact that she entered a fighting event whose sole purpose was to exploit the desperate, what hope could her first no-name opponent of these Games even have against her?

## 232: Pubstomp

*What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck!?* Number Twenty-six’s mind raced as he watched what little damage he managed to do to his masked big-breasted opponent heal right before his eyes. His attack was meant to—if not outright kill the demented cock-gifting corrupter of women—at the very least rupture her diaphragm, bashing the air right out of her and rendering her completely powerless. Instead, he watched the tiny bruise—that was barely more serious than a hickey—dissipate in a matter of seconds.

Meanwhile, seeing with her own eyes the results of her “test” play out in real-time, Beatrice learned to appreciate just how incredible her regeneration stats actually turned out to be. What at first was a somewhat considerable annoyance when it came to the regeneration of Arousal Points, now proved borderline broken when it came to Health Points.

*No matter how much I level up, the Health Regeneration continues to increase along with the additional Health Points I gain from each level up*, Beatrice analyzed. *The regeneration speed is not affected by the additional Health I gain from items, but even with the bonus Health… From zero to full HP in under ten minutes!*

*Unless I fight an opponent that can repeatedly dish out serious damage, I will be favored to win any battle of attrition. And that’s without any serious investment into my Combat Craft!* Beatrice was pleased with how quickly her arsenal of potential combat tactics expanded. And while some would foolishly consider stalling strategies cowardly, something within Beatrice enjoyed watching the shock in her opponent’s eyes turn to despair. Who wouldn’t despair if they saw their best efforts erased in seconds? When their life was on the line? A fighter with his spirit broken is already defeated.

Beatrice made mental notes to check with Ember and Samantha for armors with a very specific stat: additional Health Regeneration. Beatrice wanted to find out how far it was possible for her to push this regeneration angle.

“Is that restoration magic?” Number Twenty-six asked Beatrice. Apparently, his line of thought went very similarly to Beatrice’s.

“Do I have any reason to tell you?” Beatrice asked in return.

“Don’t take me lightly!!” he screamed, adjusted his glasses, and went into his combat stance again.

“Alright, I won’t! If you tell me your name!”

“A-are you making fun of me!?”

“Guilty as charged,” Bearice confessed. Anyone who is even remotely genre savvy or at least familiar with basic story structures would know that—usually—unnamed side characters are as low on the threat level as they can get. And while this was not one of those roleplaying campaigns her colleagues used to run, Beatrice was inside *her* wish-fulfillment world. And sensing any danger from her current opponent evaporating, Beatrice was simply being cute. As if finding out her opponent’s name would suddenly make him stronger!

“I swear I’ll make you regret this if it’s the last thing I do!!” Number Twenty-six screamed even louder as a reddish aura manifested around him. “Berserker’s Spirit! Defense for Offense! Reckless Assault!”

Number Twenty-six kept shouting Skill names and different auras manifested around him, one after another.

*Ah, there was a name for it!* Beatrice tried to recall the term for when characters temporarily increased their stats in role-playing games. Meanwhile, Number Twenty-six charged at Beatrice for a second time with double the fury and, more importantly, double the speed.

Unfortunately for Number Twenty-six, all this accomplished was that Beatrice didn’t feel like she needed to wait for quite so long this time around for her opponent’s attack to reach her. *Still, if the speed increased, the damage must have increased as well,* Beatrice concluded. *The impact that speed has on kinetic energy is as basic as it gets.*

Beatrice did not have any intention of willingly letting herself be damaged for a second time, especially by a stronger attack. Beatrice activated her [Sharp Claws] passive, effortlessly sidestepped Number Twenty-six’s straightforward attack, and slashed at the exposed, vulnerable arm, aiming to cripple her opponent’s attacking power.

“GHUAAAAAAAAARGH!!!” Number Twenty-six screamed as he grabbed his bleeding arm and fell on his knees, next to the several severed pieces of his forearm.

“Ah!?” Beatrice took a step back, taken aback by the brutal amputation that she inadvertent ended up performing.

*Eh… Oops?* Beatrice looked at her long, sharp, blood-drenched claws, and could barely hold herself back from apologizing for causing such unwarranted, needless suffering. And as the succubus watched the auras around Number Twenty-six evaporate faster than they appeared, she remembered, *Buffs!*

You can read more chapters [here]( or [here](
