How a milf got [m]e to worship her orally

This story is back from when craiglist was still up and running. I had recently moved to a new city and didn’t know a single person. I made some new friends but I was still missing something. I have a lot of desires and I didn’t have a single outlet, other than masturbating which was okay but I really wanted something more.

One day, out of cheer curiosity, I posted an ad on craiglist seeking a fwb to worship. I got a few replies, and they were almost all bots or men who wanted me to experiment with them. I guess if you’ve used craiglist you know as well. But I wasn’t really interested in that. I did get a reply a few days later from an anonymous person, asking me to text her number. She didn’t include anything else in her message.

So, being the horny dude I was, and not thinking clearly, decided to text a completely random number in the hopes of satisfying my desires. Probably not the safest thing I’ve done but hey, who hasn’t taken a few chances lol. I shot my shot and she ended up responding later that night, and asking me to send her a video of myself.

I did exactly as she asked, and she said she found me ‘cute’ and I could come over and do some of the things we had discussed over messaging. So a few days go by and I am anxiously awaiting the weekend so I can head to her place. I go and meet her at her door, but I immediately notice that she has several dogs and cats through the window, and one of the dogs looks pretty intimidating. It’s okay though, my horniness was greater than my fear and I ringed the bell anyways.

I kid you not ladies and gentlemen, she said she was 51 years old, but she could have easily passed for a 30 year old. We exchanged small greetings and I went inside. She was absolutely gorgeous, about 6’2, blonde hair, scottish accent, a killer ass.

She made some tea and we sat down on the couch and talked some more. She told me about her animals, her personal life and where she was at with her divorce, and some of her work struggles. I listened to it all and gave her my thoughts on it as well. Once we had finished our tea, she invited me to check out her upstairs, and I followed her. I actually thought she wanted me to see her house instead of the obvious hint of inviting me to her bedroom.

Her bed was actually huge. I don’t know if there’s a size bigger than King but she would have definitely have had it because I’ve never seen a bed bigger than that in my life. She took the lead on pretty much everything as we discussed as I had told her that she would decide how far we go and what boundaries we would set.

She asked me to undress her, and I did. She was beyond sexy and looked amazing. I also undressed myself and just sort of stood there. She jumped on the bed and invited me over and said I could start with her boobs, by massaging them in the beginning and then when I wanted to, to start kissing them and to take a nipple in my mouth.

I did exactly as she asked and started to fondle her tits. She must have been a D because they were definitely a handful and very soft. I massaged them gently and when I heard her softly moaning, I started to kiss around her breasts and then took her nipple in my mouth and gently sucked on it. Once I heard her moans pick up, I light pressed my teeth on her nipples and I think she really liked that because she grabbed my hair and pressed me deeper into her.

After giving ample attention to both of her nipples, I started to kiss her chest area and explore her body with my hands. I kissed her pretty much everywhere as I moved down her body, especially her abdomen and around her bellybutton. I don’t know what it is, but I find the bellybutton and the area around it to be a real turn on. As i got closer to her pussy, I started to touch and kiss around her rather than going straight to licking her clit. I think she was a bit frustrated as she humped her hips forward hoping I’d lick her pussy but I remember reading on reddit before that it’s better if you tease around the pussy / thigh area before going straight into it. So that’s what I did until she said, please lick my clit.

So I slowly positioned myself between her legs and closed by mouth around her clit. I didn’t press my tongue down or lick her clit but just closed my mouth around her and she humped her hips forward and started to use my mouth to grind her clit on it. After she started this, then I slowly pressed my tongue down and traced circles around her clit, and opened my mouth and licked her entire pussy. She was really wet and I could tell she was really enjoying it.

For the next half hour or so, I kissed, suck, and licked her pussy and clit until she finally said that she was about to cum, and pressed my face into her pussy and grinded on my face with her clit, which I wasn’t prepared for, but didn’t complain at all. Once she recovered from her orgasam, she asked me to keep licking her and that’s what I did. She was still really wet and she tasted amazing. I kept complimenting her as I eat and licked her up.

She had another orgasm about 20 minutes later and that’s when we both decided to clean up as I needed to head back and we had a rule that we would not go past midnight. She said she really enjoyed my tongue and was hoping to use more of me later for her pleasure.

I told her she could call me anytime and I’d be more than happy to worship and service her whenever she wanted. Over the course of the next year while I lived in her town, I saw her pretty other week as our work schedules were both busy. But everytime I saw her, she would order me to be on my knees and worship her and I was more than happy to do so. I also got to know her really well personally and although it never went further than just seeing each other as fwb, we came to respect each other as friends as well.

It’s been 3 years now since I moved away from her town but we still keep in touch and ask how the other is doing from time to time. We had a lot of moments together but I will always remember our first for how special it was.


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