Cheating with my New Neighbor’s Daughter | 6: Parking Lot [male pov][older man][younger woman][age difference][neighbors daughter][cheating][drama][series][slow build][car sex]

**6: Parking Lot**

I went home that night.

I remained firm with Paige and went home with pent up arousal after declining a blowjob from her.

At first I thought the main reason was that there’s something not right with accepting offer from her while in a drunken state, but the more I went though in my mind, the more I realized that I just don’t like the fact that she’s still with her boyfriend. Then I remember, I am fucking married.

Literally, there’s nothing right about what’s happening between us, but my attraction to her is so intense I cannot pull myself away from it.When I got back home, I found Charlotte and Liz chilling in the living area drinking some champagne.

“Honey, join us,” my wife called to me.

“I’m gonna pass. Ellis gad me taste test one of his best wines,” I lazily declined.

“That sounds good. Just sit with us, then?” She insisted and I noticed how Liz gazed at me while sipping her drink.

“I’m really tired. I’m gonna take a shower and gonna sleep early. You two enjoy your night,” I declined her again.

Charlotte frowned but then quickly said, “Sure. Before you go, Liz and I thought we should all have a day out tomorrow, with the kids. Maybe go to park, have some lunch, and stuff.”

I got pissed by how Liz tries to squeeze herself in my life, but maintained my cool by saying, “Alright. I’ll just have to run some errands in the morning. Can we do it by lunch?”

– – – – –

***|Sunday, the next day, an errand day***

“Alright, bye,” Paige said to her dad as she got into our car as I sat in the driver seat parked in front of their house.

She got in and about to put her seatbelt on when Olive walked fast to us handing Paige a sticky note, “Sweetie, sweetie. Could you please drop by the store and get this. I wanted to bake some pie and needed some stuff. I hope you don’t mind, Trent.”

“Sure, mom,” Paige smiled and took the note.

“No problem, Olive,” I salute to her.

Paige waved goodbye as she rolled the windows up.

Last night before I went to bed, she texted me to pick her up in the morning so we could buy the things needed for the repair of her keyboard. I thought nothing of it and went to sleep, but I woke up to a voicemail from her saying:

*Good morning, Mr. Foster. I’m sober now. Are we going to get stuff today?*

It’s obvious now that I agreed to it and told Charlotte about it. I accelerated the car and started driving away from our block as we head to the store.

I felt her stare at me before asking, “How are you feeling today, Mr. Foster?”

“You know what at this point just call me Trent,” I said with my eyes still on the road.

She said nothing so I answered her question, “I feel good. You?”

“Good. But I haven’t had my coffee yet. Can we get some? I know another café we could try,” she asked.

I took a quick look at her trying to gauge what she’s planning inside her head. She then started telling me the directions to where that café was located.

As we stop on a red light, she spoke in a tone much less confident than she was earlier, “Trent, do you…still remember that time I was at your house for Charlie’s lessons when your wife tried to kiss but you dodged it? I know it’s none of my business, but I’m still wondering why until now.”

“I didn’t,” I tried to lie.

“Alright, you can totally not tell me. I’m sorry for asking,” she sincerely hesitated.

I turned to look at her before saying, “Charlotte and I, we were trying to save our marriage. We thought moving in a new town will do it.”

She was visibly upset then started apologizing, “I—I’m sorry. I probably should’ve—I’m sorry.”

I held her hand resting on her thigh as I explain, “Hey, it’s my choice—what we did in my clinic. I’m not saying that it is right because it’s not and we both know that. But if it’s going to make it seem right by saying that our marriage has long been over and has no saving, then I’ll say it.”

I paused for a bit looking intently at her eyes then continued, “And if there’s one thing I learned from the time we had sex, that’s the fact that I’ve already lost my love for her way back when I found out what she did and it’s never coming back. I’m just stupid enough to think that moving here will magically delete everything from my memory and forgive her and be back the way we were before as if nothing happened.”

She studied my eyes and was about to say something when the car behind us started honking. The light was already green so I hurried and drove the car again muttering under my breath, “Shit, I’m sorry.”

We stayed silent the next minutes on the road aside from her sudden directional instructions.

We then got to this almost hidden coffee shop miles away from the other one we had coffee once.

We silently sat for a few minutes inside the car in a parking lot with just two other cars around, waiting for nothing.

I couldn’t stand the silence anymore and asked her, “Are you okay?”

She looked confused as she uttered, “Yeah, yeah. I’m just—trying to wrap everything inside my head. I’m trying to remind myself the right things to do, but somehow I can’t—I can’t pull myself away from you. I tried to, I really did, but everything happened so fast I was not able to understand what I really feel. But I think I like you as a person and for some reason, I feel safe and cared for when I’m with you. And of course, you’re a hot sexy guy and I’m just a 19 year-old with high sex drive. Does that make me a bad person?”

I was about to say something, but she cut me off adding, “Don’t answer that question. I don’t want to know. Not now at least. I honestly just don’t want to worry about anything right now.”

I stayed silent for a few minutes, smiled at her then asked her, “I’ll grab us some coffee. Do you want to wait here?”

She put out a tiny smile and nodded to which I said, “Alright, I’ll be right back.”

I went out and straight ahead to the café. I proceeded to place my order and sat on a high chair near the pick up area as I wait. This café is much bigger than the other one, but was also almost empty. I guess people usually spend their Sundays in places that are more family and children friendly.

A lady in her mid-20s from the table near me started to call out to me, “Mr. Foster?”

I turned to her and thought she looked familiar as well as the other lady sitting across her. So I said to them, “I’m sorry. Where do I know you from?”

“I’m Emily. I’m a patient of yours. This is Jenifer, also your patient,” she smiled and the other waved at me.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry. I’m really bad at remembering people’s faces,” I apologized.

She then asked me, “It’s all good, Doctor. I know it’s hard to when you’re new to town. So, how do you find our little town?”

“So far so good. Safe and beautiful place. And people are very kind and hospitable,” I smiled.

“Well, that’s good to hear. You’re a wonderful doctor and our town should thank you for that,” she smiled at me and I swear I saw her wink at me.

Good thing I was called at the counter to take the two take home coffee cups and bagels I ordered so I excused myself from them.

I was about to say goodbyes to them when Emily asked me, “Is that for your wife?”

“Um, yeah, she’s in the car,” I lied thinking nothing about it.

“That’s sweet of you. Go ahead, Doctor. She must be waiting for you,” she smiled and waved me goodbye.

I said my goodbyes to them and headed back to my car. I got in and handed Paige her coffee and bagel and told her, “The latte’s yours. Also, I got a bagel with cream cheese in it and a plain one, which one would you like?”

“The cream cheese one, but we could share if you like,” she looked happy, seemingly in a better mood than earlier.

“Sure. I’d like some of that,” I giggled a bit.

“Wow, this is good. Better than I remember,” she exclaimed after taking a sip of the hot latte I got her.

She turned to look at me then asked, “Thank you, Trent. Do you want to have a taste?”

I got myself an americano and was curious about hers so I said, “Yeah, sure.”

She took a sip then leaned closer to me. She held my neck and pressed her lips into mine. I immediately tasted the coffee from her mouth. I wrapped my hand on her nape and caressed the back of her head as our tongues danced around with each other.

We pulled away to breathe so I teased, “That’s some good coffee.”

We both laughed then I paused and rubbed my chin as I ask, “Should we move to the backseat?”

“I was just gonna say that,” she grinned before moving her way back through the space in the middle.

I got out and quickly went in the back passenger seat where she was starting to take her shorts off. I suddenly got a sunken feeling in my stomach when I remembered the interaction I had with some patients in the café.

Paige must have noticed that I spaced out and asked, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, yeah. Of course,” I said but in my mind still worrying that they’ll catch us. But then, without all the care in the world, I unzipped my pants and pulled my growing cock out of my boxers.

She quickly positioned herself to give me a blowjob. She held my girth with two hands and circled her tongue around my tip. I deliberately skipped jerking off last night even though I badly wanted to and now as my tip made contact with the roof of her mouth, I felt my pre-cum drip out.

I tilted my head back as a heavy moan left my mouth.

She then started to take in more and more until her throat touches my tip. She then pulled out letting out a big exhale. I looked at her and she licked the sticky liquid around her lips before saying, “I can’t take all of it.”

“That’s okay. Keep going,” I uttered and held onto the top of her head. She resumed blowing me slowly but deeply, making sure she sucked tightly as she pull out.

“God, I want you so bad,” I let out a whispery moan.

I then reached my hand over and groped her ass as it was raised up in the air. I stretched my arms further that I was able to reach her vagina. I then started slapping her swollen wet pussy ensuring that I touched her clit. This made her moan while my cock was inside her mouth. The vibrations in her throat traveled to my tip which felt insanely good.

“Come on up, we have to be quick. Ride me,” I instructed her.
