Tammi and The Bully – Part 1 [F solo][mast.][dildo][shower]

Hey everybody. This is my first post and I’m planning to make this a series, with Tammi as the leading character. It’s a long read, but I wanted to introduce the characters properly. Let me know what you think!

All characters are 18+.


Timmy opened the freezer door and hung his head with a sigh before rummaging around for something cold, a fresh shiner gleamed in black and blue under his right eye. He shook off the freezer burn on some frozen peas and sauntered over to the kitchen island, pulled out a stool and plopped himself down in defeat. He had a long day and it showed in his exhausted body and face that was no doubt going to be the only topic of conversation for the rest of the night. He was dreading the moment his parents got home, especially his mother Tammi.

Timmy was their only child, the product of months and months of trying to conceive only to come up false and leaving his mother wondering what they were doing wrong. It was no wonder why she was so protective of him after she finally gave birth to him 2 years into trying.  She was a helicopter mom in every sense of the description and it had affected Timmy in more ways than she could have thought. His dad Jake was a different story, however.

Jake was the product of a long lineage of an alpha familial mentality. Being the youngest of four boys, he grew up in constant competition with his brothers who were all vying for their father’s recognition and respect. Respect that was earned by excelling in sports, by their physical prowess and by how well they did with the opposite sex. It was frustrating, to say the least, that he had to watch his own flesh and blood turn himself into the exact opposite of that model man he was taught to be all those years ago. Interactions were few and far between Timmy and his father. He buried himself in his work, climbing the corporate ladder to become an executive at a relatively young age. His wife and son reaped the benefits of his salary, no question, but he was far from the positive male role model Timmy needed him to be.

“It wasn’t always like this” Timmy thought to himself, shifting the bag of peas from one hand to another. He thought back to a time when he was this happy-go-lucky kid without a care or enemy in the world. He got along with all the neighborhood kids, usually acting as the de facto leader for games of flashlight tag or excursions into the nearby woods. He also had inherited his father’s natural athletic ability, a stand out on all his little league and basketball teams. Life seemed so much happier then, until it all came crashing down on him that fateful day at the most important sporting event in his life at that point.

It was his last year in little league, the year before he would start middle school and grapple with the realities of puberty. His team had reached the championship game of the all county tournament, a huge spectacle for their town and was traditionally one of the most important events of the year. Jake had convinced the higher ups at his company to become corporate sponsors of the event and as he was becoming a rising star this became the most important event of his life so far. Everything was going great up until the ninth inning, the opposing team had closed the score gap and Timmy’s team only held the lead by 1 run. Timmy waited on deck for his at bat, two strikes on the batter before him with one out so far. As the next pitch was thrown, Timmy practiced his swing and looked away only to hear the “PING” of the ball coming off the bat. He looked back to the home plate and in that split second he had no time to react. The ball closed in on his face and all he could see before seeing black was the white leather and red stitching about to seal his fate and change his life.

Timmy finally came to and woke up with a crowd of people standing over him and the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. There was an aching pain in the middle of his face and as he tried to reach for it, his coach grabbed his hand, “No no buddy, that sucker’s broken, you don’t want to touch it right now.”

“What do we do?!” Tammi shouted, looking nervously down at Timmy’s bloody face.

His coach helped him sit up and with a hand on his back said, “Welp, I’ve had a few broken noses in my time, so I can set that baby back into place and we’ll pack his nostrils with gauze and get him up to bat.”

“I don’t think that’s appropriate, shouldn’t a medical doctor handle this sort of thing?” Tammi shot back. At that point, Timmy looked a pale green and without warning projectile vomited between his splayed out legs.

 “Ohh, I feel much better,” Timmy said, “Let me get back up there.”

One look at the puddle of puke and Tammi had decided that was enough.“Noo!” she screamed and grabbed Timmy under his arms and started dragging him off the field, “I’m taking him to the emergency room, you’ll just have to sub someone for him.” Jake looked on nervously, pleading with Tammi not to take him out of the game, he was their only good closing pitcher and it was too close to put someone else in. But she wasn’t hearing any of it. She strapped her delirious son into the passenger seat of her SUV and screamed out of the parking lot.

And that was it. Jake watched as the opposing team tied up the game and then ultimately drove in the winning run, it was over. He knew Timmy would be fine, a broken nose is like a right of passage to him. All he could think about was the ridicule he faced back at work, he knew his rising star was about to be stifled and he would have to work even harder to gain that ground back. He couldn’t help but resent Tammi and Timmy both and their relationships were never the same after that.

Timmy saw what this embarrassing escapade did to his father and swore off sports ever since. He drew into himself, he lost friends as his entire baseball team disowned him. And girls? His low confidence and his shut in nature built a wall so high that not even the homeliest girls in his grade were interested. All of these factors contributed to Timmy becoming an easy target at school and it went without saying that getting bullied was an everyday, normal occurrence.

Tammi’s confidence took a hit as well. She was a nervous wreck for days after the incident and it was clear something had changed in her brain. Her natural instinct to protect her one and only offspring became paramount in her life, sacrificing job opportunities, friends and even a closeness with her husband. At the same time, she couldn’t understand why Jake felt all the resentment he did and her days were constantly filled with her questioning her behaviors and physical appearance. She was always a good looking woman and always took care of herself, but the lack of attention from the man she loved pushed her to solutions she thought were her only choice.

As a former star volleyball player, she was accustomed to visiting the gym everyday. It was a habit that kept her healthy, but one that kept her body incredibly tight also, even after Timmy was born. She was just about 5’4” tall with god-given proportions that almost seemed unfair to the other women around her. And volleyball was very good to her. All that squatting and crouching had toned her legs, thighs and ass to perfection and it was almost a crime for her not to wear the fuck-me heels that accentuated all those features. Which wasn’t very often. Her mid section displayed not an ounce of body fat and her toned hip muscles created the perfect bridge between the upper and lower sections of her body. She had a long and slender neck that almost always displayed a diamond or pearl necklace that complimented her collar bones. Her eyes were almond shaped and a deep blue that one could get lost in her hypnotic stare. She had a cute upturned nose and ears that were hidden by the silky deep brunette hair that reached just past her shoulders.By all accounts, she was a drop dead smoke show capable of getting any man she wanted. Except the man she wanted couldn’t seem more disinterested in her.

She was always a bit self conscious about her lips and breasts though. “Maybe that’s what he wants,” she thought to herself and a couple of plastic surgeries later she had gone from a B cup to a voluptuous DD cup. She was quite happy with them and they were big, but not big enough to disrupt her perfectly proportioned body. Her silver dollar sized areolas and pink nipples were the perfect complement to her new improvement and she never shied away from putting them on display or from feeling herself up from time to time. She was also really proud of her new lips, which were tastefully pumped up to make them full and pouty without looking ridiculous and a glossy rosy-pink shade of lipstick made her look irresistible.

Timmy shot up when he heard a car door slam shut in the driveway. “Fuck. Here we go,” he sighed to himself quietly. The door to the kitchen opened and in strode Tammi, just back from a trip to the mall and arms full of shopping bags. Her white, platform heels clicked on the tile floor as she turned around to shut the door, not seeing Timmy sitting morosely at the island. Her bubble butt and thighs jiggled in the tight, light blue capri pants she had on as she struggled to shut the door. She turned after the door shut and started walking to the hallway, when she finally noticed Timmy sitting there. She stopped and her gorgeous tits bounced in the white, low cut top that also exposed her cute belly button. “Oh hey baby, I didn’t see you the….what the fuck Timmy?!” she click-clacked over to him, “What the hell happened to you?”

The ensuing conversation consisted of Timmy telling his mother about the relentless day of being picked on, something about him tripping over someone in the hallway and spilling a teacher’s coffee on one of the popular girls. He described in detail how everyone was making fun of him while at the same time telling him he was a dead man, that Rick was looking for him after making a fool of his girlfriend.

Rick the Dick, as he was nicknamed, was one of the most popular kids in school and Timmy’s biggest bully. Rick didn’t mind the nickname for some reason and it had stuck with him all throughout high school. He didn’t have much to worry about and he lived his life in as care-free a manner as possible, his dad was one of the most powerful people in the town and he rarely saw any justice for his school-boy tricks. His seemingly harmless interactions with Timmy had all come to a head that day, where he pinned him up against his locker and finally gave him a strong left to let him know who’s boss.

“Oh baby, it’s ok, don’t cry,” Tammi said wiping the tears from his face with her slender, well manicured fingers, “Mommy’s going to make everything all better, ok sweetie?”

The kitchen door opened again and in walked Jake on his phone. He barely stopped as he looked over at the two of them sitting at the island. He saw Tammi’s hands leaving the red and tear soaked face of Timmy and subtly rolled his eyes and continued on his way up to his office.

The two of them ate a quiet dinner in the kitchen and after they were done, Tammi watched Timmy make his way upstairs to his room where he’ll no doubt be sulking for the rest of the night. She sighed and decided to check on Jake in his office, he had to be hungry by now. Then an idea crept into her head. She had been pent up like crazy since her morning gym session and she realized she hadn’t been fucked since Jake’s birthday a few weeks ago and even that was a sad performance. She took a plate of food on a tray up to her room, where she stripped off every piece of clothing except the tiny white thong that hugged her tanned ass cheeks. Then she took the kitchen apron she had brought up and tied it around her back, it barely covering her nipples, and made her way into the hallway to the office. She opened the door and tip-toed in as Jake’s back was turned to the door. “Hi honey. I thought that you might be…mm…hungry,” she said with a devious smile and set the tray down on his desk while bending over enough so her beautiful boobs hung with the apron. He turned around in his chair, looked up briefly and went back to his phone conversation while shoveling the food into his mouth.

“Ugghh,” she thought to herself as she turned and walked out of the office, being sure to slam the door enough to let him know she was pissed. Not that it would matter. Another night of being alone. Her body was absolutely aching to be touched, she desperately missed the the passion they once had. Feeling defeated, she decided to end the night with a nice, hot shower to calm her nerves and head to bed. She ran the shower and took off the apron and threw it on the floor before peeling off the thong with both hands. She looked in the mirror at her body, her perfect tits and the small tuft of short hair above her freshly waxed pussy. Then it was like a light went off in her head. “Guess I’m at this myself again,” she said softly and made her way into her closet and pulled a drawer open. Sifting through her impressive underwear collection she finally found it in the back. Old faithful, the 7” clear suction cup dildo that had gotten her through many similar nights. She grabbed it by the base and walked back into the bathroom and stepped into the shower.

Her mind was filled with all of the beautiful, hard-bodied boys that liked to stare at her at the gym as she licked the silicone cock all the way up the shaft before squeezing her tits together with her upper arms and sliding it between them. “Mmmm ffuck,” she whispered before slamming it against the shower glass to get it into position. She squatted in front of it and grabbed it by the base again before aggressively spitting her saliva onto it and stroking it slowly. She licked her pouty lips with her abnormally long tongue before raising the shaft to lick and suck the balls. She released them with a loud “POP” and in the same motion, took the girthy head into her mouth, sliding it down as far as she could go. She repeated this motion a few times before popping it out of her mouth, slapping her tongue with the tip and going back for more.

*Gluck, gluck, schluck, gluck, schluck.*

After about 5 minutes of her relentless sucking, she felt her soaked pussy and spread her juices up and down her lips before standing back up and turning around. She reached back and spread her asscheeks, guiding her pussy so that her never soft companion could slide right in. She slid herself, inch by inch, all the way onto the shaft. “Fuck, it’s been a while,” she thought as the thick member stretched her out. She massaged her tits with both hands and squeezed on her nipples while she picked up a rhythm. “Mmmm shit and it’s hitting all the right spots,” she thought.

*Fap, fap, flap, flap, fap.*

The bathroom was filled with the sound of her ass bouncing off the glass and her desperate moans of pleasure. Her left hand slipped off her nipple and found its way down to her wet clit, as she furiously started rubbing it in circles as she pounded herself. “Mmm oooh yesss baby, fuck me,” she said loudly before reaching back with her free hand to squeeze and spread her ass cheek and slapping it in between her gropes. “Fuck yes… yes baby… fuck me with that fat cock and make me cream all over that dick!” she yelled, clearly on her way to orgasm. She put her legs closer together and braced herself on the bench opposite her, pushing herself wildly onto the dildo. Her hand returned to her clit as she pumped herself vigorously before sliding almost completely off, then slamming back down all the way and holding it. “Ffuuuckkk yesss!” she screamed as her legs shook and felt the gush coating that thick member.

“Pheww! Damn I needed that,” she whispered to herself as she slid off it slowly, retrieved in from the glass and opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue to lap up all her juices from the well used toy. She toweled off and went back into the closet, placing Old Faithful back in his spot before grabbing a t-shirt and panties to get ready for bed. As she got under the covers and turned off the lamp, her mind went back to Timmy. “I’ll find a way to deal with his bully problem tomorrow,” she thought.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/thx8b7/tammi_and_the_bully_part_1_f_solomastdildoshower


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