Pokemon: Adults Only Tournament, Annie’s Sweet Scent.

Alright, Zella, It’s finally time to do this. nothing but the open road and everything ahead of me. my heart was thumping against my chest. I finally got my first pokemon yesterday, her name is [Hazel the Lopunny](https://imgur.com/a/wY1zTCV), she’s got some extra baggage, but I think she’ll be a good partner.

Two days ago I landed on Zeelin Island and today I was heading out to become the winner of an adults-only tournament. I was giddy with excitement, today was the start of something amazing.

I began walking down the dirt road to Brazza town. Prof. Kiwi told me that’s where I should head first, so, it was time to walk. Hazle walked beside me, bouncing slightly on her strong legs, it was still weird to see a pokemon with such large…assets. Every step she took made her extra flesh jiggle, it was a sight to behold.

Zeelin was a strange island for sure, it should be much more humid and hot but it felt like a cool spring day. Huge oak trees grew wildly on either side of me, sunlight barely permeating through the thick canopy enveloping the road.

The shadowed path was mostly straightforward, it wasn’t the most comfortable to walk on, but my boots made it much less intensive.

At around noon I decided we should take a break. I found a nice spot off the side of the path, a semicircle with a small outcrop of rocks to sit on. I sat down and pulled out my pack. Inside was some food I packed, mostly energy bars and dried meat, and a bag of pokefood. I gave Hazel a portion of the food and began snacking on a hunk of meat.

While we were enjoying our break i heard rustling in the woods. Hazel’s ears perked up and she stared intently at the noise. I stood and prepared myself. Out of the woods came…a [woman](https://imgur.com/a/MzS5LHo) her apron covered in mud and her hair messy with twigs and branches. her smile was glowing all the same.

“uh, hi there.” I said out loud “You okay?”

“Oh!” she said, straightening her hair. “I got a little lost, there are so many wonderful plants on this island I needed to see them for myself. Just over there I saw this beautiful flower bed full of flowers from all the regions, it was breathtaking.“ She walked over and took a seat on a rock near me.

I blinked and sat down next to her, Hazel went back to eating her food. Even sitting on another rock a few feet away i could smell the sweet scent of flowers irradiating off of her. She smelled like rolling hills covered in flowers.

“So, what brings you to Zeelin?” I asked.

“The tournament,” she answered bluntly. “My flower shop won a competition to send me here, and well, here I am.”

“Oh, me too.” I responded. “I won a card tournament for my ticket.”

“That’s wonderful, well, since we’re both trainers, would you like to battle.” She pulled a red and white pokeball from behind her and gave me a smile.

My heart skipped a beat. “Uh, sure, never had one before, but I can give it a shot.” I said.

“Don’t worry cutie, I can teach ya” she said, sultry tones dripping off her voice.

I swallowed. “So, about the whole betting system. How does that work exactly?”

“Simple, you want cash, or do you want to fuck?” she said, planely.

“I’m sorry, what?”

“Well, if you want, we can wager our bodies or our funds. Me personally, I think you’re cute enough to *eat*”

I thought for a moment. Was I okay with doing this? Well, why not? I’ve always been a good and proper girl, why not let loose?

“You’ll have to beat me to eat me.” I said.

The flower woman laughed so hard she snorted. “Arceus you’re cute. So is that a yes?”

I nodded and looked towards Hazel. She was already standing and stretching, throwing faux kicks in the air. “Don’t think Hazel would give me much of a choice.”

The lady smiled and stood up, walking to the road. I followed her lead and stood apart from her.

The lady pulled out her Pokeball and tossed it forward. It hit the ground and bounced high, shooting a red laser in the silhouette of a pokemon. When the flash dissipated standing in front of me was something alright.

[The pokemon](https://imgur.com/a/7QTGKLk) was a little taller than Hazel, she looked like a Lilligant, but instead of the grand flowery dress it was clad in a unitard made of leaves, it could barely contain its rather large breast.

I swallowed and thought carefully. This was the point I realized I didn’t know Hazel’s moves, well, no time like the present. Hazel was jumping up and down, getting ready to move if she had to, her expression was serious but playful.

“Since it’s your first battle, I’ll let you have the first move, Lillith and I can take it.” The lady’s lackadaisical eyes were now pointed and serious.

I nodded. From the card game I remembered that Lopunny can know a lot of normal-type attacks, and based on her powerful legs I deduced it should at least know double kick. “Hazel, rush in and hit her with a double kick.”

Hazel nodded and took off like a rocket towards the grass-type. Her legs moved in a blur, kicking up dust. In less than a second Hazel was up in the air ready to rain down kicks onto the grass-type.

“Lillith, ingrain and defend yourself.” the lady said. Small white roots shot out from Lilliths legs into the ground, anchoring her to the ground. Lillith put her arms up in a blocking motion. Why would she not tell her to dodge?

Hazel’s legs connected, striking against her arms, she didn’t even flinch. Hazel used the second kick and sprung herself back in front of me. I smiled. “Good job Hazel.”

She turned her head and smiled. Then, her eyes went wide and it seemed like her whole body locked up, her fur stood on end. “Hazel? Are you okay?”

“Paralysis, Lillith has Effect spore, meaning all contact can do nasty things.” The lady said.

“I thought They couldn’t have that ability?” I said in response.

“Normally no, but this island has some strange effects on evolution.”

I nodded. “Are you okay Hazel?” she nodded. “Alright, time to win this.”

“Lillith. Magical Leaf.” Lillith put her arms behind her and began throwing leaves forward, they were coated in an almost rainbow of color.

“Hazel, dodge.” Hazel dashed to the side, the paralysis slowing her movements. It didn’t seem to matter as the rainbow leaves changed their trajectory and slammed into her, scuffing her fur and sending her off balance. Hazle struggled to get up, her body fully under the effects of the paralysis.

“Don’t let up, Magical Leaf once more.” Lillith nodded and repeated her attack, sending another wave of rainbow leaves at Hazel.

“Hazel, can you use protect?” she shook her head. “Damnit, Dig?”

Hazel smiled again and made a huge jump in the air, even through the paralysis. she shot maybe ten feet in the air and plunged straight into the earth like it was a pool of water. The rainbow of leaves scattered uselessly against the dirt.

“Good choice, quick thinking might save you, but it won’t win you the fight. Lillith, solar beam, charge up and strike when Hazel tries to attack.” Lillith nodded and put her arms together, small globules of solar energy began filling into her pink flower, making it glow slightly.

I watched the earth, waiting for Hazel to pop up, if she could dodge the Solar Beam she might be able to strike true. “Hazel, if you can hear me, hit her with everything you have.”

A minute went by, Lillith’s flower was glowing brightly, she was ready to unleash her Solar Beam. I felt the earth vibrate and crack to the side, and like a bullet, a brown blur shot towards Lillith. It was Hazel, her leg outstretched, glowing with power. She could use Mega Kick.

“Lillith hit her with…” she couldn’t even finish the sentence before the attack connected, sending Lillith flying from the ground, ripping her ingrained roots out. she laid down, her eyes closed. The lady walked over and lifted her head. “You did an amazing job Lillith.

I sprinted towards Hazel and pulled her into a hug, her giant breast squeezed against me. “Good job Hazel, I knew we could do it.” she nuzzled against me.

The lady laughed. “You did amazing for your first time, let me heal up our partners, and then we can have some more fun.”

In all the excitement I completely forgot what was on the line.

The lady took some herbs from around the area. She began mixing them and applied them to both of our Pokemon, Lillith popped up from her wounds and hugged the lady. She did the same to Hazel.

“Wow, how’d you learn to do that?” I asked.

“When you work with plants all your life, you pick up a thing or two. My name is Annie by the way.”

“Im Zella, it was nice to meet you.”

She smiled at me. “So Zella, how do you want me?” her voice dipped into a lower register, slow and sexy. “You won, so you can make me do anything your little heart desires.” she stood up, a sexy smile plastered on her face. “My girlfriend back home says I’m amazing at eating out.”

I swallowed hard, I could feel my heart thump in my chest. Oddly enough, I was a virgin. “I’m going to be completely honest. I’ve never had sex before.”

She sauntered towards me, her hips moving rhythmically. “Well sweetie, how about you take off your shorts, and let me fix that.” she said.

I nodded and kicked off my boots, she was right next to me, her sweet flowery smell was overpowering. She put her hand to my cheek, she was soft and gentle. She pulled me into a kiss, her sweet lips brushing lightly with mine. She pulled away just to come back again, harder this time. She tasted like lavender and honey.

Her tongue slipped between my lips, I allowed it and mangled my tongue with hers. We wrestled each other in our mouths, exploring each other as deeply as we could find. Her hands explored my back, rubbing up and down gently. Her fingers massaged me, my muscles untensed as I brought myself closer to my temporary lover.

She pulled away from me, trailing a line of saliva from my mouth to hers. her eyes were half-closed and full of lust. I breathed hard, her scent was overpowering and increadibly erotic.

“Now sweety, do me a huge favor and sit right there, okay?” She smiled, devilishly. She led me over to the rock I was sitting on earlier and gently guided me to sit down.

She fluffed her dress and lowered herself to her knees. Her kindly face looked up at me.

“Relax baby, it’ll feel amazing. Just let me work okay?” her voice was a purr.

I swallowed hard and nodded. I opened my legs a little. She sipped her hands into the waistband of my shorts and slowly slid them down to my ankles with my panties. The breeze was cool on my now exposed nether regions, I shivered. Annie started giving my thighs small angel kisses, it sent goosebumps through my body. Her lips were soft and warm. She moved slowly, painfully slowly, up my thigh, showering me with kisses.

My breathing was shallow and slow. I swallowed hard, enjoying the barrage of pleasure. How could she make me feel this way just from kissing my thighs? I could feel my privates becoming wet, her scent mixed with the small kisses was almost too much for me to bear. I closed my eyes and tried to endure the teasing. Then without warning I felt pressure on my pussy.

I looked down to see Annie’s finger on my clit. Jolts of pleasure surged through me, her slow rhythmic movements coaxed moans from my mouth.

“Does it feel good baby?”

I answered by moaning louder.

“Good, a winner should feel like they won, no? Don’t worry ill make sure you feel amazing.”

She pulled her finger away, I moaned in protest. Then she did something I wasn’t ready for. I felt her tongue against my folds. I sucked a sharp breath. My hands moved on their own and grabbed her hair, pushing her deeper inside of me.

At this point my moans were seeping out without my consent. Every movement on my wetness sent a storm through me. Her tongue was amazing, the way it found the right spot and attacked it with a barrage of licks.

I felt a pressure build up inside me, I was about to cum, and Arcues save me. It was going to be a big one.

She could tell, she redoubled her efforts, licking fast and hard against me.

My breathing became erratic and fast. I moaned loudly as I felt the metaphorical dam burst. I nearly screamed as I came. I pushed Annie hard inside me, needing more from her. My muscles tensed and my body shook hard as another wave of pleasure shot through me.

She finally pulled away, leaving me gasping for air. Her face was slick with liquid.

“Take a nap babe, I’ll look after you.” she winked at me.

I gave a weak nod and closed my eyes. Brazza town could wait for tommorow.

(Hey all, the first real part of the Pokeporn story is here. if you enjoyed lemme know what ya think and if theres anything you want for the series leave it in a comment, if you really enjoyed I do have a [patreon](www.patreon.com/queen_creme) i love you all, happy fappin!)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/thwpqp/pokemon_adults_only_tournament_annies_sweet_scent