[MF] Sleeping with my best friend’s tiny blonde bombshell of a girlfriend, with his approval… (Part 1 of 2)

(This part of the story is relatively tame; part 2 will be a lot spicier)

I had first heard of her when my best friend went to be an exchange student junior year of high school in Europe. He mentioned this other exchange student girl, who was from another small rural state, was tiny, but “sexy. HELLA SEXY,” as he so eloquently explained over Facebook messenger.

Fast forward 4 years, when the same best friend was back in Europe, getting a free college education. Coincidentally, the same HELLA SEXY girl was also back in Europe, pursuing a free college education and living in the same city as my friend. They started hanging out, and soon were dating.

I started seeing Tori on the video calls I made with my best friend. She was short, below 5 foot, with shoulder length golden hair, hazel eyes, and a great smile. I had heard from my friend that she thought I was cute, just from stalking my socials, which was a nice little confidence boost for when I started talking to her during those video calls. Oh, and for reference, I’m 6-foot, in pretty good shape, with medium length brown hair and intense, blue-green eyes.

Me and my best friend have always been very close and open; we had talked about polyamory as a topic a few times, partially due to me introducing him to a corner of the internet that had a lot of prominent polyamory interspersed with the fascinating discussions of AI and the future. So it was on our radar, and we had had conversations where we talked about how it sounded kinda nice; for him, it seemed more about always wanting to surround himself with people that he loved, while for me, getting to experience a relationship where I wasn’t the only pillar of support sounded great.

So, these ideas were in the air, so to speak, when I finally met Tori in person for the first time. I was visiting the tail end of my best friend’s family Christmas, because he and Tori had both flown over from Germany to America for the holiday.

We had an amazing time, all of us hanging out together, exploring nature, playing gratuitous amounts of Magic: the Gathering, and making delicious food. During this time, I really started to appreciate that “HELLA SEXY” comment; Tori was stacked.

Despite being less than 5 ft, she was curvy in all the best places. She had big tits, a thin waist, and wide hips that flared into a magnificent ass. This picture isn’t a bad reference, at least for her body.


I tried not to stare too much; despite my and my friends prior conversations, nothing had really been elucidated, no boundaries drawn. Still, on the last night I was there, my friend invited me to come cuddle with him and Tori.

Now, you have to understand that my friend is a massive fan of platonic cuddling, and I had been part of cuddle puddles with him before, even both of us cuddling one girl at the same time prior. So this wasn’t totally out of left field, but I was still excited; I had never cuddled with Tori before. We all got into bed, bullshitting and hanging out like we normally did, just mostly naked. And touching each other.

Me and my friend were on either side of Tori, with her tiny, curvy body tucked between us. We took turns cuddling in different positions, and it quickly became apparent that me and Tori were on the exact same wavelength, when it came to cuddling. I honestly believe that cuddling, in its purest form, is a form of conversation. It’s about asking questions with your touches and paying close, close attention to your partner’s responses.

Sometimes the questions I asked Tori were simple; do you like these slow, smooth caresses, my fingertips describing a circle on your lower back? The response is in the way she let out a little sigh of happiness, inching closer to me to increase surface area of skin-to-skin contact.

Sometimes my questions are more complex, and teetering on the edge of inappropriate; do you like being made to feel small and in my control? I ask this with the way I hold her, her face pressed into my chest, while one hand locks around her thin, tiny waist and the other hand, gently but firmly wrapped around most of her neck. I noted the response of her breath changing, becoming choppier, more excited when I gently squeezed her neck, applying just enough pressure to simulate a light choking…

But, this isn’t an interview. I’m not the only one asking questions; Tori seems to understand cuddling as conversation as well, because as I explore her, finding just where and how to touch her to make her feel good, she does the same for me, gently running her thumbs over my hands, or her smooth, smooth legs over mine.

All platonically, of course. My best friend was asleep in the same bed, having fallen asleep easily after the conversation had eventually died out. But me and Tori… well, I couldn’t sleep. I hadn’t slept in a bed with other people for over a year, and I was completely caught up in my silent conversation with Tori.

I’ve always loved cuddling; I passed many a 6 hour bus ride for high school sports by cuddling with someone cute, and I still think that cuddling can be some of the best foreplay and aftercare. Tori, evidently felt the same way, and later confided that she hadn’t been cuddling quite as much as she would prefer, due to her insatiable lust for being held.

So, as the night continued and I failed to fall asleep, we kept cuddling, rotating through every workable cuddling position and better refining our mutual understanding of each other. Making eye contact, our foreheads touching each other, hands lightly grazing over each other’s backs. The silent conversation continued, though the main points had mostly been conveyed already.

But it wasn’t just that; the other part of cuddling, the thing that makes it more than just a weird, slow conversation that feels nice, is all the chemicals it releases in your brain. I’m not exactly a neuroscientist, but I could definitely just feel the massive amounts of oxytocin getting released. It’s an uncontrollable smile, your skin tingling where your partner’s hands just passed over. It’s affection for everything in the world, but also especially the person you’re currently holding. It’s an almost drunken giddiness, that phase at the beginning of a relationship where you just can’t stop smiling. I hadn’t experienced much of it in the last year, and here I was receiving the full 5 gigawatt experience.

The cuddling through the night stayed basically platonic in mechanics, if not in feelings. I loved and respected my best friend, and only cuddling had been invited. Even if I was feeling all kinds of desire for Tori and her tiny perfect curves, I wasn’t going to do anything more.

Well, not going to do too much more. I mean, if I was spooning this tiny blonde bombshell, and happened to get hard, and Tori happened to cuddle back onto my hard dick with her full, pert ass, well, that’s just kinda the way the cuddling position worked. It felt amazing, her soft ass pushing back onto my cock, but that was where the line was going to be drawn.

So, that’s how the night ended, me and Tori still awake, spooning and holding each other, when I had to get up at 5:30 to go navigate a busy airport with zero sleep. Still, on the plane, I mostly just couldn’t stop thinking about how wonderful the whole experience was, and how I wasn’t going to mess it up. Stay tuned for part two, where we have sex without going behind my friend’s back.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/thraug/mf_sleeping_with_my_best_friends_tiny_blonde


  1. > … a corner of the internet that had a lot of prominent polyamory interspersed with the fascinating discussions of AI and the future.

    The Journal Entries?

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