I tried online sex streaming and I loved it!! (F/F)

Times have been really tough lately…bills keep coming up after I just felt like we paid them yesterday, my two kids keep giving me migraines by tearing my house apart, and my good for nothing husband works and gets drunk every night without even saying hello to me. Even trying to get him to fuck me has become a challenge, he either lasts 5 seconds or he ends up soft and falls asleep. I told him I probably will need to get another job so we can get by next month, but he thinks my place is at home cleaning up after our kids.

I complain to my best friend Anna about how downhill my life seems to have gone, and how I would do anything to feel free from my own life. I secretly wish that her and I could switch lives, even for a little while. Anna pays all of her bills the first couple weeks of the month thanks to her OnlyFans and a couple of rich sugar daddies she sees on the side. She’s free to do whatever she wants, and I’m stuck at home washing dishes and watching little brats.

“You know Liz, if you’re struggling with money you can do a couple of cam sessions with me.” Anna offered.

“I don’t know, it just wouldn’t feel right to do something like that behind Nate’s back.” I said, though I must have had some hesitation in my voice as Anna would not let me off the hook.

“Come on, what dude wouldn’t pay to see that gigantic rack popping out of your shirt? Hell I’d pay my life savings to get my hands on those things, haha!”

Her comment made me turn bright red, she was always so confident in everything that I’d almost be convinced she was really trying to slide in my pants. But…maybe she had a point. I know people are willing to pay for anything remotely sexual on the internet, maybe I can just do something ordinary and someone far away I didn’t know would pay me for it…

“Ugh, alright fine.” I exclaim.

“Oh? Fine, what?” Anna teased.

“I’ll do one cam session with you, but I’m leaving asap if gets uncomfortable.”

“Hahaha, awesome then! I have one tonight, why don’t you meet me at my apartment around 9 o’clock?”

The rest of the day went by like a blur, I had butterflies in my stomach thinking about what the fuck I just agreed to. Do I tell Nate what I’m going to do tonight? No, I don’t want to say anything yet at least before I have money in hand. Do I have to wear something sexy for this? Hell I don’t even own anything other than a bathing suit. Oh god what am I doing? I calm myself down before Nate comes back from work, he barely even acknowledges my presence. After we ate dinner, he mumbles about being tired and goes to bed. I make sure he’s asleep before sneaking out to the car, and I hurry over to Anna’a place to get there on time. I get there a little late, and after a few knocks on the door she finally answers.

“It’s about time! I thought you got cold feet or something haha”

“Sorry! Nate took a while getting to sleep, I was too nervous to tell him I was coming over tonight”

“No worries, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him anyway. Come on in!”

Her apartment was much fancier than my old house was, decorated super cutesy with a lot of pinks and reds and floral designs. She lead to me to her “office” (her words not mine) which was pink to the point of being borderline tacky. A hot pink bed was in the center of the room, that looked straight out of a 70’s porno flick. On the wall to the right of us was a walk in closet, I couldn’t see what was in there since the light was off but I could imagine what she might keep behind closed doors. And finally in front of the bed was a pretty sophisticated computer set up with a few cams hooked up to it, along with a few lights illuminating the area in front of it. She turned the computer on and started to set up the stream. To my surprise there were already a dozen or so people already waiting for the stream to start, now the butterflies in my stomach are really making themselves known. She looks at me up and down and gives a puzzled look.

“W-what?” I anxiously asked.

“You’re trying to get guys to pay for you while your dressed like an English teacher? And not even the sexy kind! Go into the closet and borrow one of my outfits.”

I nervously walk into her closet and turn on the light, which illuminates what I would guess is what a prop department for a porn studio would look like. I mean Jesus Christ there’s outfits that look like they would make a hooker blush! Sex toys thrown in boxes, vibrators and plastic cocks of all shapes and sizes. How would someone even fit some of these things up there?? I take my eyes off the toys and try to pick out an outfit. I decide to try on something that at the very least doesn’t make my boobs look like they’re about to explode out the top, and the only one that looks close enough is a very large T-shirt that says “I ❤️ BBC” on it and a pair of leggings. I check myself out in the closet mirror, which makes me feel kinda hot. I walk out of the closet and after Anna sees me, she lets out a catcall whistle along with a very loud “Daaaaaaaaammmmnnnnn!!!”

I’m more red than I ever have been before, embarrassed out of my mind. She beckons me over to the computer and gestures me to sit down on the seat next to her. She turns on the cam and starts up the stream.

“So… how does this work?” I ask sheepishly.

“Simple. You see the text box? People will put in requests, and will send donations if we complete them! Why don’t you pick the first one?”


I start looking through the requests, my heart is racing at a million miles per hour reading some of these requests. I should start with something simple, something not too lewd.

“How about that one?”

I point to the request that asks me to sit on Anna’s lap.

“Hahaha okay, I guess we can start easy then!”

I get up from my chair and throw one leg after the other over her lap. I feel nervous, but something about this is kinda exciting.

A notification chimes on the screen.

“Thanks for the $250 baby!” Anna cheerfully yell’s.

Holy. Shit. Someone actually just paid over $200 just for me to sit on her lap, is it really that easy now a days? Maybe this won’t be so bad…

“Okay, my turn to pick one!” Anna says very playfully.

“Hmmm, how about this one!”

She points to a request that’s offering $1,000 if we make out. Would someone really pay that much, I mean would a kiss really be that bad? I’m sure Nate wouldn’t mind since it would pay for the mortgage this month, I mean who could complain about that?

“A-alright, I guess we coul-“

Before I can even finish my sentence, her lips are pressed against mine. Her cherry lipstick tastes good, like really really good. I start to close my eyes and just slowly loose myself in her kiss. Her tongue finds its way to play with mine, which causes my mind to partially go blank. She pulls away slowly, which causes a small amount of saliva to fall from my lips.

“Wow, never pegged you for the type to go to first base in the first kiss” She teases with a wink.

The screen chimes with another notification saying that $1,000 has been donated. Seeing the money on the screen makes me feel even more excited than the kiss did, and now the text box is blowing up with more and more requests. It’s my turn to pick the next one. I scan through them and notice someone wants to see our boobs for $2,000 each, which is quite tame compared to the other requests I’ve seen. I point to the text box on screen.

“Wait, you mean I get to see those giant double D’s of yours? Oh fuck, let me get that shirt off for you!”

Anna grabs the base of my shirt and pulls it, letting my boobs drop as the T-shirt passes over them. She gets wide eyed looking at them, and moves closer and closer with her mouth getting within range. I can’t even think straight as she starts licking and sucking on them, using her tongue to get my nipples even harder than they were. She starts groping my other boob with her left hand, while her other hand is caressing the small of my back. I start letting out small moans the more intensely she goes, getting louder and louder over time.

“Liz” she moans as she comes up for air, “Ever since I met you, I’ve wanted to do this so bad.”

Her confession turns me on more than I’ve ever felt, making me feel insatiably horny. As she’s sucking my tits, I make my move to start feeling up her’s. They’re not as big as mine, but they’re perky which was extremely hot to me. I pull her shirt off over her head, and start returning the favor. Her slutty moans fill my head, as I go from sucking her tits to stuffing my tongue in her mouth back down to her tits.

She has me stand up from her lap, and she turns me around so my back is facing the bed. She grabs my waist as she gives me another violent and passionate kiss, and before I knew what happened she had pushed me onto the bed. I never wanted something more, I didn’t care about the money, I didn’t care about Nate, I didn’t care about anything, I just wanted her to fuck me.

I start sliding down my pants but she already has a grip around the waistband, and one swift yank did all it took for her to completely take off my pants and underwear. I noticed how completely wet I am from the kissing and tit playing earlier, and she immediately starts to eat me out. Her tongue is hitting the right spots, sliding up and down my clit making my brain melt. It feels so fucking good, I can’t help but to keep moaning and start grinding my hips against her.

“A-Anna..” I’m able to muster. “I’m about to..”

“Do it Liz, let yourself go.” She says muffled between my legs.

I can’t help but to do as she says, and the feeling is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. This has been better than anything Nate has given me before, it’s better than anything I’ve given myself for gods sake! Anna comes up from the bed, fluids covering her face which makes me feel horny all over again. We both get up from the bed, and start walking over to the computer again.

The cams recorded everything, and I fucking loved it. All the money we earned together was more than enough to cover bills, even enough left over to have some fun on the side. Anna said that was the most popular cam show she’s ever done, and has invited me on for next week. She even said there would be more “fun”. I don’t think I’d miss it for anything….

Part 2 cuming soon…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/thn0ls/i_tried_online_sex_streaming_and_i_loved_it_ff


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