I (32M) got my best friend (32F) pregnant behind the backs of her husband and my wife. [MF]

TLDR: My female best friend turned out to be my soulmate (if you believe in that) and we decided to have a baby together. She’s almost three months pregnant now.

Warning: This is very long and mostly just me gushing about my best friend and how stupidly in love we realized we are. Feels good to write it out.

We recently realized that we were basically soulmates and that we had been in love with each other since we were kids, but never told the other out of respect for each other. We’re both married to people we love and she already has one child and a life with a dog and her husband. I don’t have any kids with my wife but we have a lovely family with pets and a home.

So I’m going to call my best friend “Kris”. I’ll call myself “Aer”.

Kris has been having a hard time with life lately and she and I were already close but have gotten so much closer in the last year or so as we talk almost every day about life and family. We love talking and it helps us both forget about life’s problems. This is how we realized we’ve been madly in love with each other for as long as we can remember. (We’ve been friends since we were in pre-school.) We ended up confessing our feelings to each other one night talking on the phone last winter. Only took us 25 years! Haha.

We grew up and still live 8 hours away from each other but have been close our whole lives despite the distance. We’ve come to realize we have always had the same feelings for each other, which is why we always make time for each other and it almost feels like we have been drawn together our whole lives. That’s what makes us think we are probably actually soulmates. Didn’t think that was a thing but here we are. We tell each other that we love one another basically every time we talk now and it’s so refreshing and freeing to know for sure how we feel about each other. We both understand that we’ll never be together but at least we both know the truth!

So we were texting one night back in late November talking about kids and families (she has a toddler currently in the terrible 2s) and she has always known that I want kids someday so she asked me if my wife and I were going to start trying anytime soon. I told her we’re not because we’re still planning on traveling for another year or so before we do and she said that’s a good plan. I asked her about her next one and she said her husband doesn’t want a second one so soon but she really wants another ASAP because she wants her kids to be closer in age like she and her siblings. I agreed with her because I’m closest with my closer in age sibling too. She asked if we had done any fertility testing yet but I said no because we weren’t worried about that right now and would cross that bridge if and when we came to it. I thought that question was a little odd but I know she and her husband struggled with fertility for about the first year they were trying so I figured she was trying to look out for me.

The subject of the conversation changed after that to talking about traveling and our siblings but after about 20 minutes of other conversation she just asked me point-blank if I had ever fantasized about her. Without missing a beat I said “yes, of course!” but I quickly asked her to clarify what she meant. Our relationship? A life together? Sex? Even just being able to see her and hang out with her more (which I fantasize about pretty much every day)? She laughed and said “Well, sex! But you know, that loving best friend/soulmate sex that I totally haven’t been thinking about for the last two hours.” Now if I said I hadn’t thought extensively about having that exact kind of sex with her I’d be a massive liar, but she totally blindsided me with the question and I froze up because I’ve spent most of my life hiding my feelings from her.

I didn’t immediately respond to that last text so she called me. She was apologizing and saying it wasn’t fair of her to put me on the spot like that but I stopped her and said “Out of all the fantasizing I do about you, I’ve thought about having that loving, emotional, best friend sex with you the most.” I heard her sigh over the phone and she said “I really wish we could.” So of course I got philosophical on her with “maybe in another life we’ll be together” and “maybe the universe will bring us together in the future” but she wasn’t having it. She just blurts out “Aer, I want your baby.” Before I could even say anything she starts to explain herself. She talks about how I want kids but my wife doesn’t yet, how her husband doesn’t want another one yet but she does, and she says it could be the best of both worlds. She’ll just have sex with her husband after she misses her period and call the baby his. She hits me with “you have the same eye color and blood type as my husband and you and I are both blonde so no one would ever know” and she says how amazing it would be to have a baby together and that it would be the most perfect way to commemorate our love for each other.

I told her she was pretty convincing and she actually had me considering it but I really wasn’t sure if it was a good idea. She kind of just wishes into the universe that things were different so I said “Kris, I love you more than anything or anyone in the world, and that will never change. It would definitely make my life to have a baby with you and I want to say yes and drive up there to be with you more than anything right now, but I just don’t know.” She says “I love you too and I guess I’m a little selfish but I want to make the most out of the rest of our lives together. It would mean the world to me to have your baby.” Our conversation changed after that and we talked about everything else for another hour or so and then said goodnight to each other and ended the call.

We texted the next day like we always do and nothing had changed. Our friendship and love completely intact. Later in the day Kris asked me what I was doing the week between Christmas and the first of the new year (she knows I always have that week off and she does too) because she was considering visiting her great aunt who lives about two hours from me and she wanted to come see me too. Her husband was going to take their kid to his parents house for the week while she was gone. I told her to absolutely come visit me because at that point we hadn’t seen each other in about a year. I told her my guest room was ready for her! So we chatted as usual for a few weeks into December and talked about what to do when she visited. At that point the weather was being forecast and we were expecting snow, so we figured doing nothing but hang out by the fire in my wood stove was the best idea. She likes my wife and we were excited to hang out for a few days. Well about a week before Kris’s visit my wife decided to go away for a few days that week to visit a kind of lonely family member of her own. I would’ve gone with her normally but because I already had plans with Kris she went by herself so I could keep my plans with my best friend. My wife was going to be gone for 3 days and back New Year’s Eve and that’s when Kris was planning on being here.

So the travel day comes right before the snow storm was starting and my wife made it to her step-grandmother’s house safe and sound and Kris made it to my house just as the snow was coating the roads. I had cups of tea at the ready so after hugs and setting her up in my guest room we sat down by the fire with our tea and just started catching up while watching the snow fall outside. We talked for hours and really got to catch up with each other until it was arguably past dinner time and we both realized we were starving. At that point there was about a foot of snow on the ground outside so we weren’t going anywhere for dinner! Luckily my wife had gone grocery shopping before the storm so there was plenty of stuff to cook! I pan seared myself and Kris two small steaks and sautéed up some mushrooms and some green beans and we had ourselves a lovely dinner. We kept talking until we were dead tired and then we both went to sleep.

The next morning I wake up to the smell of bacon and Kris had gotten up early and was making me breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and she was only wearing short little booty shorts and a light T-shirt with no underwear to speak of and I couldn’t help but stare! She noticed too because she open the back door to “check the snow” but I swear it was just to make her nipples hard. Those lovely little hard nipples were super distracting through breakfast! I asked her if she wanted to do anything that day like maybe go for a walk in the snow or go sledding somewhere but she said she just wanted to chill in the house and stay cozy with me. Worked for me! I love lazy snow days. She had already stoked the fire when she got up too so we sat down by the fire and just lounged in our pajamas and talked. We talked about our relationships, we talked about each other and our feelings, and between all of that we ended up talking about our sex lives. My wife and I don’t have sex what I would consider a lot but it’s more than once a month at least. Apparently she and her husband hadn’t had sex in about four months! She said it was mostly because they had conflicting schedules through that time and that his schedule had just changed back to the same as hers so she was hoping that their sex life would return soon!

At this point I could tell she was a little horny because even sitting by the really hot fire her nipples were hard. Me noticing that she was horny got me riled up too and I was struggling to hide my increasingly hard dick inside my flannel pajama pants with no underwear. I excused myself to the bathroom to try to settle my dick down and I was in there for about five minutes. When I came out and came around the corner back into the living room, Kris was standing in front of the fire completely naked with her hands on her hips and a smirk on her face! She was pulling The Naked Man on me! I was stunned. And of course all the calming down of my cock I did went right out the window and I was full stiff in seconds and she could see it. I didn’t know what to say or do so I just stood there staring at her beautiful body! I knew she was sexy and I’ve seen her in a bikini a few times but my God it was like a looking at an Angel when she was naked! She’s about 5‘3“, fairly petite, relatively fit, wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, nice little round ass, perfect hips, and full A cup boobs with flawless dark pink nipples. She has the tiniest hint of a belly and very faint stretch marks from having her kid and her boobs have very faint stretch marks as well for the same reason obviously. I find that stuff intoxicatingly beautiful (I love fertile women) so I’m straight up staring like I’m having the best dream ever!

She walks up to me since I’m basically paralyzed, she puts her hands on my hips and tucks her thumbs into the waistband of my pajama pants, and she says “well you haven’t yelled at me or run away screaming so I guess you like what you see?” I put my hands on her gorgeous naked hips and blurt out “you’re so fucking beautiful” and we start making out. She takes my T-shirt off within about half a second and after making out for about 30 seconds (where my hands wandered to her ass and her tits), in one swift motion she drops to her knees, pulls down my pants and takes my cock in her mouth. I got so weak kneed I almost collapsed! I guess she wasn’t ready for how big my dick was because she puts both of her hands around it and takes it out of her mouth, looks up at me and smiles and says “this is even better than I imagined!“ and then keeps sucking. I put my hand on her head and look down at her just as she looks up at me and smiles with her mouth full of my cock! It was so hot. I was experiencing nirvana.

All of a sudden she stands up and starts making out with me again and at this point I’m all in! I’m going to do whatever she wants to do for however long she wants to do it and I’m going to love it! She starts pushing me towards the couch so I walk backwards and sit down and she just sits right down on my lap, straddling me. I think my cock is the hardest it’s ever been, she’s bouncing her hips against it and keeps letting the tip slide through her soaking wet pussy lips. I’m sitting there begging her in my head to just stick it in but then I realized I haven’t even seen her pussy yet! I decide I need to eat her and smell her and taste her and finger her, and suck on those beautiful tits! So as she reaches down to grab my cock so she can guide me into her I grab her hips, pick her up, and put her down on the couch next to me. In one quick move I spread her legs and I’m on my knees with my face between her thighs and my tongue on her clit!

She tried to protest for a split second but then just dissolved into pleasure as I made circles around her clit with my tongue and started sliding my middle finger deep inside her. I eat her out for about five minutes and between having my mouth on her perfect pussy I pull away and just stare at it while fingering her and spreading her lips open and playing with her clit with my thumb. Her pussy is absolutely beautiful (hard to tell she had a kid!) and I just want to stare at it forever. Tight, symmetrical, pink, clean, and swollen. It’s perfect. I go back to eating her though, and I get her pretty damn close to orgasm. She started begging me to stop because she doesn’t want to cum yet so I stopped and moved my mouth up to her beautiful tits. I started licking and sucking on her perfect nipples while teasing her now sopping wet pussy with my cock. Every time I slide my dick up her pussy lips she would let out a loud moan and every time I would slide it back down she would beg me to just put it in and fuck her already! I kept playing with her tits and teasing her pussy for another few minutes until she started to twist and buck her hips every time I slide my cock up her pussy to try to aim my cock into her! It was so hot.

She was on her back on my couch with her legs spread skyward and I finally pulled away from her gorgeous little tits, stood up and actually got a good look at her entire beautiful perky, petite, and perfect body. She was seriously even more beautiful than I imagined and I finally couldn’t stop myself. I pushed the head of my cock down between her lips to spread her open and then just slowly slid all the way inside her until I was as deep as I could possibly go. I think my size caught her off guard again because she squealed and moaned and put her hand on my chest to slow me down. I’m not huge by any means but I’m definitely above average (and I’ve come to find out I’m decently bigger than her husband!) I let her catch her breath and relax for a couple seconds and then I started slowly thrusting into her like it was the last time I’d ever get to do it! I fucked her slow, I fucked her fast, I watched my cock slide in and out of her perfect pussy, I squeezed her tits and teased her nipples while bottoming out inside her and I reveled in every moan and squeal, and every time her hands gripped a part of my body when I got close to her limit.

We kissed each other so much and every second of us doing what we were doing felt so incredibly right and so incredibly fulfilling that I never wanted to stop. I got her close to orgasm three different times but backed off every time because I just wanted to feel this pleasure for the rest of my life. After I backed off of her orgasm the third time, she got this devious smile and wrapped her legs around me and rolled me over onto my back with my cock still inside her! It was an awesome move and she immediately started riding me. She rode me hard and denied me my orgasm three different times as well. Probably for the same reason I denied her but also definitely getting a little payback! After my third time I couldn’t take it anymore and I picked her up and put her back down on the couch, pinning her legs to the back of the couch and just absolutely pounded my cock into her. I didn’t want to stop but I had this undying primal urge to cum inside her! I thrust myself into her and pushed her over the edge into her orgasm and as she started cumming with her pussy squeezing my cock, she pushed me over the edge and I started cumming. I made sure to bury my dick as deep in her as I possibly could and I pumped every last sperm I could muster into her perfect pussy and kept my cock inside her until I knew none of me was going to drip out of her.

We were so spent that neither of us could speak. We just laid together on the couch as one hot, sweaty, sticky mess of pleasure and just enjoyed the aftermath of what we just did. After staying there to catch our breaths for about five minutes, Kris rolled towards me with her legs tightly closed, smiled at me and said “if I tracked my cycle correctly, I should start ovulating in two days!“ I kissed her deeply and said “I guess I need to put as much cum inside you as I possibly can in the next two days!” She smiled, we kissed again and then we got up. We both started to put our clothes back on and then we looked each other at the same time and started laughing. No need to put our clothes on since no one else was around and we were just going to do the same thing again in a few hours! At this point it was lunchtime and we were hungry again so I started making us sandwiches for lunch while she went up to her room to do what I figured was clean herself up, but she came back down within a minute and nothing had changed. She was still sweaty and naked and beautiful. I asked her why she had gone upstairs and she sits down at my kitchen table, spreads her legs, spreads her pussy and says “this is why” with that devious smile on her face again. I look at her perfect pussy and see an egg toy barely peeking out from inside her. I smirked at her and asked “so none of me drips out?” and she says “to make sure I get pregnant!”

We had sex two more times that day, the last time being in bed with her in the guest room. We woke up together and had morning sex and proceeded to have sex 6 more times in the following two days. We fucked in the guestroom bed, on my kitchen table, in the shower, on the floor in front of the fireplace, and in my car after going for a snowy scenic drive through the countryside. I sent her home the morning she left with one last creampie pumped into her from behind over my coffee table. Out of all of the cum that I pumped into her, I don’t think more than three or four drops came out of her. Her body just took all of my cum and used it. It was the most amazing three days of my life and when she texted me two weeks later that she had definitely missed her period and had three positive pregnancy tests, I was ecstatic! She made sure to have unprotected sex with her husband immediately after that and took another pregnancy test three days later. He’s excited and none the wiser! I cleaned my house from stem to stern before my wife got home and scrubbed the hell out of my body in the shower for about an hour to get rid of any smell of Kris from my skin. She’s also oblivious.

Kris and I are closer than we’ve ever been and she’s keeping me closely informed of her pregnancy. We’re hoping it’s easy and healthy!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ti1u92/i_32m_got_my_best_friend_32f_pregnant_behind_the


  1. How do you intend on helping raise the child without the husband knowing? If you two are soul mates and want to raise your child together end it with the spouses. It will be easier

  2. This is so hot! I hope you two both continue this relationship on!

  3. I’m glad two out of three people asked the questions they did as opposed to just ratifying the relationship because it’s “so hot.” I do not want to violate any rules and act as a moral policeman, but I want to be honest with my reaction to reading this story. The one thought I take away from this 19 paragraph account is that I don’t know who I feel more sorry for, her husband or your wife.

  4. Not buying the story sorry. Too many extraneous ramifications which are obvious out here, the biggest being lying to the child and its’soulmate’ parents being okay with it.

    How do you know you won’t want to be more involved later?

  5. OP I know you realize Kris is madly in love with you. Yet this is her way to keep dure that she will end up together with you especially if there are talks about potential future children. You might not want to raise it now but as soon as it is born and you hold it in your arms that’s when the feeling of fathership starts.

    What goes around comes around eventually this might already happen when the first appointment with the gynaecologist happens, or paternity tests.

    The damage train has already departed casted it just hasn’t hiy to your spouses yet.

    If you want more children confess to your spouses and start an official relationship with Kris.

    Good luck

  6. Lol we’re in the 23andMe age where all those dirty little secrets are coming out. In two decades it’s going to be even more common place, they’re gonna find out I can promise you 100%, and it will be a Jerry Springer good time.

    You can prepare yourself by going to the 23andMe subreddit and sorting by the drama flair. Have fun!

  7. Lol OP thinks he’s genetically superior. Based off his profile, I would think he’s on the other side of that spectrum.

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