Erotica Story Board, I was inspired to write out an idea for a story, but I dont have experience. I made an kind of outline? I could use some critique on story/plot or ideas before I sit down and really focus on this. Would anyone be interested in this? Tags: [FM][Scat][Piss][Fart][Omorashi][Incest]

Working Title: Sibling Convivence


Older brother returning from college 2 years. Sees sister who turned 18 a month ago, and I missed it. Plans on a summer trip together with family. Mom and dad have an RV and usually went on summer trips. Parents can’t go this year, but you wanted to take her out anyways to keep up the tradition.

See her in a new light, go to your old room, flash back to memories of childhood. Friends, interests, come flooding back. Take shower after long drive, see that little sister has grown and taken over shared bathroom. (cluttered sink, and waste bin) Flashback to old memories of trying to shower and having each other use the bathroom. See each other was inevitable.

Eat dinner, chat about plans, hug innocent. Food allergy is brought up due to food selection. Lactose intolerant/IBS. Go back to room, find old computer with porn on it still. Amazed it still works. Masturbate to some old stuff and comment on how things have developed. Embarrassing moment remembered when you were just starting out with your fetish, and wanted to up your game. Got caught trying to eat your own.

The next day normal, swimming pool, notice development. End up talking about relationships, ended for both of you a while ago. Pack

Day after go on trip, long, pit stops junk food, large soda’s, traffic. She has to pee, after wiggling and dancing trying to hold it in. Gives up and uses soda cup. Does it in front of you and is only slightly modest about it, the car doesn’t exactly have much room to work with, and you have seen it all before at one point. Blushes while doing it. Never see her blush much before. Struggles, but gets it all out.

Arrive an hour later and take a chance and drink the cup. Get caught (she notices it empty but no water stain on the ground, or physically catches you). Awkward, and apologetic. She is slightly unnerved, but she has seen you do worse, and it isn’t like she was using it anyways. Just don’t make it a habit.

Go to lake and swim. Fairly normal, talk about school and future plans. Have camp food, set fire, marshmallows, go to bed, but you read a while first, and she is a little gassy in her sleep.

Sister wakes you up embarrassed. The toilet isn’t flushing anymore, what gives? Call dad and turns out the pipes are broken and he wasn’t in a hurry to fix it, and forgot about it. Opps. We can pee, but it won’t be able to handle the big stuff. Have to grab it out with a plastic bag (too nasty for her) and she has you bring it outside. You decide to make a ditch hole thing for a bathroom. You are an old boyscout, but you weren’t really all that good at it/paying attention back then. Forced into it.

Next day you guys decided to go hiking. Fun day, banter, have lots of water. Hot. She needs to pee and is visually obvious and tries to hold it. Says she doesn’t feel comfortable to pee outside, never did. Others around the trail too. Who knows who can see? Brings up the cup incident yesterday again. Do I still do that stuff? Was it easy to find a partner who accepted it? No, but you got lucky once. She let you a few times, but didn’t enjoy it herself all that much.

Come back and she immediately goes to the trailer but doesn’t have the key. You have been teasing her the whole time. Even stopping to pee once, while she waited. Loving how she sways and dances. Get to the door, and fumble with the keys, partially on purpose. You hear her whimper and say she is leaking. Maybe you saw a spot as she rushes past you. Later she hits you in the arm. Worth.

She then changes in the RV to go swimming while you get the bbq going to make some late lunch/early dinner. Get a small view of her changing through the window or mirror. She takes off to get a quick dip while you reminisce. After some risky food, you watch the stars, tell stories, she talks more about her relationships and how hard its been to keep one. Go to bed. Since neither of you are tired you decided to read. She has some gas and you guys laugh about it. You have fart competition. Think she is asleep, but still farting, masturbate a bit about today. Try to keep quiet. (did you see her move? Nah, just your imagination) Sleep.

The next day as you are making breakfast your sis requests questionable food. She doesn’t care. Decided to fish today. Have some relaxing quality time. She catches a medium sized fish, you got one on the small side. Looks like you go a little hungry tonight. Cook up the fish and have dinner. Never had to cook freshly caught fish (mom/dad always did that part). Go swimming, talk about college choices in the future.

Hear noises and then see a mountain lion between you and the RV. You try to take sister and walk around the woods, but its dark. You feel exposed and try to circle around to the RV. Lion eventually hears you and starts looking around, hurry to the car and lock yourselves in. Realize the keys are in the trailer Mountain lion threatens but doesn’t go further, and starts raiding your stuff for food. Looks like your stuck. Lion takes a nap.

Farts start, says she wanted to “win” tonight, but that might have been a mistake. Pretty bad and frequent. She needs to pee again and goes in the bottle/cup. Looks at you dubiously. Brings it up again. Later on she gets desperate, and needs to go after you attempt to sleep. You hear the door slam and the mountain lion hit the door. You look at your sister in shock. She attempted to open the door and take a shit outside but the cat heard the door and rushed it. Now prowling.

She needed to go so bad. The farts are pretty awful, and she thinks that it couldn’t just be the food from the morning. She needs to go. Brings up that you are into scat, and she doesn’t want to go in dad’s car or her clothes. She has already seen you eat, and you already said you still did that with Ex Gf. She knows you wont find it gross, and can you do her a favor? You were starving, and this display is making you horny enough for anything.

You relent and she tries her best to not go too fast. She farts a lot, and splatters a bit after a few solid pieces. Means you need to not let any escape, ask for permission. Clearly uncomfortable and wayyy to past caring at this point. You make a “seal” with you mouth and she tries not drowning you. She is doubled in pain and thinks the fish might have been bad. You reflexively lick her clean and she recoils a bit and asks you not to do that. Starts up and dies down occasionally.

Mostly liquid it was easy to take. Its been a while, and you struggle to keep it down. However, for now it seems fine. The obvious side effect of gas burps happen and is worse than the original source after a while. She makes fun of you for it and yet is clearly embarrassed. Thanks you profusely. Try your best to sleep. Come morning the cat is gone, but a lot of the stuff has been strewn around. Your stomach hurts and you need to use the bathroom in the worst way. The diarrhea is real.

She is shy and thankful after and has already started cleaning up the site and thinks we might have to go replenish our supplies… TBC.


1 comment

  1. I couldn’t exactly ask my friends for advice or critique. I also didn’t think I could post this to any writing sub reddits. Maybe the erotica ones, but honestly I wanted to write out the actual story before i posted this there. However when I posted elsewhere it got removed eventually because it wasn’t a writing sub reddit. So I am trying again here.

    I was intending this to be a couple parts.

    Part 2: The climax being where she actually goes in his mouth. Then they get supplies in the mountain town. Continue trails they haven’t been on before, get lost once.

    Part 3: Later they go kyaking and have to camp before getting back to the rv since they went to far down river.

    Part 4: Go back home, and she will be moving in with him for her spring semester. Antics at home/moving in?

    All working development that I just keep spewing out. Honestly wish I had a ghost writer or something that could just help me actually write it haha.

    I guess I also want to see if this is original enough to bother making, or if its been done before then I guess I will leave it at that.

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