The next office {F /F} {Oral} {lesbian}

Lisa worked in the office next to Holly. Both soldiers in the Army that were on the same career path. Females in the Army can all be summed up and described the same way, dramatic, loud, and bisexual. Even if a female in the military says she’s not, send her on one deployment and she will come back completely open to new experiences. In this story, Lisa and Holly were both open about being bi. Holly would regularly have sexual dreams about Lisa and report back to her just to see what her response would be. Lisa was gorgeous. Her smile could out light a Christmas parade. She was taller then Holly but very feminine. Holly also very feminine but more aggressive in her sexuality and what she wanted. Lisa would always pass Hollys dreams off as a joke and change the subject. Lisa and Holly often worked late nights mostly because neither of them had social lives beyond work and would just hang out and chat. Mid conversation Holly leaped up to pee and headed to the latrine. About 6 seconds later Holly screamed out down the hall. “Lisa, help!” while laughing at the same time. Lisa dramatically burst through their single stall private bathroom and answers her call, “yes, can I help you?” She began to laugh at the sight of Holly sitting on the toilet with her pants uniform around her thighs and her panties much closer to on then off. Holly now hysterical and trying to describe the predicament she was now in she stood up
slowly trying to demonstrate that her clit piercing was stuck in the lace of her panties. “I need your help, I’m scared to pull my clit!” Lisa still laughing looked at the situation and walked towards her to assist. She knelt down on one knee and examined. Lisa quickly went into action and started to maneuver the hoop through the lace gently trying not to pull. Just as she got the last piece of lace from around the hoop it pulled on Hollys clit, she yelped out, ahh. Lisa fired back with sorry and didn’t think twice about trying to massage her clit with her thumb. Holly’s eyes grew big and her clit started to swell with excitement. She was more in shock about what was actually happening and didn’t know what to do. Her clit ring was free from her panties but Lisa was now fully massaging her clit freely. Lisa still down on one knee was looking up at Holly and asked “are you ok?” Holly still looking at her with big eyes just said “uh huh.” Lisa took the thumb she was massaging with and brought it to her mouth. Holly started to feel herself drip. Lisa stood up slowly, took her thumb out of her mouth and walked backwards to lock the bathroom door, she kept her eyes locked on Holly’s the entire time. She walked back toward Holly who was still standing there holding her pants half around her thighs and still in shock. In that instance there faces were next to each other Holly snapped out of it and pushed her face into Lisa’s. She pushed her up against the bathroom sink while aggressively kissing Lisa. Hands were all over each other. Both u sure of what they wanted to touch and with what force. Holly wanted to taste Lisa. She started to open her belt and unbutton her pants. Holly kept one hand on Lisa’s face massaging the back of her neck and and slid the other down her loosened pants. Her finger came to Lisa’s piercing that was situated on the mound of her pussy. She was all to familiar it existed because she held her hand when she got it. She hadn’t seen it since that day. She moved further down her freshly waxed pussy and was met with a silky cream in between her slit. That silkiness slipped her right into her tight whole that was waiting to be touched. Lisa started to moan softly while kissing Holly. Holly took her cue and continued to slide her middle finger in and out of Lisa. She could feel her tighten herself with every move her body made. Holy moved her face from Lisa’s and pulled her finger out to sample Lisa before going down on her. Just as she thought, Lisa was sweet. Holly pulled Lisa’s pants around her thighs and lowered herself down to be face to pussy. She put her tongue to her hairless mound and began to drag her tongue down. She placed her tongue on her clit gently and began to read her body. She moved her tongue slowly around her clit as if she was cleaning her every crack. She drug her tongue up and down each side of her clit and put just enough pressure to make Lisa’s head go flying back. She reached around and pulled Hollys head closer to her. She started to grind her lips against Hollys face. She began to move faster and Holly sent her tongue down to Lisa’s hole swirling her tongue inside of her. Lisa started to cry out louder, I’m cumming and Holly sucked her clit harder as Lisa drove her pussy into her face. Holly gobbled up all of her wetness and she began to feel Lisa cumming as her juices began to pour out of her. Her legs began to shake as she tried to standup straight lowering herself off the sink. Holly stood up and thanked Lisa for her help, then sent her a wink.
