Seduced by my sons 18+ bully

My son, Andrew, has been getting bullied recently. Almost everyday, he would come home and complain to my husband, Alan, and I about how his bully treats him. He said his name was Chase, and he described him as being really big and says he doesn’t seem to care about anything. That wasn’t a big deal to me, as I thought Alan and I could talk to his parents and get him to stop. Or at least, I thought we could do that, but Alan wanted to stay home to finish up some work. So now it’s all up to me to talk to Chase’s parents. I have high hopes for this though, as I think this could really convince him to stop treating my son poorly. I then leave the house not realizing I’m dressed in a crop top and tight jeans. I then drive up to Chase’s parents house and ring the doorbell. The door opens and I’m immediately shocked… Chase opens and he has messy, brown hair, which looks rather nice on him. He has a defined jawline, and the gaze from his blue eyes practically penetrates me. But there’s even more. He’s shirtless. And fuck, he has an amazing body. Six pack abs, broad shoulders, sexy forearms, the works. I must’ve been staring, as he smirks at me. His eyes then start to go over my body as I then realize I’m dressed pretty revealingly. I asked him if his parents were home and he said no, I then explain that I’m Andrews mom and his eyes go wide. I asked if we could talk and he invites me inside and we go to the living room and as I’m walking I could feel eyes on my ass We sit down and I explain how the bullying has effected us and he started to laugh and brag how wimpy my son was. I was so shocked by his words, he just kept bragging then got closer to me and said he couldn’t believe how “such a wimp could have a sexy mom” I immediately blushed. He then proceeded to wrap his strong hand around my exposed side and placed it there while saying how slutty I dress I then got up to leave but he quickly turned me around facing him as he put one hand on my exposed hip and one on my exposed back. He started to whisper things to me and the way his hands felt on my skin was like fire…. Next thing I knew we were making out on the couch and I was straddling him as he put one hand on my ass and the other on my exposed back. 15 minutes later he picks me up and lays me down and starts to lick and kiss my exposed tummy and started licking my naval as I moaned. Then we ended up fucking on the couch in every position possible, he ended up cumming in me and we cuddled in his bed for 30 minutes before I left. We still fuck occasionally


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