[MF] Tim’s Lust for His Sister Part 5 [Incest]

Tim stepped into his room and closed the door. He could hear Karen moving about in the opposite room. His heart was slamming in his chest with excitement. Was he really about to jerk off so that Karen could hear him?! This was definitely something he never thought he would even consider doing. His masturbation was always done in secret with no one hearing him but it seemed that was not the case. His older sister heard him jerking off all the time!

Tim’s cock was hard as fuck in his pants. He quickly took them off and his underwear and climbed into his bed. He glanced at the wall behind his bed in anticipation as he slowly began to stroke his cock. The bed started to squeak quietly and Tim almost laughed. He had never noticed that his bed squeaked at all! He guessed that it was hard to concentrate on anything else when you were jerking your cock rapidly.

He closed his eyes and began to think about Karen’s legs and how his cock had touched them. His hand sped up on his hard cock as he jerked it faster. He needed something more. Tim reached under his mattress and grabbed Karen’s panties. He still had it ever since he took it from the laundry basket a few days ago.

Since then, he had jerked off with it every night. Karen’s pussy scent was beginning to fade and Tim had been thinking about shooting his cum into it. It seemed like tonight was the night for it. He pressed the panties to his nose and inhaled deeply. A slight trace of Karen’s pussy was there. Tim put Karen’s panties around his cock and began to jerk off into it.

He closed his eyes and thought about fucking her pussy. How tight was she? How did she taste? All of these thoughts ran through his mind as he stroked himself. The bed started to squeak a little louder as he jerked himself faster.

His hand moved up and down on his stiff cock furiously and Tim knew he was going to blow his load soon. Was Karen listening to him right now? Was she thinking about his cock? Did she imagine his cock inside of her? Was she masturbating, too?! Tim thought before he came.

“Karen!” He shouted as his hot cum flew out into her panties. It kept flying out and covering her panties and his hand before he emptied himself.

Oh my god, did I just yell out her name when I came?! Tim thought with fear. If she could hear my squeaky bed, she must have heard me scream her name?! He laid there for a moment in fear expecting Karen to walk in with a look of disgust on her face as she tore into him for yelling out her name as he jerked off! There was no way that she was going to speak to him ever again!

What had he done?! It wasn’t by choice! It just happened! Tim thought as he lay there. His warm cum was now running down his hand and his shaft. He had to clean himself up. He quickly got up and grabbed some tissues to clean his hand. There was a big blob of cum in his sister’s panties that made his cock twitch as he looked at it. It was almost like he had touched her pussy.

Tim shook his head in shame. Was he really still thinking about Karen’s pussy after he had yelled out her name like a fucking sicko?! What was wrong with him?!

He cleaned up the drying cum on Karen’s panties then put it back under his mattress. He climbed back into bed with his eyes facing the door as he waited for Karen to burst in at any minute to call him a weird sick fuck for screaming her name. She had to have heard him!

Tim had a tough time sleeping that night as he stared at his bedroom door. His dreams were even of Karen yelling at him and belittling him for jerking off to her.

When he woke up the next morning, Tim hoped that Karen had left for a run already. He wanted to see if he could try and avoid seeing her. He knew it was impossible but he was going to try. He got dressed and then slowly stepped out of his room. He couldn’t hear anyone and let out a sigh of relief as he ran to the bathroom. He cleaned himself up then stepped back out and walked into the kitchen. His heart sank as he saw who was in the kitchen.

Karen was turned around and making a protein shake. What do I do?! Tim thought. Maybe, I can sneak out of here before she sees me. He took one step backward but Karen turned and looked at him.

“Good morning. How are you doing?” Karen asked him with a smile. She was wearing her workout clothes including running shorts. Her bare legs were in view but Tim was trying everything not to look at them and to keep his eyes on her face. A bead of sweat ran down his forehead to his cheek.

“Good morning. I’m doing well. How about you?” Tim said mechanically. She was going to call him a sicko now! He braced himself for the total shame that he was going to feel.

“I’m good. I was about to go for a run. Do you want to join me?” she asked him.

“I-I-I’m going to run later. I’m feeling a little tired,” Tim said quickly. He had no idea what to say.

“I’d bet,” Karen said with a large smile. “You sure had a lively time in your room last night.”

Tim’s stomach did a somersault as he stared at Karen in fear. He felt like he was going to piss himself but he had just emptied his bladder!

Karen laughed. “Hey, relax! I practically told you to go masturbate after that big bulge you had in your pants last night. Relax, it’s ok.”

Tim stood there as if frozen in place. His mouth was trying to form words but nothing came out.

“You weren’t the only one having a fun time in their room,” Karen said with a wink. She let out another laugh then walked past him and out the door.

What just happened?! Tim thought as he finally felt his stomach settle back down. His face was covered in sweat and he wiped at it with the back of his hand.

His sister had heard him jerking off last night! But that wasn’t what was really on his mind. Something more important.

Did his sister just tell him that she masturbated too?! Surely, he heard wrong! But, there was no mistaking that wink. She masturbated too!! Tim felt the excitement grow in him again. His sister had masturbated while he jerked himself off!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/th2ygq/mf_tims_lust_for_his_sister_part_5_incest


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