[M4GM] Danté’s Inferno? That’s just a piece of FICTION. This is serious. My dog is at stake here!


There is a massive tomb known as the **Paris Catacombs**. Millions of bones lay there in rest. Past the labyrinth of skulls and bones is one of many thresholds across the World. A threshold into the depths of Satan’s domain itself encompassing its 7 layers.

“Where those who never knew Christ exist.” Life is simple here, souls roam in peace, aside from the few times demons come and pester them.

Sucka you already know

“Where those who overindulge exist.” The poor souls who were unable to satiate or control their “self-indulgence” as well as those partaking in BDSM

The hoarders, selfish and squanderers of their riches in life. The ones partaking in a variety of harem sizes and polyamorous relationships.

Self-explanatory. Be prepared for a lot of non-consensual acts to be committed by the demons that lay here.

“Rejection of religious and/or political ‘norms’.” The figures losing their status due to pleasure and lust, doomed to never experience such for the rest of their miserable days.

Consists of 3 rings containing various types of criminals:

Inner: houses those partaking in blasphemy and or violent acts towards nature and God/ Gods. Doomed to be used and abused by the various creatures that roam.

Middle: houses those who’ve committed suicide. Plauged by lashings and a manner of other painful inflictions

Outer: houses those who committed crimes such as property damage and towards people. Those who committed assault shall themselves become the

Houses all who were consciously fraudulent in life. “Within the eighth circle is another called the Malebolge (‘Evil Pockets’), which houses 10 separate bolgias (‘ditches’).”
(Let’s not get into them now, just know that they house various types of fraud and a lot of dead strippers come here. Pretty chill really.)

Where Satan lay in wait. For her next “meal”. Ready to devour the next soul the same way the succubus she trained do as well as indulge in the various “guests” of her domain.
Treachery houses a further 4 rings within it

Caina: “This round is for traitors to family.” Those who partook in various familial “escapades”.

Antenora: “reserved for political/national traitors” Forced to bare witness to varying forms of cucking and cheating from the one they care the most for.

Ptolomaea: “This round is for hosts who betray their guests” The punishment is harshest here. The soul is doomed to an endless onslaught of torture, tailored specifically for the soul themselves.

Judecca: “This round is reserved for traitors to their lords/benefactors/masters” Doimed to eternal servitude to Satan herself among various others she deems worthy of becoming a master/benefactor/lord.

Keeping what you’ve just been told in mind, things have changed from 100’s of years ago. Satan has become more… lenient per say. The modern age is different from how it used to be, most who come down now are finding pleasure in their supposed torture. Which lead Satan into making a very particular decision. **Why not just allow the demons of the other layers treat their victims as of it were the lust layer?** Turning Satan’s domain into one heck of an erotically charged plane of existence.

***This comedically unfortunate tale follows Jared Donovan.***
A 6’6″ Black male, 19 years of age living in Paris and training to become a priest with family relations leading him to become quite a cold person and with a spiteful outlook towards faith. He believes don’t get him wrong. It just irks him on the methods of the church.

Only reason he’s in training, to begin with, is because of his family. All the men in his family have a history of being priests, so he’s just “living up to the family tradition”. Not a lot of good childhood memories because of this “tradition”, spending most days going to church and having to absorb Catholic media. If you think it’s as boring as it sounds you’d be wrong. It’s worse.

Only reason he hasn’t attempted to run away from this life is because of his uncle. While he willingly followed in the path of priesthood, he told Jared: “Find your own meaning and path in life and with God. Not out of spite for our family. Whether you become a priest or not.” Those words stuck with him and keep him going. The other source for his drive would be his puppy, Fupo! Whilst the pupper is excitable and friendly, it has a knack for always following random strangers out of curiosity. Always looking for fun the innocent soul.

Even with these two, where he was learning to be a priest was beyond boring. Everyone there was boring, overly dedicated, or both. Not to mention his use of technology was limited throughout the day, the only time he had was when he was at his apartment, walking, and when alone.

On a day when he was on a walk with his dog, it felt like any other evening walk he’d been on with Fupo. That was until he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, followed by falling over. The last thing he recalled was Fupo following the strange figures into the Paris catacombs entrance.

It wasn’t long before Jared got up again and immediately chased after the “dog-nappers” inside the catacombs. It has been reported that people would often get lost in the catacombs and Jared realized he became a victim of this. Something was strange inside. He’d visited the tombs before, but he noticed a growing intensity in a red and orange glow the further he went.

As the glow became unbelievably bright, blinding him he felt he’d run into what felt like a bumpy and fleshy wall. He fell back on his bum and rubbed his eyes before looking up at what he ran into.

It was… The most built, amazonian woman with features he would only associate with a demon. She was standing in front of what looked to be a large, demonic, ash-black gate.

**Where the heck was he.**


Well… that was a lot.
Name’s Ender, pleasure to meetcha!
Hope that wasn’t too long of a read for ya. Went into a lot of detail, but I hope you understand what I’m asking.

A priest in training’s journey through a very horne female Satan’s domain in search of his dog and the pair who took him. As GM I’d like for you to play out this erotically demonic plane and everything that may occur for Jared. Such as who or what he encounters, as well as what his surroundings look like. We can discuss further details of course as I’m asking a lot from you.

If you’ve read Danté’s Inferno then you should have a pretty good idea of the locations we’ll be tackling. This is more of a light-hearted and comedic yet lewd and sensual kind of RP so just keep that in mind.

In terms, of requirements:

* No one-liners and anything from literate to above is necessary

* Image references are required as this

* You don’t have to be an actual female, male, trans whatever IRL but the demons and other characters will mainly be just a heads up

* This is long-term if that wasn’t already obvious.

* Let’s have fun here folks

If you do find interest in this, tell me why you found my prompt interesting, any ideas for demon encounters or ideas in general you may have fire away! I’m always open to hearing your thoughts and what you’d like to see in this prompt. If possible I’d also like to see what kinds of demons or famous dead figures you think went to the down under. This also is taking place in the modern-day so maybe the “brimstone, ash-ridden demonic scape” is different from how it used to be.

If you’ve read this far put your fav number in the subject of your PM or chat. Chat is preferred here since images go through better, but PM is cool too.
If you wanna change platforms then Discord is my only other source.

Hope this snagged your eye and we can have some lewd fun!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/th2wgm/m4gm_dantés_inferno_thats_just_a_piece_of_fiction