Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch. 07 [Apocalypse, romance, drama, horror, oral, cheating]

Last time on Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Tom feels guilty about his time with Kelsey in the shed but finds Rachel to be open to the idea of letting him play with the young women. However, As they grow comfortable in their new home a looming threat draws closer each day.

Will Tom be able to handle the attention of two strong willed women? Will Bruce find out where our heroes dwell? What does time at home with guard duty feel like? Find out now!

Chapter 7: Guard Duty

Tom stood up and stretched, forcing his body to move. He felt exhausted, the little sleep he managed to get was not nearly enough. Still, he had to get up. The beeping alarm on the wrist watch said so. He groaned quietly as he fumbled for his clothes and got dressed. His eyes did not want to stay open and his jaw was starting to ache from back to back yawns. 2am was a hateful part of any clock and deserved to be abolished. Perhaps he could get the lawmakers in New Washington to look into it.

Cameron was not exaggerating, they got the pick of the worst time slots for guard duty. There was only one spot left for this rotation and after losing a game of rock paper scissors, Tom wrote his name in the 2am to 6am box. Presently, he glared down at Rachel who looked so peaceful under the blanket. It felt like she was rubbing it in.

Tom dragged himself down to the front gate to start his post. He saw a group of people huddled together and talking. He could also smell delicious coffee and moved a little quicker to join the group.

“Hey! You’re Tom, right?” A young man with freckles and short red hair asked as Tom approached.

“Yeah, that’s me.” Tom shook the man’s hand.

“Glad to have you. I’m Wesley, that’s Leigh and the sneaky one is Emmanuel.” Leigh was a middle aged woman with her brown hair in a tight bun and a stern look on her face. Emmanuel was hard to read. He looked older but with his jacket hood up and chin down, it was hard to tell.

“So the way this works is simple. We have 4 walls, 4 corners, 4 people.” Wesley was an expressive talker, pointing at each thing he spoke of. “We each post up at a corner. I set a 15 minute timer and when that’s up, I radio to move. That’s when we’ll all rotate clockwise to the next corner. Then, when everyone has radioed back with an ‘all clear,’ I’ll start the timer again. It keeps us rotating and alert, you won’t be watching the same spot all night.”

“I like it, sounds pretty effective actually.” Tom took the offered hand held radio.

“It works pretty well. The traps do most of the work but you’ll get to pop one every now and then. Glad to see you brought your own bow. The ones on the wall are good but, you know. Handled by everyone.”

“Yeah I thought that was the case.” Tom patted Ol’ Betsy lovingly.

“Oh, there’s also a pistol at each station. That’s only to be used if something really really bad happens. Other than that, staying awake is the hardest part of the job. You think you got it?”

Tom chuckled, he obviously looked exhausted. “Yeah, I’ll just get one of those cups of coffee and I’ll be good to go.”

Tom climbed up the wall and moved to his assigned corner. Wesley’s voice came over the small radio clipped to his shirt. “At station, starting timer now.”

The night passed by pretty steadily. The 15 minutes intervals helped segment the time and Tom had no trouble staying awake. At each corner, there was a stool to sit on and a small stack of old magazines and books. Tom did not spend a lot of time sitting, the job and the sights were too new for him. He wanted to get familiar with the surrounding land, just like in his old deer hunting spots. He spent hours memorizing the area until he could instantly spot anything that did not belong. He wanted to use that same practice on this wall. Now that he was awake and a little more energized, Tom kind of liked the quiet job. He checked his watch and saw it was already 4:30am.

“Time.” Wesley’s voice came over the radio.

Tom rolled his shoulders and made sure the area looked neat before beginning a slow walk. He kept his eyes scanning the tree line as he moved, trying to see little movements or reflections. Tom was approaching the next corner but slowed when he saw the shape of someone sitting on the stool with a jacket hood up. It looks like Emmanuel fell asleep on his stool. Tom understood. Keeping watch was hard work under the best circumstances. He would just nudge the man awake and would not say anything about it. Kelsey slowly spun around to face him with a sultry smile on her beautiful plump lips.

“Hey handsome. How’s the new job going?” Kelsey was wearing running shorts that were almost small enough to be underwear. Her thin dreads hung down for a change, framing her cute face. She looked lovely in her youth and eagerness, especially in this setting.

“At station. All clear.” Leigh’s voice came out of the radio and knocked Tom out of his stupor.

“Oh! Hi Kelsey. What are you doing here?” Tom felt nervous and a little excited.

“I couldn’t sleep. Had too much on my mind.” She winked an almond eye at him. “I saw your name on the list earlier today and thought I’d stop by.”

“At station. All clear.” Emmanuel’s voice spoke up.

“Is that right?” Tom was a little afraid to approach her.

“Are you going to check in or just keep checking me out? Because you should probably do both.”

“Damn!” Tom fumbled for the mic button. “At station. It’s all clear.”

“All clear, starting timer.”

’15 minutes.’ Both Tom and Kelsey thought at the same time.

“I also heard about Susan, you’re neighbor…did you do that because of me?” Kelsey batted her long lashes. “I’m sorry I sent you home all frustrated.”

Tom felt like a fish with the way his mouth began to work. He could not think of what to say. How on earth was he so intimidated by this woman who was at least a decade younger than him? For some reason, Kelsey was like sexual kryptonite to his normal confident bravado. “Yeah, that was crazy.”

“So, you went home and took it out on poor little wifey? Lucky her.” Kelsey gave Tom a come here gesture with her finger. He came closer and she reached forward and took his hips in her hands. Kelsey spread her thighs as she tugged him closer. She looked up at him and asked with a whisper, “did you think of me?”

Tom was standing between her thighs, nearly close enough to be pressed cock to pussy. Her touch was sending a fiery current through his body and her own heat was soaking into him. “Yes, I did.”

Kelsey smiled, “Good.” She tilted her chin up with slightly parted lips. Her eyes searched for signs of hesitation or regret.

Tom looked down at her smile and saw just a hint of uncertainty in the young woman’s eyes. He decided not to torture the poor girl. Tom leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers.

Kelsey responded immediately, her lips moved across his with youthful energy and unchecked lust. They had barely begun when Kelsey’s tongue tickled his lower lip, asking for admission. Tom granted it, their tongues began to dance and Kelsey moaned in joy. Her hands pulled harder against Tom’s hips and he closed the very little space left between them. She ground her barely covered pussy against his rapidly hardening cock.

The urge to fuck Kelsey right here and now was so strong, Tom just barely maintained control. Rachel told him, the morning after that crazy fantasy filled night, that he should probably play it hesitant with Kelsey. If he came on all at once, she might get suspicious of the sudden willingness. On the bright side, Rachel making suggestions about how to have an affair with Kelsey was further proof that she was serious about the deal she gave him. If this worked out, he would get to fuck Kelsey but it will just take a little longer.

Kelsey was having similar thoughts. She wanted to unzip his pants, fish his cock out and slide it home. She was so ready to feel him inside but also wanted to ease him along. If she gave him everything at once, it might turn out like it did with Gregg. She needed to know that Tom wanted her as much as she wanted him. Kelsey wanted Tom to be damn near obsessed with her. She realized this was not going to be easy. Rachel was not withholding sex from him. If Kelsey left him too needy, he would just relieve himself at home.

“Mmm. Switch places with me.” Kelsey said while nibbling at Tom’s scratchy neck. “Hurry up, we don’t have much time.”

Tom switched places with Kelsey and she leaned over to kiss him. She moved down onto her knees, pulling his face with her to make sure his attention never left her face. She wanted to see his eyes when he realized what was coming. Kelsey hummed in pleasure as that dumb struck face he made the other night in the shed showed up. With his jaw hanging down in amazement, as if he can not believe his eyes. Kelsey drank that look in as she reached for Tom’s pants button.

Kelsey fumbled with Tom’s pants for a few seconds and finally managed to pull Tom’s cock out. “Whoa. That’s…long.” Kelsey’s eyes widened in surprise when she saw his whole length. And she thought Gregg was big. Gregg who? Kelsey stroked Tom’s cock slowly for a few seconds, admiring it as she tried to build up confidence. She talked a big game but now that she was faced with something much bigger than she expected, Kelsey was hesitant.

“That feels good.” Tom was watching her stroke him and saw the tale tale signs of the same hesitation most of his early in life partners had. “I like your hands.”

Kelsey saw the lifeline he was offering and wanted to scoff at it. Instead, without breaking eye contact, Kelsey licked his cock from the base to the head. She gave him a challenging look and then took him into her mouth. She sucked in a good 5 inches before Kelsey coughed a bit. Her right hand came up and covered the part of his cock that would not fit in her mouth. Her skills were rudimentary but Tom was so aroused, it did not matter how rough she was. It felt so good and unreal, like some wild story in a porn magazine.

Tom moaned in pleasure as Kelsey worked his cock. He kept his eyes on her, trying to memorize every detail. There would indeed be a quiz later on. Her cheeks looked hollow as she sucked him and she tried to keep her steaming eyes on his as often as she could. Tom reached forward and put his hand on her head, wanting to feel a little bit of control over her. She did not protest but followed his lead as he slightly guided her with his hand. He felt the moment coming up quickly.

“Oh Kelsey! That feels so good. You’re going to make me cum.” Tom felt obligated to warn her.

The young woman hummed in delight and doubled her effort. Tears were rolling down her face as she continued to gag on his cock. She refused to stop though and as Tom pushed her head down with sudden pressure, Kelsey opened her throat the best she could. Hot cum began to burst out as Tom’s cock throbbed inside her throat. Kelsey coughed and had to pull away. She retreated until just the tip of was between her lips and jerked him until every last drop was on her tongue. Kelsey looked into Tom’s eyes and carefully opened her mouth to show him she was a good girl and that she got all of it. The milky cum nearly oozed over her bottom lip but she caught it and swallowed his whole load.

“Holy shit. That was good.” Tom helped Kelsey off the floor as he stood up. He put his cock away with some effort, it did not seem to want to go down.

Tom threw Kelsey completely off guard by pulling her close. He kissed her, deeply with his tongue. Gregg would have never kissed her so soon after that. Tom smiled down at Kelsey and she felt her stomach knot. ‘Oh no! When did I become the one being seduced?’

“Thank you, Kelsey.”

She did not know how to respond. “Uhh. No problem.” Kelsey laughed awkwardly.

“You want me to take care of you?” Tom kissed her neck and his beard sent shivers down her body.

“Time.” Wesley’s voice came over the small radio.

Saved by the bell! Kelsey was relieved. Any longer and she would have just thrown it on him. Without a doubt. This gave her a chance to retreat and try to regain some control. This was supposed to be a long game. Kelsey kissed Tom firmly on the lips. “Oh well! Maybe you’ll get to taste it next time.” Kelsey quickly climbed down the ladder before she changed her mind.

Tom quickly made sure there was no sign of what happened here before moving on to the next post. He felt far too relaxed and tried to force his mind to stay sharp.

A few hours later, Tom was back home in bed but he was not laying down. Rachel was in front of him, bent over and taking his cock from behind. She was gasping and moaning as he battered the deepest parts of her pussy. Her mind was imagining the young woman’s face full of her husband’s cock. Tom recounted the experience for her when she woke up that morning. She had been momentarily surprised by Kelsey’s resourcefulness and how soon she pounced. But then she remembered the impatience of youth. The poor girl was probably going crazy in between these moments.

Rachel just knew Kelsey’s eyes would be gloating next time they saw each other. She still thought this was some kind of an affair and that Rachel was just some poor unaware housewife. Kelsey thought that she would be able to infiltrate their marriage and make Tom all hers. It was hot and Rachel wanted to lean into the role. She could play along and let Kelsey feel in charge. Let her have all the scheming fun she wanted. But the only reason the young woman was getting anything at all was because Rachel was allowing it. So, who was really winning this?

Tom. Tom was winning this. A couple hours ago he was getting sucked off by a 19 year old who was like a cat in heat. Now, he was balls deep in his wife because she got super horny while he told her about it. Tom could not believe that there was another person alive who was better off in the hell they lived in than he was. The king of the Apocalypse! Tom felt emboldened by his recent good fortune. He could not even fantasize about where this was headed. It might blow up in his face or he could be treated like a toy between two hungry women. Why not test the boundaries? It was the end of the world after all.

Using his saliva as lube, Tom slowly pushed his thumb into Rachel’s asshole. She did not pull away or complain. She gasped in surprise but held still for him. With the recent encounters with Kelsey, Tom had almost forgotten about their anal experience. He was reminded of how good it felt as his thumb sank into her heat. He was surprised to feel his cock as he continued to thrust. The membrane between pussy and ass was not as thick as he would have guessed. He tried to imagine what it might feel like to have another cock inside his wife as he fucked her ass. Or rather, his imagination offered, Kelsey with a strap on.

“I’m going to cum!” Tom gasped as the orgasm raced up too quickly to be delayed.

“Yes! Give it to me!” Rachel moaned as she pushed her ass back against his now steady pressure.

Tom dumped his load inside her with hard grinding. The strength of him pushed her forward and she collapsed onto her stomach. Tom’s thumb slid out of her ass and she clenched in reflex. Compared to what his cock had done to her bowels, his thumb felt pleasant. If they take it slow, she might let him do more to her ass. Even that rough, lubeless fucking he gave her before had not been as bad as she assumed. Rachel watched over her shoulder as Tom used her pussy to stroke the last of his orgasm out. He leaned forward and kissed her when his lust was finally spent.

Rachel thought about what Kelsey teased him with after sucking him off, about tasting her pussy. She would love to watch that happen and if things worked out like she was secretly planning, she might get to see more than just that. Rachel was eager for Tom and for herself. “Hey babe?”

“Yeah?” Tom was half focused on her. The rest of his attention was on his wife’s pussy. His cum was starting to leak out and he liked to watch it flow.

“When you do get to taste her, make sure you hurry home while it’s still on your tongue.” Rachel winked at Tom when he gaped at her. “I wanna see if it’s as sweet as she wants you to think it is.”


The hooded man crept carefully down the flight of carpeted steps. He tried to avoid lights and other people as he moved. This of course made him look more suspicious but luckily, no one really much cared about what he was up to. Kyle stepped through the third floor landing. He was thankful the heavy metal door had been removed.

The long square hallway was messy, crowded with things like blankets, clothing, containers and buckets full of random shit, a lot of stuff that had one seemed so vital was now just clutter. But letting go of the old ways was hard. Too hard to do alone and that is why Kyle is slinking around when he should be sleeping. But the demons would not leave him alone. Faces covered in blood and whispering accusations every time he closed his eyes. Kyle just needed a good night of sleep. Just a few dark hours and he would feel better. Once he felt better, he would start to get his shit together. He really meant it this time. Just enough to get one more good night of sleep.

He knocked lightly on door #333 and tried to listen for inside noises. He heard shuffling feet before the door cracked open slowly. The chain was on and Kyle saw the grimy looking face examine him through the crack. The moment was quiet for a few uncomfortable seconds before the door shut softly. Kyle heard the chain rattle and then fall. A squat man with a balding ring in the middle of his short cut hair opened the door and let Kyle in.

“Hey Dave. How’s it going?” Kyle noticed the two hang arounds making out on a couch as if they were alone. The dyed blonde woman and lanky man were obviously too high to care. This was not an uncommon thing with dealers. Every one Kyle ever dealt with seemed to have a couple of pet users that were always around.

“Not too bad.” Dave was watching E and Andy in a way that made Kyle feel weird.

“Cool. Say man, you got any stuff? I just need a little to get to sleep.” Kyle rubbed his arm, shamed in having to ask.

“Oh, I got a little. Resources are getting harder to find. I’m going to have to start charging 2 for 1.” Dave was talking like he was uninterested in anything that was not the couple on the couch.

“2 for 1?!” Kyle gapped. “Man, it’s hard enough to get one!”

Dave finally moved his buggy eyes to Kyle. “I got no choice, man. My ass is on the line here. Finding the shit I need is hard!” Dave’s voice softened a little. “But hey, I wouldn’t inflate like that without a heads up. It’s still 1 for 1 now but next time, you’ll need 2. And don’t come to me about fucking I.O.U.s. I’m not a fool like that cunt at the canteen.” Dave thought about how nice it would be to get little Katie hooked. Then he could let this sick shit with Andy go.

Kyle breathed out in relief. That was fine because this was the last time. He would not need to pay the extra price after he gave it up. That was the other user’s problem. “You’re the best Dave, thank you!” Kyle fished the golden arcade token out of his pocket and handed it over to Dave. With a smooth, practiced motion, Dave scooped the credit out of Kyle’s hand and left behind a little zip lock bag. Kyle’s hand closed on it, tucking it out of sight just as smoothly as Dave had been.

“Alright now. Don’t forget, 2 credits for now on.” Dave walked Kyle to the door and opened it.

“Yeah, I got you.” Now that the bag was in his hand, Kyle only had one thing on his mind. “See you.” He walked out of the door without looking back.

Dave turned around and saw that Andy was now sitting on E’s lap and dry humping him as they kissed feverishly. His cock felt as hard as iron in his pants. He did not like being ignored like this but it was still making him horny. She owed him for the stuff she just took but Dave just watched quietly as they continued to play. He would collect later, when things were more boring. Right now he could just enjoy the free show.

In an empty warehouse, two blocks away from the hotel, Kenneth stood with a crowbar in his right hand. The claw of the weapon was dripping bloody gore and Kenneth was breathing hard. Sweat streaked down his red face but he still looked angry. He glowered at the man in bulky combat armor. “Another.”

The guard gave Kenneth an appraising look before nodding. “Okay Bossman. Just don’t over do it now.”

“You worry too much, Stephen. Open the damn door.” Kenneth stood straight and shook some of the debris from his weapon.

Stephen opened the metal door and ducked behind it like a rodeo gate master. The two infected humans shuffled out into the wide room. “Hungry?” The one that used to be a woman asked. “Please?” The walking dead man pointed a shaky hand at the only living person they could see. At once, both the infected creatures ran for Kenneth.

Kenneth saw that with how even paced they were, he would only have time to swing at one. No matter. He sidestepped and the infected changed course as predictably as they always were. He took a few steps back to give himself some more room and loaded the crowbar over his shoulder as if he was at home plate and waiting for the pitch.

“Hungry! Hungr-eeeee!” The infected male lost its balance and fell face first over the body of another infected. The very one that just had its head beat to a pulp with a crowbar.

With one of the infected distracted, Kenneth put all he could into a swing that would have sent a ball out of the stadium. The contract sent a jarring reverberation up his arms but Kenneth barely noticed. He was used to the shock of delivering heavy blows. The thick, rope-like muscles on his arms and shoulders bulged with the exertion. The blood spray on his face was like war paint.

The infected’s head spun violently with the impact, making it pirouette on the spot. “Huuuggg! Huuuuuuuuggg!” It groaned as it tried to right itself. The lower half of its face was just gone and even though it would no longer be able to bite, it lunged for Kenneth anyways. He finished it with a well aimed spear thrust, sending the sharp end of the crowbar through one of its milky eyes.

The infected male was trying to crawl for him, too impatient to stand up first. Kenneth stood over the creature as his lip twisted in disgust. He kicked the thing’s arms out from under it and made its face smack the concrete floor. From there, without any trace of pity for what the monster had been before, Kenneth began to rain down blow after blow with the crowbar.

Gore dripped from the curve of the weapon as Kenneth stood hunched over, breathing hard. He cut his eyes up and looked at Stephen with the face of the devil himself. The guard took an involuntary step back, afraid the Bossman might mistake him for one of the infected. He tried to swallow but the look on Kenneth’s face was too frightening. Was this man even human?

“Another.” Kenneth growled through clenched teeth.

It took most of Stephen’s mental fortitude to keep eye contact with Bossman and the rest of it was used to keep the stutter from his voice. “That’s all of them. You killed them all.”

Kenneth’s eyes narrowed as if he thought the man was lying to him. Then they slowly moved around the room, seeing all the open doors and broken bodies. 10 of them in all. Kenneth stood up straight while taking in a huge breath. He closed his eyes and let the air out slowly. As he relaxed, his right hand just numbly dropped the crowbar and it clattered noisily to the concrete. “If only that were true. It’ll be a while before I’ve got all of them.”

Kenneth took his shirt off and tossed it into the pile of bodies. Stephen handed him a towel to wipe the rest of the grime off. “You know, there are a lot of ways to blow off steam that are more cozy than this. Jess’s Place in particular comes to mind.”

Kenneth chuckled in good humor. “I’m not just doing this to blow off steam. It keeps me sharp and focused. But maybe you’re right. A trip to Jess’s would be nice.” Kenneth threw the soiled towel on the pile.

“You wanna go tonight?” Stephen sounded excited about the idea.

“No, sorry bud. I got to get cleaned up. Besides, I’m always too edgy after this kind of stuff. Hard to cut it off entirely.”

“Yeah, I feel ya. Just don’t go without me!” Both of them laughed as they walked away from the carnage.

Back in suite at the top of the hotel building, Kenneth chewed a tough piece of meat that did not want to break apart. He chewed it anyways, enjoying the pressure he was able to use against the stubborn meat. He looked across the table at his son who was spooning the stew into his own mouth. He felt annoyed by the boy’s placid face and silence. Samuel had not uttered a single word since that night in the sewers and instead of getting used to it, Kenneth grew more frustrated by the day. “How’s your stew?”

Samuel only nodded as he watched the spoon move from the stew to his mouth as if he needed to concentrate on it.

“Well, what do you like about it?”

After a second, the boy’s small shoulder rose and fell in a quick shrug.

Kenneth slapped the table hard with an open hand. The boom startled Samuel and he finally looked at his father with huge, scared eyes.

“I don’t know what the fuck you want from me, boy!” Kenneth let his frustrations flow out. “You can’t keep your mouth shut and expect me to guess! Whatever the fuck is wrong with you, get over it!” Kenneth was breathing hard.

Samuel’s eyes widened in shock and filled with tears. Kenneth felt instantly sorry but could not let go of his anger entirely. “Go to bed,” he finally said. “We’ll try again tomorrow.” Kenneth watched his son sulk off to his room and had to loosen his aching jaw.

A fish made of light swam around the boy’s room in a constant loop. The battery powered night light ticked softly as it moved the lense in a circle. Like the beam of a lighthouse, the cartoon fish momentarily illuminated random items in a seemingly normal child’s room. A bookshelf loaded with colorful spines, a toy chest overflowing with plastic action figures and fluffy animals, a big looping toy car race track. It all looked normal. But as the fish swam over the face of the boy, the image of normality shattered.

Samuel’s small, doughy face was a flat void of emotion. His bright blue eyes did not flicker or move with the light, he barely blinked at all. It was as if he was in a trance. He was just waiting for the right time. When he was sure that no one was listening, Samuel got out of bed and pulled one of the picture books off his shelf. He opened the book and pulled out a wallet sized photo of a beautiful blonde woman. He ran his little fingers over her face tenderly. He wished this is how she would look when she talked to him.

Samuel ran back to his bed and jumped under the blankets. He used the rotating light to stare at the picture of his mother until he heard the sounds of her harsh breathing. Samuel swallowed hard and pulled his head out from under the blanket. His mother was in the room with him. She was laying face down on the floor but was holding herself up on her arms and staring at Samuel with huge eyes. Her normally yellow and wavy hair was blood soaked and plastered to her skin. She made no sound but Samuel could hear her words. They were in his head, breathy words full of pain like the last ones he heard her speak.

“Hey mama. Daddy yelled at me again. It’s okay though, he’s just worried.”

“No, I did like you said.”

“Nope. Not one word.” Samuel twisted his little mouth. “But mama, why can’t I talk to daddy?”

“Why are you mad at him?”

“No mama!” He whispered and felt shocked. “The monsters did, not him!”

“It was his fault? Really?”

“Oh.” Samuel began to cry and wondered how he would face his father now that he finally knew the truth. She just told Samuel all the details a child would miss. He did not remember the night his mother died but she reminded him. From her perspective, Samuel saw his father running fast. He was outpacing her as she clung to their child. She was tired, her legs too heavy but she refused to stop. She was sobbing his father’s name but he just kept moving. Samuel saw from her eyes as his father threw together a makeshift ladder to a platform. He saw his father look back at them and the look of utter terror in his eyes. His father scrambled up the pile of debris and just as he reached the top, it collapsed.

Samuel did remember how his mother squeezed him tight before roughly shoving him up into his father’s reaching arms. He remembered the way she begged the evil people to stop and the terrible scream that followed. His father tried to save her too, he pulled her up with them but the monsters got her first. Now that the rest of the picture was clear to him, Samuel realized his father left his mother down there. He was the reason she was dead.

The mother-thing that showed up to talk to him at night nodded her terrible face in affirmation. Samuel finally got the message she had been trying to show him. With that finished, the mother-thing looked over its shoulder at his closed door. She turned her body with her hands and began to drag herself away. The torn, boney remains of her useless legs dragged behind, leaving no obvious sign of passage. Before going through the door, the mother-thing looked back over her shoulder to look at Samuel.

“I love you too mama.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tgy1fu/lovin_in_the_apocalypse_ch_07_apocalypse_romance