I (28m) bang a nurse (35f) on my buddy’s couch, heal her leg [MF]

*Long post – only read if you have time for the whole thing.*

In the summer of 2015, I was 28 years old and halfway through grad school. The summer had been dull and mostly lonely. I wanted something exciting to happen, and with a friend. I hadn’t seen my friend Ben in almost two years. We’d gone to college together and lived in New York for a bit. Now I lived in Chicago and he was in San Francisco. I made a trip out there at the end of the summer, a final hurrah.

Ben, I soon found, still acted like a manchild. He ditched me on that first night to go to a work event that I couldn’t come to because they only had so many tickets, came home very late and completely trashed – with a random hammer in his pocket. I went to sleep on his couch. I slept through him going to the E.R the next morning because he’d hurt his leg.I gave him a very hard time about this first night. And I thought to myself, jeez, he’s going to be like this the whole visit isn’t he? I also thought to myself – So then, we’re in shitshow shenanigans mode again? No problem, I’ll come up with something!

We did impulsively shave my head the second or third night. So that was my first shenanigan. A minor one. Ben limped around everywhere we went. I looked like Moby, he looked like a guy who needed to go to a doctor.I was single and getting a little bit slutty with the casual dating and hookup thing, but nothing crazy (yet). I had packed a condom, just in case, you know. Ben boasted about the women he was seeing from various dating apps; CoffeeMeetBagel, HowAboutWe, things I’d never heard of with ridiculous names, such as these. Not like I was one to talk: I made most of my own conquests via OkCupid or Tinder. But I felt I would really stick it to Ben if I picked someone up without any help from the Internet, thank you.

Thus, a night or so later, we were at a bar near his apartment. I noticed a dark haired woman making eyes at me from the bar in between conversing with two other women. Ben and I were drinking beers at a table. I went up to the bar for another beer and talked to her. Her name was Rachel. One of her legs was in a cast (a crutch leaning on the bar), her curly dark ran down past her shoulders, her complexion was pale, her nose looked vaguely disfigured. We exchanged a bit of conversation and I went back to drinking with Ben. He asked about her. I demurred from saying much. We decided to go back to his apartment – I had to drop off my messenger bag that for some reason I’d taken with me. I checked in with Rachel a bit more. I told her I was leaving and MAYBE I’d be back – just to leave her hanging a little.

Except at this time, I also didn’t really give a fuck what happened.Of course, I did end up coming back. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around from talking to one of the other women (who I would come to find out she didn’t know at all) and her eyes lit up, relieved that I’d returned. We drank beer and talked. Soon I got to sit down next to her. She was a nurse in the city, originally from Maryland, went to college in Wisconsin, had a brother in Chicago. She’d broken her leg in a skiing accident in some foreign, snowy place. I was a dude from New England who wanted to be a filmmaker and had somehow ended up at film school in Chicago.

The conversation progressed and I became more flirtatious. I made steady eye contact with her, put my hand on her shoulder at one point while making a point, brushed her leg at another point, gradually moved closer to her. She never moved away. Finally we ended up making out at the bar. I went to take a piss and texted Ben that I was about to leave with this chick. To my surprise/relief, he said he’d leave the door unlocked and go to his friend’s place nearby.On the walk to Ben’s apartment, Rachel had to use her crutch, and San Fran is a hilly city – I was a little concerned that she’d go rolling down the hill in to some homeless person’s tent. Obviously, she soldiered forward without a problem, in this city that she was much more used to than I.

In Ben’s apartment, we kissed and I held her to me and ran my hand over her back and her waist, hiking her shirt up and pulling it off. I undid her bra while she unbuckled my pants and acted inordinately gaspy. I massaged her between her legs, through her underwear. She asked,”Couch or Bed?”My one regret is not just saying, Bed. Ben’s bed looked pretty big and comfortable and fuck-ready. But I said couch. She lay down on the couch completely naked and took off her cast. She reminded me to be careful about her leg. I wasn’t so sure I’d remember that at all times. But I didn’t say this. I kissed her between her boobs, pressing them around my face, playing with her nipples. I gradually made my way down her body until I reached the destination – between her thighs. I don’t know how long gave her head for, but it felt like a while. Again, my head was shaved bare. She had this bald noggin circling around between her thighs. When she grabbed at my head, she clasped skin. I have a couple skin pollops on my head that aren’t that sexy. But I guess it didn’t detract from her experience. She told me in a moany voice that she wanted to kiss me and nudged my head upward. I kissed her with tongue and continued eating her out. I fingered her while licking her clit and she tightened her grip on the armrest.

When I felt like it was time for stage two, I sat up and kissed her again and asked if she was on birth control. Because guess what? I had no problem raw dogging total strangers. She shook her head and said I’d better have a condom. As you know, reader, that I did.On top of her on the couch I moved slowly in and out; my entire sex M.O was to start slow and speed up to whapping fast intercourse. I had a hand cupped over one of her cheeks and was looking into her eyes. I wanted her to see me whenever she opened them. Which was apparently never, really. I started distracting myself with the ironic viewing pleasure of Ben’s blank T.V screen. I was hoping to see us reflected in the screen, but it was too dark.

While I faced the T.V, Rachel tightened her arms around my back and took her pleasure sounds up a notch – I guess pretending to watch T.V during sex is a real turn on for some. I looked back at her, this time into her open eyes. I leaned in and whispered,

“Do you like it rough?”

She said,

“Yeah…I love it…r…”

Her breaths wiped out the word rough. I said,

“I’m gonna fuck you harder.”

…Which I started doing before finishing the sentence. I was determined not to cum too quickly. I sped up, slowed down a little, sped up again. I held one of her shoulders, pushed all the way into her and withdrew most of the way. Her big nose got scrunched up when her moan-face expanded. I looked over to the couch cushions and saw her grabbing at one of them and pulling it, as if to pull the cover off, as I told myself, “fuck it,” and slammed her balls deep and withdrew, and did that again and again. And again. I felt myself getting close and held back, just barely.

Rachel’s head was tilted back over the armrest’s edge and she began to look rather enraptured herself, from my vantage point of her chin and her open mouth. So I told her,”When you cum, look into my eyes.”She said,”Uh uh I AM cumming uh uh uh…”I had forgotten all about her broken leg. Which made it all the more remarkable what happened next.

I gave her maybe fifteen to twenty seconds of fast-as-I-could thrusting. Rachel bucked her legs around me – yes both her legs. I felt her broken leg squeeze me and slide across my waist just a little. Up and down movement, the sort of thing doctors must make sure you can do before taking the cast off.

Holy shit, her leg had come (ha) back to life.

I came at about the same time. I made a lot of noise myself. I collapsed on top of her and we settled down in to a sweaty, sticky mass of one night stand.I threw the condom down the toilet, which you’re not supposed to do. Sorry, San Francisco water supply! Rachel put her cast back on and got dressed. The condom had come off my cock when I pulled out. I asked if I got any cum inside her. She said it was okay, and that she couldn’t get pregnant anyway. I asked her why, and she thought about it.”TMI,” she said.We exchanged numbers and she left for her car.

Ben texted me and asked if she was spending the night or not. I told him the coast was clear. Rachel sent me a text thanking me for a great night, and to thank Ben as well. We continued to text occasionally, but I never saw her again. The last remnant of her, physically, was the lingering taste of her labia in my mouth the next morning, and perhaps those stains on the couch.I lorded my night over Ben. I had gotten him back. And the thing was, he was happy for me. His leg improved. For the last couple days, we did things like cross the Golden Gate bridge and take the trolly and visit Chinatown. Our friendship was solidified. He came to my wedding this past summer. What a guy.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/thhh0w/i_28m_bang_a_nurse_35f_on_my_buddys_couch_heal


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