Chapter 1: The group meets [FM][Fantasy][Rape][Tentacles][FDom][Bondage][(slight)Anal]

Hello dear writers and readers,

This is basically my first attempt at erotic writing. It got kind of long and takes some time until the actual sex happens. It is basically a classical fantasy RPG setting. A group of heroes going on a quest. Only with sex thrown into it.

I wrote this for one because it was fun for me, but also to improve my English (not my first language), my fictional writing as well as my erotic writing. What I want to say with this is: please give me feedback. I believe my vocabulary is sufficient to convey my meaning. But I am a bit anxious whether my choice of words is too bland. Or maybe I overcompensate for that anxiety. Also, if you have feedback for the content rather than the form, that makes me happy, too.

Anyway, I hope you have fun reading :)

**The Meeting**

“Fuck! That hurts!” John thought as he let out a guttural scream of pain from the wolf that sank his teeth into John’s flesh.The day started quite fine for John Faragon. He recently finished his studies at the academy to become a mage and was onto his first adventure. Normally, one would only quest in a group. But John was not really good with people in general and he studied at the academy! He basically knows everything in comparison to any peasant or sell-sword. He could handle himself. Or so he thought.Then he saw the wolf “Canis Lupus” He thought. “This should be no challenge. Their resistance to fire is near non-existent.” After a few short gestures, John pointed at the wolf “Igni”. A lance of white fire emerged from the young human’s fingers penetrating the wolf’s heart, instantly killing it. “I did not think it would stink that much when you use that spell against an actual opponent,” John thought, taken aback by the sudden smell of burned flesh and fur.Then it happened. A second wolf sprang him from the side. Biting his still stretched-out arm. John panicked. How could he cast a spell with his arm injured and hold like that? And being a mage, he lacked the physical strength to fight him off. Should this be the young hero’s end? Eaten by the first wolf he meets? “Well, actually the second,” he thought as he made his last futile attempts to save his life. “Had I only ventured with a group….” His world got blurry.

“Thud” Suddenly the wolf goes limp. John looks deliriously to him “is that an arrow in his head?”. “That should be all of them” a wary feminine voice echoed through the clearing. John hears the sound of fast footsteps approaching him. Then the face of the divine fills his blurry view. The face of a golden-haired woman smiling down on him. Her face in an aureola of golden light her eyes shining in the same warm gold down upon him. The goddess began to speak in a soothing caring voice “Do not worry. The pain will go away now. You are safe.” As said as done. nearly instantly the pain went away and John’s vision got black.

Warmth, softness, and the sound of a crackling fire were the first things John noticed when his awareness came back. He found himself naked tucked in his sleeping bag in a small tent, not of his own. As the memory of the fight came back to him, he quickly checked his arm. No Wounds. Questioning whether it really happened or if it was just a dream, he looked around. The tent was small, likely for two people, and quite lightweight. just a plan and some small sticks. Then he heard the voice of the goddess “And then I punched that drunken fool right in his smug red face. Serves him right for thinking he could molest my friends” followed by the happy laughter of two women.Curious and still drowsy, John stuck his head out of the tent. It was night. The tent was between two trees at the edge of a clearing. A fire lit the surroundings and the two women sitting by it. One was a raven-haired woman in a green cloth tunic and brownish-green trousers. Hair short black hair gave a stark contrast to her pale white skin. Making the pointy ears of her elven heritage even more obvious.The other was a dwarf in full plate armor. The lack of a beard, her round face, as well as the two curvacious extensions of her upper breastplate, indicated for John that this must also be a woman. And he knew that face. It was the one he saw before he passed out. The golden-haired goddess. Though her eyes were blue now, not golden.

“Look, the great hero and slayer of wolve…f is awake.” The elf had noticed his head poking out of the tent and made her companion aware. The dwarf turned her head towards John “Good to see you awake lad. Would you join us at the fire? I would like to hear how you ended up in that predicament and you must be hungry”. The mention of food made John’s stomach growl, making him aware of his body and his nakedness. “They must have seen me…” John thought embarrassed. His head got a bit red. “Ah, eh, yes excuse me for a moment” he answered with a slight stutter as he pulled his head back in the tent. He hastily put on a robe from his bag checked in his pocket mirror if his appearance was acceptable and made final adjustments.

With as much dignity as he could muster after having to be saved from a puny wolf, he joined his two rescuers. “I am John Faragon adept of the arcane from the Academy of Riverborn.” He made a short bow to each woman. “I am eminently grateful to you two ladies for my rescue…” “From a wolf” the elf interrupted him with a smirk and a giggle in her voice. “Hush Shael. No need to tease the young lad.” The dwarven woman scolded her companion. “Nice to meet ya, John. My name is Aldis Dawnhammer Paladin of the Goddess Ferdana the mother of life and land. And my ill-mannered companion” she made a gesture towards the elf “is Shaellanor Ranger of the elven city of Simia.” Shaellanor nodded as a way of greeting. “So young John, how did you end up alone surrounded by wolves in the forest?”

John sat down at the fire and began his tale. “Just a few weeks ago, I graduated as Adeptus at the Academy. As it is custom, I began my year-long adventures journey before I can return and study to acquire the title of a magus. In search of anything interesting to report to my magisters, I came through the town of Meya. The townsfolk told me of an evil witch that made their crops wither and their cattle ill. Apparently, she lives in a walking hut which the people saw in this area. So I offered to hunt her down to protect the good people of the village. I was on my search for her when I encountered… the… wolves…” He finished getting ever slower and quieter towards the end.

“Without a group?” Shael asked with obvious disbelief in her voice. “Rule number one rookie: always travel with a group. Adventuring alone is not only stupid but very dangerous! But I guess you know that by now.” Before Shael could continue her tirade, Aldis interjected “That’s certainly true. But by the goddesses’ blessing, we found you in time. We two pursue the same witch. Apparently, she abducted a young woman’s husband in another town and we are out to save him. How about you join us? For the three of us combined, the witch will stand no chance.” She gave John a warm inviting smile with the offer. Considering his last experiences, it did not take long for John to agree. “Indeed. Lady Shaellanor, Lady Dawnhammer, it would be an honor for me to join you on this endeavor,” he stated with an elaborate bow. Suppressing a laugh, Shael answered slightly mocking “Oh good sir from.. somewhere… I forgot, we graciously accept your generous offer of assistance.” She made a delightful laugh this time free from her previously mocking tone and instead it was as high and clear as only an elf could laugh. “You can be less formal now. From now on, we are companions. So I am Shael, this is Aldis and I would be happy to call you John. Or rookie, when you deserve it. “She ended with a playful wink. “As you wish, L… Shael” John replied feeling slightly off at being this casual with someone he just met. “Good. Now you should rest. Even though Aldis healed your wounds, you still lost a lot of blood. And, since you are the new guy, obviously you get the middle watch, rookie.” “She is not wrong”, Aldis said. You really should take a rest for now. Tomorrow will be a long day of searching the wilderness for a lead. We built your tent over there. Oh and before you wonder about it. Sadly we had to dispose of the clothes you were wearing when we found you. They were in a sorry state and full of blood that could attract dangerous animals. I am sorry.””Nevermind” John replied. “I would not even have thought about this possibility.” He sighed exhaustedly. “I will just have to get something new once we are back in the civilization.”

**The Hut**

The next day, their search began. But, searching for a walking hut is not as easy as it sounds. What kind of traces does it leave behind? How big is it? What does it even look like? If it can walk, can it swim? Thus the search got lengthy and frustrating. The only bright side to this tiresome work was that John could get to know his new companions a bit. Shael was a relatively young elf, only around 60 years and on her so-called “Salasra” roughly translated “maiden voyage”, even though the term does not exactly convey the meaning. In essence, it is a right of passage where a young (well relatively spoken) elf leaves her home to get to know the world. When she leaves, she cuts her long hair short and returns once it is at full length again. Filled with knowledge and experience to benefit her home. Though Shael described it as “My last big chance to have some fun before I have to attend some boring duties among all the uptight elders at home”. Aldis only said that she was older than Shael, but when asked to share details she only answered “Hush big boy, it is impolite to ask a woman her age. Even dwarven women. Maybe especially dwarven women.” with an amused smile at the end. She was on her eternal quest to perform the duties of a paladin of Ferdana. Protect the Land. Protect the Living. Use the goddesses’ gifts however it can help.

At noon, Shael found a strange trace. in the soft ground at the side of a river, there was a big mark from a foot with a small base and three long toes. Even though they had no idea if the hut would leave such marks, it matched their expectations so far, as that it was an unknown weird mark in the area they were searching. So they followed the river in the direction of the toes. After a long walk alongside the river, while finding numerous more marks like the first, they finally found a lone hut next to a waterfall. It was a simple log cabin with one entrance at least one window and a thatched roof.

Aldis took command. “The hut seems to be quiet. But we cannot be too careful. You two sneak in and assess the situation. If you can get the witch by surprise, do so. I will hide out here as a backup in case something goes south. Everything clear?” Shael and John only nodded in agreement. Shael only showed the stern expression of somebody familiar with some danger, while John was obviously nervous. Aldis laid her hand on his shoulder “You can do this John. You have trained for this for long and this time, you are not alone”. Her eyes shortly glowed in a golden light, and John’s fear instantly shrunk to a bearable level. “Thank you”.

Shael took lead with John closely behind her, they approached the lonely hut. The window and door were closed and no sound came from the inside. They slowly opened the door. It was not locked. Inside, a small floor with 3 doors and a ladder to the attic was visible. The smell of food and various herbs flooded their noses. The air inside seemed to be warm, even though from the outside, no smoke gave any sign of a fire inside. Very carefully to not make even the slightest sound, they snuck inside. Shael listened at the first door to her right. After hearing nothing, she slowly opened it. Apparently a kitchen. A fireplace unlit, a table with a roll of sausages some herbs, and garlic hanging from the ceiling. A big metal pot on the cold fireplace. But neither a witch nor a captured villager.

They quickly got to the next room. apparently a bedroom. Though the bed seemed extraordinary luxurious for a hut like this. A big canopy bed with curtains and bedsheets of silk and was this a feather mattress? John expected at most some straw in some kind of sack as a bedstead in a hut like this. Also the smell. Obviously, the witch used some kind of exotic perfumes. It smelled… kind of arousing? Just after a few moments under the perfume’s influence, John found himself staring at Shaels lithe form and her muscular ass. He shook his head. This was neither the right time nor the right place. Not to mention that she would likely beat him up badly if she caught him.

The last room was also empty. It was some sort of study room and library. John was, of course, fascinated. “We could find out all manner of things about the witch and what she was doing here with these texts!” He whispered into Shaels’s pointy ear. She quickly pressed her finger on his mouth. Shutting him up while she pointed towards the attic with the other hand. John understood. The house was not clear yet. Shael climbed the ladder. John looking up at her again got a full view of her toned ass in her tight trousers. Ashamed of his involuntary staring, he averted his gaze. “Only some tools and about half a dozen really large eggs” came from Shael. “Who knows what creatures lay such eggs”. She came down the stairs. “The house is empty. Now you can look into the books that got you so excited rookie,” she said with a grin. I will search the rest of the house in detail. Maybe I can find some clue there”.

John was in his element. A library that was something he was vastly familiar with. Most of the texts here seem to have been written on scrolls yet their material varied “who still writes on parchment when there is paper available since hundreds of years?” John wondered at the sight of all the different materials. But there was also a shelf with various leather, and some wood, bound books. He started his search there. Of most of these books, he could not even read the language of the title. Some others had titles from all over the world. “This witch surely got around”. Reading the title of the next book, his mouth fell agape. “The Arcaneum? That cannot be true! The last copy of this masterpiece in meta magic and transmutation of forces has been lost over fifty years ago. Impossible that one copy of it is located in the hut of some old hag witch!” With blatant greed in his eyes, John grabbed the book and began to read. He did not know how long he was reading already. His task was forgotten as well as his sense of time at the sight of the treasure in his hands. Suddenly, a noise stirred him from his concentration. He looked around, trying to make out what it was. Then there it was again. A muffled sound. Maybe a moan? It came from inside the house. John hesitated only for a moment, then he laid the book carefully back on the shelf. Warily, he followed the sound towards the kitchen.

**The Encounter**

As John went to his studies, Shael decided to start her search in the kitchen. Maybe here she could find out what these giant eggs were. “Maybe some sort of ingredients? But for what? Food? A potion?” She wondered as she looked around the kitchen. The fireplace was not only cold but there was no ash nor soot. “Likely the witch uses some kind of magic fire that does not burn anything and thus produces no smoke,” she thought to herself. The pot on the fireplace was filled with noodles, already oiled so they don’t mesh together. “Mh, seems more like a normal kitchen than anything to create potions”. Shael bent down to look at a cabinet under the table. Inside were various pots, vials, and flasks. She reached out for one of the vials when her vision suddenly got blocked.

Shael jumped back in surprise, but not before something entered her mouth. It was a sausage! The sausage chain on the table somehow turned to life and was attacking her. Panicking, she tried to pull out the sausage while she stumbled backward. She tripped. Letting go of the fleshy invader in her mouth to hold off the fall, she noticed that something caught her. Something slimy that now wrapped around her hands. She threw her head to the side to see what was happening behind her. The noodle pot! The noodles spilled out of the pot like a slime monster some parts of it supporting her back, slowly wiggling around her side while other strands of noodles wrapped around her wrists and ankles. Desperately, she wiggled to get free. “John! He can help me. If only I could call…” she bit off the sausage in her mouth, but before she could shout for help, the rest of the sausage thrust into her, muffling her again.

Meanwhile, the spaghetti monster’s noodly appendages started to explore Shael’s body. She could feel slimy invaders on her neck sliding over her bare skin like hundreds of small tongues. A cold shiver ran down her spine as the first went down her neckline into her clothes. She could feel them reaching her perky B-cup breasts. Shael managed to swallow the bitten off part of the sausage, but the rest of it now started to thrust back and forth in her mouth forcing her to suck on it like a cock. The spaghetti monster holt her firm and suspended in the air. Shael’s eyes went wide and her struggling intensified as she felt the first noodly tentacles reach into her trousers. She tensed every muscle in her body, concentrating on one massive push to break free. But before she could do it, the tips of at least a dozen spaghetti tentacles pressed simultaneously on her clit, pinching it from all sides with varying strength. At the same time around each nipple, a noodle began to spiral itself up and down on her aureola while other noodles pinched her nipples, pulling them up until they got loose from the oiled-up assailants’ grip.

Shael’s body arched, but not in the powerful attempt to free herself, but in a wave of blissful pleasure. Overwhelmed by the moment, she let out a long moan, muffled by the sausage fucking her face. The noodle did not stop there. Additional slimy soft appendages began massaging her breasts with a speed and intensity she never experienced before. She could feel her first orgasm approaching. Dozens of small tentacles were independently massaging her clit in random patterns, making the sensation change every moment. Their speed ever increasing, now basically vibrating against her swollen sensitive clit. She tensed in preparation for the mind-blowing orgasm her mind went blank. And then it stopped. Right at the edge of the maybe strongest and fastest achieved orgasm of her life, Shael was denied. In disbelief and confusion, she could feel the waves of pleasure subside. all noodles staying still, even the sausage stopped fucking her face. The pleasure, the orgasm, just gone…

Then the assault started again. She could feel her pants sliding down exposing her clean-shaven sex and her firm muscular butt. Her Tunic was pulled over her breasts. Again, she could feel an orgasm approaching. Not wanting to be denied this time, she started to rock her hips against her assailants, desperately trying to increase the intensity. Just to come over the damn edge. But to no avail. Again right on the edge, everything stopped moving. Shael let out a long frustrated muffle. Before her attack started again, a movement caught her attention the other end of the sausage chain started to uncurl itself, and like a snake moved from the table over the ground towards her. A weird mixture of fear and arousal build up in Shael as the fleshy snake slowly approached. It started to climb up around her right leg. Instinctively Shael closed her legs, pushing her thighs together stopping the sausages. She could feel the massage around her clit and nipples start again. This time slow, teasingly slow. Enough to get aroused, but not strong enough to really call it pleasure. It was the kind of touch that was so teasingly light that Shael desperately wanted to touch herself. Noodles wrapped around her knees. With a little force, not nearly enough to overpower Shael’s well-trained thighs, her legs were pulled apart. Shael squirmed in anticipation as the sausage continued. It reached the entrance to her dripping wet pussy. A few noddles gripped her lips, spreading her entrance invitingly for the newcomer. Slowly, teasingly slowly to Shaels frustration, the tip of the sausage entered her. It started a slow fucking motion each time going a little deeper. The massage on her clit and tits mimicked the rhythm getting more intensified when the sausage thrust in, just to recede when it pulled out. Shael started to moan at the slow almost gentle fucking her entire body received. Without noticing it, she started to lick the sausage thrusting in her mouth and buck her hips against each thrust in her pussy. Once the entire 6 inches of the sausage were inside of her, the fucking started to take on pace. By now, Shael rocked her hips against it, desperately trying to prevent the food monsters to deny her again as the door opened.

John stood at the kitchen door. In disbelief at the scene before him. In the middle of the room, Shael hang in the air, her wrists held together over her head by what appeared to be noodles. Her legs spread widely apart, her pale naked tits massaged by and pushed outwards as in a bondage corset while her face and tits were fucked vigorously by sausages. It was the hottest thing John ever saw. Way more erotic than the drawings of naked women that circulated around the students in the academy. He stood there, dumbfounded staring at the beautiful elf fucked in front of him by food. Her muffled moans made his already stiffening member rock hard. “Mhhhh Mmhh mh”, Wait, these were not moans of lust anymore. He looked up. Thus far, his gaze was fixed at the bouncing breasts in front of him. Now he looked at Shaels face. Obvious anger stared back at him from her eyes. “Mhh!” She tried to speak. Suddenly ripped out of his trance-like state, John quickly gathered his thoughts. “Just wait a moment, I may be able to dispel this”. John’s eyes started to glow in a vibrant violet. “Ah yes, it is just a semi-sentient telekinetic matrix. I am not certain of its direct purpose or its source of energy, but the pattern is not protected and should disperse from slight manipulation”. “MH MH!” “Ah yes, I should just do it”. John Stretched out his arms, a circle of the same vibrant violet that could be seen in his eyes formed on the ground around him. A second concentric one around that one. Complex patterns formed between them. On Shael’s side, her ordeal drew closer to her next edge. “No, I will not orgasm in front of this damn horny rookie!” She thought to herself between moans. This time, she desperately tried to fight it. She may be exposed and humiliated, But she would not lose all dignity and be brought to orgasm by some damn monster! At least not while somebody is watching… The thrusting of her pussy intensified to a speed no mortal nor elf could achieve, the squishy sound of her juices being pushed out of her dripping pussy audibly filled the air the vibration on her clit now a constant buzzing against her mind, bringing her closer and closer to the edge. She stared at John, his presence the only thing giving her the willpower to fight the building orgasm. John stood in the midst of the violet circle, his eyes closed in concentration. The only thing that tarnished the appearance of an expert mage in front of her was the obvious tent John’s boner made in the front of his robe. “BOYS!” Shael thought furiously. She was on the edge but her fury gave her the strength to withhold her orgasm.

But the assault did not stop this time. The speed of vibration and thrusting stayed constant on an insane high, only Shaels intense will kept her from the orgasm she desperately craved only minutes ago. Stuck between the rock of her will and the hard place of the sausage thrusting into her, she stayed on the edge. John opened his eyes now staring at her with focus and intent. Shael, still on the edge arched her back in a loud moan of pleasure, pushing out her breasts even further. She could see his cock twitch in his robe as the intricate pattern of violet light around him dispersed into nothing. His focus was lost. Shael rolled her eyes “Damn horny rookie!” John quickly gathered himself. Obviously ashamed. The pattern started again, this time quicker. Shael still fought the edge with all of her might. But she knew she could not stand it much longer. The intensity of the orgasm she denied herself got ever more tempting compared to the exhausting effort of holding it off. She could feel slippery noodles gliding over her naked ass, coming closer and closer to her virgin anus. “NO!” She thought. Struggling against her restraints again, to no avail. The momentary lapse in her concentration brought her nearly over the edge. Quickly she gave up her futile attempt at escape. The noodles reached her puckered hole. She clenched up tightly, not wanting any invader in there. But it was little resistance to the flexible thin oiled-up noodles. She could feel one tiny cold invader penetrate her ass for the first time. The sensation was not as uncomfortable as she thought. Almost nice. A second noodle pushed inside together still way thinner than a single finger. They started fucking Shaels ass in the same rhythm as the sausage in her front and mouth. The new unknown sensation bringing down her ability to fight it the orgasm was inevitable. Why not let it happen? And then it ended.

**The Aftermath**

Shael’s body fell to the ground, the noodles suddenly no more than noodles that rained upon her half-naked body. Shael spat out the sausage from her mouth and panted heavily a few times. Eagerly sucking in air to recover from her ordeal. As soon as her mind sufficiently recovered from the exhaustion and the arousal of her constant near orgasm, she stared daggers at John who, to her surprise turned around, avoiding to look at her sorry state, granting her some modesty. “Modesty”, Shael thought sarcastically as she slowly pulled the string of noodles from her ass. It felt kind of pleasant as the slimy length slowly passed her sphincter, and shael cursed it for this. She then proceeded to remove the sausage from her sore pussy. She twitched as it grazed her swollen oversensitive clit. She could not prevent a small moan to escape her. Again she threw a daggery glance at John, checking if he reacted to her moan. But John just stood there, silently waiting. Shael fixed her garb. It was now clingy and slimy from all the oil left on her body by the noodles. She felt dirty and definitely desired a bath as soon as possible. “Rookie,” she began in a tone that at least tried to ignore how ashamed she was “we really need to get out of here. The witch might have placed more boobytraps like the one here.” Without looking at his face, Shael walked past him and left the kitchen.

During the last minute, while Shael fixed herself up, John stared in the opposite direction and tried to think of anything else but the half-naked beauty directly behind him. He tried to think of parchment, even of the old Magister Karnilius, one of the most unsexy sights possible for a human, but to no avail. The entire room smelled of sex. Of her sex. This and the sound of her panting and moaning, not a meter away from him just did not let his erection calm down. When he left the kitchen, he slowly followed. Outside the kitchen, away from this intoxicating smell and without shael in his direct view, as he preferred to look at the ground, his erection finally started to recede. Only after being sure nothing was visible anymore, did he find the courage to leave the building after Shael.

They met up with Aldis outside, the dwarf surely looked worried but let Shael speak first. “The witch is not home, but the house is magically boobytrapped.” Sincere concern showed in Aldis’ face “Are you two all right?” “We are not harmed” Shael answered slightly evading the question. John cleared his throat “Ahrhm, since the house is unsafe but we did find neither the witch nor her prisoner, logic dictates we lay in ambush and try to get her before she can enter her fortified position.” “Indeed young lad,” Aldis replied. “yet the sun is going down and we do not know how long it will take for the witch to return. We should set up a hidden camp in the vicinity. You two go and prepare it, I will keep watch for the witch.”

In the awkward silence, John and Shael searched the nearby woods for a suitable campground. Well, Shael was searching for it, since John was quite useless at this task. After a short time, Shael pointed to s dry place between a few trees and protected from sight by bushes. “This is a good place. Tents should be there and there between the trees.” She said as she lay down her backpack. Then she turned around to John for the first time looking directly into his eyes since he stopped the monsters. She took a step back, slightly frightened by the fury and fire in her eyes. “Why by all the hells and their demons did you just stand there like a buffoon?” John needed a moment to realize that she was talking about the moments after she found her. The ones where he awestruck admired her curvy yet lithe body, pale smooth stomach, her pink hard nipples. The image flashed through his mind letting his cock begin to grow. The moments when he did not help her… “Well, you see, ahem you were so.. and I… I … was” “Horny,” she cut him off and stepped closer to him, very close, and stared directly into his eyes. “I know. I know you were thinking with your Dick.” She angrily grabbed his semi-erect member through his robe. “I want to know what you were thinking doing that?!” Her grip became painfully tight. “I.. I.. did not really thin..” John tried a stuttered reply but Shael cut him off again. “I know! When you get too horny to think during a mission, then just fucking masturbate more! Like this!” She started to violently and fastly jerk John’s by now fully erect cock. “Even a virgin like you should be smart enough for that, are you not?” “Yes…” John’s answer was as much a reply as a moan of pleasure from having his Dick jerked by a woman for the first time even if it was rough. Not even seconds after his reply, before Shael could start her next tirade, she could feel John’s cock begin to twitch and pulse in her hand. Realizing what she had just done in her passionate rage, she immediately let go of the penis in her hand. Slightly ashamed of her loss of control, she took a moment to compose herself. Then she looked back at John. He had the same dumbstruck view in his eyes as in the hut. “You could endanger your teammates if you are not fully focused,” she said in a gentler, more lecturing tone. “You need to be able to overcome such feelings just like you need to overcome fear.” John slightly nodded. Still unable to fully grasp the situation. “Good,” Shael said. “You build up camp the camp. I go to the river. I really need a bath. And, rookie, you have middle watch again.” She left with a smirk.

John just stood there. His mind was blown from the first handjob of his life. It may have been rough, through his robe and the orgasm was ruined at the end, but it still felt amazing. “Oh fuck my robe” John quickly looked down where a small wet spot was beginning to form. Quickly he stepped out of his undergarments. They were full of jizz but taking them off would at least keep his robe presentable. He disposed of the stained underwear and started to make up camp according to Shaels instructions. When Shael returned, she could smell the camp before she could see it. Someone was cooking there. “That fool!” she thought and started to sprint. John had a lit fire with a cooking pot on it, she immediately ran to him and threw dirt on the fireplace to extinguish the flames. “We are setting up an ambush and you make a smoke signal for our prey?!” She started scolding him “what do they teach you at that academy of yours?!” At first, John was angry at her actions and again a bit frightened by her passionate outburst. Before he replied, he took a few deep breaths to calm those feelings. “They teach us magic. And of course, I know that we are laying an ambush. That is why I took the witches’ idea of a smokeless fire and adapted it for our uses. You yourself mentioned the usefulness of that method in the hut.” This time it was Shael who was speechless for a few moments. A surprised “Oh” was all she could reply with. “Well, at least I can shift the blame for my mediocre cooking onto exceedingly difficult circumstances now,” John said jokingly with a gesture towards the dirt in the stew. Shael laughed, the tension of the moment was broken.

The two ate and talked for a time. They avoided all the embarrassing things that happened that day and opted for safer topics. Home, their friends their teachers. John thought about telling Shael of Magister Karnilius. But then the last moment he thought about that man came to his mind and he quickly pushed that thought aside. Both would not have a full night’s sleep. John, having the middle watch again, would have even less. Thus they decided to go to bed early.

John lay in his tent trying to sleep. But it did not come. Every time he closed his eyes, the image of Shael Being fucked in the air in front of him appeared in his mind’s eye. Slowly he reached under his sleeping garb and started to stroke his member at a slight pace. Thinking about Shaels pushed out pale breasts the expression of ecstasy in her face while she was fucked, not by a sausage but by Johns rock hard cock! He imagined thrusting into her with a fast pace while the pace of his stroking increased further and further “Fuck, am I too loud? Can she hear me in her tent?” He stopped completely, listening for a moment in the complete silence of their camp. Relieved, John took up a slow pace again, reveling in his fantasies about fucking his elven companion. The teasingly slow pace kept him awake and horny until he heard footsteps outside his tent. He stopped and listened. A rustle at the entrance, then a head was poking inside the darkness of his tent “John, it is time for your watch” It was Aldis. Even though it was too dark for her to make out details, John quickly tried to hide his boner. “Yes thank you, I will be on my post,” John said with a very red head, that Aldis hopefully did not notice. “Good lad” was all Aldis replied.

Night watches are boring. They always were and John’s shift was no different. But John was also more aroused than ever in his life. On his way to his post, he was constantly teased by his robe rubbing against the tip of his raging erection. Now that he was alone on his post, he finally had the privacy to relieve himself, to release the orgasm he had built up through half the night. John lifted his robe and started to massage his balls with his left hand. He cupped each one of them and squeezed tightly, they felt a bit bigger than usual and oh so sensitive… He grasped his shaft with his right hand and slowly started to move it up and down, so far avoiding the tip. Savoring the moment. He sped up. Now crawling his sack with his fingernails, imagining it was Shael slightly scratching him while she sucked him off. The image of her sharp nails at his most sensitive part filled him with the same fear she incited within him when she was angry. The mixture of fear and pleasure was enough to bring him to the edge. Now he took both hands, thinking about the rough handjob she gave him and what she told him as she did “Yes… I… will… fucking… masturbate… for… you!” he muttered between pants and groans of pleasure followed by a long moan full of bliss as his cock began to spasm and rope after rope of thick white cum hit the ground in front of him. His legs shook from the intensity, his vision blurred for a second as the tension of hours of teasing finally left his body in an explosion of pleasure.

A deep female voice echoed seductively from behind him “Oh my, what do we have here?”



  1. Paragraphs are in dire need here. Others might power through the wall of text but I will pass.

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