My Friend Shared his Girlfriend via Text [MMF]

I met my friend Colin in probably second grade. Hard to say as my memory is very unclear back then. But we were close our whole lives especially in high school. He’s just that bro who never does you wrong, always there for you, always funny to be around. After high school we paired off with girlfriends but we kept hanging out. Eventually he and his girl got married. I was a groomsman. We took vacations together. I visited the hospital when his first child was born. I would consider him a brother.

Eventually both of our relationships ended, first mine because I’m an idiot, then his because his wife was a piece of shit. Things happened, people moved. We chatted occasionally online but being friends in person was time consuming, him having kids and me being lazy. We gamed online occasionally which was always fun.

In all the time we knew each other we almost never talked about sex. His ex-wife sometimes made comments that he had a big dick. It could be true since some women like to brag about that. Could be false though since some partners like to brag about what they don’t actually have. But she was pretty attractive so I leaned towards believing he was gifted.

In high school we were all pretty typical straight nerds in our friend group. At least outwardly, or that’s what my brain could comprehend. When I got together with my first long term girlfriend I started to realize that I was bicurious. It turns out that I really liked dicks, MtF trans-women and feminine men. Never alpha/hairy/masculine men. But I certainly wasn’t straight. And I wanted to see my girlfriend fuck other men. But I could never risk telling her for fear of losing her.

As mentioned I lost her anyway.

In the last few years we both found new women. Mine was a step down from my previous partner, and not who I wanted to build a family or spend my life with. It was still a hard breakup for me though because I did love her. That was 6 months ago.

I don’t know much about his girlfriend except that her name is Jenny and she makes him happy. And she isn’t a piece of shit like his ex-wife. So I like her. We haven’t met in person but we have chatted through VOIP when gaming a little, and through the Xbox App. She seems really nice but I had no concept of her.

Until this week. Out of the blue, after not having talked for a long time, Colin messaged me with a photo of a bottle of scotch. He said “Is this any good? I’m about to have some and enjoy Steak & Blowjob day.” It was pretty forward for him, he’s a reserved guy. I wondered if he was fishing for something. I responded “I haven’t had the 12 year, I think only the 10 year. And as a single guy, send pics. :D”

He didn’t know about my breakup and I assured him not to worry, and to have fun. He asked if I really wanted photos. I did, of course, if they were both into it. And I also let him know I was pretty kinky and bi. We had never talked about that but I would possibly be seeing his erect cock for the first time and that’s something I’m into. He was kind of understanding but surprised. He didn’t know that about me and it’s kind of a big thing to learn.

He sent me a short video of his girlfriend titfucking him. The best way I can describe it is it’s from his point-of-view, he’s standing and she’s kneeling. She’s working her beautiful tits up and down his shaft. They look D or DD. She’s wearing a top I can’t quite place that surrounds her breasts on the outside. They are incredible boobs and I’m not a boob guy. The sound is her breathing and some wet slaps. I cannot describe to you how hot it was.

I was speechless but had to say something. I can’t really remember what I said except to compliment her and thank them.

He sent me one other video. 22 seconds of him building up to cum inside of her pussy. They’re both breathing heavy. Missionary. She’s clean shaven. The sound is incredible. I know one of these people. He finishes and slowly pulls out what I will say is a pretty nice and large cock. I think she taps her belly a few times to signify they’re done. She holds her legs back. He moves down to film the aftermath: one of the most gorgeous pussies I’ve ever seen filled with and leaking my friend’s cum. There is a bunch on her perineum and a bunch just below her asshole.

Look, I’ve done amazing sexual things in my life but I haven’t done much the last couple of years. And this was the hottest thing I could ever imagine. My heart was pounding, I was so nervous. This is everything I ever wanted but have never had. And then I said some dumb shit because I was dumb.

I messaged that I wanted to lick from her ass up to her clit.

Now look. I was blindingly horny. I would do ANYTHING. Eating cum was low on the list of what I would do. But that’s a barrier for some people and one I should’ve approached with more tact. They were post-sex and maybe didn’t share that kink. To be honest, all I wanted to do was eat her pussy whether his cum was there or not. I still think about her beautiful pink lips and clit. It will always be somewhere in my mind.

He expressed some regret after that saying he doesn’t think it’ll happen again. I apologized and hoped it wasn’t me. He said it wasn’t. But the next day I messaged again just apologizing for how forward I was and presumptuous that they might be into my kinks. All day I was so nervous to look at his response.

But he was cool, told me we’re still bros. He agreed that I was a bit too forward and hadn’t known about this part of my sexuality. I’ve always held it back. He said he didn’t know if it would happen again but he didn’t think it would happen the first time, so… that’s a bit of an upgrade from my end.

Cross your fingers for me Reddit. I want to see more.
