The Contract [MF]

I couldn’t settle down. I was at a heightened state of arousal all morning. Being in the same room as Noah all day was like torture. How was I supposed to get any work done when I could feel him staring at me all day? It’s almost noon, and Noah hadn’t said a word to me once Tom from facilities had set up my desk and equipment in our joint office. I could feel him looking at me, and every time I dared to look at him, he would give me a quick smile. Did I imagine everything from this morning? Did he mention something about a contract? I was so confused.

Right at noon, there was a knock on the office door, and Jill popped her head in. “Noah, I’m going to run and grab lunch from the cafeteria. Would you like me to show you the way?” 

“Thanks, Jill, that sounds good. The morning got away from me.” Noah looked up at Jill with a smile. He turned to look at me. “Kassandra, would you like to join us?”

“Sure, I will walk with you. I have a lot to catch up on, so I’ll just grab a wrap and head back here to catch up.” I locked my computer and stood up to walk with them. Noah raised an eyebrow at me but didn’t say anything. 

Jill and Noah chatted about anything and everything on the way to the cafeteria. I fell back, and self-doubt crept into my mind. Jealousy reared its ugly head. I just wanted to grab my lunch and head back. We all grabbed our lunch. Noah and Jill found a table. I gave them both a polite smile and tried to walk by. Noah reached out and grabbed my wrist. “Sit with us, Kassandra.”  Noah’s eyes stared into mine. 

I looked away and slightly shook my head. “I have a lot to catch up since I was out of the office at the conference last week.” I gave Jill a slight smile but couldn’t bring myself to look at Noah. I quickly walked away back to our joint office. 

I ate my lunch while wallowing in self-pity. This wasn’t like me. Sure, Noah and I had great sex (multiple times), but we didn’t say anything about being exclusive. It’s only been a few days. I got out my cell phone and texted a couple of guys that I knew I could turn to for a quick booty call. All I needed was to get my mind off of a Noah, and I’d be back on track. 

Within minutes of sending out my texts, Peter sent one back, “I was just thinking of you, babe. My place tonight at 10.” 

I was just getting ready to text him back when the door opened, and Noah walked in. I quickly put my phone in my purse and started typing on my computer, pretending to be busy. “Did you get a lot done, Kassandra?” Noah asked with his eyes boring into me. 

“Huh.. oh.. ya…” I stumbled over my words. “I mean, yeah, I got some work done, although I still have some more to do.” 

“Oh, perfect me too. Since you turned me down for lunch, we will be having a working dinner together. Tonight. You can’t refuse my company twice on the same day, Kassandra.” He walked over to my desk. Placed his large hand on my shoulder, spinning me around in my chair to face him. “We can order in here or go out. Either way, you are eating dinner with me.”

I couldn’t help myself and rolled my eyes. “Yes, Sir.” I said with an ironic smile and a fake salute. Noah’s jaw tensed, and he abruptly turned to walk back to his desk. Once he sat down, he turned to look at me. “We will stop for dinner at 6. Jill told me about a good place near here over lunch. I will call and make reservations now.”

As he picked up his phone to dial the restaurant, “Why don’t you just take Jill?” came out of my lips in a mutter. 

He looked right at me and said sternly, “Because I don’t want Jill, Kassandra.”  And then into the phone, he said,”yes, I need a reservation for 2. Tonight 6pm. The quietest table you have. Thanks.” He immediately started typing on his computer as soon as he hung up effectively dismissing me. 

At 5 pm, I started wrapping up my projects for the day and walked off to the restroom to freshen up. Luckily, I keep a small makeup bag in my purse. So I reapplied my makeup, paying special attention to accentuant my large brown eyes and large lips. I let my hair down and tousled it with my fingers. Reapplied my perfume, took off my blazer, and undid a couple of buttons on my blouse. I walked back into our office, and Noah looked up from his computer. His eyes sharpened in on me, and I swear I heard his breath hitch. 

Noah shut his laptop and stood up. “Let’s get going to dinner, Kassandra.” He opened the drawer to his desk and grabbed a large manilla envelope. And then quickly stepped up to me, put his hand in the small of my back. As we walked out of the office, he looked down at me. “Jill said it was the next block over. Do you want to walk, or I can drive?” 

“Let’s walk. I need some fresh air.” I looked up at him, and he smiled down at me. 

We arrived at the restaurant and they walked us to a very secluded table towards the back of the restaurant. “Kassandra, I am so happy you’re here at dinner with me.” I looked at him and gave him a shy smile. “Before we order dinner, is there anything you are allergic to?” Noah asked me. 

“No allergies, do you need my whole health record, too?” I say as I roll my eyes and laugh in jest.

Noah looks at me in the eyes. “wouldn’t hurt,” He says, and my whole body goes still. The waiter comes by with menus. “We won’t be needing those.” And he proceeds to order wine and meals for both of us.

As the waiter leaves, I look up at Noah with my brows furrowed. “Don’t start Kassandra. We are going to do this my way. I was going to wait until after dinner, but it looks like we need to work on your patience.” Noah opened the envelope and pulled out a packet of papers. 

“I want you to have all of the information. What we did at the conference and in your office was good, oh so good. However, it can’t happen like that again.  We are coworkers, and there needs to be rules drawn up.” Noah’s eyes met mine, and I immediately looked down. Was he breaking it off? Why would he want me in his office? Noah reached over and lifted my head up with his finger on my chin. “Kassandra, stop. You’re beautiful brown doe eyes, betray you. I want you. We just need to follow some rules. Take a look at this. ” Noah pushed the large packet of papers towards me. “These are my rules. I want you, but if you can’t follow these, we need to be done.” At that point, our dinner arrived. He picked up the packet , placed it back in the folder, and then handed it to me. “Read over it tonight. Make notes. Sticky note the shit out of it like I know you will. We will tall about it tomorrow. I expect at least 10 questions.” 

I couldn’t take my eyes off of the packet in my hands. I felt frozen, like time had stopped. “Kassandra?”

“Hmm…?” I tore my eyes off of the envelope. Noah was staring at me. He reached out like he was going to touch me and then pulled his hand back.

“Let’s eat so we can get you home. It’s going to be a late night with all of that reading you have.” Noah said as he picked up his fork and began eating.

I picked at my food. My thoughts fluctuated between wanting to go home right now to read the packet and never wanting to go home. Finally Noah had enough and had my food packed up for me and we were walking back to our cars. He walked me to my car and made sure my food and the envelope were packed in on my passenger seat. “See you tomorrow morning, Kassandra.” Noah said as he shut my door.

I drove home in a daze. And as I walked in my door to my apartment, I slipped my shoes off with my food and the envelope in hand. I placed the food in the fridge and poured myself a glass of wine. I sat down on the couch with my glass of wine, the envelope and pens, pencils, and sticky notes ready to go.

I spent the next 4 hours alternating between shock, denial, and confusion. According to this document, I was never supposed to call him Noah. It was to be Sir at work and Daddy in private. I was supposed to be at his beck and call 24/7. I was supposed to be waxed and well maintained like a damn car. This man wanted me to be his property. I was so disgusted, but my pussy was throbbing and getting wetter and wetter with every new page I read. I used a whole block of sticky notes and almost all of my red ink by the time I had finished reading all of the pages at 2am. I was exhausted, repulsed, and more horny than I had ever been. The document, which I learned was indeed a contract and NDA between Noah and I, had a signature page at the end as well as an empty page for “a conversation on limits.” I wanted to rip the contract up; however, deep down, I knew this was exactly what I needed. I just couldn’t bring myself to sign it. 

Between my pussy begging for attention and images of the document running through my head, I had barely gotten any sleep by the time my alarm went off. 

I arrived at the office at 7:55 and Noah was already at his desk. He looked up at me and smiled. “Good morning, Kassandra.” 

“Good morning… uh.. Noah.” I said, and his jaw clenched. As I made my way to my desk, he stood up and shut the office door.

“How’d you sleep, Kassandra?” Noah asked as he got to my desk and placed his hand on the back of my chair.

“I didn’t really get much sleep.” I admitted to him. 

“Too much reading? I thought you’d be up for it since you aim to please as an over achiever. Did you get your 10 questions like I asked?” He asked with a small smile. 

I reached in my bag and pulled out the contract covered in red pen and sticky notes. Noah let out a roaring laugh. “You really are an over acheiver.”  He took the contract from me and flipped through. He looked at the last two pages. “You didn’t fill these out?” He questioned.

“Noah… I.. well… I’ve never.. I mean… I don’t know. Can’t you tell this is all new to me? You want me to be your property?” I managed to squeak out to him.

“Kassandra, ” his voice got soft.  “I want to take care of you. I also need to be in control. I really enjoyed what we had and want to keep going. Can you trust me on this?”

“I barely know you. We will be working together.” I tried to come up with excuses while my pussy was quivering with need.

“We will be working very closely together. Getting to know each other very well. That’s why we need the rules and the structure.” Noah urged. “Will you come sit at my desk, and we can go over all of your sticky notes? When I have answered all of your questions, then you can make the decision to sign or not.”

We walked over to his desk and spent the next 2 hours talking about my sticky notes, my questions, my edits, and eventually, the soft and hard limits. I couldn’t sit still. My pussy was throbbing. “Kassanda, please sign this. Look at how flushed you are. You want this as much as I do. Take this pen. Sign this page, and you will be mine.”

I took the pen from him and looked at him in his piercing eyes. “Yes, Sir.” And I signed my name on the dotted line. 

No sooner had I signed my name than he stood up. “Good girl, Kassandra. Now I need to fuck you.” He lifted up my skirt and slid my panties to the side. “Kassandra, you are soaked. Do you want this?” His fingers slid in between my slit and I arched back. “Kassandra, use your words. Do you want me to fuck you, Kassandra?” His thumb found my clit.

“Yes,” my whole body quivered. 

He took his hand away abruptly. One hand wrapped in my hair as he pulled my head back so I could look up at him. He put the fingers that were just at my pussy in my mouth. “Suck.” He commanded, and I immediately complied. “Now, don’t forget your manners. Let’s try that again.”

His fingers popped out of my mouth, and his other hand loosened in my hair. The fingers that were in my mouth were back down by my drenched pussy. Teasing the slit. “Oh, Kassandra. Your body just responds to me. Your body knows you are mine.” 

I arched my body into him. Needing the pressure, the contact, and needing him in me. “Do you want this, Kassandra? Do you want me to fuck you? Here? In our office?”

I looked up at him in his eyes, “Yes, Sir. Please fuck me.”

A growl emerged from him as he spun me around and bent me over his desk. My tits flat against his desk, and both of my wrists pinned to my back with his left hand, with his right hand tangled in my hair. My panties off to the side, making my pussy glisten in the light of the office. He took his hand out of my hair long enough to undo his belt and unzip his pants. He took his hard cock out and aimed it at my pussy. He slid it up and down the slit, my juices mixing with his and dripping to the floor. “I’m going to fuck you, Kassandra. You need to stay quiet.” With that, he sunk into me in one long, deep stroke. 

A moan uttered from my lips. “Kassandra, you need to be quiet, or I will have to make you be quiet. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.” I whispered as he pumped into me. Going faster and faster. 

“Good girl.” He reached under us and started thumbing my clit and my legs started to quiver. I was so close to the edge. “Kassandra, I’m going to cum in your pussy. You’re going to feel my cum drip out of you all day, knowing that you belong to me.” Then he pinched my clit. I collapsed, my whole body was shaking, and I was moaning. Loud. He covered my mouth and groaned as he emptied into me.

 “Fuck, Kassandra. We need to work on you being quiet.” He chuckled a little as he pulled out. He pulled my panties off. “You won’t be needing these.”

He helped me stand up since I was still a little wobbly. “Are you okay, baby girl?” 

“Yes, Sir. Just trying to catch my breath.” I looked up at him and smiled. He walked me back to my desk and kissed the top of my head as I sat down in my chair. At that point, there was a knock on our door, and Noah swiftly walked over to his desk.

“Noah.” Jill called out as she opened the door. Noah picked up the contract from his desk. And put in in his bag.

“Good morning, Jill. How can I help you this morning?” Noah looked at her with a smile. 

“We have a meeting with the builders in 20 minutes. Are you able to attend?”

“Sure thing, Jill. Just let me get everything wrapped up here that I can. I will meet you in the conference room.”  Noah replied to Jill. “Kassandra?” Noah said now addressing me. “I’d like you to attend as well to fill me in on the wants and needs for the team.” 

Jill shot me a quick glare. I ignored her and looked right up at Noah. “Yes, Sir.” Noah’s mouth twitched in almost a smile and Jill turned and immediately walked out of our office
