The boot polisher [MF+, Fdom]

Chapter 1 – Meeting him

She looks out the window, waiting to see the neighbor boy return from the store. It’s been far too long since she had some fun, and she’s chosen him as her target. She throws a glance at the mirror on the wall, admiring herself. She may be 50, but she’s taken care of herself and has a body women half her age would be jealous of. And she has something those younger women don’t, experience. When she sees Peter walking up the street, she goes out to meet him.

“Oh, hi Peter.” she says with a seductive smile.

“Oh, uh, hi Elizabeth.” he stammers back.

He’s carrying two big bags, the weight of them making the muscle in his arms swell. She discreetly admires his body, thinking about what he would look like with less clothes on. She catches him staring openly at her legs, but she doesn’t say anything. Of course she doesn’t. That’s the whole point of her outfit, the short skirt and long boots working together to draw attention to her shapely legs.

“You have something there, let me get it for you.” Elizabeth says and points at his chest.

There’s nothing there, but she uses the excuse to brush her fingers across his chest. She leaves them there, feeling the warmth from his body through the thin shirt. Peter starts getting nervous, the light touch of Elizabeth’s finger enough to make his young, hormone driven body react. He blushes, and when Elizabeth looks down, she finds a bulge starting to form in his pants.

“I’m.. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to..” Peter stammers.

“Don’t apologize, it’s completely natural. I actually take it as a compliment, such a young, handsome boy reacting to me.”

When she let’s her hand fall from his chest, she makes sure her fingers brush across the bulge. Peter gasps, but he doesn’t say anything or move away. Maybbe this will be even easier than she thought. She was going to walk away, but she decides to test that theory first. Her fingers close around the shaft, and she gives it a long, soft squeeze.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” Elizabeth says with a wink.

When she walks away, Elizabeth makes sure to sway her hips, and she knows Peter’s eyes are locked to her ass. She has him right where she wants him, and it won’t take long before he’s completely under her control. Soon, that young, fit body will be hers to do with whatever she wants.

Chapter 2 – Teaching him

Elizabeth wathces herself in the mirror. The tight dress hugs her body, and she knows Peter won’t be able to keep his eyes off her. He’s on his way over to help her with a leaking pipe under the sink. Of course there is no leak, but when Peter finds out what she has planned, he probably won’t be too mad about a white little lie. When the doorbell rings, she takes her time getting to the door, keeping him waiting. After all, she can’t let him think she’s eager to see him.

When Elizabeth opens the door, she finds Peter standing there in a simple white t-shirt and jeans, holding a tool box. It’s such a cliche, but she knows it will be worth it soon enough, when she’s turned this young man into her obedient little toy.

“Hi Peter, come in.” she says with a smile.

He stammers something inaudible back, then he walks past her. Just as expected, Elizabeth sees his eyes wandering over her body. If he only knew what’s in store for him.

“Kitchen is this way.”

Elizabeth leads the way, and she knows Peter is watching her ass swaying slightly side to side as she walks. Peter still hasn’t said anything, he just silently gets on his knees to get a better look under the sink. There’s a little puddle of water under there, but not from a leak. Elizabeth is well prepared, she poured it there to not make it too obvious what’s going on.

“Better take your shirt off. We don’t want it to get wet, do we?”

“Yeah, of course.” he mumbles.

Elizabeth watches intently as Peter pulls the shirt over his head. His young, firm body is packed with muscles. She’s going to have so much fun using this boy for her own pleasure. Peter catches her watching and starts to blush.

“Don’t be shy, Peter. I’ve seen you looking at me, it’s only fair that I get something to look at too.”

He nods slightly, then he gets on his back and scoots under the sink. He starts fiddling with the pipe, and Elizabeth gets in position. She stands close to him, legs slightly parted. As soon as he takes his eyes of the pipe to look at her, she knows he will be looking straight up her skirt.

“There’s water here, but I can’t find any leaks.”

“Are you sure? I could swear I saw it dripping earlier.”

“Sorry Elizabeth, but I…” he starts, but never finishes the sentence.

Elizabeth knows he’s looking up her skirt, seeing her black, almost see through lace panties.

“Peter, are you looking up my skirt?”

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to!” he says with a panicked voice.

“It’s okay. Do you like what you see?”

He’s silent for a few long seconds before he responds.

“Of course, you’re gorgeous.”

“Good. If you behave, there will be more than just looking. Get out of there.”

Peter slides out and starts sitting up, but Elizabeth places her boot clad foot on his chest to stop him. She pushes him down, the heel of the boot leaving a mark on his chest.

“I said get out, not get up. You need to get better at following instructions. Now stay there.”

Elizabeth slowly slides her hands up her thighs, lifting her dress as she goes. When she reaches her panties, she pauses for a second before she grabs them and slides them down her legs. When they’re off, she places one foot on each side of Peter’s head, letting him get a good view of her smooth pussy. She’s starting to get wet, more from the feeling of power than anything else.

“What about now, do you like what you see?”

“Yes! You’re stunning, Elizabeth.”

“I’m going to straddle your face now, and you’re going to eat my pussy until you make me cum. Do you understand?”

Peter is silent, too lost in the view to notice her question. Elizabeth puts a foot on his chest and pushes down with the heel.

“Answer me! Do you understand?”

Peter nods eagerly.

“Good boy.”

Elizabeth gets on her knees, slowly lowering herself towards Peter’s waiting mouth. When she feels his tongue on her lips, a jolt of pleasure shoots through her body. Peter moves his tongue, doing his best to pleasure her, but his inexperience clearly shows. His tongue is clumsy, and when he finally does something right, his tongue quickly moves somewhere else.

“You’re going to have to practice this, you’re never going to make anyone cum like that. I’ll do it myself.”

Elizabeth grabs Peter’s hair and starts grinding on his face. She goes slowly at first, but as the pleasure builds and she get’s more aroused, she grinds faster. Soon, she’s not caring a single bit about Peter, all he is is a tool for her pleasure. She rubs violently against him, coating his face in her wetness. The feeling of total control makes the pleasure stronger, and soon she’s close to the edge. When she cums, wave after wave of pleasure explodes through her body. She pushes down against Peter’s face, squeezing his head with her thighs. She suspects he can’t breathe, but she doesn’t care. All that matters is her incredible orgasm. When she finally comes down, she stands up on shaky legs.

“Where done for today, get out.” she tells the young man.

“But what about me?” he asks, pointing at the bulge clearly showing in his pants.

“What about you? We can discuss that when you’ve learned to make me cum. Now get out, I’ll call you when I want you again.”

Without a word, Peter stands up and puts on his shirt. He grabs his tool box and walk towards the door.

“One more thing, Peter. You’re mine whenever I want you, do you understand?”

“Yes, miss Elizabeth.” he responds obediently before he leaves.

Chapter 3 – Sharing him

Sarah had completely forgotten about the school girl uniforms she had left hidden away in a box at her parents house when she moved away from home. She wasn’t reminded of them until right now, when she came over for a surprise visit and found her mother wearing one of them. Seeing her mom like that, Sarah feels embarrassed about her mother finding the outfits. Her mother must have known that Sarah’s been sexually active for a long time, but being confronted with it like this makes Sarah horrified. She stares at her mother, not knowing what to say. As she looks at her mother, the way she feels starts to change. Elizabeth is wearing a shirt that’s mostly unbuttoned. Only two or three buttons are holding it together, and she’s tied it up to show off her surprisingly flat stomach. She’s 50, but her body sure doesn’t show it. Sarah is jealous that her mother is looking that good at her age, but she’s also proud of how good her mother looks. Sarah’s eyes move lower. The skirt her mother is wearing has the pattern of a classic school girl skirt, but it’s far shorter, just about long enough to cover her underwear.

“I wonder what she’s wearing under there.” Sarah thinks, and immediately blushes. She shouldn’t think like that about her mom!

The short skirt also has the effect that it shows of Elizabeth’s beautiful legs. They’re completely naked, and Sarah stares at them for longer than she should.

“My mom has great legs, but they would look better with some boots on.” Sarah thinks.

Suddenly, she realizes that she has been staring and needs to say something.

“Mom, I can explain that.” Sarah says.

“No need to explain. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look sexy.” Elizabeth responds with an understanding smile.

She looks at her daughter in a way she hasn’t before. There’s no doubt Sarah has inherited a lot of her genes, the slim, toned body reminding Elizabeth a lot of herself at that age. Even in regular clothes, Elizabeth can see that her daughter is something special.

“I wonder what she would look like in one of these outfits.” Elizabeth thinks to herself. “I should find out.”

Elizabeth is awoken from her thoughts when Sarah speaks again.

“I have to say mom, you wear that better than I ever could.”

Sarah isn’t completely comfortable saying that, but at the same time, she thinks her mother deserves a compliment for the way she looks.

“Don’t be silly, Sarah. You have a beautiful body, you would look amazing wearing this.”

Those words make Sarah blush, but she’s also filled with pride by her mother’s compliment.

“Well, it’s been a few years since I wore one of those.” Sarah says with a chuckle.

Elizabeth’s smile changes into something a little more mischievous when she hears that. She knows her daughter has grown into a confident young woman, but there’s still more she can do to help Sarah reach her full potential.

“I need to push her. It’s a mother’s duty to help her daughter reach her full potential.” Elizabeth thinks.

“So put one on now, let’s see what you look like.” she says aloud, encouraging her daughter.

Sarah freezes. She’s not sure she’s comfortable with her mom seeing her like that, dressed in clothes that are obviously meant to create desire. But she really wants to make her mother proud, and if this is what’s needed to be more like her mom, so be it. She’s still a little unsure, but she looks at her mom and sees how secure she is in herself. Sarah wants to feel that way too.

“Okay, fine. Where is it?”

Elizabeth points to a box in the corner. Before she has time to change her mind, Sarah snatches up the outfit and goes to the next room to change. Elizabeth smiles proudly while she waits for Sarah, filled with joy that her daughter is showing such confidence.

When Sarah comes back, Elizabeth takes a moment to admire her daughter. The outfit Sarah has put on looks almost exactly like the one she’s wearing herself. The only difference is how Sarah’s wearing the shirt. She has tied it up just like her mom, but she’s left it completely unbuttoned, showing of the black lace bra she’s wearing underneath. Sarah’s toned stomach is clearly visible between the shirt and the skirt, and Elizabeth is immensely happy that her daughter is taking such good care of her body. Elizabeth’s eyes lock on to her daughter’s muscular thighs.

“I wish I had thighs like that, the things I could do to Peter…” she fantasizes.

“I knew you would look gorgeous in it. But there’s still something missing.” she says to her daughter.

Elizabeth turns around and walks away, leaving Sarah standing there, wondering what’s going on. Her mom comes back holding two pairs of knee high boots, one pair for each of them. Sarah’s heart skips a beat when she sees that, wondering if her mother knows how much she loves wearing boots like that. They both stay silent when they put the boots on, then they stare at each other. Sarah looks at her mother’s silky legs, the knee high boots drawing attention to them. Any man would be lucky to be between those thighs, and Sarah suspects her mother knows that and uses it to her full advantage.

In the same way, Elizabeth is admiring the legs of her daughter. The heels on the boots makes her muscles tenser, making her thighs look even more muscular. With thighs like that, her daughter could control any man she wants. Just as she’s about to tell Sarah that, the doorbell rings.

Elizabeth is immensely annoyed by the doorbell. She was enjoying helping her daughter, and is not happy with that being interrupted. Without caring about how she’s dressed, she goes to open the door.

“Mom!” Sarah helps. “You can’t open the door when we’re dressed like this!”

Sarah has just accepted her mom seeing her like this, she is not ready to show off her body to a stranger.

When Elizabeth hears her daughter’s reaction, she changes her mind about the doorbell. This isn’t an interruption, it’s another chance to push her daughter to be more confident.

The heels of Elizabeth’s boots click against the floor as she walks towards the door. Sarah watches her mother’s slim hips sway from side to side, her stride showing off a confidence that few can match.

When Elizabeth opens the door, she’s standing face to face with Peter. Her mood immediately switches back to annoyance. She told him she would call him when she needed him again, yet here he stands without being invited.

Peter doesn’t notice her annoyance. He’s busy staring at what she’s wearing. First he notices the top, the white fabric looking even whiter in contrast with her dark hair. He wishes she would unbutton the last few buttons, letting him see her breasts for the first time. He has to make do with moving his eyes lower, taking in the sight of her toned stomach, her skin looking so soft and inviting. However, he completely forgets about that when he sees her skirt and boots. He knows what hides under that skirt, he got to inspect it close up the last time he was here. But even more enticing than that is her legs. A woman half her age would be lucky to have legs like that, and anyone would be lucky to have the confidence to show them off in boots like that.

“I’m sorry, I know you said wou would call but…”

“Quiet, boy! You’ve disobeyed, and that’s not something that will be forgiven with just a simple apology.”

Sarah is watching with awe as her mom handles the neighbor’s son. She’s almost forgotten what she’s wearing and that the man named Peter, a man she’s barely met before, could see her at any moment. He’s so much bigger than her mother, towering over her. He’s much taller, and his arms and chest are bulging with muscles. This is a man that few could measure up to physically, but her mother’s attitude and confidence are enough to turn her into a stuttering, insecure boy. Her mother owns him completely, and he knows it.

Even in her annoyed state, Elizabeth knows Peter is the perfect tool to push her further.

“Don’t just stand there, get inside!”

Peter watches Elizabeth’s ass as she turns around, and just like her own daughter, he wonders what she’s wearing under it. It’s so short that her underwear must be quite small to not show at all. He follows her inside, not yet noticing that Sarah is also there.

Sarah is surprised that her mom invites the man inside, so surprised that she doesn’t even consider hiding.

“Mom, I’m barely dressed, don’t invite him in!”

Peter is startled by her voice, and he’s even more startled when he sees her. He thought Elizabeth looked amazing, but her daughter might look even better. Their outfits are almost identical, but Peter immediately notices the black lace bra Sarah’s wearing. He also can’t help admiring her more toned body, especially her muscular thighs that are accentuated by the long, black boots. He’s jarred out of his thoughts when he feels a smack on the back of his head.

“Stop staring at my daughter, you dirty perv.” Elizabeth scolds him before she turns to her daughter. “Don’t worry, he wouldn’t dare say a word about this.”

Now that he’s inside, Sarah takes a good look at him. He’s both tall and well built, a fact that is shown off by the tight, black shirt and the skinny fit jeans he’s wearing. She also notices a bulge starting to form in his pants. A big one.

“Now, let’s get to business. I told you I’d call you when I need you?”

Peter looks down in embarrassment.

“No miss, but I really wanted to see you.”

Elizabeth laughs when she hears that.

“Let’s make one thing clear. It doesn’t matter what you want. The only thing that matters is what I want, and you should feel honoured that I let you help me with what I want.”

Peter feels a deep shame when Elizabeth scolds him. He knows that physically, he could take whatever he wants from her, but he also knows that he never would. She’s right, he should feel honoured to be her toy, no matter what she chooses to do with that toy.

“You disobeyed me, and you need to pay for that. Get on your knees.”

Peter suspects something bad is about to happen to him, but he knows he can’t resist the beautiful, powerful woman in front of him. He slowly kneels, nervously waiting for what’s to come.

Elizabeth takes a moment to savour the feeling of this young man following her every word. She places the heel of her boot against his chest.

“Clean my boot, slave.”

Peter is relieved, he expected something much worse. He looks around for some kind of cloth. Since he kind find anything, he uses his shirt to start polishing the leather boot. Elizabeth sighs in irritation and pushes him back, making him fall on his ass.

“Not like that, you stupid boy! Use your tongue!”

Sarah is stunned by her mother’s words. Her first thought is that there’s no way Peter’s going to do that, but then she sees the way he looks at Elizabeth. Sarah realizes she was wrong. There’s no way he won’t do that, he will do anything to get her mother’s approval.

A thousand thoughts run through Peter’s head. The boot looks quite clean, but “quite clean” is still pretty dirty when it comes to cleaning something with your tongue. He sits up on his knees again and looks up at Elizabeth. He’s about to beg her to not force him to do this, but he sees the look on her face. If he wants to ever get to touch her again, or even anything that belongs to her, he has to do this.

“Yes miss, of course.”

He reaches out with his tongue, hesitating for just a second before he gives the boot a long lick. The taste of the leather is rough, but it’s not as bad as he thought it would be.

Elizabeth looks down at the young man. She holds her foot still, letting him work with his tongue. The boot is starting to glisten with his saliva, looking almost new again. Seeing this young man submitting to her, giving up every last trace of his dignity to her, is starting to fill her with arousal. That can wait though, he still has to clean her other boot.

Elizabeth isn’t the only one getting aroused. When Peter gets started with the second boot, Sarah realizes she’s getting wet. She’s not getting turned on by her mother, not exactly, but there’s something highly erotic seeing a powerful woman making a much bigger, much stronger man submit so completely. That woman just happens to be her mother, but that’s incidental. Sarah is deeply impressed with her mother, and she wants to exude the same kind of confidence. When Peter has finished cleaning her mom’s boots, Sarah walks towards him.

“My boots need cleaning too.”

Peter has been so lost in pleasing Elizabeth that he’s completely forgotten about her daughter. When he hears her voice he turns to look at her. Sarah lifts her foot and places it against his chest. He’s about to start licking it when she kicks him down, making him fall on his back. She then stands over him, letting her boot hover above his face.

“It’s the soles that need cleaning.”

Sarah doesn’t just want to copy her mom, so she has decided to take things a step further. Licking boots clean, licking soles clean is far worse. Peter looks up at her, and the look on her face is all the proof he needs that she is really Elizabeth’s daughter. There’s no doubt that from this moment on, she owns him just as much as Elizabeth does. He doesn’t know what she might do if he refuses, but he really doesn’t want to find out. Like a good little slave, he reaches out with his tongue, and he soon has the taste of dirt in his mouth. The taste disgusts him, but he keeps going, not wanting to disappoint the goddess standing over him. He finishes the first boot, but Sarah is not satisfied, and she pushes the other boot against his face. Peter accepts his role, and he starts licking the sole of the other boot too.

Elizabeth watches how her daughter treats the young man. She has suspected for a while that Sarah had a dominant side, but she never expected anything like this. Her daughter acts like Peter is worthless, and he eagerly accepts his humiliation without protest. Judging by the massive bulge in his pants, he even likes it.

“Peter, take off your pants.”

He stops licking Sarah’s boot to follow Elizabeth’s order, but Sarah pushes the sharp heel of her boot into his cheek.

“No one told you to stop licking.” she says with menace in her voice.

Peter starts licking her boot again, and at the same time struggles to pull his pants down. The feeling of being in total control is driving Sarah wild with lust, her panties are completely soaked through by now. As soon as Peter finishes licking her boots, she’s going to put his tongue to good use somewhere else.

Peter manages to get his pants down, and his cock springs free. Elizabeth inspects the young man’s member, and it’s as impressive as the rest of his physique. It’s both long and thick, and it’s just what Elizabeth needs right now. She doesn’t care that her daughter is there, she’s going to use that thick cock for her pleasure. Pleasure is nothing to be ashamed of, and she’s going to show her daughter that. But before she does, she needs to remind Peter that he’s nothing more than a tool. She places her boot on his cock and pushes down, hard enough to send a message but not so hard that it hurts him too much.

“Peter, I’m going to ride you now. Make no mistake, this is all about my pleasure. You do not have my permission to cum, and if you do, things will get very bad for you. Do you understand?”

Peter nods slightly, not being able to do more than that with Sarah’s boot still in his face.

Sarah turns to her mother to see what’s about to happen. Elizabeth slowly lifts her skirt, and Sarah gets the answer to what she’s wearing under it: absolutely nothing. Even though it’s her own mother, Sarah can’t help taking a good look. Her mother is completely shave, making her look a lot younger than she is. Her lips are glistening with wetness, the arousal from dominating the young man is apparent. Sarah watches as her mother lowers herself. Elizabeth grabs the thick shaft and guides it to her entrance, then she slowly sinks lower. She moans as she takes the cock deeper. It feels so good being filled like this, and it’s made even better by knowing that she can have it any time she wants.

Peter is in heaven when his mature neighbor starts grinding on him. She’s so tight, so wet, he’s never been with anyone as good. That is until he realizes that no matter how good it feels, he can’t cum. He’s not sure what will happen if it does, but he knows it’s a price he’s not willing to pay.

Sarah is watching her mom ride the young man. Elizabeth has her eyes closed, and a look of pure pleasure on her face. She grinds rhythmically on Peter, the wet sounds from between her legs telling the story of how turned on she is. Sarah wants to feel that good too. She slides her hand between her legs, finding her black lace panties absolutely soaked. She slides them down her legs and kicks them to the side, then she stands over Peter’s head. She must have made a sound, because her mom opens her eyes and smiles at Sarah. Just like her mother, Sarah is shaved, and just like her mother, she’s dripping wet. When she kneels and lowers herself to Peter’s tongue brush across her lips. She immediately digs her nails into his chest.

“Don’t! I’ll do this myself.”

When Elizabeth sees that, she’s reminded how much alike she and her daughter are. Just like Elizabeth did a few days ago, Sarah grabs Peter’s hair to hold him still as she starts grinding on his face. Her thick, muscular thighs squeeze his head as she moves back and forth, using his face for her pleasure. Elizabeth keeps grinding on his member with decisive movements, using it to fulfil her needs. Mother and daughter watch each other, brought closer together than ever before by the experience of using the young man at the same time. There is no attraction between them, but the bonding experience makes their pleasure more intense, moving both of them closer to climax. It’s Elizabeth that reaches it first, her breath quickening and her legs start to shake. With a long, deep moan, she cums, her whole body a cloud of pleasure. Peter has to focus every fiber of his being not to cum into Elizabeth’s gripping pussy.

Seeing her mom in such intense pleasure pushes Sarah over the edge, and she cums too. Her juices practically squirt out, forcing Peter to drink down everything that gushes into his mouth. Sarah’s muscular thighs clench from the powerful orgasm, squeezing his head like a vice. She sits completely on his face, making it impossible for him to breathe. He starts to struggle for air, trying to get free, but with both Sarah and Elizabeth on top of him, there’s nothing he can do. Sarah feels him struggling, but she doesn’t care. All she cares about is riding out her incredible orgasm.

When she finally calms down and rolls to the side, Peter is unconscious on the floor. Elizabeth slides of his cock and stands over him. Maybe she should be worried, but all she feels is pride that her daughter put her own pleasure above the wellbeing of the young slave. She gives him a hard slap to wake him up.

“Get out of here. If you ever come over here without being invited again, you’ll be lucky if you just pass out.”

Peter, still confused from being unconscious clumsily pulls his pants up before stumbling out the door.

Elizabeth looks at her daughter, wondering if she’ll have regrets now that they’re not in the heat of the moment. She doesn’t need to worry.

“Mom, that’s not the last time we share him.”
