Muslim girls dilemma [MF]

So you’ve probably sent me post before. I am a Palestinian Muslim girl who grew up in America. I definitely didn’t think I’d ever have a boyfriend before marriage but my crush of 5 years who is a white male slid into my DM’s at the age of 19. And what I thought would be innocent fun talking ended up turning into an extremely sexual relationship. And it lasted till we were both 22. It was a sexual opening I must say and I’ll spare the details.

4 months since we’ve broken up (my choice due to him not being the same faith as me) and it’s been a struggle to say the least. Heartbreak is a bitch .

Anyways . Now I currently have arab Muslim boys asking for my hand in marriage. Which is normal at my age / culture. And while I’d love nothing more than to give these gentlemen a shot I’m fully aware that my past isn’t a good one. And I’d feel guilty jumping into something so soon.

While it’s eventually set to happen. I can’t help but remember that once I’m married my ex will still have a thousands of pictures of me in a time that shouldn’t have happened



  1. You can’t change the past. Perhaps being up front about a “wild past”is the way to go, without going into too much detail, and judgmental men can be immediately removed from contention. Beware of comparing your preset to your past though, I speak from experience.

  2. Your prospective husband needs to man-up and accept that you’ve had sexual relationships before. Fucking get over the insecurity.
    I’m sure he’s had sex before marriage too. If not, well that was his choice and/or loss. Deal with it 🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. I see what you mean. You may be plan for the future bc it those pics turn out in the Public, Especially if your future husband is very uptight religious and you have kids and a family etc. Also he may have to accept you come as you are. Be upfront of who you currently are. I must say you have NOT done anything wrong, you are just another human being. But yeah it can really mess you up in your culture. I met a Palestinian and she is sort of wild but I would say she does not identify herself anymore as Muslim and I think she embraced the west culture at its best.

  4. Have a lot of close muslim friends whom I have met at university. A lot of them had alcohol, smoked weed, fucked foreign women, and ate non-halal meat. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

  5. Really? Breaking up with your ex for faith? It’s the 21st century. Human beings should just abandon the concept of religion and especially religious rules that cut into people’s freedom…

  6. What have you guys done could you elaborate on your adventures such as the first time you guys spoke/met/did it?

  7. I get you. Muslim guy here and I’ve done some things that my future spouse would not be proud of. Other well-intentioned commenters here just don’t fully grasp where you’re coming from.

    It’s the turmoil of actually *wanting* to live a certain way and abide by certain rules, but also having to contend with your romantic and sexual desires. Feel free to message me if you want to vent/discuss it.

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