Coffee, a Beer and a Bathtub [M]

I want to start by saying thanks to all of you wonderful people. A lot of people have been so responsive and interested in my previous experiences. I said I’d take it back a few years to a younger me for this one….

I used to work in a fairly large bar in the city centre. When I was working there, we had a great initiative, called “One For Later”. Basically when working the day shift, if a customer ordered a coffee and said “One For Later”, you would give them their coffee and charge for two. We would then put a red sticker on our chalkboard and if a homeless/down on their luck person called in, they would be able to avail of the free coffee. It was a well known situation amongst all of the regulars and really nice….

As the months went by I got to know Karolina….

Karolina was a lovely lady from Serbia. She had three young children and would call into the bar every Sunday afternoon when it was quiet. I would say she was in her mid 30’s at the time. When she would come in, she would ask for diluted orange for the three kids (always free in in our bar) and IF there was a red sticker, a coffee for herself. She would then get out a book while her kids ran around and waste an hour away…I could see that she was stressed and not so well off, I thought I’d help….

One Sunday she called in by herself which was odd. There was literally nobody else in the bar. I asked where the kids were and she said that her friend had taken them for the weekend. I made a joke that she had a bit of breathing space and offered to buy her a beer. She agreed…

She sat at the bar and told me everything…how her husband left her when she was pregnant with her third child, how she was basically on the poverty line because she had to look after the kids (one of which was autistic), how that one hour on Sundays is the only thing she had for her sanity….what an Angel. I felt so sorry for her….

Things continued as normal after that for a few months. The difference was that I wouldn’t take the stickers into account anymore, whatever she wanted, I covered it. I considered it my good deed for the week. The kids got to know me and I genuinely enjoyed her company on those quiet days.

Come October, she disappeared. I would look out for her every Sunday and nothing, radio silence. I figured that something had happened. Either she had moved away or went back to Serbia. Life moves on I guess.

One day in December, the bar was packed. Guiness after Guinness after Guinness being poured, no time to think….I looked up and there she was, out of the blue! But she looked different…..

Karolina had a bit of a glow about her. She had her hair and make up done, she was wearing a lovely teal jumpsuit and had the biggest smile across her face. “Happy Christmas”. She left a card and a bottle of Jameson on the bar. I was like a deer in the headlights….all I could muster was “Good to see you!” and she left.
I got home that night, sat on my bed with the bottle of Jameson and opened the card…

“Dear Zach,

I just wanted to thank you for being the only man that I could depend on when things were tough. I honestly can’t thank you enough for all of the coffees and allowing me and my kids to annoy you every week. You are one of the good ones.

Merry Christmas,


Tears streaming down my face. I was happy that she seemed to be in a better position….but what the hell happened?? I got my answer the next April….

I was organising a Bachelor Party (Stag) for a friend of mine. All of us groomsmen decided that we would give Colin a proper send off by hiring a couple of strippers. Funnily enough, stripping and eskorting go hand in hand where we are from…generally girls do both over here generally. I was given a couple of pages to check out and one in particular looked interesting, you could tailor what you wanted, strippers, eskorts, massages etc and then….FUCK!!

There she was: Karolina!!

I checked out her prfile and she looked amazing, plus she was offering stripping and lapdancing services….along with eskorting. I gave her a call and she was gobsmacked that I found her. We had a great chat for about an hour….She had won a court case against her ex for child support every week….she had began sex work in November and she was doing a course in Toxicology. She was finally happy. She was finally secure….I then, of course, booked her for Colins party. Stripping only.

Colins party arrived and Karolina did a great job. I never looked at her in a sexual way before but she really earned her £120! Colin was happy, she was happy, everyone was happy! She c@me out in a Nurses outfit (Colins fiance was a Nurse) and she really rocked the place. Once she was done she left pretty quickly, but I got a text from her (she had my number because of the booking) asking to meet for a catch up….at her place.

I walked up to her apartment building expecting a coffee and a chat. She buzzed me in and I walked into an apartment that would make New York blush. She was really living her best life! The place looked like something out of GQ! We talked for hours about everything and we even got emotional, I told her I was delighted that she landed on her feet. She made a joke that the tables had turned, that SHE was giving ME free coffee now….

After awhile I told her that I had to leave and she asked me to wait a sec, she apparently had something for me. She skipped off into a room and c@me out a couple of minutes later….completely naked.

Her silhouette is still burned into my mind…

She was stunningly beautiful. Petite little tits and a very small frame. I was shocked….Her green eyes cut me in half. “This is long overdue, you are a beautiful person Zach, and I want to do this for you”…..

She led me into what turned out to be a master bathroom. The bath was full and a couple of candles were lit. She undressed me….slowly….the amazing thing was her smile the whole time. I felt so at peace with her.

She got into the bath first and beckoned my to join her, I sat in front of her and her legs were around me. “Lay back, and relax”….her hand c@me over slowly.

Karolina and I shared an amazing moment in the bathtub that day. She hugged me from behind with her left arm and gave me the most sensual, slow handjob with her right hand. I honestly felt so comfortable, it was like being on a cloud. I could feel her kissing my back. She had Bon Iver on in the background, a moment of sheer bliss.

After about ten minutes of cuddles and playing, I c@me. I c@me hard. She giggled…We stayed in there for another half hour before I reeeeally had to leave for work. We dried each other off and shared an amazing hug. “Thank you so much for everything, this ones one me! I wonder….did I enjoy the coffees more than you enjoyed this?!”….she winked.

I still think about this all the time. I have since moved away from the city, but I still check the web every few months, just to see that she’s still around….

God bless Karolina, wherever you are…


1 comment

  1. Virtue signaling within the gonewild subreddit seems odd. But whatever gets you off I guess.

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