So, [M]e and Beth…. went to church [MF]

Read my other post ‘weirdest kink’ if you haven’t already. It has the introduction of us and how we came to be.

We went to church the other day. No we’re not religious, it was my niece’s communion. My and a bunch of other families attented. Beth has always come to every family event or party its just the normal now, to the the point where if I show up without her the first thing I’m asked is

“oh you’re not with Beth? where’s Beth? Why’s she not come?”

Shes just become part of the family over the years.

We sat in church, i was in my usual greyish silvery suit i bought probably 12 years ago but still fits me and it cost alot so fuck it suit for life, in a white long sleeved shirt which is tight on me but if i do say so…makes my body look pretty damn good. Beth was wearing a light peach dress, tight around her waist and her cleavage but puffed out and frilly at the bottom, she had a pair of heels on to match, as I mentioned its rare you see her in a dress but my good lord she looked fucking FIRE! Very yummy indeed…

Through-out the ceremony, we sat behind everyone, well out of the way being dirty little sinners and all, she had me all fidgety, with her bare legs out crossed she dangled her heels brushing up and down my leg… Obviously got me all “hot n bothered” so i put my arm around her, leaned in and told her

“Im wanna fuck you hard in those heels!”

“Shhh- stop swearing!”

Though.. she continued, i pulled her in closer to me, nuzzled my nose behind her ear down her neck.. I love the smell of her! I could feel her breathing becoming heavier whilst her chest inflated pushing her restrained boobs forward only making me more thirsty for her, i knew she was thinking about what i just said

She gripped my thigh

“Stop it! This is so wrong!!”

“Am i turning you on?”

“You know you are! Just stop it, we’re such terrible people!”

I grabbed her hand and placed it onto of my package. She gave me a quick squeeze

“Shall we go to that confession room?”

“Right.. Fucking stop!”

Beth rarely swears, and when she does i know she’s being serious and the fun ends, but she was right… this was just naughty on a whole other level, doing something so forbidden just made it hot though, has anyone actually fucked in a church before or is that strictly porno’s? Shame on you if you have.

After the church ceremony we went to a small after party. I was with my cousins talking about shit but looking over at her in her pure sexiness talking to my sister, she noticed and started teasing. Lifting her heels, sticking her arse out, sucking on her straw making eye contact, she winked and i was completely fixated, i totally forgot i was even in a conversation, obviously i went and felt her up abit and shes told me

“Not here”

Fuck sake! Id of fucking banged her in those toilets there and then, eventually it was time to go and we left early. We just got home now pretty shitfaced stumbling around. I had the holy spirit in my heart so I’m blurting out this hymn i heard at church, she clearly did too so obviously joins in because she’s just as fucking mad as i am…Then my dog starts barking like crazy

“The fucks wrong with him?“

“I think someones at the door?”

“Oh shit yeah! its mike!”

Totally forgot my mate was coming over to grab some tools, i answer the door to his confused yet very concerned face

“Are you two singing hymns!?”


“You know your windows open? I can hear you on the road?”

“Oh yeah, so it is…”

No bother, neighbours know we’re not 100%

Im still desperate to get my dick in her, so am rushing about getting all the shit he wanted

“Alright kiddo, nice one i’ll bring it back tomorrow?”

“Yeah yeah sound” whatever just get get the fuck out I’ve got some pussy to attend to

Close the door, walk back in to Beth stood in the kitchen, she asked

“Are you hungry?”

“Nah… Upstairs. Now please, leave those heels on”

Clearly she was gagging for a pounding too, she went straight up and i followed slapping her arse as she ran up.

To the bedroom she sat on my bed, blazer off and I’m unzipping ready royally fuck the shit out of her but she got up and pushed me back

“Wait.. Ive wanted to suck your dick all day!”

“Ohhh my god Beth you dirty little girl!”

She got on her knees, wetting my tip and inhaled me

Alot of time has past since our first, we’ve both really figured out what each other like. And Beth can suck my nob like no other, she can make me pop in a minute if she really wants to, so after a few minutes of her slurping on my boy i had to stop her as usual

“Whoa, whoa chill the fuck out, get on the bed”

“Stop swearing” (fucking mad honestly, she must tell me
20x a day… Still do it though)

Lifted her dress pulling only her knickers down. Stepped out of my pants and pulled her in

“Stop! I need to take my dress off!”

“Nah just leave it on”

“You’ll ruin it!”

“I wont, trust me”

“Please don’t, it was expensive”


I was gonna go straight in but when that ham sandwich stares me in the face i cant help but go for a quick lick, she gets wet so fast that it always becomes a messy ordeal, regardless i lick that silky syrup up like its honey. No fingers i wanna stretch her out with my cock thank you very much

And that time is was. I line up and push my way in. Shes soaked, no rubber. No time for that shit… We’ve never even used one yet. I still get too eager and go in too fast so she pushes me back out

“Will you slow down!”

Alright. Second try… slowly inching my way in until she wraps her legs around me and pulls me in with her almighty strength. But I like fucking her with her legs up, so she put her heels on my chest..





“Your bastard heels are stabbing me!”

“Well take them off!”

I unbuckle her heels and lob em on the floor. she had her toes pressed on my chest.. now I’m not big on the whole foot fetish thing but Beth’s got some REALLY pretty feet. And I’ve already consumed 95% of her body at this point sooo.. in my mouth they went. Actually proper turned me on and let me tell you I’m well into that shit now!

I pumped the cream out of her until i hear her “I’m gonna cum” words

“Don’t stop!! Please don’t stop!”

“Shhh shut up!”

Thing is. That kinda makes me cum too, so I’ve gotta bag her mouth with my hand or i’ll be finishing in 1st place… and I’ve already got alot of 1st place wins..

I pound away until she cums, always my favourite part! I can feel her pocket of sunshine open up and become wetter, she always clenches whatevers close to hand, and I have to make sure shes not got her hands on my neck or back because she’ll either scratch fuck out of me or start strangling me. And she hurts! Shes only small but she got some mad strength. Luckily it was the bed sheets, i pull out, step back and watch her legs shake and scrabble about. The hell is that about??

Usually. She wants me to cum inside her. She said she likes the feel of my hot cum filling her up, but for some reason she wanted my boy in her mouth again. On the bed she got on all fours whilst i stood, taking me deep in her mouth..

She never lets me give her a Mc-jizzum meal in her mouth. She said its not the taste but the way it clots in her throat afterwards? No idea ive never let someone cum down my throat so i wouldn’t know.. And i know it sounds mad considering what we do but i never stroke my cock with her. I just leave it to her BUT her lips on my tip I couldn’t help it. I started stroking and she got REALLY turned on. Moaning her arse off with nob just barely inside her mouth and I realised. HOLY FUCKING SHITFLAPS! She’s gonna let me cum in her mouth!

I stroked as quickly as I could whilst i had the opportunity, feeling my legs tingle and numb i was gonna burst.. i put my thumb on her jaw and opened her mouth and shot out some seriously heavy ropes, and i mean heavy i could hear it spurting and pooling into her mouth…. She swallowed but then she fucking moved back slightly but i still had shots remaining. With the same force i cum straight onto her dress

“Oh… shit”


“Im sorry! You moved its your fault!”

And thats how i completely ruined Beth’s dress
