Emily makes a friend cumming in public [FF, MF, public]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tba3wj/emilys_first_public_masturbation_fm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tbvb4i/public_masturbation_leads_to_mutual_masturbation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

Emily woke up as the sun was streaming through her bedroom window. She had fallen asleep shortly after cumming while thinking about how many times Brian had cum to her performance over the last week. She smiled, getting out of bed naked, she decided to have a shower first thing. The hot water felt amazing. It always did wonders to get the kinks out of her back.

She took her time shaving, she took some extra time making sure that her pussy was a smooth as possible. She couldn’t help but slide a finger over her clit from time to time. Shudders ran up her back. She was looking forward to her adventure today.

Emily took her time getting ready, she did her make simply and her hair. Then it was time to decide what to wear today. She decided that she would wear panties as she was planning using her remote controlled egg today. She pulled on a pair of high thighed panties that she felt made her ass look good. She decided not to wear a bra and found the light cotton dress that had buttons all the way up the front. She slipped the dress over head and shrugged into it. She liked the way that the buttons pulled over her breasts. She admired how the dress accented her cleavage and when she turned to the side she could make out some side boob through the pull of the buttons.

It was after 11:00 on a Saturday so she figured that she could make herself an early lunch. She made herself some eggs on toast with a fresh cup of coffee as the while feeling excited. Emily figured that the park would be a good place to play today.

Emily got her egg off of the charger and thought that she would insert it here at home and just turn it on once she got to where she wanted. She slid her hand under her dress and could feel a bit of dampness through her panties. She slid her panties to the side and easily inserted the vibrating egg. She tucked the pull string from the egg off to the side. She didn’t want the string to rub against her clit. That might be too much sensation.

With her backpack loaded with everything she thought she might need Emily headed out the door. She decided that the park that overlooks the lake would be a great place to play around. There are lots of park benches for a person to sit on and admire the lake or read a good book.

Twenty minutes later she found a place to park. There weren’t many spots left. It seems that the park would be busy today. This made her smile.

Emily got out of the car and started walking around the park ever mindful of the egg nestled inside of her. It felt good and it wasn’t even vibrating yet. She came upon a series of benches, two were positioned closer to the water and three were staggered behind. She took the bench towards the back on the right hand side. She sat down and placed her backpack beside her. Looking around there was a couple sitting on the bench in front of her and to the left a bit. The was a lady by herself on the bench directly to her left and there were lots of other people around on blankets enjoying the sun and view of the lake.

Reaching into the backpack, Emily pulled out a water bottle and a book. She had read this book many times before. There was a highly erotic scene right at the start of the third chapter. She thought this might help get her to her orgasm as well as it gave her a reason to sit on the bench for an extended time. The remote was laying there just inside the backpack tempting her to press the buttons. Emily gently pushed the remote to the first position and felt the vibrator start vibrating.

Picking up her book, Emily looked around and saw the woman on the bench looking at her. Emily gave a quick smile which the woman returned. Emily started reading her book and was quickly lost in the scene. She loved how the author was able to bring the reader in to the story. It was so descriptive. She read how pool boy was gently licking the lady of the house’s clit. He traced over the clit so slowly it almost seemed like he wasn’t moved at all.

Reading the hot scene was really working for Emily. She reached into her backpack and turn the egg up to level two. The pool boy was now fucking the lady. His very large member was quickly taking the lady to new heights.

“May I join you?”

Flustered and turning red, Emily nodded.

Emily noticed that the stranger was about five foot 5 or so. She was wearing yoga pants, sports bra and a fanny pack. It looked like her breasts were a bit smaller than Emily’s and her nipples were straining against the fabric of her bra. She had a round face that was framed beautifully by black hair. Emily couldn’t help but admire her beauty.

“My name is Anna.”


“Don’t you just love this park?” asked Anna.

“I do.”

Anna started off, “I am sure you are wondering why I came over to interrupt what appears to be a very good book but I think it might be better if I showed you.”

Anna reached into her fanny pack, as she did Emily felt the egg start to vibrate harder.

“How?” gasped Emily.
Anna smiled, “I am guessing we are running on the same frequency.”

Emily had turned a deep shade of red as much from embarrassment as from arousal. She was very close to cumming in front of another stranger.

“I would have never,” gasp, “Thought that could happen.”

Anna could tell that Emily was getting close and this hurried her own orgasm up. She almost always came when she saw some else cum.

Anna said, “I think we should let our little toy do it thing and talk later.”

Anna slid closer to Emily and grabbed her hand. Emily’s hand was damp with sweat. Emily squeezed Anna’s hand as she felt the first wave of her orgasm hit. She stuck her other hand over her mouth so that she wouldn’t cry out. Anna saw the orgasm run through Emily’s body and she started cumming as well. She gipped Emily’s hand tighter as wave after wave ran through her. Both women started to come down from their high. Emily reached into her backpack and turned the egg off.

“Wow!” exclaimed Anna, “That was intense!”

“It really was!” echoed Emily.

“Have you been cumming her long?” asked Anna.

“No, I have been to this park many times but this is the first time I have cum here. How about you?”

“I have been cumming here at least once a week for a year but this is the first time I have shared the experience.” replied Anna.

Anna and Emily realized that they were still holding hands. Their grip had gotten quite sweaty but it seemed neither wanted to let go.

Emily got the courage to ask, “Would you like to go grab a coffee?”

Anna said, “I was just about the ask you the same thing. There is a shop not far from here.”

Emily said, “Yeah, it is one of my favourites.”

Emily grabbed her backpack as they stood up hand in hand. They walked off towards the coffee shop. Anna reached for the door of the coffee shop and Emily finally letting go of Anna’s hand walked through first. They ordered coffees and sat down at a solo booth at the back of the coffee shop.

The first thing they did was entered their numbers into each others phones. It is rare to have such an instant connection with someone and neither of them want to risk not being able to reach the other.

“How long have you had a public masturbation kink?” asked Anna.

“For as long as I can remember but I have only recently acted out my fantasies.”

Anna wondered, “Are you comfortable sharing with me?”

By way of answering Emily reached into her backpack and turned their eggs on. Anna jumped a bit but had a huge smile across her face.

“This was only my third time playing in public but it was my second time getting caught.”

“Really? What happened?”

“Well, risk is important to me, if there is no risk then what’s the point? My first time was at the public library.”

“You know they have cameras there now, eh?” asked Anna.

“I do now!” chuckled Emily, “I was nearing my orgasm as a security guard walked up to me! He asked me to come with him and I started cumming right there. I followed him to his office and that’s where I saw the monitors. I could see the chair that I was sitting in right in the middle of the screen. I was mortified but also turned on. Additionally I had forgotten to turn off the damned egg. I thought I might cum in front of the security guard. He confronted me about what I was doing and I pleaded with him to delete the footage. I told him I needed a drink and was able to turn off the egg just in time. I had come so close to cumming again.

“I told him that I didn’t see any signs indicating that there were cameras installed in the library. This seemed to concern him. I could see that I might be able to get him to delete the footage but I had gotten so horny! I told him I wanted to see the footage. This got a hell of a reaction from him. As he started playing the footage I turned my egg back on. I told him that we could both masturbate if he agreed to delete the footage. He quickly agreed, I don’t think that he was thinking with his big head at that point. I lifted my skirt so that he could look at my pussy through my sheer panties and he came in his pants immediately!

“This pushed me over the edge and I came hard! So hard that I pushed the egg out. I was pretty wet by this point and tried to clean myself off a bit with the hand towel I had in my backpack. I got braver and pull my panties to the side and dried myself off some more. I through him the towel and sniffed it and came in his pants again!”

Anna looking a bit flustered, “Holy shit this is hot! I am going to cum again soon!”

Emily said, “I am getting close as well but I’m not done with my first story yet. Once he came a second time I quickly gathered my things and ducked out of there. It wasn’t until I was half way home that I realized that I hadn’t gotten him to delete the footage!”

Anna said, “Oh my god! What did you do?”

“I searched every porn site I could think of to see if he had uploaded it anywhere. I couldn’t find myself on any of those sites. I wasn’t sure if I was happy or sad. Keep in mind this was only two weeks ago. Last Saturday I called him up and asked him if he had deleted the video. He said that he did. I told him to keep an eye out on his monitors for me. I went back down to the library wearing the same skirt but no panties this time. I teased him, I nearly got caught by a couple of guys and then he called me back to his office. He ended up eating me out and I gave him a blowjob!”

Revealing this to Anna caused Emily to start to cum. Emily reached out and intertwined her fingers with Anna and felt her orgasm crest. Maintaining eye contact with someone while cumming is very erotic. This proved too much for Anna and she started to cum as well. They did their best to be as quiet as possible but a couple of squeaks escaped Emily’s lips. A guy sitting at a table looked up at them with a question on his face but quickly went back to his phone.

Anna asked, “Do you think your security guard is working today?”

“I will call him.” responded Emily.

Emily called the library, confirmed that Brian was working and that it would be a good time to pop by.

Anna said, “I need to go to the bathroom, I have to pee and I have to try to dry myself off a bit.”

Emily smiled, “Me too.”

They went together to the bathroom. The bathrooms at this coffee shop were at the back of the store. They had two unisex single room toilets. As they approached they looked at each other and the question of whether they should go in together or go separately hung in the air.

Anna asked, “Together?”

Emily blushed, “Sure.”

Anna walked in straight to the toilet in the back of the bathroom. As Emily closed the door Anna had her pants pulled down and was peeing before even fully seated. Emily had never seen another woman’s stream before. She had a strange feeling. She kind of liked seeing it. The hissing lasted about 45 seconds and as time started to drag on her own need to pee intensified. The hissing stopped and Anna wiped herself.

Anna stood up with her pants still around her knees, her pussy had a small landing strip but it looked like the rest of her pussy was shaved or waxed. Emily noticed that Anna had an “innie” too.

Emily started walking towards Anna.

“I need you to scoot, I am going to pee my panties here!”

Anna shuffled off to give Emily room to sit down. Emily reached under her skirt and quickly pulled her panties down and then grabbed her dress to make sure it would be out of the way as she sat down. Anna, with her pants still at her knees, was watching as Emily started to pee. Not really giving it conscious thought Emily spread her legs to give Anna a view of her own pussy while she was peeing.

Emily finished peeing and reached for some toilet paper, as she did Anna started pulling up her yoga pants. Emily noticed that Anna wasn’t wearing any panties. Emily stood up, let go of her dress and pulled her panties back up. She was happy that she didn’t push her pee so hard that she pushed out the egg. She didn’t want to fish it out of the toilet.

Anna said, “Wow! That was hot. I have never watched another woman pee before.”

Emily responded, “This was my first time too. I didn’t know I could get turned on watching an other woman pee!”

Emily flushed and they washed up.

“Off to the library?” asked Emily.

“Oh, absolutely! Your security guard is going to lose it when he sees there are two of us there! Oh, I can feel myself getting wet again.” Cooed Anna.

“Do you have a car here?”

Anna replied, “No, I live pretty close to here. I walked to the park.”

Emily said, “Well you can ride with me then!”

Emily and Anna exited the coffee shop holding hands again. They walked towards the parking lot of the park. They could both feel the excitement building up.

“How long did it take for you to get used to walking with the egg?” Anna asked.

“I’m not sure I am really used to it. I keep thinking about it but I know my kegel muscles have never been stronger!” replied Emily.

“I know what you mean. When I was with my boyfriend I could make him cum just using my kegel muscles.”

They got to Emily’s car and got it. Emily looked over and smiled at Anna. It is amazing how things unfold sometimes. You just have to put yourself out there and sometimes the right person comes into your life at the right time.

Emily drove to the library getting more excited as she went. She wondered what Brian would think of her new friend. That reminded her.

“Brian is the security guard and he doesn’t know my name, I would like to keep it that way.” giggled Emily.

“He won’t get it out of me!” chimed Anna.

Emily parked outside the library. Giddy with excitement she quickly exited the car making sure to grab her backpack. Anna had that grin on her face again and Emily knew that Anna was just as excited as she was.

Emily led Anna up the stairs to her not so secret corner. They moved another chair so that it was beside the chair that Emily had used on her previous visits. It sad to see the decline in use of the library system but there were still always some people down on the main level.

Emily sat down, looked at the camera and smiled. Anna sat down beside Emily looked at Emily and followed her gaze to see what she was looking at. Anna understood, this is where their captive audience would be watching from. Anna smiled and stuck a finder in her mouth seductively.

Anna leaned towards Emily, “May I?”

Emily nodded as Anna took her wet finger and traced it along Emily’s thigh. She worked her way higher so that her hand was now under Emily’s dress getting closer to her pussy. Anna worked her way higher until she felt the edge of Emily’s panty’s. Emily scanned over the library, she couldn’t see anyone looking their way. Emily picked up the hem of her dress as Anna moved her hand over Emily’s mound. Emily shuddered at the new touch. This was the first time she had been touched by a woman this way. It seemed there would be many new first times today.

Emily undid a button on her dress, as the dress opened up more of her breasts where exposed. Emily’s areolas were nearly visible. She moved her hand over to Anna and put her hand on Anna’s stomach. She moved her hand further down and could feel the heat coming off of Anny’s pussy. She moved her hand lower still and cupped Anna’s pussy. Emily could feel Anna’s moisture start to work its way through the yoga pants. Anna moaned at the touch. Both women were squirming under the tentative touches.

Anna moved her hand back to Emily’s thigh and started slipping her hand under the seam of Emily’s panties. Emboldened by Anna moved Emily brought her hand up to the top of Anna’s yoga pants and slid her hand under as well.

Almost at the same time they each slipped their middle finger between the moist slits. Both Anna and Emily’s clits welcomed them touch of a finger. Shudders passed between them. Small subtle movements was all they were capable of. Both were so close to cumming again but they wanted to wait to cum until after they were “caught.”

Emily removed her hand from her friends pants and looked at the wetness on her finger. She quickly moved her finger to her mouth. Anna watched as Emily stuck her finger in her mouth with her wetness on it. She groaned. She was so turned on right. It made her wonder what Emily tasted like. Anna removed her hand from Emily’s panties and noticed that her finger was even wetter than Emily’s had been. Anna looked at the camera and stuck her finger in her mouth and tasted Emily for the first time.

Emily asked, “Do we want Brian to come and get us?”

Anna whispered, “Yes, please.”

Emily looked at the camera and gave a nod. She didn’t have to wait long to see Brian’s head come up the stairs. He did is best to look authoritative while having a bulge in his pants.

“Could you ladies come with me please?”

Exchanging knowing looks they got up and followed Brian down the stairs into his security room. Anna follow Brian and Emily followed behind Anna admiring how good her butt looked in those yoga pants.

Emily closed the door behind her and looked around the room. She could make out the outline of her cum stain on the floor from the last she was here. She nearly came looking at that. Brian pulled her back to reality when he said,

“I see you’ve brought a friend. Hi, I’m Brian.”

“Hi, Brian.” Responded Anna.

“You’re not going to tell me your name either?” asked Brian.

“Is that going to be a problem?” chimed Anna.

Brian shook his head in a stunned silence. Not sure how to proceed he looked at Emily.

Emily said, “Do you still have a copy of last weeks video?”

Brian said, “I deleted it from the system but have a copy on this thumb drive.”

“Why don’t you put it on so we can all watch it together?”

Brian quickly went to the back of the room and grabbed another office chair for Anna to sit on. He sat down at his console and inserted the thumb drive. It wasn’t look and the three of them watched Emily flash her pussy, played with her clit, licked her finger and then inserted her dildo.

“You dirty girl!” chided Anna.

Brian was squirming in his chair. He was clearly uncomfortable in the confines of his pants.

Emily smiled, “Why don’t you pull your cock out for us to see?”

Brian turned his chair to face them, stood up, undid his pants and pulled them down around his ankles. His erection was pushing against his underwear. There was a small wet spot from his pre-cum. Brian pulled his underwear down as well. His cock standing at attention. He looked over at Emily. Emily stood up and pulled her dress over her head so that all she had on was her panties that had a visible wet spot of her own. Brian taking in Emily’s breasts for the first time in person fell back into his chair.

Emily put her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and slowly started pulling them down. She was slowly working them down so they were just above her pubic mound. As she did there was a loud knock at the door! Anna watched in shock as Brian pulled his underwear and pants up in one shift motion by the time she looked over Emily already gotten her dress pulled back over her head but one breast was hanging out. Brian was walking toward the door.

Anna called out, “Your boob!”

Brian stopped walking and waited as Emily got her breast tucked back into her dress. Brian opened the door a bit. An elderly librarian was standing there and said,

“There are some kids goofing around on skateboards outside, can you deal with that?”

Brian assured her that he would, turned and looked at the ladies and said, “I’ll be right back.”

Anna and Emily were looking at each other and started to laugh.

Anna said, “Can you imagine if I had gotten naked? I would not have been able to get dress as quickly as you guys did.”

“And I almost came when I heard that knock, lets turn off the eggs for now.” Suggested Emily.

They found the remote and powered down the egg. They looked at each other and giggled again. Getting caught was such a turn on.

“Do you want to stay and wait for him or do you want to make our escape?” asked Emily.

“As long as I get to cum soon, I don’t care where it happens.” Responded Anna.

“Okay, lets get out of here.”

Emily left a note for Brian that said you know what to do. We will be back.

“I just didn’t tell him when we would be back.” Giggled Emily.

As Emily and Anna walked out of the front of the library they saw Brian scolding some kids with skateboards. He probably would have been kinder had he not been interrupted. He looked over and saw Emily getting in her car. She gave him an apologetic smile.

Emily started driving back towards the park. She was rounding a corner when the egg started vibrating again. As soon as she was around the corner she looked over to see Anna removing her hand from her fanny pack.

Emily got them back to the parking lot, it had emptied out a lot. She found a secluded spot for them to sit. No soon had she put the car in park did the egg start vibrating harder. Emily looked over to see a sheepish look on Anna’s face.

“I told you, I need to cum again now!”

Emily was looking at Anna and noticed that Anna was starting to quiver.

“Yes, cum for me!” purred Emily.

This put Anna over the edge and she came hard! In the comfort and privacy of a car she was much more vocal. Watching Anna cum cause a landslide for Emily and she screeched out in orgasmic delight.

“Oh my god, that was fantastic!” panted Anna.

“It really was.” Responded Emily.

They sat in quiet comfort knowing that no more words were necessary. Not sure of how much time had passed Anna reached over and gave Emily a hug.

“That was a lot of fun. I look forward to our next outing.”

“Me too!”

Anna got her wits about her and gave Emily a quick kiss on the cheek and exited the car. Emily watch her amazing ass walk away from her, put her car in drive and started to make her way home.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/te4bha/emily_makes_a_friend_cumming_in_public_ff_mf

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