a man [m] takes a succubus [f] back to his apartment [blowjob] [window sex]

I close my eyes and feel the sultry August rays of heat beat down on my already tanned skin, sun-kissed from all the time spent outdoors. Dipping my head back, I stretch my legs out and pointedly ignore the woman glaring at me from across the beach, offended by the very idea of a succubus being anywhere near her god-fearing slice of Americana.

“It’s a free country,” I want to mutter, but I’ve learned the hard way it’s best to keep to yourself when you’re vastly outnumbered by a human population. People sometimes look at me like I’m a freak, and there’s still a good chunk of the world who don’t take too well to my kind. No, it’s best to stick to the fringes. Be a loner. Never linger in one place too long. Best to be a visitor, albeit a strange one at that.

I can only take the feeling of her stare for a few minutes more before getting up and moving towards the ocean, hopeful that a quick swim might help clear the atmosphere. There’s already a fair amount of people in the water, and the weather’s warm enough to enjoy it.

I reach the shore and slowly wade my way in, watching as the ocean cleaves against my skin, the level reaching higher and higher against my chest. I can’t help but shiver as it hits my nipples, sensitive as they are. Soon enough I’m treading water and I turn to face the beach, grinning as the irritated woman becomes just a small figure in the distance. Some people will always be prudes, I suppose.

I close my eyes again and tilt backwards, floating on top of the water as my hair flows out in strands all around me. My horns are poking out of the water, warmed by the late summer sun.

“I’ll bet you 20 bucks that woman hasn’t had any action in like at least a decade,” a voice startles me to my left. I look over to see a smirking man in his early 30’s, his eyes bright with interest. I meet his with mine, pitch black from surprise and temporary fear from being caught off guard.

“That’s a bet I’m afraid I would lose,” I raise an eyebrow, eyes flashing back to a more human-friendly hazel color. “It’s a pity, really.” This earns me a dry chuckle.

“I’m Amir,” he offers his hand with a warm smile on his face, the kind that reaches all the way up to his eyes. Very human eyes.

And I’m getting hungry.

“Quinn,” I respond, shaking his hand and suppressing a wry smile at the feeling of electricity passing between us, water around us be damned.

“I take it you don’t come here often,” Amir remarks, his tone reading more like a question than a fact. I shake my head in confirmation, glancing back at the small dot that is the judgmental woman on the beach. “I figured as much,” he offers me a small smile and nods at my horns. “You’d be hard to miss in such a small town like this.”

“Yeah, well,” I murmur, bringing a hand up to one of them to trail my fingers absentmindedly against it’s hard exterior. “I’m just passing through. Not looking for trouble.” I pause for a beat and give him a prurient smile. “Unless that’s what you’re in the mood for.”

His face turns red as a blush slowly blooms across his cheeks, and he has to clear his throat twice before finally speaking. “I can… I can be bad,” he meets my eyes with his, his courage gathering in his chest. “I like a little trouble now and then.”

“Oh, I think we’re going to get along just fine,” I chuckle, lowering my gaze to glance down at Amir’s torso. He’s mostly submerged underwater, body distorted by the ocean, but his upper half is clearly visible. I can’t help but stare at the drops of water clinging to his chest, making his tawny skin glisten in the harsh mid-day sun. My mind wanders for a moment and I wonder what it’d feel like to lick those drops off, one by one. I let my eyes lazily follow the pattern of droplets up his neck, aching to trace my tongue alongside it. My eyes meet his again, obsidian from my reverie. I can feel him tense for a moment, unnerved, before he starts to swim closer towards me, daring me to look away.

“Is it true?” he asks, our bodies so close we’re almost touching, now. “What they say about succubi?”

“And what is it that they say?” I breathe in, inhaling the heady scent of want radiating off of him. His mood’s changed, his aura so charged with sexual energy I can see it like a field around him, burning red like a flame. I remind myself to hold off, remind myself there’s plenty of time for nourishment later. For now, we dance around each other until the deal is sealed.

“I’ve heard… stories,” he begins, eyes never leaving mine. “Sometimes they’re nice stories.” He pauses. “And sometimes…”

“The claws only come out when they need to,” I counter quietly, my tone even. “So don’t make me need to.” He nods, looking away for a moment before back to me.

“And the stories you’ve heard that are… nice,” I continue, inching closer. “What do you think about those?” I reach out and trace my forefinger across his collar bone, marveling at the shudder it elicits from him.

“Are—” he clears his throat, “—Are they true?”

“You want to find out?” I grin, fangs glinting in the sun.


It isn’t long before we’re packing up our things and heading back to Amir’s place. He’s promising it isn’t far, but still, I opt to follow him in my camper van rather than share his car. It’s safer that way. More escape routes.

I park on the street behind him and lock the van behind me as I follow him up to his fourth floor apartment.

It’s small but well kept, and I can’t help but smile at how many family photos he has lying around. Must be nice. Comforting.

“You like it?” he asks, suddenly coy. I can tell he’s nervous, unsure what to do in a situation like this, so I take the lead.

“I do,” I nod, taking a step towards him. “It feels cozy.” I take another step closer. “…Feel like showing me the bedroom?” I ask, my voice low and my eyes hooded. I have to hide a smile at the way his face immediately flushes before he nods and starts walking down the hall.

His room faces the ocean, the waves close enough to still hear crashing faintly in the distance, if your hearing happens to be good enough. Or inhuman. I look out at the view, a soft gasp slipping from my lips as I take it all in.

“I know the place is small, but the view—“

“It’s perfect,” I reply quietly, mesmerized at how the floor to ceiling glass windows look down upon the ocean below, crashing in wave upon wave onto the shore.

“I thought you might like it,” he smiles and runs a hand through his dark hair. “Listen, I— I’ve gotta admit, I’ve never been with… with your kind before.” He swallows and clears his throat, trying to look more self assured than he is. I pick up what he’s unknowingly putting down.

“I won’t bite, I promise,” I begin, motioning for him to come closer. “—Unless you want me to,” I add. “But seriously, I can promise there will be no harm done. I only take what I need to take and nothing more, not unless you’ve forced me to.”

“Ah yes,” he gives a wry chuckle but his face looks low-key worried. “The claws.” I smile at this, unable to help myself.

“Amir,” I sigh, taking his hand and placing it gently on my chest. My pulse beats a tattoo against his flesh. “I promise my whole heart I will not hurt you if your intentions are good.” I watch as he inhales sharply, eyes drawn to the way my breasts move with each inhale and exhale. “The most that’ll happen is you’ll need a good long nap afterwords. You’ll be tired out.” I take a step closer. “And I’ll be… satiated.”

“I can handle a nap,” he quirks an eyebrow up at me, moving his free hand to rest on my waist. “And if it helps a beautiful creature like yourself, well… who am I to walk away from that?”

“Who indeed,” I murmur, eyes pitch black as I lean into his touch.

We stand still for a moment before Amir squeezes the hand that rests against my heart. He slips it underneath my bikini & gently caresses my breast, encouraged by the soft moan it draws from my lips. I move my hands behind my back and untie my top, letting it drop to the floor.

“Fuck,” he sighs, letting his eyes freely roam up and down my body. He inhales sharply as he reaches his other hand out to rest against my chest, gently fondling me. I pull him closer for a kiss and close my eyes as my tongue pushes against his lips, moving against his as soon as he lets me in. The kiss deepens as he yields to me, and I can’t help but take of the energy from it, inhaling and drawing in some of the fiery red chi that emanates from within him. I shudder as I feel it settle inside me, making me feel more alert, more… alive. I open my eyes and break free from him, checking in.

“And how did that feel?” I ask quietly, staring up at him with eyes as dark as the night itself.

“Like I might be going to hell,” he grins sheepishly, tracing a small pattern on my skin with his fingers. “But I think it’s worth the risk,” he adds, pulling me closer so we’re pressed tightly against each other. I can feel how hard he is against me. “If having my life-force sucked out of me is that enjoyable, then consider me a dead man walking.” I laugh at this and reach a hand up to stroke his cheek, his beard rough beneath my palm.

“Told you it wasn’t going to be painful,” I murmur, slipping my free hand down to his waist. I relish every sound he makes as I slowly move closer towards his erection, lightly massaging him with my hand over the fabric of his swimming trunks. I tug at them, undoing the tied drawstrings before pulling them down to the floor. “May I?” I wait for his nod before moving to kneel on the floor in front of him.

I wrap my hand around the base of his cock and grip lightly, slowly licking a stripe up the underside of his shaft. He lets out a soft moan as he watches the way my forked tongue wraps around him, before I enclose my lips around his head and slowly take all of him in. I look up and meet his gaze, his eyes carnal and radiating want.

“Keep going,” Amir groans, reaching a hand out and wrapping his fingers in my hair, pulling lightly. I shiver, reveling in the new sensation as I begin to suck his cock, slowly at first, teasing him. “Please,” he whimpers, desperate for more. I hold his gaze as I acquiesce, picking up my pace. The feeling of his want, his need, is palpable – his energy is glowing brightly all around him and I decide to take my fill. His eyes grow large, watching me feed from him at the same time as I suck him off.

I pull away after a moment, standing up and inhaling deeply as I feel his chi within me. “C’mere,” my voice is low and rough, and I motion for him to follow me closer to the windows, bracing my hands against them. He follows, pressing himself against my back, his cock stiff against the fabric of my bikini bottoms. “Need you inside me,” my breathing hitches in my throat, voice uneven. “Now.”

He pulls my bikini to the side, movements rough and clumsy as he eagerly pushes himself deep inside me. “Better?” I can see him smirking in the reflection on the glass. I fuck myself against him in response, taking gratification in the way his face lights up in surprise and pleasure all at once.

He starts taking me in earnest, one hand pinning mine against the glass while the other grips my hip as he thrusts his cock inside me with increased speed. I look out at the ocean far below and grin wickedly at the thought of the grumpy woman on the beach looking up to see this.

“Harder,” I demand, bucking my hips up against him. I can’t help but gasp as he fucks himself inside me with everything he has.

“That’s it,” Amir meets my gaze in the reflection. “That’s it, take my cock,” he grips my hip and pushes me tight against him, breathing fast as he glances down to watch himself disappear inside me.

I twist my head to the side to meet his, moving a hand to cradle the back of his head as I concentrate on the colorful field radiating from within him. I begin to slowly take his energy while he fucks me, my body singing with electricity as I become more powerful with each breath.

“Keep going,” he groans, voice shaking. “I’m almost—“ he gasps as I push back hard against him, forcing his cock deeper inside me. I’m desperate for him to finish inside me, desperate to feel the intensity of chi it brings, of how much I can consume.

“Cum inside me,” I beg, meeting his gaze again. “Please, I—“ my thoughts are cut off as he cries out, moving both hands to press my hips against his as he orgasms. I greedily take from his energy as I feel him fill me, his cock still twitching inside me. I don’t stop myself until he’s finished, relishing in every last drop before I pull away and lean more of my weight against the window.

He slowly regains his composure enough to pull out and stumble towards the bed, dropping down onto it with a contented sigh. “I want to return the favor,” he murmurs, sounding far away despite my sharp hearing. “But I’m afraid I might pass out first.”

I pad over towards the bed and offer him a small smile. “I did take a lot,” I respond softly. “How about this instead: you nap, and I use your bathroom to take my first non-solar powered outdoor shower in like… a month. Deal?”

“Oh, you’re on,” he chuckles. Pauses for a moment, voice small and vulnerable when he finally adds, “You’re welcome to stay, afterwords. If you want.”

I consider his offer for a minute. “I should probably hit the road soon,” I shake my head. “Something tells me this town wouldn’t be happy if I outstayed my welcome.”

“I wish you were wrong about that,” he looks to the side. “Well. Thank you for staying as long as you did.” He grins and reaches for the journal on his nightstand, tearing off a scrap of paper and scribbling his contact information down before handing it to me. “In case you’re ever out this way again.”

I take it, running my fingers across the uneven edges of the paper. “Thank you,” I say quietly. Another name to add to the list of safe contacts. Another spot on the map where I can have some room to breathe. To feel unthreatened in a world that’s anything but. It’s a welcomed reprieve, a temporary ticket for rest. And I’ll take what I can get at this point. “I’ll see you around, Amir.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tdmud0/a_man_m_takes_a_succubus_f_back_to_his_apartment


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