[MF] How the luckiest hand of Poker that can happen introduced me to my deepthroating fiance

This is gonna be long, but the story is worth it if you ask me.

About 5 years ago I was a Junior and serving as the President of my largish University’s Engineering Club. “Working for” me were about 2 dozen students, all there ostensibly to obtain Letters of Recommendation, but really to enjoy a social life with like minded folks. Our job was really just to run events, recruit, advocate on behalf of students, and, for the higher level members and myself, to run the Engineering Lounge. The fun part of this lounge was that it had been specifically requested by an alum nearly 50 years prior when making a large donation to fund the building it occupied the top floor of. As such, it was funded by an endowment and the Engineering Club Executives (myself and 2 Vice Presidents) who were elected by our peers, were the managers of the Lounge, and had keys to it that worked at any hour whereas the general Engineering students had access from 6am until 10pm. The only times there were any staff in were the cleaning crew in the mornings to change the garbage, and the security guards that did a sweep at 10pm to kick everyone out. The Lounge had rows of desks to study at, a small kitchen area, an executive office smaller than any dorm room, a few storage rooms that only we had keys to, and a recreation area that included some couches, pool table, ping pong, etc.

Okay, location described.

I’m sure you can assume, and rightfully so, that the 3 of us with keys used the lounge as our personal hangout, but it was an unspoken rule to text the others to see if the lounge was “reserved” before showing up. In the events below I had claimed the lounge.

One Saturday night in the late spring, I had invited a group of friends to the lounge, which was a common occurrence. There was me, a somewhat lanky 6’ tall 21 year old who had found lifting weights to be a great stress relief in college and showed moderate results from doing so. My dark hair was shaggy, but kept in line and I had muscle definition but was by no means “jacked”. My on again, off again, shoulder length blonde, Girlfriend Sarah was there as we attempted to smooth things out after yet another breakup. Sarah was decently attractive but had a few pounds to lose and her B cup chest looked underwhelming on her soft frame. At least she had a great butt, insulated but firm from years of dance. She was great in bed though and looked at sex as a competition to extract an orgasm from your partner, which suited me just fine. Her degree was in PR but she was accepted with the Engineers like any other S.O. was.

Next there was my best friend Jason who was also an engineering student. He plays little role in the story so I’ll save the description, but his appearance was similar enough to me we were often mistaken for brothers, even with him being 4” shorter than me. His long term Girlfriend who was notoriously shy and prudish had joined us too. Katie insisted she was 5’1 as much as she looked about 4’11 and maybe 90 lbs soaking wet but somehow carried around a gravity defying small D cup, a waist I could nearly reach around with both hands, a cute little bubble butt and a gorgeous pair of legs that often topped a pair of 2 or 3” heels to make her feel taller. Auburn haired, with deep hazel eyes, her presence was always welcomed, but she was off limits.

When I was planning the night, Megan had jumped into the group text to see if the lounge was free. She was the Vice President for recruiting and did a damn fine job of it, with a bubbly personality and the mouth of a sailor, people had a hard time breaking away from her pitch. It also didn’t hurt that, while she obviously lifted more than most girls, she had naturally highlighted blonde hair, a small C cup that fit her frame well and legs that were only beaten by her ass. We had hung out many times and even skinny dipped at an out of state Engineering competition. She wasn’t my ideal type, but there was no denying that she was attractive, if rough around the edges. I readily invited her to my get together and she happily agreed, asking if she could bring her new Boyfriend Kyle along. We’d never met but he was welcomed too. Kyle was scrawny skater boy, standing no more than 5’8, just an inch taller than Megan and likely unable to out lift her in the gym, but he seemed nice enough, if a bit shy. No one doubted that she wore that pants any more than they were unsurprised when she moved on from him a few months later.

Just after arriving, Megan asked if she could invite up one of the Sophomores she had met recently that seemed to be a real go getter. She was a great judge of fun people to hang with so the invite was open without even knowing anything about them. Much to my surprise, the knock on the lounge door revealed a stunning half Asian, half some kind of white (I later learned half Japanese, half Ukrainian) girl who I had not noticed around the Engineering areas previously. We were all quickly introduced to Lana who spoke with a slight European Accent that was barely noticeable and had no chance of distracting from her 5’2 figure that defined petite. Black hair, wavily flowing to just below her shoulders matched with deep, dark brown eyes that were so wide she would stare into your sole and must have come from her Ukranian side, a few freckles, and a smile that had a wicked upturn in the corners. She looked like you could put her in your pocket. There was not an ounce of fat on her that wasn’t adding to her allure. Large B, maybe small C cups that were proudly, but modestly displayed in a black, sleeveless halter top that showed just a bit of midriff before her cute, just-a-handful butt was covered by low rise (god, I miss the days of fashion that didn’t include highwaisted everything) jeans with the haphazard tears and frays that were common then. I was surprised to see that even all done up, she had a pair of pink-adorned leather cowgirl boots on that tied her outfit together as “spunky country”.

Okay, descriptions done. I promise I speed up now, but the scene is so vivid I can’t help but describe it.

Megan keyed into the exec office and opened the filing cabinet we used the tip jar at food events to fill with booze and the evening was quickly off to a start. Jason and I challenged our girls to ping pong while the others drank and played air hockey. Ping pong quickly evolved into beer pong and the couples decided on a bracket with partners playing as a team. Megan carried her and Kyle to the first win over myself and Sarah as we sat down in shame. As Jason and Katie took their turn, Lana complained that she wasn’t going to get to play so I volunteered to be her partner as soon as Megan sank the final cup, eliminating Jason and Katie, who was already starting to show the effects of the booze. Somehow Lana and I managed to sneak out the win by one cup (always re-rack to a straight line!). As we celebrated, Kyle pointed out that his pair had two wins while we only had one and it was decided that actual ping pong, doubles, would break the tie.

I’m not going to make some stereotypical joke about Asians and ping pong, but Lana 100% carried us to that win, smashing home the final point and letting loose a slur of insults that almost had me blushing. This girl was fun.

With the competition over, we sat down at the couches to check on the school’s football team on the puny 30” TV the lounge had. We were losing, just barely, and the group watched the whole 4th quarter. None of us were big sports people, but as the Freshman Quarterback threw a touchdown with under a minute to go, we all celebrated with a round of shots.

The couches were aranged in a U shape around a big coffee table we had “requishioned” from the surplus department and under it were stored various board games and some deck of cards. I suggested a game of poker, Texas Hold’em of course, and the group quickly jumped into it, with the worst hand having take a sip of beer.

As the game wore on and whatever change we had in our pockets all made it into Jason’s hands, the first to be out was Megan, which was odd as she was normally pretty adept at poker and no one could read her smirks and deep stares enough to judge her hand.

Upset at her loss, she suggested we up the ante, with Katie proclaiming that she “wasn’t drunk enough for whatever crazy shit” she had in mind. Megan laid out the rules of Strip Poker as many played it, the winner of the hand gets to target someone to strip an item of clothing, but both Lana and Katie rebuffed as they’d be picked on my the guys, so I suggested my preferred play style.

Each person starts with $1 worth of change. The ante per hand is a penny, big blind is 4 cents and small blond is 2. If you go broke, you get to play a one hand round of Hi-Low. A card is shown from the deck and you guess if the next card is higher or lower. Guess correctly and you get 50 cents, incorrectly and you only get 25 cents, but before you can play Hi-Low you have to lose an article of clothing. To keep things interesting your new pot is exacted in equal shares from all the other players, which can lead to busting one of them, further repeating the cycle. The girls thought it fair that they couldn’t be picked on, and everyone quickly agreed that shoes and socks don’t count.

I’ll save the details of the hands, but in short order I was in my undershirt and boxers, Kyle lost his shirt, and Jason chose to ditch his pants. My girlfriend Sarah, somewhat body conscious knowing the other girls were more attractive, played smart, but ended up also losing her shirt, with hoots being let out as her leopard print bra was the first to come into view. A few hands later and Megan was down to her last cents as she folded out. Lana lost the hand to me and chose to remove her top, revealing she had a cheat: a little white bralette that made her have 3 articles above the waist rather than the two the other girls had.

As Lana played her round of high low, she guessed lower on a 10 and was annoyed at the Queen that showed up. As she collected 4 cents from each of us, Megan was less than happy as she only had 4 pennies to her name. Kyle looked upset as she pulled off her T shirt revealing a black, nondescript, sports bra. Winning her round of Hi-Low she collected 8 cents from each player, which kicked Katie into the poor house. Before also winning her round of Hi-Low she peeled down her jeans, hiding under the form fitting, short, pleated, black dress she was wearing as a top (I REALLY miss the fashion back then). With the cascade having come to an end, the game continued.

After a few more rounds Sarah was down to her somewhat matching solid black panties, Jason and I were both in just our boxers. Katie had lost a flush to Kyle’s higher flush and the removal of her dress all at once revealed a matching set of pink and yellow panties and very well fitted push up bra. Kyle hadn’t lost anything more, and Megan had revealed that she was wearing athletic shorts under her yoga pants that left little to the imagination but covered everything. Lana had lost the bralette, revealing a simple but lacy, black padded bra doing its best to hold her in, but was otherwise still in attire that would fit on any beach. Kyle had been playing really well and had more than 4 dollars to his name, with me close behind having worked up to nearly a dollar.

The next round Jason met Megan’s 21 cent all in bet and won with the better full house. The mood changed as we all realized that this was about to get fun. Well, fun for everyone but Kyle, who was suddenly in a very sour mood at the idea of two other guys ogling his Girlfriend’s boobs. Having not known we had all skinny dipped the year prior he huffed and puffed and, with the booze helping, demanded the game stop or they leave.

With none of the rest of us wanting to stop the game, a brief argument ensued and Megan decided to take him home, disappointing at least two of us. As we boo’d and Kyle stormed out with a redressing Megan following, it dawned on us that Kyle just took more than half the chips out of the game. I suddenly found myself sitting as big dog at the table.

The drinks continued as did the hands and shortly thereafter Lana lost her jeans, revealing a non matching pair of white boy short panties. Her win at Hi-Low left Jason with 8 cents and Katie with a single penny while Sarah had a couple dimes and I was feeling rich with nearly $1.50. The game had become serious again as Jason and I sat in our boxers, both pitching obvious tents and all 3 girls remaining were in bra and panties. Eyes darted from person to person, mentally undressing our friends one by one, the next out would be a good one.

With the start of the next hand Katie was pushed all in from the ante and a collective holding of breathe could be heard as everyone else played out the hand in a side pot. Katie’s pair of 8’s wasn’t enough to beat Sarah’s 3 of a kind and the pot went to Sarah. Katie suddenly got more shy, but being a good sport, unsnapped her bra and, after a brief pause, let it fall to the floor. Jason looked proud as we all ogled her boobs that hadn’t even fallen ½” after being released. Her pale skin showed the faintest of tan lines, further highlighting her quarter-sized areolas and pencil eraser nipples that looked incredible, especially on her barely-not-a-C cups that were nearly a perfect teardrop. As pink as her bra had been and her panties remained, her cheeks outdid both as she blushed and encouraged the game to continue, spouting how she was going to get everyone back.

The next hand back Sarah and I ended up over 40 cent into the pot each, with me eventually eaking it out with the high card as we both showed two pair. Sarah looked at me rather unhappily as she realized she had less than 10 cents left in her stack. The game continued with a few small hands and then the one I had been waiting for. Katie raised 10 cents, which caused Sarah to fold, me to call, and a hesitant Lana to call. One more card fell and I raised the 4 cents needed to push Lana all in and leave Katie with only 2 cents and staring down being big blind next hand. To my suprise, both girls called and Katie won the hand with a higher straight than I had.

All eyes were on Lana as she squirmed in her seat, delaying the unclasping of her front-hook bra. As she raised her arms to release the little silver catch, The only one staring harder than me was Sarah giving me dagger eyes for being so enraptured. As Lana slowly pulled the cups of her bra away we were treated to, what are still to this day, the best nipples I have ever seen. Barely the size of a dime, her areolas were topped with nipples that occupied more than half their area and stood out proudly, even in the warm room. She quickly covered her chest with one hand and her face with the other, muttering something no one understood.

Jason was starting to fade from the booze, but roused enough to let out a “daaaaaamn” which got him an elbow in the ribs from Katie and a laugh from Lana. Lana drew a 7 on her Hi-Low and lost, leaving her with 25 cents. Without much additional fanfare, the game continued for a few hands.

The Hand of God.

I was big blind and through in my 5 cents, with everyone else calling. Jason had about 10 cents in his stack, the same as Lana, with Katie having just barely more and Sarah being just over 50 cents to my 3 digit pile of winnings. I looked at my hand and had the Queen and 10 of spades. Great hand for blackjack, but a common tease in poker. As the flop showed it was the Ace and Jack of spades plus some other card I hardly remember, off suite. I’m a sucker for chasing the flush but checked only to have Lana go all in for 8 more pennies. Jason and Sarah folded immediately with Katie calling. Not wanting to appear too excited, I called too.

The next card, was the card that I didn’t even dare hope for: the King of Spades. I was staring at a royal flush and two girls in just their panties apparently thinking the pot would be theirs. Katie pushed all in, which would require Lana to go all in to call and to my amazement she did, as I reached for the next card to finish the hand, Lana interrupted to ask Sarah for a loan. With us all giggling at her confidence, she studied my face, not looking away as she asked for 25 cents to further her winnings, offering to repay 30 cents as soon as the pot was rightfully hers. I was confused at what she had until it dawned on me that she must have a pair of aces to be bold enough to fight that hard from the start. Thinking her 3 of a kind would be near invincible, she was gambling that Katie nor I had the flush.

Sarah told her that that isn’t how the game is played and we’d have to see the hand out. Lana protested, claiming that she wanted to get me back for carrying the big stack the whole game, but Sarah stood firm until a smirk slid across her face.

“Well, I guess, if no one else minds, you can play Hi-Low right now to get more money”

Jason was right on board saying he’d allow it while Katie argued because she had no money to pay in either result so she’d also be pushed into Hi-Low. We quickly agreed to cover Katie’s share and Lana reached for the top card on the deck. She nearly flipped it before I stopped her and pointed out that Hi-Low happens AFTER one strips. She looked surprised then asked what would happen if she won. Jason nearly blurted out that she could pay it back and put her panties back on. She looked nervous, but a competative snarl was on her lips as she stood and unceremoniously dropped her simple panties to the ground. She plopped back into her chair so quickly I barely got a glimpse, but did see a nicely trimmed small triangle of golden brown fur between her legs (my preference personally, stubble isn’t worth the shaved look to me). Her attitude had softened but she was still talking trash as she played out her Hi-Low. Her first card was a 9 and her unexpected guess of higher ended up being correct when the Jack of hearts was flipped. I handed her the 17 cents I owed her and she immediately threw it into the pot, which I matched, sliding the 34 cents into a side pot.

I was silently rejoicing that her first card didn’t end up as the river as it would have opened some doors for a straight before I snapped back to the fact that I had the winning hand and knew it already. With the final flip, the river was an Ace, which had Lana jumping out of her chair, giving us all a show of her pert but tiny butt as she celebrated before gathering her composure and letting out a restrained “so, check?”.

Being one for drama I pushed in another dime, not that it made any difference other than to get both girls snarling at me. Sarah wasn’t looking especially happy either, probably from noticing my eyes glued to this diminutive goddess and the growing bulge in my boxers.

Katie asked if she could back out and Jason was there to tell her to be confident, though his look changed after glancing at her hand, which I don’t remember anymore. Lana talked some more smack as she declared it time to reveal and flipped over just the hand I expected, a pair of Aces. Katie groaned and fell back into her chair, hooking her thumbs into he panties but not pulling them down.

All eyes turned to me as I sat smugly and finally turned my hand over one card then the other. Lana appeared to be the last to realize, still celebrating and already raking the chips into a pile as Sarah let out a maniacal cry of laughter.

As the realization of what had happened, of the fact that she had lost to the ONLY hand that could beat her, Lana’s smile evaporated and she looked at me with something between sadness and rage before groaning into a string of expletives that would make a sailor blush. She pushed the pot towards me and sat back, mad enough to not let her shyness drive her to cover herself. I saw a brief flash of pink as her butt bounced on the seat of the couch.

Katie called me a lucky bastard and slid her panties down, revealing a fully shaved mound that was more pronounced than expected, but made sense on her slim frame.

Sarah was rolling with laughter and after catching her breath she made a joke about the loan being a bad investment.

Lana slithered up in her seat and asked what happens now as She and Katie were out, only to have Sarah retort that she wasn’t just out, but was sitting at negative 1 as to get back in she’d need to play Hi-Low, but had nothing with which to earn the chance.

Jason quickly suggested Lana do a Dare and the others, including myself agreed. Normally the chip lead gives the dares, but as that was me, and I had just won, it was determined that Sarah would give the dare and I looked at her as the gears turned in her mind. She looked devious and I was sure she’d suggest something harsh to punish the new girl I had been eye up all evening. Lana also sat waiting, staring at Sarah, making no effort to conceal her perfect half globe breasts that hung just above her faintly visible abs.

Sarah, apparently also annoyed with me, announced she was going to get two for one and matter-of-factly proclaimed that the dare was to deep throat me, and if unable to blow me to completion. As much as I wanted nothing more, I immediately protested as that was going a bit far and I hadn’t yet lost my boxers. Really I knew this was a ploy to see if I’d go through with it and I didn’t want to set myself up for the argument I knew would follow.

Lana looked shocked but just silently nodded before rising to her feet, grabbing my hand, and pushing me over to the pool table. You see, Sarah’s dare was conniving in another way too: While my penis is of fantastically average length, it is girthy enough that I had never had someone be able to deep throat my nearly-whiteclaw-wide manhood. As I leaned back on the pool table Lana leaned in and whispered in my ear “she’ll regret that” and dropped to her knees.

Before I had even processed what she’d said, she grabbed the bottom hem of my boxer shorts and tugged them to the ground, followed quickly by snapped her gaze over to Sarah and calling her a bitch. Seemingly processed, she wasted no time, not even a few tugs, in sliding me into her mouth. After over an hour of being teased by multiple gorgeous women, the relief of the soft velvet of her moist tounge nearly had me losing it right then and there, but I held back, afterall, it was odd having your best friend watch you get expertly blown by a near stranger infront of both of your girlfriends.

But Lana was not one to lose easily, as she quickly coated my shaft in saliva, she started danicng her toung forward, sticking it out as she bottomed out, each time decenting a little farther until I was feeling the curve of the head of my cock resting against the bag of her throat. She pushed into me but was not making any additional progress until she grabbed my hands and held them to the back of her head. With her mmm-hmmm as the response to my “are you sure?” as all the permission I needed, I slowly pulled her forward. I felt her throat contract as she gagged, but she rallied on and continued to guide my hands until all of a sudden, my head slipped past that corner at the back of the throat and I felt myself slide all the way in.

Just as her nose hit my trimmed pubes and I felt her chin between my balls, I lost control, gutterally grunting out an “I’m going to fucking cum” and releasing her hands. Immediately her left hand grabbed my right butt cheek and her right disappeared between her lucks, moving rapidly.

As I unloaded rope after rope into her throat, Lana gulped and swallowed it all, with hardly a reflexive action to be seen. When I had finished, she retracted about half way up my shaft, suctioned her lips around it, swallowed once more, and danced her tongue along the rapidly-becoming over stimulated underside of my shaft until the made it to the head which she swirled her tongue around and gave a kiss.

The game never resumed, but I won.

Months later, after a hook up at a party when Sarah and I were off-again, Lana and I decided to give doing something more than orgasming together a try and I’m lucky to say that this summer I’m gonna wife up the best cock sucker I have ever met.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/td6wu9/mf_how_the_luckiest_hand_of_poker_that_can_happen


  1. I loved your descriptions of her cock sucking. Congratulations on your upcoming marriage! May it bring much oral action for you both.

  2. I rarely save stories but I’m a huge fan of Texas hold ‘em plus this story could damn near be an ultimate fantasy for me lol. Well written and congratulations!

  3. Yooooooo this story was bomb🔥🔥🔥.
    Also I’d love to say congratulations on your newest endeavor and im looking forward to hearing more about you both in the future 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾

  4. Dude, congrats on having such a wonderful fiance but I gonna need to have some proof of that royal straight flush

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