I Got A Secret Handjob at a Wedding [MF]

During the first year of college, a friend of a friend had gotten me a job at the coffee shop she worked at. Over the next six months we got to know each other and became fast friends. Her name was Katie.
Katie was a year older than me and about 40 pounds overweight. She had struggled with it her whole life but had been able to find confidence in herself and not just her appearance.
She had a modern, cool haircut and wore form fitting clothes that accentuated her curves. She was chubby but she flaunted it.
We both came from religious backgrounds. Saying we were sheltered would be an understatement.
Despite this, Katie had a lust for life. She had been stuck in church her whole life and was chomping at the bit to have some real-life experience.
As we had both started college and work, we were meeting different types of people out of the church world. They were kind and welcoming and didn’t seem to care nearly as much about the things our parents put the fear of God in us about.
We had taken a step into the “real world.”
Our new friends were happy to be our guides. Telling stories of their exploits. Normalizing a lot of things, we were taught wrong.
Katie and I would hang out with our new friends, having our first experiences of life and then we would go to church on Sunday and have “nice time” when we hung out with our church friends that consisted of nothing more than bible study.
There was a noticeable difference.
After a few weeks, the thrill of new experiences was starting to make the world we came from less enticing. All church gatherings and functions were marred by tight collars and judgmental attitudes. Even among our friends.
I had never noticed it before, but I was finally able to see the bubble I had been in. Clearly seeing the hang ups the people in that world had.
As Katie and I were going through a similar “awakening” we were able to confide in each other. No one else really understood the complexities of our situation as our beliefs and mindsets were actively changing.
It started with subtle, knowing glances to each other when a church friend would say something a little too close minded for our liking. It grew into full theological talks about what we believe and why we believe it. Did we do the things we did because we felt it was true or because someone told us it was?
It was a time of growing and learning and unlearning and coming to our own thoughts and conclusions.
As we got closer, an unspoken attraction began to grow. Just like everything else, we weren’t allowed to date when we were in high school so going on dates was another new concept we were exploring.
I started dating around, and Katie wanted to do the same. She started going on dates as well and we would talk about our evenings and whisper when it came down to the juicy details.
After a few weeks, I noticed a pattern where Katie dates would mirror my own.
I would tell her that I took a girl to the movies, and we made out in the theatre and a few days later she would tell me how she went on a date to the movies and made out with the guy.
I told her I saw my first pair of breasts during a steamy make out session in my car and she would tell me a few days later that she took her shirt off in front of a guy for the first time the night before.
It became clear that she was following my lead when it came to what was possible. She was only going as far as I went. But she only went there if I did first.
A coworker had a house party. We went together. The house was packed! The living room had been converted to a dance floor and everyone was going for it.
As we didn’t know anyone else there but our coworkers, we all stuck together. One of the crew was Anna, who was super cute and right now, super drunk. She was dancing alone until a guy started dancing up on her. She turned to see who it was and shook her head at him. He backed off as Anna looked around the room and locked eyes with me.
She summoned me over to the dance floor. As I stood in front of her, she spun around and bent over, grinding her ass into my dick as the music shook the floorboards.
My eyes went wide in shock as this was a new experience for me. Everyone on the dance floor started laughing as they watched me unsuccessfully try to keep my cool as I felt my dick go from six to midnight in 3 seconds.
Anna was too into the beat to care about the people laughing. The only thing she cared about was grinding on my giant cock.
I didn’t know what to do so I placed my hands on her hips, swaying to the music as I dry humped her in front of 50 people who were gleefully watching. Anna placed her hands over mine and lifted them up to her tits and squeezed.
I looked over to my work crew who were cracking up at the expression on my face. A look of joy and uncertainty.
My eyes caught Katie’s who was also enjoying the show. But she wasn’t enjoying the hilarity, she was enjoying watching me and Anna basically fuck with our clothes on.
That was the most eventful part of the evening which ended soon after and nothing ever happened with me and Anna. But it had sparked something in Katie’s brain.
The next day, Katie and I were both attending a church friend’s wedding at a family friend’s home. The bride and groom had a candy bar in lieu of an actual bar and the signature cocktail was iced tea and lemonade.
Katie was savvy enough to sneak in a flask, so we spiked our drinks all afternoon.
They cut the cake, did speeches and threw the bouquet. But I was here for the dancing.
After last night I was jazzed for a good time dancing up a storm. But as the DJ played the music, everyone was dancing 3 feet apart or standing in a circle and clapping as they stepped from side to side. It was sad to witness.
I looked at Katie and she shared the sentiment. From last night to now, we had gone from a concert to a communion.
I gestured with my head for her to follow me as I walked across the dance floor to the side of the house, away from the party lights. The music echoed against the brick walls, so it was almost as loud as being on the dance floor.
I lamented on the lameness of the party as we both poured ourselves lemonade from the almost empty pitchers. All the other guests were on or around the dance floor.
“They’re not even dancing together.” I pointed out before taking a sip of the room temperature lemonade.
“I know! Too bad they weren’t at the party last night. You could have shown them how.” Katie replied with a chuckle.
I took Katie’s hand as I led her into the shadows next to the house.
“You mean like this?” I asked as I pushed my left hand into her hip and spun her around before grabbing both her hips and pulling her ass into my pelvis. She started grinding on me immediately.
“Yeah, this is real dancing.” She said as her voice slightly cracked.
My heart was beating hard in my chest, and I knew hers was too. She hadn’t done anything like this before. I don’t think she had ever seen dancing like this until last night.
We continued to grind to the music as I kept a lookout to see if anyone could see us. We were in the clear.
I turned my attention back to the thic girl who was pushing her juicy ass into my hard dick.
She was arching her back as she turned her head to look at me as we basically began simulating sex.
She stopped grinding her hips and started bouncing. My dick was sliding deeply between her thighs, and I could feel I was rubbing against her clit through my pants.
She lifted the back of her dress up to her waist. Revealing her thic bare ass in a tight thong. I went with the moment and pulled my waistband down to let my dick stand at attention before I slid it in between katies thighs. My bare dick was now rubbing against her vagina as we continued to gyrate on each other.
The song ended and transitioned to a slower song. Katie took the opportunity to get a look of her first real life dick. She turned around as she let her dress fall back down. She bent forward to inspect my impressive cock.
“Can I touch it?” she asked as she continued to look at it. As if she were asking to pet my dog.
“Sure.” I said breathlessly. This was the first girl that had ever seen my dick, let alone touch it. I was getting excited.
Katie led me to the side of the house as the guests continued the dance floor. She pulled the front of her dress down to let her unencumbered double D breasts swing freely.
She reached out her finger and ran it along my shaft from the base to the tip. Pressing down slightly so when she let go, it sprung up and down slightly.
She giggled. I chuckled.
She moved her hand forward again and grabbed my dick and started stroking it.
I felt myself ramping up. Shit! I was about to cum!”
“Ladies and gentlemen, please gather at the front gate as we send off the Bride and Groom.” The DJ announced as I watched Katie’s impressive tits sway back and forth.
“We better go before people notice.” Said Katie as she let go of my dick and pulled her dress back up.
I looked like a deer in headlights as I was only about 15 seconds from cumming and needed to finish.
I started jerking myself off.
“I’m about to cum” I whispered as she began to walk back to the group.
She turned back quickly.
“Really?” She asked expectantly.
“Can I watch?”
“Okay.” I let out as I felt myself begin to orgasm.
Katie’s eyes were transfixed on my cock as she watched me cum 50 feet away from our group of friends.
“Wow” she let out a chuckle.
“Yeah” I said as I breathed out in pleasure.
“I’ll see you up there?” she asked as she started for the front gate.
I nodded as I watched her walk around the corner. I got myself together and headed back to the group a couple minutes later. No one noticed we had disappeared, and everyone cheered as the bride and groom jumped in the car and drove off.
Katie and I hung out later that week.
PART 2 coming soon.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/tc4qez/i_got_a_secret_handjob_at_a_wedding_mf


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