*Hey Guys, this is my first story so don’t go too hard on me, I’d love any feedback to be better, this is kinda just a teaser story to see if there’s any interest in my writing something a little more involved and smutty, also it’s more story (backstory) driven than anything else*

My head feels like it’s going to split in two, as I see thru her eyes, me slowly kissing up Jude’s thighs, taking the time to kiss each intricate tattoo. When I reach her tight folds, I feel every sensation as though it was my own, but It doesn’t feel like mine, it feels like hers. I feel my heart flutter as I start rubbing my slit, I feel her heart flutter too, she runs her hands thru my hair, feeling my hair thru her hands, feeling her hands in my hair. I feel her Pure bliss, teetering over the edge of orgasm, just needing one little push.
STATIC. All I see is static, My brain is screaming in pain. My Kiroshi Optics are only showing glitches, my brain is a fog, Where am I? Who am I? As the pain lessens, I gain some awareness. I’m in a Shion, no, My shion. That’s right I bought it in the badlands outside NC, Dakota sold it to me right after my big break working for the Paralezs. Jude’s here, she’s fine, Ok, I’m fine. We are fine, everything is preem. I reach up and feel the trickle of blood running down my chin, No, not fine. I feel like something, someone, is missing in my mind but I don’t know who. As I take off my wreath, Judy speaks up, “Hey, you ok?” I still am shuddering in pain and can’t even bring myself to respond. Judy wordlessly taps our interclan radio and slows to a stop. She reaches over and gently pulls my blood sprayed hair out of my face. We sit there for a few minutes, just her softly stroking my hair. Panam knocks at the door, concern plainly on her face. “Hey, how’s V?” Judy defeatedly replies, “not good, we should stop for the night” “we’re only 40 miles from my contact outside Tucson, we can make it” “no, she can’t! look at her, we stop” “fine, ok fine, we’ll stop but only for the day, we can drive there tonight”, Panam says as she turns away and orders our clan to all stop. Ever since Saul died, Panams changed, maybe for the better, maybe not. Still she’s the most stubborn choom I know when she gets her mind set on something. I guess it’s a good thing that that something is healing me. Judy whispers that she’ll be right back and to take it easy and goes to get our tent set up. After a couple minutes, I sit up straight and open the door, feeling the desert air on my face. I force myself to stand up despite feeling faint. As I lean against the door for support, I notice Jude’s hand print on what used to be her side of our car. I don’t know if I should feel nostalgic or sad, us nomads have a tradition to paint our rides with our clans insignia and motifs along with whatever else we feel represents us. Right after Judy and I left with the clan, she got made part of the family and we spent a whole week of all of our spare nights decorating my ‘coyote’. Her handprint right above her doorwell and mine above mine. She was not always very amused with all of my ideas, but man she can paint. Our time on the hood after we finished painting it is a memory I’ll remember till the day I die, beside who knew paint felt so good on nipples?

Feeling a bit better, I walk towards Judy and I’s tent for the day. Mitch stops me to remind me that he got stuck with the tent next to us again. I still don’t think he’s too happy about the last time because I had ‘borrowed’ Carol’s modded Mr Stud. That thing is so preem I get all wet just thinking of using it again. I had pounded Judy so hard that night that I broke her cot. I hadn’t realized I also broke our sound dampener so when Judy used it on me, Mitch heard every moan and scream. Judy even was kind enough to leave me connected to it while using it, so let’s just say it was a lot of screaming. Now our tent isnt much but it’s what we have. I strip for bed and as I go to lie under the covers, she asks, “so what were you watching in the car” “you remember our BD?” “The one at the lake?” “No, the last one” I see a little blush forming as she goes on, “so that’s why you got a little” slowing as she said “overloaded” I notice how her outfit is failing spectacularly, I reply, “I think I’m even more overloaded now” she slips off her overalls and top and asks “what about now?” “Why don’t you find out just how loaded I am?” “Shit V, you gonna pull out a gun” I laugh as she always knows exactly what to say, she draws in close and leaning above me, wipes a bit of blood from under my nose and whispers “maybe we should wait till after tonight” “I don’t even know if this doctor can do anything, I want to use every second I have to give you something to remember me by” she shakes her head and instead asks “cuddle with me?” When I nod, she turns around and lies down, sliding her cute little bare ‘pandejo’ right up against me. Despite my burning heat down below, I fall asleep in seconds.
I wake up back in the car, somehow all dressed. Jude gasping for breath responds, “V! I thought I lost you, you wouldn’t wake up. We’re almost there, just hang in there” “ugh, Judy, ugh, for you, I could do anything!”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tbf49b/v_judy_leave_night_city_ff_cyberpunk_story_heavy