Satanic Panic Pt. 1: A Horny Coven of Witches Summons a Demon During Their Weekend Retreat [M/F, Rough Sex, Oral, Ghostly Apparitions]

It was a silly idea, but in good fun. The four–Jess, Aly, Kat, and Celeste–hadn’t seen each other properly in years. There were the odd lunches and coffees here and there, but they hadn’t had a veritable *girls’ weekend* since college. They finally set out to correct their lackadaisical socializing in the few weeks before Aly’s wedding. A rented cabin retreat in the Rockies would be the perfect environment for a solitary, distraction-free friends’ weekend. But it was Celeste’s idea to bring up the Crescent Circle.

They had initially bonded over a shared interest in the occult and quickly formed what they called a witches’ coven. They dubbed themselves the Crescent Circle and dedicated many nights throughout college to performing rituals, sneaking through graveyards, and reading each other’s fortune. For their weekend, Celeste suggested something especially ambitious: summoning the Dark Lord himself.

“Don’t you remember when we tried sophomore year?” She asked as they piled their bags into the rustic cabin.

“That time we used a ouija board,” Kat chipped in.

“Right,” Celeste nodded, “And it didn’t work. We didn’t know what we were doing. But I have the right ritual right *here*.” She held up a small black book with the Cross of Saint Peter placed inside a triangle. Celeste had already explained this wasn’t just a summoning spell, it was a *sex* rite.

“Lucifer *was* supposed to be the most beautiful angel,” Jess had said, indicating her interest in meeting him.

“And such a bad boy too,” Aly agreed with a giggle.

So it was agreed that they’d perform the ritual–after several glasses of red wine–on their first night in the cabin. It was true they had some strange experiences in the past while dabbling in the dark arts, but they knew this was all in good fun.

Near Midnight, while blushing red from drinking, they drew a shaky chalk pentagram on the floor and sat within it. Celeste read out the instructions:

“Dress as you want his infernal majesty to find you.” She paused to examine her friends–Jess was in a black lace teddy, Aly in the schoolgirl lingerie she had reserved for her finance, Kat in a purple velvet dress with a long slit from chest to navel. Celeste herself wore a matching bra and panty set adorned with inverted crosses. “Check,” she giggled.

“Work yourself into a state of arousal.” The women glanced around at each other in embarrassment, but the alcohol was a useful social lubricant. Kat–ever the provocateur–got them started. She showed her friends the small vibrator she brought along–”my boyfriend” she joked–pushed it beneath her dress and began to tease her clit.

The other girls soon followed, filling the oak-finished living room with a chorus of light moans. Celeste encouraged her friends to keep it up while she read the next step, “A drop of each participant’s nectar in the center of the pentagram.” She removed her hand from her panties and wiped its wetness between the crossed lines of the star. Aly, Kat, and Jess soon followed.

Celeste continued, her dark, curly hair falling over her shoulders as she fought against her pleasure, “Now, we must all agree that we welcome our Dark Lord into our bodies. Our hearts.”

The girls chanted together, “Come within us o’ Satan.”

“Recite the Infernal Names.” This was something they did quite often when they were younger and each woman was surprised to find that the list of devilish names was still memorized somewhere deep within them.

“One last step,” Celeste said, between heavy panting, “we must call him forth now. Repeat after me: Te invoco a profundus inferni..”

In unison, each moaning voice called out, “Te invoco a profundus inferni…”

Every light went out. The friends gasped in the darkness. One candle, set near the edge of the pentagram, was set alight by some unseen force.

“I think it’s working,” Celeste whispered. “Now, we all know how the game works. It’s time to hide. Lucifer will find the girl he prefers tonight.”


Kat was having fun, even if this whole thing was absurd. It was true that they’d accomplished some strange things before, but surely they weren’t going to actually summon some handsome devil. Still, she was a little tipsy and enjoyed playing along.

She decided to hide in one of the bedrooms upstairs, crawling beneath a high bed and positioning her small body so that she could see out of the room’s door. “This is *so* dumb,” she muttered. She laid on her belly, folding her hands into a small cushion for her chin to rest on while she listened for her friends.

Despite her disbelief, she still nearly jumped through the mattress when she felt something wrap around her ankle. She pulled her knee up to her chest and looked back. There was nothing there. Though, the window beside the bed was open, letting in a howling breeze.

“Get it together, Kat,” she muttered as she stretched her legs again and turned her attention back towards the door.

And just as she was getting comfortable something really *did* grab her by the ankle and drag her on her stomach from under the bed. The room to the door closed with a loud slam, the deadbolt twisting abruptly.

Kat screamed wildly as she was dragged onto the flower-shaped rug in the center of the bedroom. She looked up, expecting a monster but saw…nothing. Well, no, there was *something* there. She could feel a presence and the lone lamp in the room was clearly casting a shadow against the wall. It was clearly the shadow of a rather muscular looking man, with curled horns on his head.

The shadow bent down towards her shivering body and she could smell the alluring scent of a dying campfire. A booming, disembodied voice filled the room, “Your coven has called to me. And I know what it is you desire.”

The nervous witch tried to prop herself up on her elbows, but two heavy, unseen hands pushed her down at the shoulders. She stammered, “You…you’re Lucifer?”

There was a great, bellowing laughter, “No you fools. Did you really think the Dark Lord would answer your silly ritual. I am Amon. The Grand Marquis of Hell. The Lord of Reproduction. Your ritual could only ever be calling to me.”

Kat felt something prodding against her abdomen. It was big. Thick. And It felt alive. It was throbbing. Growing. But she could only feel it, not see it.

She looked at her shoulders, seeing nothing holding them down, but on the wall she could see the shadow of two outstretched arms clamping onto her. “Why aren’t you visible?”

The voice grew impatient. “Do you witches not do any research these days? Too busy reading palms? The initial manifestation is weak, but I’ll grow in power. All I need is a little of this–”

Kat’s bright blue eyes widened in surprise as she watched the fabric of her dress begin to stretch outward. Then there was a tear as the upper-portion was ripped away. Her pert breasts jiggle free. Her nipples were already razor-sharp and Amon knew it. She felt a wet appendage wrapping around one. She watched in amazement as saliva dripped down onto her chest from seemingly out of thin air.

She arched her back as the licking turned to biting. Her nipple was tugged around and twisted by Amon’s invisible mouth. “Ah—ah,” she moaned softly as that first pinch of pain shot through her body. Something brushed against her inner thigh and somehow she knew it was his cock. She felt a strand of sticky precum break off just below her labia and she could feel the heat he radiated. He was right there, waiting to enter her.

There was another loud rip and the remains of her dress was cast across the room. Her g-string was all that hid her opening now. She felt a finger curl beneath it and pull it to the side, revealing her tight landing strip of blonde hair.

The demonic voice echoed through the room, “Say it. You have to say what it is you want.”

Her body was squirming beneath his weight, his thumb was tweaking her nipple now, eliciting soft gasps of pain.

“Fuck…fuck me! Please, Lord Amon. Fuck me!”

The invisible cock plunged inside her. She couldn’t see it, but she could certainly feel the thick, pulsating veins as he stretched her opening wide. The room filled with filaments of black smoke and the multiplicitous growling of her spectral suitor.

His demonic cock was long, scraping within the first thrust against the base of her cervix. And it was so *warm*. It was a pleasing sensation, that heat spreading among Kat’s insides in a soothing fashion.

The hands holding her down retracted and she suddenly saw her breasts being manipulated. She could make out the divots of fingers as her plush flesh gave beneath the force. She reached out instinctively, now trying to wrap her free arms around the demon and she was surprised when she found something solid. It was a hot, muscular body. She dug her nails in hard as his invisible lips sucked at her neck.

She was absolutely drenched. She could feel the floor rug beneath her growing wet with her nectar. Her ears ignore her own moans of pleasure and focused on the sloppy sounds of his cock spreading her apart, her leaking pussy giving him all the lube he needed to push inside her as aggressively as he pleased.

There was a sudden emptiness as he pulled out and she whined incessantly, “Don’t stop, please don’t stop I–” Her words were quickly cut off by a slick, but invisible object shoving its way into her mouth. She could feel the fiery warmth of his heavy testicles beating against her chin.

She did her best to make space for his girthy member but could only accommodate so much of his abrupt assault. A pool of saliva formed in her mouth and she found herself gagging and sputtering around the spectral phallus. Spit ran down her chin, then curved under it and ran along her neck, eventually making its way between her tits.

Amon’s heavy hands closed around her skull, pressing hard against her as he pushed his way down her throat. He held her in place with such strength that–even if she wanted to–she wouldn’t be able to pull away. But finally he let her take a breath, beating his massive phallus against her forehead while another river of spit exploded over her lips.

She tried desperately to catch herself, “Oh fuck, oh fuck.” Her chest was heaving as she stood there, knowing that–though she couldn’t see it–there was a demon standing right before her, slapping his spit-drenched instrument of pleasure across her cheek.

Kat felt her hair pulling upwards and an arm wrapping around her waist. Before she could react she was lifted from the floor, floating in midair. Then she was tossed with ease onto the bed. She landed on her stomach and instinctively pushed her ass into the air, spreading her legs wide in an inviting display.

The full moon illuminated his shadow and hers on the wall parallel to the bed. She turned her head to the side and watched as the figure walked to her, his hand stroking his cock as he prepared to enter her from the rear. Those hands were quickly on her hips and then on her ass, pulling her to the edge of the bed as he slammed his balls against her labia.

There was a loud crack and she felt a searing sense of pain. Her ass jiggled from his hard smack. She was certain that would leave a bruise.

Amon grabbed her long blonde hair and pulled it into a tight ponytail, forcing her to arch her back and ensuring she couldn’t move forward to lessen his forward momentum. He was going for broke now, his muscular thighs sending shockwaves through her rounded, plump ass.

There was a sudden, blood-curdling growl as he came inside her. It was so much. He was filling her womb with a heated, sticky oozing of sperm. It was such an intense propulsion that it was pushing his cock out and she already felt it running like thick syrup down her thighs.

Just like that, the shadow was gone. The door unlocked itself and Celeste rushed in. She flipped on the light and was immediately drawn to the glowing red handprint on Kat’s ass. There was the smell of smoldering ash filling the room. Kat sat there on the bed in the same position, shaking from her own orgasm. Her own scream of pleasure had been drowned out by Amon’s earth-shaking groaning. She felt his semen start to collect near her knees.

“Holy shit, it worked,” Celeste said, rushing to check on her friend. “Are you okay?”

Kat turned her head, her face was blushed and smeared with ruined makeup, “Christ am I. That was incredible. It wasn’t Lucifer, though.”

Celeste hesitated for a moment, “Yeah…I messed this one up. It’s Amon, who has a *really* strong sexual appetite. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of him.”


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