The Striptease Artist and Her Date [MF][Burlesque][Stripper][exhib][cons][voy][Performing for Him][anticipation][tease][seduction]

You are peering through a gap in the side curtains, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. In his last message he said he’d purchased his ticket, and would make the drive to town to catch your performance. The venue isn’t all that large, even with the stage lights up you should be able to spot…There! At a table in the center. A tall, distinguished looking man stands up. He gracefully removes his jacket and drapes it over the back of his chair before retaking his seat. The butterflies in your stomach redouble their flapping, and for a moment you feel faint. He looks even more handsome in real life than in the pictures you’ve seen. There is a look of excited anticipation on his face that you know is for your upcoming performance.

As the emcee strides up to the microphone you take a moment to make sure every button is secure and every strap is within easy reach. Then, it’s showtime.

“Ladies and Gentlemen. It is my honor and privilege to introduce to you, the hottest spice in Texas! Miss! Vivian! Virtue!!!!

As you strut out to center stage, all of the butterflies vanish. Your eyes scan the crowd, pretending to make with every one of your admirers. When you reach your mark, you settle your gaze on the spot where you know he is sitting. Your breathing becomes deeper, your eyelids hooded, and a sultry smile comes to your lips. Experience has shown you that any man or woman lucky enough to be graced with your “fuck me” look soon becomes helpless to resist your charms.

An excited murmur runs through the crowd.

The music begins, and as you begin to move everyone in the room vanishes from your view, except for him.

You begin with a slight wiggle of your hips. Then you raise your arms above your head as your body dips and gyrates just enough to make everyone in the audience bob their heads along with your dipping hips.

You strut slowly around the stage; your boa draped over outstretched arms; your long sheer skirt flowing behind you. You know exactly how well this outfit and your three in dance shoes show off your fantastic legs.

Back to center stage, you look out into the audience to find his eyes.

You’ve performed in dozens of shows, and this is one of your favorite routines. You could perform it with your eyes closed. In fact, you think, parts of this routine are enhanced when you have your eyes closed. Enhanced for the audience because they can stare openly as you expose more and more of your skin to their view. Enhanced for you because you can lose yourself deeper in your fantasy for a few moments, to imagine you are performing for him alone.

There is no need to imagine tonight. He’s here, and he is transfixed by you.

Closing your eyes, your hands move inward to trace across the exposed skin above your corset. Slowly, you slide your hands down to your hips where they grasp your skirt and swirl it about your legs as you raise your chin, arch your back, and exhale. You imagine he’s leaning forward, along with the rest of the audience, intent to drink in the seductive vision in front of them.

You open your eyes and move your boa through its own intricate dance along your arms, your chest, your shoulders, and finally down your back to rest on the ground.

You step over to the right side of the stage, and begin the process of removing a glove. You take your time, tugging each finger loose before taking the garment in your teeth and pulling your hand free.

You glide to the other side of the stage, instinctively playing to the entire crowd. In in the corner of your eye you always keep him in view. Tonight, you have a little something special planned. Something the audience hasn’t seen before. Something he’s told you that he likes, but is not part of your usual repertoire. He’s seen you do it before, but not in a formal performance. It was in a quick video clip you posted on a lark.

You were feeling particularly frisky one day, and your nipples were almost painfully erect. You looked into the camera to give your fans a little tease. Little did you know that the lightest touch of your palms on your breasts would send a charge of pleasure through you so strong that it would wash over you and appear on your face. Tonight, you are going to repeat that move. Maybe you’ll be obvious about it. Maybe you’ll be subtle. Either way you know HE will notice, and he’s the only one that matters tonight.

You cross your arms across your chest, your ungloved hand grasping the end of the glove on your other arm at the elbow. Slowly you slide your arms apart, simultaneously removing the glove as your palms slide over your lace-covered breasts. You cannot help but gasp at the tingles of pleasure that shoot from your nipples. Momentarily, your eyes widen, and your smile widens. Not everyone in the audience realizes what just happened, but those who do are ensnared deeper into your web of seduction.

To give yourself a moment to gather yourself, you turn your back to the audience and begin to sway your hips to the beat. Your hands snake upward to free the pin holding the flower in your hair, and at the same time freeing your red tresses to cascade down your back. Your hands move to the laces in the back of your corset, loosening as your swaying becomes more exaggerated. You know the stage lights have made the sheer skirt almost transparent. The audience is now torn between watching the sway of your hips and ass in barely there lace panties, and watching the ever loosening corset as you move your hands to the front. It’s obvious you are unsnapping the garment, readying it to be tossed aside.

You undo the final snaps to the beat of the music as you turn one step at a time to face the audience. You hug the corset close to your body one final time before throwing your hands wide, exposing your pale skin to the audience’s eager eyes. Your eyes, however, are fixed on his position. Your bright eyes and brighter smile make it clear that tonight’s performance is for him, and him alone.

The song is nearing its end, so you pick up the pace. Strutting in a circle, you draw their attention once more to your legs, while your fingers make quick work of the knot holding your skirt in place. You move into a twirl, and unwrap the skirt as it rises about your long legs. Letting go at the end of the twirl with a long-practiced flourish you send the skirt flying into the wings of the stage.

You step back to the center spotlight and reach back to undo the clasp of your sparkly bra. You cross your other arm across your breast to keep them covered as the garment gives way. Bending forward to provide a view of your awesome cleavage you straighten your arms and let the garment fall to the floor. As the music comes to a close you straighten, and give them your most dazzling smile. You hold your arms out wide and shimmy, giving the audience a spectacular view of your breasts, naked with the exception of the sparkly pasties that barely cover your nipples.

As the lights come down you are engulfed in wave after wave of applause, cheers, and wolf whistles. You glance up and see him standing at his table clapping and smiling broadly. Light headed from the rush of adrenaline you curtsy-bow and make your way offstage, shaking your ass the entire way until you reach the warm embrace of the robe held by the stage kitten


He had not been prepared for this.

Yes, he’d seen her pose provocatively online. He’d even seen video of her practicing her routines. None of that could compare to the electricity, the raw energy, of seeing her perform live. She was in her element on stage, that was obvious. In his eyes, her smile could have lit the entire room without a single stage light to assist. Her eyes gleamed with excitement from the start, except of course, for that moment when she closed her eyes at the beginning of her act. It had been a magical moment, when the entire audience leaned forward to get an even better view of the goddess on the stage as she ran her hands along her incredible curves. Then she opened her eyes, and looked directly at him as she began to move again.

Watching the rest of her performance was almost like dreaming. He lost track of where and when he was. His entire world was the gorgeous creature on the stage before him. By the end of her performance, when she straightened up and smiled at him, he was so enraptured and filled with her presence that he forgot to breathe. If the audience hadn’t erupted into cheers he might still be at the table, his lungs aching for the sweet embrace of oxygen that was denied as his mind swayed on the verge of exploding at the sheer euphoria of being in her presence. Then, he was on his feet, clapping and cheering her name along with everyone else in the room.

He watched as she took her bow, then made her way into the wings, then he slumped into his seat and reached for his drink. “Yep,” he thought to himself. “I was definitely not ready for that experience!”

His mind was in haze as the final two performers came out and did their acts. He offered up polite applause to each, but truth be told, he could not remember anything about either act. He downed the rest of his drink and was trying to decide what to do next when his phone buzzed. He looked down to read the message.

>***Meet me in the lobby in 10. – Vivian***

He settled his tab; pulled on his jacket; then made a quick swing by the restroom to check his appearance before walking out to the lobby to meet the woman of his dreams.


You’re standing just inside the hallway that leads from the dressing rooms to the lobby, when you spot a flash of bright orange hair through the crowd. You observe him for a few moments, as he stands in the center of the room casting glances about trying to find you. You admire the strong jawline, and nicely trimmed beard. Broad shoulders and the cutest ass you’ve seen in a long while.

You gather yourself, and step into the room. You know you look good. A snug black dress with a slit in the front. The bodice shows a tantalizing, but still respectable for the venue, amount of cleavage. Sheer stockings and heels complete your ensemble. When you get to within about ten feet of him he turns, and his eyes lock with yours.


The intensity in his eyes is what you notice first. This is replaced by a softness as he smiles upon realizing he’s finally spotted you. At first, it appears as if he’s going to rush to close the gap before realizing you’re in a crowded lobby together. Instead he straightens his posture, and walks quickly up to you. Not knowing exactly how to greet you, he reaches for your hand, enveloping it in both of his warm hands as he stares down at you, directly into your eyes. “Hi,” he says. “It’s wonderful to finally see you. I mean, meet you! In person…I mean.”

You find his nerves endearing and want nothing more than to pull him into a long, deep, kiss. Instead you place your other hand over his and return his greeting. “I’m so glad you could come tonight.”

“Yes, so am I. As soon as I heard about the new show, I knew I had to make my way over.” “Do you have time…Would you like to go somewhere?”

“Don’t you need to stick around? Attend to your adoring public?”

“Not tonight. Tonight I’m only interested in one audience member”

When you see him blush, you realize just what you said. You’re shocked at your brazenness, and pleased with yourself for making him blush.

He recovers quickly saying, “Are you ready to leave now? Do you need to collect anything from your dressing room?”

“Nothing that can’t wait until tomorrow,” you reply as you slide your arm into his, and give a slight tug toward the exit.
