Symbiote Evolutions, pt 1

I’m Cassandra, but most call me Cassie. Really, _most_ call me Nova – my superhero alter-ego name. What started out as a suicide attempt gone wrong led to me developing superpowers, and I’ve been in the hero biz ever since. The manifestation of powers and other brilliant enhancements to my body certainly cured my initial depression, but there are certainly days I’d rather go back to my quiet, boring, debt ridden life. 

My unorthodox origin is standard enough. Tried to off myself with a painkiller overdose at work (after hours, of course), but was discovered by a pair of scientists before the drugs could really kick in. I was genuinely happy to be found, thinking it was some divine intervention, but quickly learned this was not the case. The scientists had no intention of “saving” me, they just happened to be in need of a fresh cadaver. The drugs had barely kicked in, dull clutches of death slowly squeezing from within, when their first experiment began.

They loaded me into some machine, way over my pay grade from the data processing department. Didn’t even bother strapping me to the platform, no need with someone too far gone to escape from the narrow opening. I vaguely remember a blinding light and some distant alarm, maybe sparks raining down on me? In any case, their machine exploded with me inside. The result was a few dead scientists, extensive damage to the entire building, years of litigation, a small payout for injuries, and a whole new me.

Through extensive trial and error I found several powers and enhancements. First was my limited ability to feel pain and heightened durability, possibly from the painkiller aspect of the incident? Next I learned how to fly. I could see clearly in the dark, and emit light from my hands. I learned how to lift and bend metal with the forces from within, as well. The most interesting part of the new me, in my opinion, was my abilities with radiation. It was a surprise at first, and something I had to train at great lengths to control effectively, but I would consider that to be my most impressive power. 

My strength seemed to improve as well, and I had developed muscle to look the part. Nothing over the top, but the flab seemed to melt away to reveal chiseled abs, and bulging pleasantly along my legs and arms. I also no longer had an acne issue, breakouts seemed to be a thing of the past, and my unruly hair straightened into graceful volume. My eyes now sparkle (literally), and my teeth are permanently bleached white.

The only “blemish” on my otherwise perfect body are the scars left from the machine responsible for my gift. Pinkish lightening patterns scatter from my shoulders down the length of my arms, across my back and chest, and swirl over my thighs. There are also some matching pink splotches around my eyes, almost like a natural hero mask. I’ve learned to love these new features, especially when they grow bright as I exert myself. It takes more and more effort to get them to glow, but I can really light up a room if I need to.

There have been a myriad of villains to test my abilities, none of who have fared very well. Every enemy to oppose me seems to be stronger and more capable than the last, the increasing challenge doing little more than enhancing my own abilities – while also testing my nerves. They generally die in the encounter, the survivors often wish they could have been so lucky. This latest baddie is likely to be one of the ones to be wishing for death by the time I’m done with him…

It all started a few weeks ago. The police were swarmed with reports of a dark green prowler, stalking people at night. Didn’t really think much of it until some of those same people went missing. One officer was unfortunate enough to catch the monster in the act; saw the greenish creature snatch someone off the street, managed to follow it to an abandoned building in his cruiser, and found it somewhere inside. According to him, the beast was raping the poor girl with “every manner of tentacle…” I don’t know how many manners there are when it comes to tentacles, but he didn’t have much time to get a closer look before being found out himself. A homeless man reported the officer a few blocks from where he said the creature was hiding, beaten and cut to within an inch of his life. He doesn’t recall how he’d gotten there, or how he managed to survive his injuries, but the hospital said it was nothing short of miraculous. 

Anger fueled my resolve, but clouded my judgment. I donned my hero outfit; black leather boots up to my calves, blue leather skirt with matching jacket around a deep red corset, and a custom red helmet, with a visor to shield my eyes while flying. Instinct told me to get backup for this conflict, but I was so certain in my abilities. 

I arrived at the abandoned building in the middle of the day, thinking it may give me some additional edge. If this thing is nocturnal, perhaps I can catch it off guard, or even sleeping, and minimize any collateral damage. The interior is pitch black, despite the light offered by the sun overhead. Any holes in the structure must have been patched in order to keep it so dark. Fortunately, I can see just fine without the light, and manage to proceed with little issues. The musty smell of mildew and dust hangs heavy in the air, and every skittering caused by random mice puts me even more on edge. I have to strain to keep my breath under control, every step being made cautiously to remain soundless. 

After what felt like hours, but was probably less than one, I entered the room. My eyes widened in shock, breath caught in my chest as I tried to comprehend what I was seeing. The room is devoid of furniture, or even any debris. It looks to be almost pristine, save for the moldy smell. But there’s a new scent here, one I vaguely recognize, but can’t quite seem to place. Perhaps that was because of the distracting sight of dozens of pod-like shapes along the walls in the room. I shine light from my left hand to get a better picture, and see each pod glistening a deep green. Thick veins pulsed along the surface of each, and some sort of viscous fluid coated them. Long, sticky strands of their coating clung to my hand after touching one, but the x-ray I’d seen confirmed my suspicion. The missing people – mostly women – were inside these pods! 

A loud crash from behind startled me into action, and I sent a ray of radial heat into the suddenly closed door. Several mice fled from the area around the central focus of my attack, but nothing else was there. I felt something slide around the lower portion of my knee high leather boot, just over the ankle. A small, slick tendril had wrapped around, and began to spiral up from the nearby pod. I grimaced and stepped away, kicking at the tentacle as I retreated. My mind raced to formulate some kind of plan for the victims around me, but I was again interrupted by a loud thud. 

This one thundered directly in front of me, almost knocking me from my feet as the monstrosity landed. It stood straight before me, looming a solid two feet taller than myself. Exaggerated muscles bulged on its chest and arms underneath the shimmering slime coating it, rippling muscles extending all the way down into massive hands tipped in razor-like claws. The face was devoid of features other than an unnaturally large mouth, the ends of which stretched to where a normal person’s ears would be. An impossible number of long, pointy teeth glimmered in the light from my hand. Any conviction I felt dissolved as the creature roared at me, it’s hot breath washing over me like a tsunami of fear. Fight or flight kicked in, and as if on autopilot, I flew.

It was the first time since getting my powers that I fled from anything, but I absolutely needed to get some distance from that thing. Seemed to catch it unaware, too, since I managed to get through the damaged wall before it could react. I soared through halls and up staircases, always aware of where I was in relation to the room. My mind frantically considered every solution it could for the current situation, and kept returning to flying as far away as I could. That was not a course of action I was willing to consider, however. The best option, I decided, was to use range to my advantage, and rain whatever attacks down I could… from afar. With that in mind, I turned and began to proceed back to the room, but of course it wouldn’t work out that way.

The wall beside me crumbled around the creature crashing through it, sending me off course and into the floor. I tried leaping back away from the monster, intense radiation burning from my hands as it lunged forward. The flesh – if it could be called that – boiled as its heat increased, but it only seemed to grow in size and strength from my go-to knockout. Sharp nails wheezed through the air an inch from my face, sparks flying away from my scarlet helmet as I jumped back. A flash of blinding light from my palms flooded the hallway, but the apparently blind creature was unaffected as it charged at me again. Its massive fist crushed into my stomach, forcing every ounce of air from my lungs as my feet left the ground. A door shattered around me as the hall gave way to another room, and I rolled to a ragged stop. 

I got to a knee as the monster joined me in the empty room, and put my arms up defensively when his came down from above. A jolt shook through my bones as his powerful hands knocked my meager defense away, knuckles slapping into the floor. I felt him grab the top of my helm before sending his knee into my face. The red tinted visor exploded around my eyes, fragments peppering my skin as the all too powerful knee surged forward. A ringing deafened me, my vision twirled as I crumpled into a heap. I only vaguely registered his hand on my boot, or the floor sliding below me as I was dragged through the building. The stairs shook me aware, briefly, but it wasn’t until we stopped, my foot thumping to the ground, that I snapped fully back to reality. 

We were in a small, concrete room, barely larger than a supply closet. It was empty, like most other rooms in this place, except for one large desk. I tried to roll over and get to my feet, or even just off the ground to fly away, but was crushed hard into the smooth floor by the creature’s massive foot. Air rushed from my lungs at the blow, and I didn’t even have the time to react before his hands pulled me up.

The creature threw me into a nearby wall. I felt the vertebrae pop (or break?) from the impact, the now unfamiliar sensation of pain searing along my spine as I fell to the ground. My lungs burned as they attempted to restore the air forced out, and I was unprepared for the heavy foot swinging up into my heaving stomach. The tremendous kick launched me into the cement ceiling, fragments cracking and crumbling around me as we rained down onto the hard floor below. I was snatched out of the air before the cold floor could greet me, large, clawed hands wrapping tightly around me. He lifted me high, smacking my head against the cracked ceiling before slamming me onto the wooden desk. A sharp scream broke from my lips, the first agonized shriek of my heroic career – but, regrettably, not the last.

Cold, sharp claws slipped between the laces of my corset, slicing through with ease. The tight garment fell away, replacing my squeezed cleavage with the perky b-cups once contained within. My scars glowed softly as I strained against the monster, one thick arm holding me down with a hand around my throat, refusing me the luxury of air. I kicked and lashed out with my arms, but the creature ceased my resistance by jerking me up and crushing back down onto the hard desk. My arms fell lip over the wooden edges below, legs dangling helplessly as I drew ragged breaths, the monster’s claws tearing away my skirt. Only the leather boots and jacket remained as I lay atop the groaning desk, a wicked grin spreading across the monster’s terrible, empty face.

I whimpered pitifully as I tried one final resistance, my arms flailing aimlessly at the creature looming over me, but it snatched both arms in strong hands, pinning them over my head. His face was dangerously close to mine, the musky scent from its slimy flesh making it difficult to breathe as I strained to get away. The sharp teeth flashed as his mouth opened, a narrow, long tongue slithering out and over my head. His tongue extended further and further, gliding around my head, flowing behind my neck, and sliding down my chest. It’s texture was rough beneath the slick saliva, and I groaned as it wrapped around one breast, squeezing as the pointed tip flicked at the nipple. Something else caught my attention at around the same time. A growing pressure between my legs, bumping against the my exposed sex, but mercifully missing the mark and grinding up along my belly. The stimulation of something big and bumpy sliding against my clit excited some primal, hungry part of me, but I refused to give in. I squeezed my legs shut as best I could as the heavy object slid back down my torso, the creature’s tongue lengthening enough to wrap around both breasts as I squirmed beneath.

Apparently not satisfied to simply tease his prey, the monster arranged both of my arms in one of his hands above my head, and straightened over me. His tongue retracted a bit as he rose, wrapping sternly around my neck before sliding into my gasping mouth. Several inches entered through my lips, the width of the probing thing growing steadily as it slithered into my throat. I glanced down as my legs were wrenched open by nearly a dozen wriggling tendrils sprouting from the monster’s midsection, almost dancing around the unbelievable appendage between its legs. My eyes widened in abject horror at the sight of it. The thing’s penis – if we could call it such – was easily two feet long! Thick veins pulsed noticeably along its edges, it was thicker than my forearm, and was tipped by a mushroom-like head sporting some kind of fleshy point. It looked as though it was formed specifically to penetrate, but I doubted something so massive could possibly fit!

My head angled by the creature’s tongue, both in and around my throat, as though it wanted me to see. Wide eyes watched helplessly as the monstrosity slid down my belly, back up to just beneath my trembling breasts, then all the way back down, scraping against my slender vulva before thumping onto the desk. I could feel the fleshy tip and fat head against my bare ass, and a fleeting moment of hope was afforded to me as my hands fell from the creature’s hand over my awkwardly angled head. He busied himself with spreading my muscled thighs with his strong hands, his fingers wrapping almost all the way around their thick trunks, the cock worming itself up to press against my entrance once more.

I only had one shot, and I knew it. Any failure, no matter how superficial in any other situation would only lead to the disaster I so desperately feared. My hands shot forward, fingers extended to deliver the most devastating amount of radiation and heat as I possibly could, but nothing. No light, no heat, not even a hum. My hands were completely coated in a thick coating of the monster’s thick slime, so much that I couldn’t even see the brilliant pink shining from the scars within. A grunt-like chuckle broke from the creature restraining my legs, and my horrified, tear filled eyes watched as the thick rod pushed against my poor, exposed pussy. 

A scream shook against the tongue sinking into my throat, the narrow passage still available allowing only a choked garble to escape as my intimate lips parted around the massive head. My coated hands fell to the desk behind me, hoping to provide some measure of stability as my violation began. The slime coating his appendage seemed to lubricate me just enough to allow the first horrible inches inside, and my muscles were unable to clench hard enough to keep the rest out. My vaginal walls strained around his unimaginable girth, and I found myself truly grateful for the dulled pain sense. With my pain receptors muted, the creature’s colossal cock squeezing into me felt like a growing tightness… and eye rolling wonderful! My body was responding to the violation with unparalleled pleasure as the girthy member buried itself deeper and deeper, the sight of a gradually enlarging bump in my belly adding to the mindless bliss. It was barely halfway in when my body jerked, sparks jolting through me as his sizable organ pressed against my numbed cervix.

My legs began to quiver around the monster’s hips, toes curling tight against the approaching climax as my body threatened to betray my mind. The tongue wriggling down my throat plunged deeper, blocking my airway completely as the thickness sliding beyond my lower lips continued forward, my very womb aching at the unprecedented battery. My neck strained around the choked shrieks as an orgasm struck, spasms rocking throughout my struggling body. Abs contracted, flexing around the visible lump of the creature’s cock inside me, legs wrapping around behind him despite myself. The slime coating my hands kept them anchored to the desk as I writhed in conflicted ecstasy, unable to get away even if given the chance. I found myself less and less revolted by the appalling creature, and it’s actions, my body actually relaxing as the orgasm subsided.

The choking tongue retracted slowly, ragged breaths filling my burning lungs with air sweetened by the creature’s scent. I was able to lay against the desk, the slime on my hands allowing them to recline as my back met the wooden surface. This new position allowed the creature to enter more easily, and I soon felt the wall of his pelvis pressing against the sensitive bud atop my strained pussy. His tongue was sliding away from my neck as I looked down the length of my body, eyes wide with surprise more than horror gazing upon the bulge formed by his narrowly concealed manhood. Tight skin stretched around him, distorting my abdomen as he held me to him, and he took a deep breath before slowly pulling away. Every inch removed left a feeling of bitter hollowness in its wake, but I found myself moaning loudly as it moved within me. 

He had pulled maybe half of his disgusting, glorious cock from within, each retracting inch threatening to pull my pussy away with it, when his motion shifted. Instead of a slow push back in, he slammed the exposed shaft home, our bodies crashing into each other. The sudden impact and ungodly pleasure of being filled beyond capacity nearly sent me screaming into another orgasm, but I managed to hold the climax at bay until the amazing organ slid away and sheathed itself back inside once again. My orgasm sailed higher than any before, mouth hanging unintentionally wide with a droning series of shrieks and moans, eyes rolling further and further out of focus. It felt as though the creature was doing more than simply rearranging my guts (literally). I could practically feel my slipping grasp on sanity crack and crumble with every. last. thrust.

The wet slapping of his body against mine was completely drowned out by my constant screams of unrestrained ecstasy. Any thoughts of fighting or fleeing were long abandoned, I’d already completely surrendered myself to the slimy meat forcing itself impossibly deep into my body. His hands had slid up from my thighs to my hips, long fingers gripping me tight as he pummeled me into mindlessness with that wondrous cock. Tendrils from his waist slithered along my body, exploring his new property as I came harder and harder under his assault. Something wonderful prodded my clit, another unidentified thing teasing a hardened nipple. Each thrust of the creature’s hips plunged me deeper into orgasm, away from reality, and introduced me to another of his orgasmic assets. One of the tendrils snaked its way through the puckered ring of my ass, slithering deeper with each thrust of the cock. Others had twirled up along my torso, teasing every inch of my unhinged body as the creature searched out its own pleasure.

Every thrust had started to become more forceful, more sporadic. Some part of me knew what was coming, and urged me into action, but the majority of my cock drunk self couldn’t care less. Then, there was the growing voice inside, hungry for the experience of being flooded by the dominant creature. I began to wonder, in some corner of my fragile mind, what that would feel like. How much semen – if it could be called that – would pump into me? How powerful must his orgasm be? My legs wrapped tight around him, and began squeezing along with his thrusts. I desperately wanted to run a hand up his muscled chest, and place another at our conjoined sex, eager to feel his member pulse against my fingers as his essence flowed into me. As if on cue, the slime restraining my hands gave way, and I was able to explore my lover’s form as he continued to pound into me. My fingers parted around his veiny rod, the smaller tendril moving away to allow my expert fingers access to my throbbing clit. His chest was firm, yet slick under my hand, lusty eyes searching for any semblance of facial features looking back at me. He appeared to have a moment of humanity, a kind of softening before pulling my hips hard onto him, rooting himself inside as the girthy member grew around impending release.

As the monstrous girth erupted inside, powerful pulses working up his shaft and into my quivering folds, a change occurred. The creature clutching me seemed to weaken under the influence of ecstasy, slumping onto my body as glorious ropes of symbiote laced semen flooded my insides. I felt the warmth splashing into my womb, a growing sensation of tightness as my inner sanctum inflated like a cum balloon. The goop covering the monster seemed to melt away, draining off the creature and onto me. I was too lost in the reality warping climax to resist, unable to fight back in any conceivable way as the dark green symbiote coated my trembling flesh. The true monster soaked through every orifice and pore on my body, seeping into me as if I were a sponge. I became numb to the world around me, my consciousness discarded into endless orgasmic bliss while the creature gained control. All desire and drive became replaced by what this invader wanted, and _we_ wanted __more__. 

My body fell limp on the broken desk, the useless form of my former husk nearly smothering me as his final orgasm subsided. The symbiote, _my_ symbiote, simply shrugged him off with a lazy tentacle. Our climax began to fade, leaving us spasming happily on the ruined furniture, exploring our new body. Strong, toned, sexy, _durable_. Everything we were after with all the prior, incompatible hosts. I moaned my support as we rose from the shattered wood, fitting symbolism for the change we just went through. We took a moment to admire our new self, examining the sleek shades of green across our body. The elegant muscle tone along our arms, legs, abs, and back. Our once pink scars now glimmered with a gradient of green tints, shimmering across our curvy form. We felt strong, powerful – and filled with an irresistible need to spread. Fortunately, we knew just where to start.



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