Mountain Friends pt 6 (mfm)


I woke up the next morning to Maria rolling me over and spooning me. I could feel the gentle rocking of Nick’s penis thrusting in and out of her and her heavy breathing told me just how turned on she was. Without speaking she just wrapped her hand around my morning hardened cock and started stroking. I reached up, where her arm cradled my head and intertwined my fingers with hers.

She squeezed hard and a small gasp escaped her mouth. “Good morning mi amor,” she whispered and pulled me close so that she had good access. She was a pretty tall woman so it wasn’t as awkward as it could be and I was slim so she reached easily. She liked being big spoon and it wasn’t the first time being woken up with a handjob while she spoke dirty things into my ear. It was the first time someone was fucking her while she did it.

“Mmm good morning indeed,” I was still out of it and hadn’t quite processed the situation. I knew Nick was balls deep in Maria’s pussy and I was getting a handjob. I knew I hadn’t given permission. I knew I didn’t feel great about last night. But, her hand also felt really good. Her soft breasts were pressed against my back and cushioned every thrust against me. I could tell that Nick would slip back and spooning sex wasnt the most comfortable position but Maria stopped him from changing it.

“I want to stroke Arthur off.” She said and Nick just grunted. I was a little shocked though when I felt his hand come underneath and grab my hip to stabilize. He pulled me into her and Maria moaned and sped up her stroking. I felt oddly connected to her, the timing of their thrusts aligned with her strokes and the whole thing was erotic in a perverse way.

She was squeezing hard and stroking fast. I could feel my own orgasm approach as their pace increased and Maria moaned. I hear Nick grunting hard and suddenly Maria let out a sad moan. He was still thrusting between her thighs and his slick cock poked me hard as he shot cum up between our nether regions. For some reason I found this extremely erotic and shot my load between Maria’s fingers, grunting in concert.

Maria giggled, “Oh we’re such a mess now.”

“Heh, maybe your boyfriend will clean you up.”

“Oh fuck off.” I was still in post orgamsic bliss and just laughed.

The power had been restored at some point during the night and the room was reasonably warm. I got up to find my phone. “Oh shit, it’s almost 2.” I exclaimed.

“Yeah, we were at it late,” Nick seconded. He got up and wandered over to the balcony. “Huh, looks like someone just pulled up. Maria and I wandered over and her friends, Elsa and Alison exited the front. Then two from the back, one was a guy I didn’t know and the other was Alex, my ex and the one who introduced Maria and I. Worse though was that they saw the three of us peering at them from the balcony window… naked.

Elsa saw first and immediately pointed. Alison screamed laughing and the rest looked. Maria dove out of sight but Nick and I just stood there dumbly. I’ll be honest… I waved without thinking about how we were naked and what it looked like. I mean, the initial vision was accurate but propriety should be given some consideration. Nick just laughed. After a second I chuckled too.

We gathered most of our things and headed down to greet them after putting on clothes. By the time I got there, Maria was animatedly telling them about our night and how the power went out. I don;t know what she said about the later events but I was pretty sure they could infer. I grabbed a cup of coffee and finally joined them.

“Hey Arthur!” Elsa yelled and ran over to give me a hug. She was the youngest of the group. Her and Alison had been roommates while she was finishing undergrad and Alison was in grad school. Elsa looked like Elsa from frozen. She had a pretty, almost doll-like face, blond hair held back in a ponytail, and big beautiful blue eyes. She was also very petite though she had a hell of an ass for her size. She was a sweetheart and we always hit it off. I had helped out a few times with money (which she paid back) and we had a good relationship.

I walked further in and gave Alison a hug. She was a bigger, thicker girl. She wasn’t as curvy as Maria but she was strong. She had been a competitive hammer tosser in college. Her dark brown hair hung just below her ears and framed a remarkably pretty face, like a young Jennifer Connelly. She and I got along ok though she had been critical when Maria and I started dating.

The guy was her boyfriend Juan. He was a somewhat heavyset hispanic guy. Shaking his hand though, you could tell, he worked with them. On second look, he wasn’t fat, just built like a tank. He seemed nice though. Him and Maria knew each other from way back.

Finally I got to Alex. We had dated after college but had some issues and decided it wasn’t working. We stayed friends and would occasionally hang out. We had made some booty calls but it wasn’t regular. She had started dating someone and eventually introduced me to Maria thinking we would get along. Anyways, she was about five feet, six inches tall with strawberry blond hair she kept either short or around her shoulders. She had also been a track star in college and had thought about going pro until injury. Her body was extremely fit with a lot of hard muscle. Her breasts were small but perfectly shaped and she had a long neck which when kissed would cause her to giggle uncontrollably.

I gave her a hug which we held for probably a second too long but it had been a long time. Maria could get jealous and she knew our history. “It’s good to see you,” I said with a somewhat wistful smile.

“You too,” she smiled back and as always the dull ache of love lost ignited in my chest. I shoved those feelings down and went to stand by Maria.

“Hey babe, I’m going to go check the car, make sure she’s still good after the storm.” She nodded a little dismissively and I headed out. The car was pretty buried but it wasn’t too hard to clear the door. I turned it on and tried to get the windows warm as I grabbed the scraper and at least cleared the windows before it froze over. I also made sure the wheel wells weren’t going to freeze. Once all that was done I sat in the warm car and turned it off.

I thought about the evening, how Maria acted, how I had been treated. I had enjoyed it, I know that but part of the issue was just how intimidated I was by Nick. He was rich, handsome, unbelievably fit, and his dick was massive. It was hard not to line up my own assets next to him and find myself wanting. They also had history which I wasn’t sure was better or not. The other side of the whole thing was that it clearly was great for her. I had never seen her cum so hard. She involved me too, it wasn’t cheating. This morning was skirting the line but I guess I was ok with it.

I finished my coffee and was pulled out of my reverie by another car pulling up. I got out and waited for them. I could see Courtney and her boyfriend having some sort of heated argument. I realized I was just staring and after a few awkward seconds started heading inside. Courtney hopped out and angrily yelled, “Hey Arthur.” She paused and blinked then in a softer tone, “Hey, sorry I didn’t mean for anyone to see that. Could you help Paul get some things out.”

I nodded, “Sure Courtney.” She gave me a brief hug. “Everyone is inside the kitchen, in and a right then a left.”

“Thanks,” she said and headed in. I watched her head off. She also knew the girls through track. She was still fit but had never been particularly competitive. She was dark skinned with her hair in long thin braids. She was really quite pretty with full lips and deep dark eyes above a button nose. She had developed one hell of an ass too.

Paul had hopped out and opened the trunk. It looked like they had packed for a month. He looked a little beaten down. “Hey Arthur,” he greeted me and just handed me two suitcases that felt packed with bricks. I started walking them in, struggling to keep footing.

I got them in the house where Nick was standing there with boots in his hand. “Hey buddy, I’ll take these up if there’s more.” He took the suitcases effortlessly and bounded off as I headed back out. I shoved down a little more resentment and went back out.

We got everything in and I realized that since we just brought things to the door, the only one the girls saw going up and down was Nick. When we rejoined Courtney pointedly said, “Thank you Nick, I’m glad there’s such a strong guy around.” SHe stroked his arm when she said that before sitting back down.

Paul looked on with jealousy. He was a weird character and I didn’t really get their whole relationship. She had been a popular athletic girl who was really the life of the party. He was an accountant. Crowds seem to make him nervous and he usually sat quietly when we all went out. She also abused him verbally all the time, saying all kinds of mean shit to him. I mean I get it, she’s hot but nothing seems worth it to me.

The girls continued to chatter and I went over to Maria and told her I was going to shower. I made my way through the living room and into the hall where I found Alex and Elsa chatting.

“Hey girls,” I said cheerily and they greeted me back.

“So which are you and Maria in?” Alex asked, gesturing at the rest of the hall. I walked over and opened the door to our room.

“Just right here. Have you all chosen yet?”

“We’ll be rooming together but I think the one right here,” Elsa said and opened the door to a room full of Courtney’s stuff. “I mean… right here!” This time she found an empty room and the girls started giggling.

I laughed, “Well let me know if you all need help hauling things up.”

Alex giggled, “We all packed light since the four of us drove up together. So what are you doing up here?”

“Just going to shower.”

Elsa’s eyes almost bugged as she smiled wide and shot out, “Well it certainly looked like you were getting dirty before we showed up.”

I laughed again and ran my fingers through my hair, “Yeah… well.”

Alex saved me though with, “Well maybe there’s more fun to be had.”

Elsa giggled and the two girls left me to my devices. I showered and it was wonderful. I felt ready to relax and have some fun.
