Come Back Home Part 1 [F/F]



=== ***Roxanne*** ===

So today is the day I tell my family what I’ve been wanting to do. I’ve got Alana with me as we fly over to Florida. I am not looking forward to talking with my parents about this. I mean, they’re strict Catholics and they have such a skewed view of the world. I hope they take it well.

Roelle picked us up from the airport. He’s the older twin, a mere minute older but he holds it over Raul. He’s a bit chunky, the famous dad-bod, and he keeps a mustache on that looks… oddly weird on his face. I wish he’d shave it, but he wont. He’s had it ever since he was able to grow one.

The ride over is kind of awkward, simply because Roelle didn’t want to make too much of a fuss.

“Ah, Roxxy, who is she?” he asked. I forget that he already moved away when Alana and I were friends. The thing with Raul is he’s the more progressive of the twins. He’s more understanding, and he’s actually the one I feel closest to.

“*Siyota ko*” (my bf/gf) I answered.

Raul nodded, then he just about hit the car in front of him then he had to pull over on the shoulder. “What!?”

“What the fuck, Raul? You trying to kill us!?” I screamed at him. Alana had to grab her bag as it almost fell over.

“Dude, if I get a whiplash I swear to god!”

“You alright babe? Sorry about my ASSHOLE brother!”

I rubbed her cheeks as she fixed her hair, and she nodded. “I’m alright babe,” she answered.

“Roxxy, youre… *talaga kang bading*!?” (Really gay?) he asked as he twisted his torso over to look at us.

I nodded at him, “why, is that a problem!?”

“Babe, what’s he asking?” Alana asked dumbfoundedly.

“He’s asking if I’m really gay, look, I’ll prove it!”

I slid my hand behind Alana’s neck and brought her close. Our lips touched and we kissed, sucking on each other’s lips and tongue.

“Look, I’d be really turned on if it weren’t for the fact that you’re my sister… and I changed your diaper, but dial it down a little bit when we get to the house.”

“No! I refuse to! If mama and papa won’t accept me, then fine!”

He just clicked his tongue and shook his head. “*Putang ina talaga oo*” (fuck, really) he mumbled as he got us back into the road.

I say he’s the most progressive because he’s the one that won’t loose his shit as much.

Raul got over the shock that his little sister is gay pretty fast. Well, I cleared it up with him: we’re not really gay, bisexual yes, but not gay.

“Bisexual? What the fuck is bisexual?” He asked with a scrunched up face as he looked at us from the rear view mirror.

“*Kuya* use your head! It means I like both gender!”

“Both gender? As in man and woman?”

I gave him the most “well duh” look I can give. “Yeah, just last week I fucked my boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend!? You have a girlfriend AND a boyfriend!?” He screamed, “what the fuck is happening!?”

“Oh yeah, her boyfriend is my boyfriend too,” Alana added to the madness with a short giggle.

“Mmm, this’ll be the longest I’ve been without Chris’ dick fucking me,” I softly said to Alana.

“Yeah? Baby, don’t worry, I’ll keep you company,” Alana answered as we got closer and started kissing again. This little vacation will allow the two of us to get closer, and for me to introduce her to my parents whom she’s never met. I think it’s only fair. I’ve met Dante and he’s a wonderful man who completely accepts Alana’s sexual orientation, though he did chastise me like I’m his own child because I was mean to his *princessa* many years ago. I told him that we’ve made up, and then some, but he was skeptical with me.

“How are your parents like?” She asked as she laid her head against my chest.

“My dad is a lot like yours, if I’m being honest. He used to be in the navy and he’s kind of mean. But my mom is, like, condescending and shit.”

“You realize they mellowed out when they moved to Florida, right?” Raul corrected.

“No shit, really?” I said aloud and Raul nodded. Hmm, maybe they’ll relax their stance on homosexual relationship.


Raul helped us out with our baggage, but he’s progressive and shit so he left us our own baggage to carry. Equality and all, feh. His fat ass could’ve gotten the heavier one, but no!

My parents place isn’t big. Four rooms, a modest kitchen and dining room, and a fairly big living room. But they have a huge and open yard, which they intended for their grandkids.

Well, sad to say they don’t have *any* grandkids because Raul and Roelle decided to be childless. I think it’s going to break their heart even more when they learn their only daughter is in a bisexual relationship.

My father, like Dante, is a short and stout man. Probably 5’3 but he’s wide and strong, and not fat at all. He’s in his mid-late 60’s but he doesn’t look it, and could probably pass for someone younger.

My mother is beautiful, and she, too, looks like she could be much younger. But she stopped dying her hair some time ago, choosing to let it grow gray, so she looks older. She’s taller than my dad, about as tall as I am, and leaned too but she’s known for being aggressive. Like she’ll actually fight people, fist fight and shit.

They had me kind of late. They were already in their late 30’s when they had me and my two brothers were already 15 or something. I was a happy accident, they weren’t really trying for another kid but they got careless.

My mother came out screaming, shrieking like she hasn’t seen me in years. Well, it has been years actually.

“*Ay, iha! Kamusta na?*” (Ay, daughter! How are you?) she gave each of my cheeks a kiss and smushed my cheeks together.

“*Mabuti naman, mama! ‘Wag naman mag sobrang gigil!*” (I’m fine mama. Stop being so aggresive!)

She then took a look to my left, to Alana, “*Ay… pasensiya na… sino siya?*” (ay, I’m sorry… who is she?)

“Mama, this is Alana. My girlfriend!”

Alana held out her hand, waiting for my mother with a big smile across her beautiful face. My mother looked at her, and looked at me.

Then she smiled and pulled Alana into a hug. “*Sawakas! Sawakas!*” (Finally!)

I was shook. Raul was shook. Alana looked at me worriedly while my mother pat her on the back.

“Um, mama are you okay!”

She looked at me after releasing Alana. “I am sorry, *anak*. Your father and me, we thought you was not going to have a boyfriend. So we just wanted you to love someone.”

“Wait, you don’t care that I’m…”

“Gay?” She said loudly, almost proudly, “*Ay, iha* your *tito* is gay! You thought we did not like gay people?” (Tito is uncle)

Me and Alana just looked at one another. “Um, the church… said that…”

“Ay, the church the church. You know your *ate* Lorena? Gay! Your *kuya* Dan? Gay! *Ay, iha* your father and I never said you can’t be gay!” (Ate= big sister. Kuya= big brother)

Alana looked at me, with a cocked hip. “So your parents didn’t care if I was gay!? What the hell, why were you so mean to me back then, babe!?”

“I… I thought… I mean, the church said that homosexuality is a sin… I…”

My mother slapped my arm. “*Anak* your father and I never cared about that, as long as you’re a good person! Ah, let’s go inside, *maiinit dito*! (It’s hot here).

Alana grinned at me. I’ll never hear the end of this from her.

“Ah, um… Rox’s mom —“

“*Iha* call me *tita* please. Oh, I did not tell you my name. I am Flor Gonzales.”

Alana shyly smiled at her. “Um… *tita*, my name is Alana Gonzales. It’s nice to meet you.”

My mother’s eye brightened. “Gonzales too? Hmm, not filipino, I don’t think.”

“No, I’m Mexican and Peruvian,” she said while rubbing the back of her head.

My mom looked at her, rubbing the back of her head, “so pretty! Ay, Roxanna, you did not tell me your girlfriend is so beautiful!”

“Mom, you’re embarrassing me!” I pouted at her, “just… wait, did you cook?”

Mother stomped her foot. “Of course I cooked *naman*!” (Really).

=== ***Alana*** ===

Her home is warm and accepting. Mrs. Flor, for someone my girlfriend claims to dislike homosexuals, is hiding it pretty well.

“Alana, *iha* I am sorry if you don’t understand us sometimes. My husband and my accent is thick so it is hard for us to say some English words.”

“Oh, it’s no problem Tita,” I assured her, “and I can catch some words fine.”

“Yes, some of our words is also in your language,” she added, “don’t be afraid to ask for translation from Roxanna… *hoy! Roxanna! I-translate mo hah!”

“Yes, yes! Jeez, I’ve been doing it since *Kuya* Raul picked us up! Wait, where is papa anyway?”

Mrs. Flor just clicked her tongue. “That husband of mine. He’s out firing his guns.”

“Guns!? Wait, papa was always anti-guns!” Rox gasped as she ran up to flank her mother.

“Ay, no. He didn’t want them in the house because of kids. But when we moved here, he bought handguns. Then rifles. Then shotguns. *Ay, nako* he loves his guns.”

“Rox, are you just misunderstanding a lot of things from your childhood?” I laughed and she kinda of just sighed.

“Does papa even… I don’t know, is he okay with me being gay?” Rox asked softly.

“*Anak* of course he is. He just wants you to be happy, even if we won’t get any grandkids because your two brothers does not want kids! *Hoy! Mga inutil! Saan ang apo namin!?*”

“Ma, kids are expensive!” Raul yelled from the living room where he’s sitting and enjoying a beer, “and Lourdes doesn’t want kids anyway.”

“Um, Rox, translate please?” I nudged her and she sighed.

“She’s basically asking them where her grandkids are,” she sighed, “but… but mama, I can —“

I stopped her, “don’t say anything yet babe, don’t wanna jinx it now.”

Rox nodded. Bella is a fickle bitch so she might change her mind for some reason. She might be lovey dovey one second and then a bitch the next. One thing for sure, though, is that Chris can keep her in line better than how he thinks. Sure, his PTSD flares up rarely, but when he’s really into it he can make her beg.

So I didn’t want Rox to tell her mom that we agreed to become pregnant with Chris’ kid sometimes in the near future, simply because Bella could be erratic. We’ll mention it when the deed is done.

I walked into the house and the first thing that hits me is the smell. The beautiful smell of food being cooked. My mouth instantly salivated, and I noticed that Rox is taking it in deeply.

“Mom. You’re making… Sinigang!?”

Mrs. Flor smiled really big. “For my baby girl, of course!”

“Holy shit, I haven’t had it in a long time!” Rox roared with vigor. “It’s been so long!”

“What’s *sinigang*?” I asked. I need to learn how to make it. I must.

“Ah, *iha* its a sour-spicy food that has a broth. It’s easy to make, want me to teach you?”

I nodded eagerly. “Ay, *iha* finally someone who likes to cook! Roxanna doesn’t want to learn how to make Filipino food.”

“Mom! It’s because it’s so hard to make!”

“*Ay nako* you are just lazy!” (Oh my) she snapped.


Raul and his wife is staying in one of the rooms and Roelle and his wife, who are with his dad, is in the other. Rox and I had to stay in the other room, a fairly small room, but it’s also the farthest one from them.

Mrs. Flor really made me feel welcome. She showed me her kitchen, even introduced me to her utensils, which I found hilariously cute, and I even tried this shrimp paste thing. She cut up and peeled some ripe mango and put just a little bit on it, then I ate it.

Repulsive. Absolutely repulsive. But I love it! It’s a really strong fishy-shrimp flavor that’s fermented, and it just stays in my mouth. It also stinks! Oh man, does it stink!

“Don’t eat too much, high sodium,” she laughs as she puts it away. “Now, you want to learn how to make *sinigang* so you can make it for Roxanna?”

I nodded and she smiled brightly, “hard to find people that want to learn Filipino food. Okay, I teach.”

She showed me the basic, and even a shortcut ingredient because some of the usual ingredient is a little hard to find. It’s a tamarind soup base, in a small bag. “Alana, lick your finger and dip it in then taste.”

I did as she asked, and it is super sour! It made my lips pucker! “Good? Yes, very good.”

“Now, boil water and just put that in there. If you want old fashion way, you put tamarind, tomato’s and *kamias* in there.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What’s *ka-kamias*?”

“Ay, I don’t know what it is in English. It’s a really sour fruit,” she said with a wave of her hand, “it looks like a pickle.”

She prepared a different pot and boiled the water. She then took a pork belly and sliced it, then added it in. “You can use pork ribs too, but Roxanna likes pork belly. I like pork ribs, so I’m adding that too.” She, of course, puts in the pork ribs.

“Do we skim off scum?” I asked and she just waved her hand.

“Oh we just dump the water. You boil it for a long time, make the meat tender, then you put it in the other pot that has the soup powder. So when the meat is nice and tender, then you put it in the other pot. Then you put vegetables in, sliced tomato and onion. Asian long beans and this little red pepper is good, but you can add lettuce, and water spinach. My husband likes eggplants and taro in there, put those in first because they take long to cook.”

“How much red chili?” I asked curiously, taking in her instructions well.

“I like it sour and spicy, but more sour, so I just put in 3 or 4. After that, you just let it simmer. That’s it, easy, I don’t know why my daughter does not want to learn!”

It seems easy enough. I’ve cooked more complicated dishes before, but when I tasted the stew it’s more complex than It thought. The sour and the spiciness mingles well together, neither one overpowering the other and you can tell it’s sour and spicy. The vegetables are there to extend the stew, and the sweetness of the pork pairs well with it.

“Alana, you can use fish, shrimp and clams with it too. But not chicken, then it’s not *sinigang* anymore and it’s something else.”

“Well what is it called with chicken?”

She took a moment, “well with chicken it’s called *sinampalukan*. Same thing, just different name.”

I made sure to soak it in, because frankly I like the taste of it. I don’t know anything about Filipino food, but from what Rox had told me it’s just mostly fried food, but I doubt that’s 100% true.

Mrs. Flor gave me a play with white rice on it. She then took a ladle into the stew and poured in the broth, creating a sort of rice-y soup. She gave me some of the pork belly, the pork ribs and some of the veggies.

“Now, fish sauce or no?” She said as she held a bottle of some deep amber liquid.

“Um, sure,” I said and she smiled as she placed a few drops on top of my rice-soup.

“Okay, mix it then taste,” she called back as she put the bottle back under the sink.

I gave it a taste, and the rich umami of the fish sauce just made the dish even better. “Oh! This is good!” I said and Mrs. Flor laughed loud.

“Of course! Everyone knows adobo and pancit, but no one knows about *sinigang*!”

I couldn’t help myself with it. I ate the rice hungrily, slurping up the broth when the rice was gone. Rox finally joins us and looked at me with surprise.

“Huh, I guess you liked that huh?”

“Ah, *kain na iha*!” (Eat now) Mrs. Flor scolded her as she pinched Rox’s waist.

“Mama! Stop!” She cried out as she flinched. Mrs. Flor just laughed menacingly.

Rox and I enjoyed the food, I couldn’t help but get some more and Mrs. Flor is more than happy to give me food. Raul is fast asleep on the couch.

Then we hear the door open and a cavalcade of footsteps followed by loud talking and laughter. Rox and I looked on as a stream of people walked in, giving Mrs. Flor a kiss on the cheeks. Some of them even took her hand and sort of… bopped themselves on the forehead with the back of her hand.

“What was that?” I asked, curiously because I want to learn her culture.

“*Mano*,” she answered.

“Wait, *mano*? Hands?” I confused my relayed.

“Well, *pagmamano* is what we call it. It’s for our elder, for greeting them. Sort of like old times English people kissing the back of someone’s hand.”

An elderly woman soon walked in and Rox immediately went over to her, took her hand and she bowed down to meet it. The elderly lady smiled and laughed softly as she reached up and pinched her cheeks.

“Mama! Why didn’t you tell me *lola* is here!” Rox called out.

“*Anak* she wants to surprise you!”

She sat back down next to me, “that’s my *abuela* or, in my language, my *lola*,” she smiled, “I haven’t seen her in a long time.”

“Well, that’s good you know your grandparents. My dad doesn’t talk about them often,” I replied and Rox just took my hand and rubbed it, “I actually haven’t met them. Any of them.”

She gave me a sympathetic look and I just shrugged and started eating again. Little ones flowed into the room and I’m slightly confused because her brother is supposedly child-free.

“*Ate, ate*!” (Sister) one of the older child said, a girl, as she ran up to us. She must be at least 9 or 10 years old.

“*Ay,* Rose! How are you!” Rox said with a squeal as she gave her a hug.

“I’m okay. I haven’t seen you in a while *ate*. Um… *sino siya*?”

There it is, the word I’ve been hearing a lot.

“Oh, she is Alana,” she said as she gave me a nod.

“Hello, I’m Alana. I’m your… um…. Roxanne’s… friend.”

Rose is a gorgeous little girl, with almond shaped eyes similar to Roxanne, and silky brown skin. Her hair is long and smooth, and it shines under the light.

“I used to take care of her when we were seniors. Oh, and she’s my cousin, okay? Not my niece.” She corrected when she saw my confused face.

“Oh, okay.”

A lot more people came in, all of them giving Roxanne a greeting and giving her cheek-to-cheek kisses. Damn, girl, how many cousins do you have!?

Apparently, before her uncle came out as gay, he had a lot of kids. With different women. He has custody of his three kids, and he had two more with his ex-wife. Now, I guess, he had a boyfriend.

Well, when we heard a shriek we looked over to find a gregariously dressed man. He has blonde highlights, fairly wrinkled but otherwise young looking for how old he is.

The way he spoke. It’s, well, the stereotypical way a gay man, a fabulous gay man, would speak.

“*Ay, bruha!*” he shrieks. Okay, I know what that means and I was starting to get mad. No one calls my girl a bitch!

But when Rox ran up to him and hugged him, calling him a *bruja* too, I think it has a more endearing meaning in her language? “So, you’re gay too?” He crooned.

“Bisexual, but I have a girlfriend now,” she said as she wiped a tear away. Another man came in, and at this point I’m having a hard time figuring out if they’re from Latin America or Southeast Asia.

“This is Jun, my boyfriend. *Ay,* sorry.”

He’s a little more masculine, but I could instantly tell he’s gay. It’s subtle, very, and I wouldn’t have known if I wasn’t looking for it.

“Hi, nice to meet you,” he said as he extended his hand and shook Rox’s hand. Then he came up to me, probably expecting me to be Filipino, but then his eyes brightens a little.

“Ah, you’re not Filipino,” he said.

“You’re not either,” I replied dryly, “*Mexicano y Peruana. Y tu?*”

“Ah! Colombiano!” He said while pointing at himself, “but my Spanish is not as good as it used to be.”

“Ah, mine too. *Mi papa* didn’t teach me a lot of Spanish since he worked like 3 jobs. So I’m not fluent.”

We shared a disappointed sigh. Then Rox’s uncle came up to me, cocking his hip and looking me up and down. “Mmm, darling so you’re the girl, huh? The girl to turn my favorite niece around. I’m Hipolito, but call me Hip.”

He looked at me a little cockeyed, judging. I might be gay, but neither me nor Rox dress like we’re gay. We wear leggings, tights, denim booty shorts and tight tank top and shirts. Nothing about the two of us screams gay, probably because we dress like how we dress to seduce Chris whenever we get the chance. Hell, half the time all we wear around the house are thongs, tank tops and socks! Basic white girl shit!

But him. A little more flamboyant and gregarious than I would like. Bright colors, eye catching colors, but stylish.

“I am,” I proudly said, “and it took me and my boyfriend a while.”

“Ah… wait, boyfriend?” Well, glad he caught that. “*Mija* what do you mean, boyfriend?”

I glanced over to Rox and she rolled her eyes. “Well, your niece here is a kinky little bitch. See, we didn’t get along at first until she wanted to steal my boyfriend, okay? So, me and my boyfriend fucked the shit out of her, and she basically fell head over heel in love with him.”

His eyes just darts left and right, trying to digest the words. “S-So, what… I don’t get it, explain more darling.”

“Oh he’s still my boyfriend. Well, darling, he’s OUR boyfriend.”

Then he smiled and then cackled a bit. “You’re in a poly relationship! *Ay nako bruha!? Talaga?*” (oh bitch, really?)

Rox rolled her eyes, laughed a little, and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Yup, I’m in a poly relationship.”

“Is he here? Can I meet him?” Hip said with giddy.

“No, he’s back in the house with the head bitch,” I answered for her.

“Wait? There’s more?” He gasped and covered his mouth.

“There’s two more,” Rox added.

“The guy must be so lucky,” Jun laughed, “or unlucky if he has to please 4 women.”

“We’re all under his thumb,” I laughed, “and we all get along well enough, as long as we talk whenever something becomes an issue.”

Jun and Hip scooched in closer to me. “So, how is my cute little niece in bed?”

“Okay, that’s enough *tito*! Go away!”

Hip just scoffed at her. “You lesbians never want to share!” He complained which Jun agreed.

Another elderly lady came in, carrying a plastic bag full of fresh fish. “*Hoy Hipolito! Sino nagsabi saiyong tumigil!?*” (Hey, Hipolito! Who told you to stop!?)

Hip just preened his nails. “See, only my ex-wife calls me Hipolito,” he said while rolling his eyes exaggeratedly.

The woman puts her hands on her hip. “HIPOLITO! I said move!”

“Okay, I’m going!” Hip answered snidely, “I better not smell like fish!”

“*Tita!*” (Auntie) Rox jumped up and ran to her and hugged her, “how are you!”

“Ah, Roxxy! I am fine! Your uncle is such a *bruha*!” She sighed tiredly as she embraced Rox.

“Yeah, you’re right about that,” Jun laughed.

“Right? I don’t care if you’re gay, but help with the groceries!”

I would think that these two would have some animosity with one another, the current love and the past love, but seeing them laugh and joke with one another tells me it’s different.

“*Tita* Carmen, this is my girlfriend Alana!” Rox proudly introduced me to her like she’s presenting me.

“You’re gay to? *Ay nako* does it run in the family?” She sighed and laughed a little, “Raul! Are you gay too?”

“Hah!?” I hear from the living room, “*Tita* I’m married!”

“Yes but no kids!” She countered with a shake of her head. “It is nice to meet you *iha*. I would shake your hand but my hand smells like fish.”

“Oh, that’s okay. I don’t mind fishy smell.”

I realize that I need to be accomading to them. More people came in, including a couple more uncles and aunts. Even Lorena and Dan, actually family friends, walked in. Lorena dressed a little more masculine, and Dan dressed like a normal guy.

Finally, we hear a booming voice. “*Mahal!*” (Love) rolled in and Rox squealed in delight.

“Papa!” She ran around up and around the corner, leaving me at the mercy of her inquisitive cousins and relatives. The amount of questions I got, who I am where I’m from, is almost overwhelming.

A laughing, older man walked around with Rox basically embracing him, and him carrying her. He has a shotgun resting against his shoulder, barrel pointed to the ground.

“*Oh, anak! Ang tagal na!*” he spoke, I think. He is eerily similar to my dad. Kind of short, stocky and barrel chested, with a big salt and pepper mustache. He was apparently a doctor in the navy then he retired. (My child! It’s been a while!)

Rox kissed his cheeks. It’s a stark contrast in how my father and I act with one another, though it has the same loving energy.

“Oh! Papa, this is my girlfriend!” She pointed to me.

“Girlfriend!? You have a girlfriend!?” He said in an almost shocked, horrified tone.

Then the smile from her face disappeared. “Y-Yes, papa,” she said softly.

“Why didn’t you tell me you have a girlfriend!” His mood changed to that of calming surprise. “I would have come and visit!” He then came up to me and shook my hand vigorously, letting me feel his rough, but strong, hands. “It’s nice to meet you! I am hoping my daughter is not giving you a hard time.”

“Oh! She’s not any trouble at all,” I said while feeling my whole body shake from his handshake.

“And my wife made *sinigang*. My daughter’s favorite! Hmm, you know she likes her *sinigang* with a lot of meat.” He said with a soft nudge then he laughed loudly.

Then he snapped his finger and an entire Lechón comes flying in on the back of Raul and, I’m guessing his twin Roelle.

“*Lechón* for dinner! We have to roast it of course. Raul, Roelle, go and build a coal pit outside! *Bilis na*!” (Hurry up!)

Raul’s usual bravado of being kind of hard headed and defiant attitude melted into an obeying and submissive attitude as he and Roelle carried the pork out into the back yard.

“Ah, you are familiar with it, I’m sure. Anyway, how is the old city?”

I took a deep gulp as I took in the atmosphere. The women worked in the kitchen, making even more food for us, and it actually felt like a fiesta, while the men prepared the table or relaxed, trying not to get into the kitchen’s busyness. Every time one of the guys walked into the kitchen, the women hissed and berated them, chasing them away.

“Friends and family. This is how we celebrate. I don’t know how your culture does it, but you are more than welcome to join us.” He laughed as he slapped my back.

“Ah, is there a special occasion?” I asked and he kind of tilts his head quizzically.

“Roxanna didn’t tell you? My wife and I have been together for almost 40 years! It is our wedding anniversary!”

I looked at her, and she looked away and took a sip of her beverage. I got up and walked up to her, “alright, I need to have a word with you.”

I lead her out of the house and to the drive way. She leaned against the car, twirling her hair innocently. “Babe, really? Their wedding anniversary? Really?”

“What? It’s not a big deal,” she whined.

“This is a huge step! You seriously missed a few of the smaller step and just bum rushed the big step! This is a big step, do you not see that!?”

“I honestly don’t see what the big deal is.”

I’m slightly frustrated that she can’t see what I’m seeing. “Babe, you introduced me to your parents on their wedding anniversary. On their big day. I would’ve love to meet them before, build up some rapport. I mean, thank god they’re okay with us! What if they weren’t? What if we were shunned and chased away by your ‘super religious’ parents on their wedding anniversary?”

She took a moment, and finally she realized it. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, babe.”

“We could have ruined this day! You could have been disowned! Thank god they’re okay with us being together, because I don’t know how if I could live with myself knowing I ruined your parents day.”

She came over and hugged me and I immediately started to feel more calm with her arms around me. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to tell them about us. As soon as Raul said they mellowed out, I wanted to know what they meant.”

“And-And you have to stick next to me, okay? I don’t know your language, so I don’t know what they’re talking about.”

“Okay, I’ll stick next to you,” she said while kissing my forehead and rubbing my back. “Let’s go back inside.”

The afternoon rolled on into laughter and talks about life and what’s going on, especially the politics in the Philippines. The funny things is that while they’re talking, their TV is playing some variety show or something, a program from their country. It’s intriguing because the way they spoke, in the tv, is a mixture of, I guess, Tagalog and English. Every other word is English, and every other word is Tagalog. Weird.

Rox and I finally met the rest of her family. Her grandfather doesn’t speak a lick of English so Rox translated for me. I met her sisters in law, Lourdes and Roselinda, two exceptionally beautiful ladies.

When night came the two brothers brought the Lechón in. Now, the Lechón I know is suckling pig. But this is a full grown pig! Crispy, golden skin and dripping fat!

Before we started, however, they all shared a prayer. Her father started the prayer and I had no idea what they said, but I recognized “Amen” and that was that.

The the brothers took turns chopping up the pig. I was given a paper plate with the glistening skin, shiny meat with the melted fat on it, and a little dollop of some weird brown sauce.

“That’s ‘Mang Tomas’ it’s the perfect sauce for it. Try it out babe,” she grinned, “oh! Remind me to order some when we get back!”

I took the meat and dipped it in the sauce. It’s a slightly sweet and tangy sauce, but it paired well with the sweet meat! The skin is extremely crispy and crunchy and I couldn’t get enough of it. It taste just like the Lechón that my *papa* gave me when we visited Mexico!

Beers are passed around, but I only wanted water. Rox, I guess finally feeling the weight of her life choices finally coming off, took a couple with her and walked on towards the back. “I’ll be back, babe!” She said with a wink.

=== ***Roxanne*** ===

I found my father on the patio, lounging in his seat. I took the chair next to him and gave him a beer, and he offered to open mine as well.

“So, you are gay,” he said with a sigh.

“Not entirely,” I replied which got him to raise an eyebrow, “it’s complicated.”

“I know when you were younger, I was harsh on following the church. But, I just thought about the teachings, and read the Bible. Did you know that homosexuality was not even mentioned in the Bible?”

“It’s not?” I asked, trying to feign shock.

“No! So, so I just did my research and I worked on myself in accepting it. I didn’t know your gay. What are the chances of this happening *iha*,” he laughed, then sighed sadly. “I guess I will not have any grandchildren.”

“Oh, papa. You’ll have them, okay? Don’t worry.”

“It’s complicated, right? So no questions?” He asked me and I just nodded. “Okay. *Anak ko*, are you happy?”

Without hesitation, I answered in the affirmative. I am happy, truly, because I found friends and family outside of my own. “Well, I’m glad. That’s all I want for my children. Even the one who won’t give me a grandkid.”

We clinked our beer together and just looked on towards the rising moon.

~ End of Part 1 ~



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