the way you fuck me [MF] [romance] [domination] [praise kink] [pain]

*[this is an experimental piece – an exploration of the particular attraction that comes from sleeping with someone you just happen to interact with (through school, job, etc) and the way memories of a new relationship relate to each other. the story is non linear in time (think of every time the narrator says “today” as her adding on a different memory in the course of the relationship).]*

**dramatis personae:**

* me: a young woman in her early 20’s. tall, slender, long brown hair, pierced and tattooed. bisexual and very kinky.
* you: man in his late 20’s. dark and close cropped hair, tall, muscular but not overly so.

we met working together at a cafe in a small college town.

**i. the sex**

the way you say baby in my ear now every time you enter me. the way you say:

“you feel so good, baby”, “are you gonna come for Daddy?” “you like having Daddy’s dick inside you?” “you’re such a good girl” “you’re so tight” “fuck baby”the way you hold my wrists, grab my ass, grab my hips, wrap your whole arm around my waist, hold my whole body close to yours.

the way you say “come here”, the way you say:

“you’re mine when you’re in this room. do you like being mine?” “you look so good” “lemme see that beautiful ass” “you take my cock so well” “i can feel how raw you are” “you’re so hot” “you’re such a good fuck” “i’m going to break you open” “even if you didn’t like it there’s nothing you could do” “my little cumslut” “you like being my little cumslut?” “you like it when i violate your body?” “my little fucktoy” “you make me so hard” “i want you so bad”

“i don’t want to hurt you baby, but i also do”

“i’m gonna hurt you now”

“you’re doing such a good job, baby”

“oh yeah i’ll go slow for you, baby”

“you’re my baby, you’re my baby girl”

the things i say to you:

“fuck baby” “Daddy” “you feel so big” “it hurts” “you’re hurting me baby” “it’s too much” “you feel so good inside me” “please fuck me” “please” “i’m yours” “take me” “i love feeling you push me open” “i like it when you hurt me” “take me” “tell me I’m your little slut”

the things i do to you:

running my hands through your hair, biting you, scratching your back, grabbing your ass to pull you closer. riding you backwards so you can see my ass and then turning around when you want to see my face.

i sucked you off so well that your legs were shaking and you collapsed on me after you came – could have sworn you were disappointed when i pushed you off so i could go wash my face. you said you’d never had anyone make your legs twitch that way before

last time we didn’t even bother watching a movie. i put on *ego death* by the internet and rode you to every song. i told you to take off my pants so you could see the lacy underwear i wore for you and push it aside to fuck me. i undid the strings of my halter top so you could see my tits bounce when i rode you hard and so you could suck on them when i was grinding up on you.

when i asked why you thought i was a fun fuck, you said that i surprised you. today when i was on my back and you were standing over me you kept saying how hot my hips looked. today you kept telling me how sexy i looked, with you fucking me or when my lips were wrapped your cock. once when you were handling your cock in between fucking, you said you couldn’t believe that all nine inches could fit inside of me.

i told you i like hearing about you fucking other people and so you tell me about other people now when you’re inside me. i told you i wanted you to tie me up and fuck someone else in front of me and you were into it, you said you’d come get your dick wet in my mouth and then make me watch. and then you said you’d only fuck her with my permission

**ii. the history**

the way the first time we fucked you were so confident and you knew you were going to get me in your bed. the way you pushed me up against your car and kissed me. and the way you won in the room when there were two other men who wanted to fuck me so badly too. the next morning you wanted a kiss and i was hesitant and i think you thought it was too clingy of you to ask. after that you made a point of not kissing me when i left your house for a while.

the way the second time we fucked when i was putting my clothes back on you pulled me in close to hold me

the way when i was pregnant and when you thought i was asleep you said you liked fucking me knowing that you had knocked me up

the way that you took care of me when i got an abortion. the fact that you let me sleep it off with you even though you barely knew me at that point

the way you grabbed my choker at work

the way you look at me appreciatively when i’m wearing your clothes

the way you liked it when i impressed your friends. you told me that tony thought i could hang, and he doesn’t normally say that about people. the way you wanted to show me off to them, the way you want to show me off to everyone but you don’t want to share me

the way you fronted about being my wingman in front of jose, even though i know you didn’t want me to fuck him

the way you told me about our manager wanting to fuck me and asking your permission. the way that your friend noah looks at me whenever i come over when you’re together and the fact that he asks you if he can fuck me

the way you’re not afraid to talk about your other partners with me

the way when you fucked your other girl you accidentally hurt her because you got used to being rough with me

**iii. the intimacy**

i tell you i’ve never had anyone call me baby in bed before and you say yeah, you don’t normally call people baby and i say it feels so good when you say it. today you ordered me to call you baby over and over again while you were fucking me.

kissing my neck while you’re fucking me and choking me. saying:

“i love kissing you” “i love fucking you” “i love being inside you”the way you kiss my neck over and over. when you told me “i like your neck”.

the way you’re so tender when you kiss the underside of my tits and caress them with your hands, when you bite my ass, plant a kiss on my stomach and my crotch. the way you hold me down, press your hands onto my back and push my face into the pillow when i’m on my stomach and you’re pounding into me. the feeling of us coming together. when you’re between my legs and we’re wrapped up in each others arms. the way you told me you like fucking me both when i’m on my stomach or on my back because you get to be close to me in different ways.

the time my leg was up behind your head and you kept switching between watching yourself enter me and watching my face, watching my eyes roll back into my head. when we locked eyes for the first time while fucking

the way you hold onto me after you come. the way now we look at each other and know that we want to kiss. the kisses you plant on my mouth quickly when we’re changing positions. when you kiss my cheek or my forehead when you’re in my arms or i’m in yours.

today you kissed me on the cheek as i was leaving for the first time since the first time i stayed over at your place. today you actually got out of bed to kiss me before i left and joked a little about it afterwards. today you kissed me before i left and there wasn’t even any irony in it. as i was walking out the door you squeezed my ass and kissed my neck really tenderly

today we almost held hands while fucking and while watching a movie. we weren’t even drunk or high – basically just sober. you were holding me tight while we watched the movie and i made you laugh part way through and you said you needed it.

just as i was about to leave today you pulled me into your arms and started kissing me and i kissed you back and you played with my clit until i came for the second time. the way your chest puffs up when you make me come, the way you like making me come and watching

you told me that your dealer asked about me and you got to tell him that you were fucking me, that you had just dropped me off. you told me that you wanted to fuck me from the first time you saw me.the way the time before when we fucked you choked me extra hard and tried to kiss me less because i mentioned sleeping with someone else

when we got back from traveling i said, i missed your cock, even though i meant that i missed you. to my surprise, you said you missed me, and after a second i said i missed you too

**iv: the trauma**

the way when i showed up with scars and bruises, you held me and threatened to hurt the man who hurt me. the way you begged me to tell you his name. the way when you thought i was asleep, you whispered “he raped you”. the last time i showed up at your place with a sprained ankle you got silent and angry when i told you my ex did it and i started kissing you so we could move on from it.

the way when i’m asleep and having nightmares you wake me up and ask me if i’m ok and hold me tighter. the way you stop when i ask you to stop or when you see i’m panicking and tell me it’s just you and not anyone else.

today when you were inside me i wanted you to stop but your fingers were in my mouth and i couldn’t say anything. after i told you to stop we just cuddled for a while. i told you i was on edge from having seen him last week and you said that you just want me to feel safe with you. i told you that i do, that you make me feel safe, but sometimes i forget where i am and you said it seemed that way. you told me i could talk about it if i wanted to and i told you i hadn’t told anyone yet.

later when i wanted to fuck again you asked if i’d be ok if you put it inside me. when you asked me if i wanted to come you told me you wanted me to know it was your cock i was coming on, and i knew it was because you didn’t want me to think about him.

today you wanted me sore after we were done, and you wanted me to know it was your cock that did it to me. today i kept not telling you when i wanted you to stop and you told me i needed to tell you. i asked if you’d get mad if i told you to stop and you said no, that i could always tell you to stop. you said “do you know whose bed you’re in right now?” i told you that i get scared sometimes and you told me that i never have to be afraid with you.

**v: the little things**

the fact that you don’t fuck her raw anymore because you need to fuck me raw instead

the way you bring me close to you at night and in the morning. when you fall asleep in my arms. you always tell me how much you love fucking me in the morning, holding me close to you.when i tell you that i like it when you kiss me you say i love kissing you

when you say you like it when i talk to you while we’re fucking

the way you tell me i can take it, the way you apologize when you put it all the way inside

the fact that i can make you laugh and you make me laugh. i notice that you like it when I laugh

the fact that you care for me in a way that it feels like nobody really has in a while

the little surge of adrenaline i get when i think about you being with your other girl or whenever i even randomly see her name somewhere

the way you tell me when you like my clothes

the way you tell me i’m easy to talk to and comfortable to hold

the way you’ve stopped needing background noise while we fuck, the way we were able to fall asleep in the dark together in the quiet, talking to each other a little bit. the way you like when i’m big spoon

the fact that you’re my secret
