The Virgin Priest Pt. 08 [MM]

Lily had more questions than answers. Her parents were still standing in front of her, observing her, waiting for her to speak. The only thing on her mind was finding Luke, and how this bond came to be. The latter could wait but finding him needed to happen now. She could feel the slightest bit of him deep within herself. She wasn’t sure if it was actually him or just wishful thinking on her part. If Asmodeus had him locked in the demon realm, it should be easy to find him. His life would be in danger, though. She was certain her uncle wouldn’t keep him around very long.

“I feel something,” she said faintly, “I’m not sure if it’s him. But I feel him.”

“That means he’s not far,” Samael said lightly. “Knowing my brother, he isn’t trying too hard to hide him. He wants you to come looking for your priest.”

“So he can take us both out at the same time?” Lily scoffed.

Her father nodded, “Most likely. Or so you can watch him take Luke out, whichever fits his mood the best.”

“Where could he possibly be? It’s not like Hell is a small place,” Lily asked.

“Probably at Asmodeus’ castle. It isn’t far from here, and he didn’t take your priest in secret. He wants you to come looking for Luke.” Lilith interjected. Lily’s eyes widened.

“How are we supposed to get in there?” Demon etiquette required an invitation to enter a Prince’s home. It wasn’t a law by any means, but it was expected. “You know he isn’t going to invite us over for dinner.”

“You forget that your father is King,” Samael laughed, “I can force an invitation, or just force my way in. It doesn’t matter to me which.”

“Please don’t get him killed,” Lily whispered, “I promised I would keep him safe.”

Lilith reached down and ran her fingers through Lily’s hair gently. “We will do everything we can to help you keep that promise, Shynra.”

“Yes, what your mother said,” Samael said, “Although, it would be fun to start a war.”

Her father’s eyes glittered with anticipation. Lily rolled her eyes. “Leave it to the Prince of Wrath to want a war.”

“He’s worth starting a war over, is he not?” Her father laughed. The humor reflected on his features.

“He is, but I’m not sure he would appreciate it. He’s not exactly my biggest fan,” Lily said. A hint of pain went through her.

“Oh? Why do you say that?” Samael pressed.

“I had to…show my dominance over him. He wanted to do something stupid, and I had to keep him safe,” Lily explained, “He said that he hates me. I don’t blame him. I tried to suffocate him.”

Samael’s laughter roared throughout the room, “You are my daughter, aren’t you? I doubt he hates you. He’s mad at you. But focus, Shynra. He is the key to you holding this kingdom in your hands. He is worth whatever war I wage against my brother. He needs to be reminded that he is my subordinate, after all.”

“You act as if you know Luke,” Lily responded. “He’s against everything that we are.”

“It’s up to you to change that,” Lilith said, “But we need him back first.”

Lilith turned to face her husband. Lily could see an idea forming. “Why don’t you request a dinner invitation for the three of us, Samael?”

“That can be arranged,” he said.

“Make sure you demand to know that the priest is safe,” Lily interjected. Her parents looked at her.

“That will come in good time, Shynra. Your uncle loves to flaunt his conquests, your priest would make an appearance, I’m sure of it.” Lilith said softly.

“I don’t want to see him mangled,” Lily said. She had never felt fear as strongly as she was now.

“I swear on my throne that if any bodily harm has come to your priest, there will be retribution. I will go to war with my brother.”


“Oh Little Priest!” The sing-songy voice of the Demon Prince echoed through the room jolting Luke from his sleep. Luke groaned in protest. He hadn’t been able to sleep enough the last week or so.

“What do you want?” Luke asked, sleep still heavy on his voice.

“It’s time to wake up! We have some very important guests coming over tonight. Wouldn’t want you to miss it,” Asmodeus said, “You are the guest of honor, after all.”

“Me? I thought I was more worthless than a toy,” Luke shot back.

“As a human, you are. As a demon’s bond mate? Your value goes up exponentially. I’ll send someone in to help you get dressed. Wouldn’t want you to look so beaten down for our special guests!” Asmodeus stalked towards him. “If you want, I can help you loosen up, Priest. You look a little nervous.”

The implications of Asmodeus’ words sent a shiver of excitement through Luke that landed square in his cock. Damn the demon. He was fully aware that he was standing at attention for Asmodeus, but he did his best to ignore it. The room was void of any demon magic, Luke noted, much to his dismay. His body’s reaction to this man went against every teaching he had been given throughout his life. He wanted Asmodeus with every fiber of his being. He wanted to feel the demon’s mouth wrapped tightly around his….

“Oh,” Luke moaned. It was as if the demon could sense his thoughts. Asmodeus’ mouth was indeed wrapped firmly around his length, the demon’s black eyes locked onto his. When had he even got close enough to… “God, don’t stop.” Luke begged.

Asmodeus chuckled around his length, the sensation sent a new feeling through Luke that he couldn’t quite describe. Other than *exquisite*. The next thing Luke knew, his cock was sitting firmly at the back of Asmodeus’ throat, the demon was tickling Luke’s balls with his tongue. What kind of magic was this? Luke was caught up in the sensation of the man’s mouth on his most intimate parts, he didn’t notice that the demon had pushed his legs apart. Luke gasped as the demon probed his bud with lithe fingers. Something in Luke wanted him to stop the demon’s advances, but another part of him remembered what had happened earlier. He remembered the intense pleasure the demon brought him from that one little spot. Luke opened his legs wider, allowing the demon access. Nothing about this was right or savory, he thought idly, yet it felt so *right*.

Asmodeus pressed inside Luke, quickly finding the spot that had driven him crazy the night before. Luke arched his back off the bed, the pressure of an impending orgasm building low in his stomach. To his surprise, he found himself grinding against the demon’s fingers. The feeling was just too good not to. The more pressure he put there, the more intense it was. Asmodeus’ other hand was pumping up the length of his cock in tune with his mouth. Luke looked down to watch. Seeing his dick disappear inside the demon’s mouth…. It was enough to send him over the edge in a white-hot flurry of pleasure.

Unlike the first time, the demon had retracted so his seed could not spill inside his mouth. The tension released from Luke’s body, and he fell back down onto the bed, completely spent. He was breathing heavily. Asmodeus was towering over him on all fours. Luke looked up at him with amusement. The demon leaned down and claimed Luke’s mouth. Luke reciprocated willingly, eagerly. The taste of the demon was intoxicating. Almost as intoxicating as Lily… guilt stabbed through him, and he stopped. Asmodeus looked down at him, curious.

“What is it, Priest? Do I not make you happy?” He chided.

“That’s not it,” Luke said, “Lily…”

Asmodeus flicked his hand, “Ah, don’t worry about my niece, you’re mine now.” He laid a kiss on Luke’s neck, “You’re mine to do with what I please. And I want to please you.”

“To make Lily jealous?”

“Amongst other things.” Asmodeus smiled, “But mostly to help you accept this gorgeous body of yours and all it has to offer. Dear Shynra wasn’t doing such a good job of that.”

Heat rushed into Luke’s cheeks, “I thought she was.”

“You’re bonded to her, you would say that. But I will show you all the wonders of your body, Priest. Just stay with me. Now, we need to get ready! Don’t want to keep our guests waiting!”

With that, Luke watched as Asmodeus waltzed out of the room. He was unsure of what the night would bring, or who these ‘special guests’ were, but he supposed he was going to find out whether he wanted to or not.


Since her uncle had accepted their invitation, the day had gone by at snail’s pace for Lily. She was so close to seeing her Priest, to laying eyes on him. Her parents had left her to get ready, but all she could do was worry. The feeling of Luke being near had become stronger. She had sensed his pleasure, but she didn’t know if it was a trick. Or maybe it was her uncle trying to rile her. With a sigh, she finished getting ready and headed down to meet with her parents.

The ride to her uncle’s castle was uneventful. The seaside ride was exactly what she remembered, along with the sharp change in scenery to her uncle’s territory. His was more closely modeled to the Scottish Highlands of the human realm, the rolling hills covered in lush green grass. His castle stood in harmony with the scenery. It was stone and formidable, yet it was lavish and oozed with the lustful magic her uncle projected. Lily took a deep breath as they approached, and the gates were opened to allow them entry.

“Here we go,” she said quietly. Her parents grunted their acknowledgement. Their carriage drew to a stop in front of the entrance, and they stepped out.

Her uncle hadn’t skimped out on the Royal welcome. The inhabitants of his castle were waiting for them to enter, lined up along the entryway. Of course, they were in various states of undress. The lustful expressions in their eyes haunted Lily. They were absently petting each other, as if they couldn’t keep their hands off one another, but their eyes were all focused on the royal family. Lily averted her eyes and walked through the castle; they were ushered into a grand dining room where they took their seats at the head of the table. Asmodeus joined them in his usual dramatic fashion and sat at the opposite end of the long table from her father.

“To what do we owe this surprise visit, dearest brother?” Asmodeus asked. He laced his fingers together and placed his hands on the table in front of him. His eyes wandered to Lily. “Ah, it all makes sense now.”

Lily bit her tongue. She wanted to eviscerate the smug man sitting across the table, but she knew it was in her priest’s best interest to stay silent.

“Can I not just want to see my brother?” Samael asked, his tone light.

“Not with your absent, and banished, daughter in tow,” Asmodeus hadn’t moved his gaze from Lily, “I think she knows I have something she wants. Such bravery to show up in a realm that doesn’t want you, child.”

Lily sneered at him, but her mother shot her a look of warning before she could speak. Her uncle chuckled. “We’re trying to be diplomatic, I see. Well, why don’t I just bring out what you all want.” Asmodeus turned to face the other entrance to the dining area, “Priest, why don’t you join us. Come stand by my side. Let’s show my niece how much you prefer me.”

Apprehension coursed through Lily. The muscles in her back tensed as she sensed Luke in the room. She wasn’t sure that she was still breathing as he walked out of the darkness into her view. He walked timidly over to her uncle’s side, stopping when Asmodeus wrapped an arm around Luke’s waist. Lily’s breath caught as she took him in. What little clothing he wore accented his body. The gold of it deepened the brown of his skin. The cut of the pants accentuated the deep V that led to his… tears welled up in Lily’s eyes. He looked completely content in her uncle’s arms.

I’m going to get you out of here, Luke. His eyes met hers as he heard her silent statement, but he didn’t respond. He reached over and ran his fingers through Asmodeus’ long blonde locks. What had happened in the time Luke had been here? *I promised I’d keep you safe, and I’m going to do just that. We will go to war for you, Priest.*

*You can’t give me what he can, Lily*. Lily’s heart dropped with his response. She closed her eyes to stop tears from spilling out of them. Her mother’s hand came to her arm, shocking Lily. The knowing look in her mother’s eyes let Lily know that she had heard Luke as well. Being able to read thoughts was unique to succubi, and Lily knew her mom had eavesdropped on their conversation.

“Sit next to me, Priest, you will enjoy dinner as well,” Asmodeus directed him. Luke complied and took the seat immediately to his right. “I’ve brought in some of the finest human delicacies to satisfy your priest, Shynra. You should be happy.”

Thick cuts of meat were placed in front of them as he spoke. Luke’s eyes lit up with delight as he took in the meal.

Lily smiled tightly, “As long as he is content.”

“Oh, he’s much more than content, aren’t you?” Asmodeus directed his question at Luke.

Luke nodded, “Yes, I’m content.” His eyes shot over to Lily, “How are you, demon?”

The playfulness in Luke’s voice shocked her a bit, “I’m fine, I guess.” Lily stumbled over her words. The loneliness inside her was growing at every nonchalant word of his. Did he not want her protection anymore?

“Can we cut to the chase here?” Asmodeus said as he cut a piece of meat and stabbed it with a fork. “We all know you’re here for something, best get it out of the way.”

“Since you are so keen to know, brother, we have come for the priest,” Samael’s voice radiated with authority. Asmodeus laughed and directed his next statement to Lily.

“Niece, do you remember what I said would happen if you came looking for him?” He taunted. “Do you really want to see him die? Because I’ll never give him to you. It would be such a shame to see all this beauty fade away.”

Asmodeus reached over to Luke and ran his fingers down Luke’s cheek. Luke leaned into his touch. Seeing it made Lily burn with jealousy. Especially because she felt the willingness behind this. Luke was not being coerced. “Show them how much you’ve come to like me, Priest.”

Luke stood from the chair and turned to face Asmodeus. With a smile on his face, he leaned forward and seized Asmodeus with a kiss. The demon grunted in pleasure. Luke grabbed the demon on either side of his face and pushed his hands through his hair. Lily looked down and saw exactly how much Luke was enjoying himself. In a fit of rage, she stood from the table. Her power whipped around the room, breaking up the show of affection and bringing Luke’s attention back to her. She saw the surprise on Asmodeus’ face as well.

Her power was raw and unyielding, and she focused it all on her uncle. She imagined squeezing the life out of him bit by bit, seeing the air driven from his lungs, and was surprised to see just that happening in front of her. Asmodeus clutched his chest much like her priest had, his eyes wide. Lily walked over to him slowly, relishing the feeling that this power was bringing her. She couldn’t kill her uncle, he was immortal, but she could cause him pain. As she approached him, Luke stepped back.

“How dare you think you can walk into my house and steal what is rightfully mine, uncle. We may need to give you a lesson in manners,” She smiled tightly. Asmodeus coughed in response, his hand gesticulating wildly at his throat. “You think you deserve to breathe? That’s funny. I don’t think you do. As a matter of fact, I like you better this way. Unable to talk and disrespect your superior.”

“Shynra,” her father warned. Lily paid him no attention.

“Because I am your superior. It’s best you don’t forget that,” Lily looked over at Luke. “Priest, join my father at the other end of the table.”


Luke didn’t move. He seemed frozen in place. He cast a glance over to Asmodeus, shocked to see his demon holding her uncle captive. He had sensed danger towards Lily when he first entered the room. He was scared out of his mind around Asmodeus. The way his body reacted to the demon and the way his mind did was confusing. He wanted nothing more than to leave with Lily, but he feared that if he did, he would cause her downfall. Lily’s power tickled at him, urging him to do as he was told.

Her power was stronger than he had ever felt it. It was rolling off her. All of its fury was directed at the gasping demon sitting in the chair beside him. Luke remembered what it was like to be on the receiving end of that assault. He watched in horror as blood started to seep out of Asmodeus’ eyes.

“Uncle, I will tear you limb from limb if you try to stop me, that I swear.” Lily’s voice had changed. It was no longer human. “If you lift one finger to hurt me or him, it will be the last thing you do.”

Luke snapped out of his trance and started walking backwards slowly towards the opposite end of the table. He was sure Lily could keep her promise, but he could see the fatigue wearing at her. She couldn’t hold Asmodeus like this much longer. He stopped when he felt strong hands clutch his shoulders. “Follow her out, son.”

Luke looked back and saw an auburn-haired goddess looking at him with curiosity. He walked towards her and followed her out as he was told, but something about the whole situation seemed much too easy. He passed what he assumed was the Royal Guard and stepped into a carriage that was big enough for all of them.

“Is she…” Luke swallowed harshly, “Is she going to be okay?”

“Your concern for her is touching, but I assure you, my daughter can hold her own.” Luke turned to face the woman. So this was Lily’s mother. Her allure made sense now.

“Asmodeus isn’t going to kill Lily?” he asked. Lily’s mother laughed.

“Is that what she’s calling herself in your world?” Lilith extended a hand to Luke, “My name is Lilith, I’m Shynra’s mother and Queen of this realm. To answer your question, I don’t know. But we all will know soon enough.”


Lily’s power waned as Luke walked out, but not enough to release her hold on Asmodeus. The traitorous son of a bitch. Samael walked over to join her, placing a soft hand on her shoulder.

“Shynra, that’s enough.” He said quietly, “Your priest is safe now.”

Lily whipped her head around. “He will never be safe as long as Asmodeus is allowed to roam free.”

“Be that as it may, release him by order of your King.” Samael boomed. Her father turned to face the Guard stationed around the room, “Seize him, take him back to the holding cells in my home. Make sure it’s fortified; it will be your head if he escapes.”

Lily released her hold over Asmodeus as the Guard took him into their custody. Asmodeus took in a large gulp of air. He shot her a look of pure hatred.

“You will regret this, niece. You will regret this when you watch your priest die an agonizing death at my hand because of your insolence. You will regret this when you live a human life in solitude.” He spat.

Lily didn’t engage him. She turned and walked out to join her priest in the carriage. There was nothing she wanted more at that moment than to embrace him. She wasn’t sure how he would react to her touch, but she couldn’t help but want him. She approached the carriage quickly, paying no heed to what was going on around her-which was chaos.

She ripped the door to the carriage open when she approached it. Luke was sitting inside, safely seated by her mother. His eyes darted over to her, relief covering his features. Lily stepped into the carriage and pulled her priest into an embrace. Much to her surprise, he didn’t stop her. She pulled him close and inhaled his scent as if she would never get the pleasure of holding him again. Gingerly, he wrapped his arms around her waist and returned her hug. It felt strange to her to hold this man in her arms. He was easily twice her size, but he cuddled up to her easily, as if he were meant to be there. And she supposed he was.

“I’m so sorry, Luke, I’m so sorry.” She whispered into his hair. Luke pulled back from her slightly, and she let him go.

“You didn’t do anything,” he said softly. “And he never hurt me. I know I wasn’t safe there, but he never hurt me.”

Luke cupped the side of her face in his palm.

“He will never touch you again.” Lily said with conviction. “You will be my king, Priest. I will never let anyone harm you as long as I live.”
