Taken by an old friend *CNC*

***This is a fictional erotic story written by me, about me and from my point of view. You should not be reading this if you’re not of legal age, 18 in America, 21 in some other countries. I do not preface or end any of my stories with the explanation of how consent was given. Go to my page and read my pin with a full explanation as to why. This is my fantasy, not yours. You are not being forced to read this, so if you choose to then be nice and enjoy. ☺️***


She exits the building, eyes faced toward her phone as she heads in the direction of the walking path. She takes the same path every work day, twice a day weather permitting. Most of the time she goes alone, but occasionally someone will accompany her for their break as well. You can tell she feels safe here, in this area. She lets her guard down, focusing on her phone or listening to music with both her ear buds in. I’ve seen her do this walk a thousand times it seems and she is much more relaxed and unbothered than in unfamiliar places. This is definitely a possibility for where to take her but I risk her office members wondering where she went pretty quickly. I wouldn’t have as much time to get on the road as I would like.


The lights hurt my eyes as I slowly blink and try to lift my head. I try to think about what I should be thinking about but I can’t. I’m so dizzy, I have no idea about anything right now. Not where I am, whats going on, what time it is, nothing. The brain fog consumes my instinct to survive, Darwin theory creeping in. I can feel the cold floor below me. I can only assume that I am on my bathroom floor and that I drank too much. As I sowlly come to, the pain on my what I’m realizing is my naked body becomes evident. My throat muscles ache and it hurts to swallow. I close my eyes, not ready to face reality and drift off.


She’s been out running errands today. On days like this, I can’t be right there to follow her. She’s aware of her surroundings and would notice me being in multiple places as her. I watch the little blue dot float across the screen as she makes her way around town. She lives in way too busy of an area for me to take her while she’s out running around doing errands anyway.

Eventually she makes her way back home, pulling into her driveway. When she gets out of the car, she’s on the phone with someone. “Well it’s not like I was hired on the spot, but we will see if anyone calls me” I hear her say as she walks into her house. I have the perfect plan now.


I wake up shivering, much less brain fog blurring my thoughts. I begin to sit up, flinching at the pain from the bruises I can feel lacing the lower half of my body as I sit up. I put my head in my hands, fighting off a headache and then begin to look around. I don’t recognize the space, and I’m still really cold.

I see a blanket folded, laid nicely in the corner across the room. As I begin to sit up, my head and neck are heavy. I go to stand up from a kneeling position and feel my weight being pulled back as I land on my ass. “OW” I exclaim as the tenderness on my ass shocks me, sending pain tingling through my body. I can’t seem to stand up past kneeling because there is a chain attached to a collar on my neck that only rises so high. I pull on the collar, realizing that it is metal and there is no easy way to take it off. I’m beginning to shake uncontrollably so I crawl across the floor to the blanket and grab it, wrapping it around myself attempting to get warm.


If she is looking for a job, then I will get her a job. There is a reason that I am able to spend as much time as I want following her. I own a private investigation firm, which provides me with the tools, the secrets, and the finances to do so. Originally I was just hired to follow her for a job offer, but I recognized her and from then on wanted to own her.

First, I post a job listing online. Office work on the weekends for $18 an hour. Then I make sure that it gets to her email and LinkedIn so that she will see it. Once she applies, I will contact her for an interview. I reach out to a work colleague and request to borrow their office space for some interviews in a vacant building he owns. He happily allows me to do so, letting me know that he will leave my receptionist the key since he is close to my office. Everything is in place, so now I wait and hope she doesn’t pass up this opportunity.


As I begin to defrost, I finish assessing my body. My injuries include a bruised neck, bruised ass and legs, my ass and vagina have clearly been used. They ache as bad as the rest of my body and semen drips down my legs. I try to remember what happened last but I just keep seeing his face flashing in my brain. He’s offering me a drink of water and then things go almost completely blank. I return to taking in my surroundings, noticing that there is a bathroom as well. Nothing is on any of the walls in this room or the bathroom. There are no windows and the walls seem to be made of concrete. I flash back again, he’s gripping my face as I doze off. He smiles at me, “yes there you go, sleep it off.” The vision goes away and I begin to realize he’s kidnapped me.

I knew him from a couple months of dating. We met up for drinks a few times, had dinner once and sexted one another but it never went much farther. I was beginning to date someone else at the time and he lived too far away for us to continue anything. I didn’t even think he cared, I definitely didn’t take it personally. Where is this coming from? I hear foot steps approach and a loud buzzing sound go off. It must be him. Unsure of what to do, I lay down and pretend to be asleep still hoping he will go away. I need more time to digest this.


I’m eating dinner when I hear my phone notify me of a new email. The last few have been spam, but not this one. Her resume just came through and I couldn’t be more excited. If this goes as well as planned, then the little tease will be exactly where she deserves to be. It’s too late to call now, so I make a plan to reach out to her tomorrow.

The clock hits 9:30am and I decide to call. The phone rings twice before she picks up, “hello.” After I verify that it’s her (even though I’m well aware it is, she doesn’t know I know), I set up a time to meet for an interview. She excitedly takes down the address, planning to meet me later this evening for an interview. I prepare coffee, lacing the creamer with roofies. I know how she likes her coffee, so I have a feeling she will pour creamer in her coffee.


The door clicks a few times and then pushes open. He walks in and shuts the door. I remain completely still, not wanting him to decide to stay. “I know you’re awake. I have this place wired with cameras” I hear him say to me. Knowing that the bit is up, I sit up and stare at him angrily. He looks at me, seeming to take me in, assessing how upset I may be but then scoffs, smiling.

I am not sure what there is to be smiling about so I take my chances “is there something funny that you would like to share?” He walks toward me, when I feel my back hit a wall. I didn’t realize I had been backing away from him until there was no where to go. “Oh nothing much, but I do like to get my way and I wanted you. Here. On my floor, used and invaded by me. Here you are, all mine.” He says, now kneeling, making him eye level with me. I don’t know how to respond to that, so I turn away, avoiding his gaze. He stands up, beginning to detail how I came to be bruised and locked up.


I hear her enter the office building and walks straight down the hall to the office on the right, as I directed her. The whole building is empty except her and I but she doesn’t know that. She approaches my door way, wearing a flowery professional dress. It goes all the way down to her chins and has long sleeves. While it provides coverage for her body, the strap tied around her waste in a bow accentuates her small frame.

“Hi, welcome in! Thank you so much for coming in, please take a seat.” I walk over to the coffee machine and begin pouring us each a cup. “It’s been a long day and I will require some caffeine to continue, but I’m pouring you some as well so hopefully you don’t mind.” I say to her as she gets seated and comfortable. “I don’t mind at all, thank you for offering.” She says in response.

She is staring intently at me and then says “you look really familiar, do I know you?” Although I’m annoyed that she doesn’t remember my name, I tell her anyway and pretend to be just as surprised. “Oh my god, yes! We dated for a short time before I move over to Maryland! How crazy is this. Now that you say something, it’s all coming back!” My response seems to put her at ease, she sits back in her chair and takes the coffee. “Here is some cream and sugar if you would like.” She picks up the creamer and gives herself a generous amount. I left her a little over half so there would be lots of room for creamer.

She takes her first few sips without hesitation, seeming to finish her coffee quickly. I don’t need her over dosing, so I avoid offering her another cup. As our conversation continues, I offer to walk her around the office and show her where she will be working. I need to see how balanced she is. She gets up and walks towards the door, seeming to stumble slightly but still cognitive. I lead her throughout the building, showing her break rooms and offices. Just trying to run the clock down so that the roofies can kick in. As we make our way back to my office, she begins to lose her ability to walk. Holding onto the wall and trying to keep her head lifted, I watch as she falls to the floor. When I approach her, I grab her face and look at her. She is still slightly awake so I reassure her “yes there you go, shake it off.” She becomes dead weight, completely passing out. I pick her up and carry her out to my car.


“First, I waited for you to pass out and then carried you out to my car. I was going to let you ride up front but just to be safe, I threw you in the trunk. You were still passed out when I got you here. I decided that I didn’t want to wait to use my new toy.” I was glaring at him now, very visibly angry. He looked like he was waiting for a response, so I begin to stand up and attempt to charge at him.

Unfortunately I forgot that the chain doesn’t allow me to stand and found myself pulled back to the floor. He laughed softly “I purposely made that chain long enough for you to kneel, but not to stand. You’re a toy now, you don’t get to stand. You will always be below me.” I wanted to throw something at him but there was nothing around me. He continued to taunt me, reliving the details of raping me passed out. “You were the perfect rag doll, I think I may want to use you in that state again. We will see how I’m feeling. Anyway, I laid you in the ground face down and pulled your hips up in the air so they could rest on your knees. I had to hold you up so you would fall over, but when I lifted your dress and saw your underwear barely covering your pussy and ass – I knew it would be worth it.” I begin to cry, unsure of where to place my frustration and anger.


Seeing her upset about what I’ve done to her is arousing. I can feel my cock begin to grow and push against my pants. I want her to know exactly what I did to her though so I continue.

“I used your ass first, going in dry and fast. It was so tight around my dick, you took it like a good doll.” She was crying, her face getting puffy and red but the more upset she became, the more I wanted to tell her. Tormenting her, using her, making her my bitch – is my new serotonin boost. I’m enjoying it almost a little too much, but it’s fun to take power from women like her. Women that know they’re smart and pretty. Always so confident and prepared. But not here. Here she can only be confident in the fact that nothing will prepare her for this new life of hers. “I’m not a doll you psycho fuck,” she says to me in response. “Oh yes you are honey. The fact that you haven’t come to terms with that yet is the most exciting part for me.”

I returned to filling her in. “Once I came in your ass, I beat you with my belt. You laid there unresponsive, but your ass and legs bruised and welted just the same. I really enjoyed changing the color of your skin.” I stopped to watch her face, but she stared at the floor, seemingly trying to zone out. “Look at me when I talk to you” I told her. She looked up at me, anger piercing through her eyes. “There you go, good doll.”


Every ache and pain in my body was beginning to make sense now. He had really fucked me up and wasn’t even finished. I stared back at him, scared of what would happen if I didn’t. I could see the excitement in his eyes as he continued to share the horrors he reaped on my passed out body. “Seeing you bruised Mae my dick throb again so I laid you on your back, placed my hands around your neck and fucked your pussy until I came again. Except this time, I pulled out and covered your face.” I tried not to respond knowing already that he enjoyed my response but I couldn’t hide my anger. He knew the position I was in and he was enjoying every second of it.

He finished telling his story by explaining that he then stripped me completely naked, chained me up, and left me to sleep off the drugs in my new home. “I put the blanket across the room so that the camera would pick up the motion and notify me. It took you two days to come to.” I watched as he removed water, electrolytes, and a sandwich from the bag he had with him. He gave them to me and said “you need to hydrate and get some food in you. All your privileges will be earned. I will slowly give you amenities as I feel that you deserve them. Towels, a mattress and pillow,etc. will come with time. You can brush your teeth, shower and shave, use the restroom and you have a blanket.” I responded back “how can I shower if I don’t have a towel to dry off with?” He smiled and said “guess you’ll figure it out.” He begin to walk away when I got him to turn around by saying “wait, no come back. You expect me to just sleep on the floor?” He walked towards me, causing me to flinch. “Yes, that’s exactly what I expect you to do and when I get back, if you’re a good service doll, I may start by giving you a pillow. I’ll be back later. I expect you to be clean and hydrated.” He left and slammed the door. I heard his steps as he went upstairs. I took a bite of my sandwich, noticing it’s just plain white bread and a piece of cheese. I’m starving though, so I take what I can get. I need to get it if here I think to myself feeling hopeless and used.

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Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/takvek/taken_by_an_old_friend_cnc