New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus (CH 218-220) [Futanari][Futa/Female][Futa/Futa]

**Synopsis:** An old man dies, torn by regret. Due to his high karma, he has “near-limitless possibilities for reincarnation”. He chooses to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a voluptuous futanari succubus with big tits and an irresistible smile.

Erotic fiction that contains: Futanari/Dickgirls, Genderbending, Futa on Female, BDSM, Nymphos, Masochistic characters, Threesomes, Orgies, Facefuck, Deepthroat, Dom/Sub, Taken by Monsters, Corruption, Game elements, etc.

## 218: Familiar Faces

The rock platform that Beatrice and the shirtless masked man approached was approximately three hundred feet in diameter. Many smokeless flames, big and small, shot up one after another around the platform, creating a spectacular and at the same time terrifying, blazing hot light show.

The platform was leveled, but the surface was uneven. Of course, not a single safety measure was set up along the edges that overlooked the dark abyss. Six narrow bridges connected the platform to various other paths and platforms that spread out around it like a circular maze. The whole scene gave off an aura of a hellish gladiatorial arena with various spectator stands set up at different levels around it.

The masked man took only a couple of steps onto the arena before stepping aside to let Beatrice pass. As soon as Beatrice stepped off the narrow bridge, the masked man said to her, “Stay with the others and await instructions.”

Without another word, the man walked back the same way that he came, leaving Beatrice with the other participants that were spread out on the arena.

Now that Beatrice was closer, she counted no less than fifty other participants. It really looked like anyone was welcome. Men and women, young and old. A few men looked barely any better than the old doorman back on the surface—shriveled husks that looked barely alive compared to some other participants whose builds resembled walking double refrigerators.

One teenage girl caught Beatrice’s attention by virtue of not looking like she belonged amongst the pathetic, desperate, or stupid. With dark shoulder-length hair, crimson eyes, pale skin, slender figure, and a fancy dark blue outfit that showed off her long legs, the girl looked like one of those fantasy vampires or some dark magician that should have been mingling with the elite, not slumming it in illegal underground fights.

Beatrice blinked twice and rubbed her eyes when she thought she saw the pale girl pop a bubblegum bubble, but she did not see another bubble emerge from her colorless lips, nor did the girl seem to be chewing anything.

Beatrice also saw that very few people had visible weapons in their possession. A few daggers, a couple of clubs, one long steel spear. While Beatrice could not discount the possibility that the others might have simply concealed their weapons, it looked like many came here weaponless, like Beatrice. Yet, if the weapons were not permitted, nobody seemed to have bothered to confiscate those weapons that were brought.

Beatrice had a feeling that fair fights were not something that she should expect nor what all the people had gathered here for. The succubus was mentally prepared for some arbitrary rules that would leave some participants fighting barehanded against fully armed goliaths. Still, Beatrice wondered how many of those gathered here had some form of magic abilities like she had.

Beatrice saw no reason to engage in conversation with any of the other participants since most of them would probably be dead before the night was over. And it seemed that Beatrice’s train of thought was followed by most of the participants, as very few of them casually chatted with one another. Most of the participants even avoided eye contact.

What Beatrice did not expect, was to see a familiar figure amidst the participants, sitting on a rock, hugging one knee. Beatrice did not recognize the girl at first, as she considerably increased the amount of skin her outfit showed off by reducing her outfit to the bare, modest minimum. However, her bleached hairstyle was unmistakable.

“Olivia?” Beatrice quietly called out to the girl as she approached her from the side.

“Huh? Who are you?” Olivia asked.

“What do you—oh, right!” Beatrice remembered her own item’s description. *It’s that effective?* Beatrice was amazed. The succubus looked around to make sure nobody was too close to hear, leaned forward, and whispered to Olivia, “It’s me—Beatrice!”

Olivia’s eyes went wide in surprise as if a veil had been lifted. She let go of her leg while her gaze involuntarily fell to Beatrice’s giant bosom that was right in her face and she stuttered, “I-it is! How… How did I not realize it?”

“A little trick, but that doesn’t matter right now,” Beatrice said, deciding not to reveal the secret of her mask for now.

“After all your big talk, I was beginning to think you wouldn’t show up!” Olivia said.

“As if! But what are you doing here?” Beatrice asked.

“Same thing as you, I guess,” Olivia shrugged. She then looked away and quietly added, “I need to prove something.”

“To who?”

“To myself.”

“Ladies and gentlemen! Ladies and gentlemen!” a loud, high-pitched female voice echoed through the mines.

Beatrice would not have had any idea where to even look for the source of the voice, however, she saw several participants, as well as most of the spectators all, look up at one particular spot. And—looking in the same direction as the others—Beatrice spotted another familiar face. Or rather, Beatrice saw a familiar, five-foot-tall white hairball approach the railings of the highest located platform, high above the arena.

The hairball moved aside her absurdly long and fluffy hair that reached all the way to her feet, revealing that her face was also covered by a black mask. However, this mask had a blue flame painted across it instead of the red one that Beatrice’s guide had.

“My name is Thelicia Fundershnauf!” the pint-sized girl announced as she spread her skinny arms to the side while her disproportionally large fluffy ears twitched with excitement. “It is with the greatest pleasure that I welcome you all to the Forge of Champions!”

## 219: The Masked Announcer

*Thelicia?* Beatrice grimaced when she heard the beastkin’s overt attempt at hiding her identity. Beatrice recalled the eccentric girl parading her S.E.C.R.E.T. guild badge, announcing her full name and title in public. There was no possible way for anyone who met the hairball in person to not know that she was the same person as this masked announcer. Which left Beatrice wondering about just what game “Thelicia” was playing at.

“The Games will begin shortly,” Thelicia continued, speaking in a loud, somehow augmented voice. At least, it had to be augmented, because it otherwise would make no sense how the little pipsqueak could manage to be heard, seemingly effortlessly overcoming the sound of a crowd of thousands of citizens of Klapsus.

“But before they begin, do not forget to place your bets on one of our lovely participants before the start of each new round. You will have many options for bets: Who will be eliminated first; who will survive the round; how many participants will die in the round…

“Most importantly, to enter the lottery for the grand prize, do not forget to bet on who you think will be the new champion before the Games begin! Will it be just one? Maybe two like that one time last year? You will not get another chance, so do not miss out!

“While you consider your choice by using any arbitrary metric you see fit, our staff will distribute numbers to the participants, to make it easier for everyone to follow the action.”

As Thelicia said that, Beatrice saw eighteen masked men, shirtless and in kilt walk onto the arena. The masked men were split up into six groups of three. Each group used a different bridge to get to the arena, which resulted in them appearing from all sides at once. In each of the six groups, two men were muscular and carried a giant chest by the handles, while their scrawny leaders carried nothing and walked with an aura of self-importance and hands behind their backs.

The masked men put the large heavy chests down just by the bridges and opened them for their respective leaders. The scrawny, dirty leaders reach into the chests, pulled out a small woven bag, and proceeded to the participants. It quickly turned out that the masked men had pieces of weathered, black cloth in those bags. Each piece of the blood-stained cloths had a different red number on it. One by one, the masked men tied one of those cloth pieces around the right arm of every participant while Thelicia continued to address the crowd.

“While you ponder your choices, please remember to drink plenty of liquids!” Thelicia reminded the spectators. “Our lovely sponsors have once again provided plenty of barrels of your favorite beverages, so stay hydrated!”

Beatrice looked up and saw that indeed many wooden barrels were rolled out and placed on the edges of the platforms while the citizens of Klapsus lined up with mugs to fill.

“Also know that this year we have even more lovely ladies and stud gentlemen for in-between round entertainment! Their booths will be located in all major spectator areas and provide you with various services: girl on girl shows; all-you-can-cum-on-sexy-feet booths, dick rating booths, and many others!”

*Sixty-nine, huh?* Beatrice looked at the number on her new armband that one of the masked men just finished tying around her arm.

“I see the numbers have been distributed,” Thelicia said. “Which means that the upgraded view is long overdue!”

As soon as Thelicia said that the masked men that stood by the open chests sat down in lotus position and clapped their hands in unison as all twelve of them started mumbling some kind of spell. And it was a spell. Beatrice saw blue auras form around the men. Their magical auras grew out in all directions until they combined with the aura of their neighbor. Just a few seconds after that happened, those magical auras shot up high into the air and all flew over the arena toward the center until they combined together in a spectacular firework-like blast, high in the air, at the same level as Thelicia’s platform.

However, that blast of magical energy did disperse as a firework would. The magical sphere grew, and as it grew, Beatrice saw something unbelievable within the sphere. Herself. The image then switched to one of the pathetic-looking participants. As if looking into some gigantic crystal ball, Beatrice, as well as every other person in the mine, could watch the participants in high resolution. As seconds passed, the image only got clearer, and soon Beatrice felt as if she was watching one of those gigantic, led, center-hung display cubes.

“Perfect!” Thelicia cheered. Even without seeing the girl’s face, Beatrice clearly imagined the wide grin on the manic girl’s face that no doubt exposed her little upper fang. “Now, we have sixty-nine participants! A lovely number! I even see that some of you have brought your own weapons. I just need a couple volunteers! Anyone?”

## 220: The Cleaver

Beatrice looked around to see if anyone would volunteer. The succubus was a newcomer to these games and this world as a whole, but she was savvy enough to understand that the likelihood of anything good coming out of such volunteering was slim to none. And considering the reservation of other participants, as well as the unwavering excitement of the spectators, it was apparent that to Beatrice that she made the right choice.

“Hm… Not a single brave soul?” Thelicia asked with disappointment when nobody answered her call for volunteers. “And here I thought we had potential champions participating… It looks like this time we have a bunch of *chumps* instead! How sorry I am to all the spectators that have gathered.”

*Yeah, right!* Beatrice would not fall for such cheap tricks. *Thelicia spoke about “rounds” and this is some sort of pre-game diversion while the spectators place their bets. Either it will turn into a completely pointless exercise or it will end horribly for whoever gets involved.*

Beatrice noticed Olivia clench her fist at the insult, but the ninja girl remained in place as well.

One man raised his hand. The giant sphere up above the arena zoomed in on the brave soul who had his skinny, trembling arm raised above his head, displaying him in spectacular detail for all the spectators to see.

“Wonderful! Now there’s a heart of a champion!” Thelicia exclaimed with renewed passion. “Lucky number thirteen! Step forward, step forward! Separate yourself from your lesser competitors! Stand tall and proud!”

Many in the crowd laughed as Number Thirteen could not stand tall even if he tried. His only separation from the others was only in how unimaginable it was to think of him as a potential winner in a fight to the death. At a glance, he had about as many muscles as the bubblegum girl and his armaments looked like something collected from the corpses of low-level goblins if such creatures even existed in this world.

“Now, now, don’t laugh!” Thelicia scolded the spectators. “Not all champions are musclehead brutes… Still, that rusty ol’ dagger simply will not do! We should reward Number Thirteen for his bravery, don’t you agree, everyone?”

The response was mixed. While some people cheered others rushed after the masked even staff and passionately pleaded and argued.

“Haha, while it is great to see so much passion for the predictions, I must ask that you do not pester the staff,” Thelicia addressed the agitated minority in the crowds. “After you’ve cast your votes and confirmed them with our staff you may not change them no matter the reason!

As for our first volunteer… Can we bring him his reward?”

One of the scrawny masked men returned to the open chest and looked up to Thelicia for instructions.

“Let me see… Oh, it has to be The Cleaver!”

The scrawny masked man bent over the chest and pulled out a weapon so large, Beatrice found it hard to believe it could have ever hidden in the chest.

“Twenty-five pounds of stainless steel!” Thelicia described the weapon that looked like a giant’s meat cleaver. “At nearly five feet in length, this portable guillotine offers impressive range and lethal area, and can cut through a skull like butter!”

The masked man handed the weapon to Number Thirteen who instantly let the heavy cleaver side of the weapon fall into the rocks blade-first as he was clearly unprepared for such weight.

“Now, do we have any other volunteers?” Thelicia asked.

Unsurprisingly, nearly a dozen hands shot up into the air, prompted by the idea of receiving a weapon to secure an advantage. This still did not make much sense to Beatrice.

“If weapons are so important, why didn’t everyone just bring their’s with them?” Beatrice quietly asked Olivia.

“Because usually they are decided at random,” Olivia said. “Whatever they give you is what you have to use. Whenever someone came overgeared, they were made to regret it. Half the fun for the mob that gathers to watch these games is seeing others get screwed over mercilessly.”

“My, now that’s more like it!” Thelicia approved of the increase in volunteers. “Unfortunately, there are only five spots remaining, so I’ll pick the ones that raised their hand first. Numbers… Seven, Sixteen, Thirty-five, Thirty-six, and Fifty-two! Step forward!”

The called-out Numbers walked forward to where Number Thirteen stood with his cleaver still in the ground. Four guys and one girl joined Number Thirteen, among them was one of the gigantic men that Beatrice dubbed the “walking double refrigerator”. A cheesy and unpronounceable nickname, however, that was how Beatrice felt about the overfed, overgrown strongman that would make professional wrestlers blush. And lucky for Beatrice, she did not have to say her made-up nicknames aloud. Instead, she wondered if she could get away with dealing with that fridge the same way that she dealt with Steve.

“Perfect!” Thelicia exclaimed when all six volunteers were together in a small location. “Now, the rules are simple. For the First Round, we only need sixty-four participants. Whoever among you six remains standing after two minutes, gets to keep The Cleaver for the First Round!”

You can read more chapters [here]( or [here](
