How to lose a dorm roommate … sleep with their family member and get walked in on [FM]

I went through a lot of roommates when I lived in the dorms. I was pretty unlucky when it came to finding someone that I got along with and that did not drive me crazy or vice versa. One roommate lasted only a few weeks before a little misunderstanding.

Her name was Liz and she had invited her “favorite” cousin to come stay with us for a weekend. She talked for a week about how cool her cousin was and how much fun they had. Their name was Alex and naturally I assumed it was a girl. When I got back from class on a Thursday afternoon however, I was surprised to find a very good looking guy standing in my dorm room.

“Hey, uh, are you doing maintenance or something?”

“Or something,” he told me.

“Oh good you’re back!” my roommate said as she pushed past me from the hallway. She stood next to her cousin, not a maintenance worker, and introduced us. I wondered why she didn’t clarify that her cousin was a guy. Luckily, we were allowed to have overnight visitors in the dorms, so it was not like we would get in trouble.

“We are going to a party tonight after we get something to eat,” Liz told me.

I nodded and told her to have fun. She started pulling on her cousin to get him to move out of the room. He hesitated and opened his mouth to ask, “Would you like to join us?”

I saw a momentary look of anger flash over her face before it quickly disappeared.

“I don’t want to impose,” I started.

“Of course you’re welcome,” he told me, looking at Liz.

Liz hesitated, caught for a moment before she forced a smile and told me of course I was welcome to come, “Please join us,” she added, ‘the more the merrier.”

I knew she didn’t really mean it, but I also thought it was rude to turn them down. So, I told them I would change and be right out.

Dinner was fun if not a little awkward. Liz seemed really possessive of Alex, interrupting me when I was asking him questions to answer me instead. If this was weird behavior for her, Alex didn’t show it.

After dinner we went back to the dorms to wait before going to the party. It was clear that Alex was interested in hooking up as he kept touching me whenever he reasonably could. I was not opposed, but it seemed like Liz was getting more and more sulky as the night went on.

We walked to the party because it was close enough, and arrived at a two story house that had at least 100 bodies smashed inside. It was an older house and it was clear that there were a lot of people that lived there as every nook and cranny of the house that could be used as a living space had a bed, cot, or couch. Sometimes the room was behind a door, or a curtain, or some other random partition.

Liz broke away from us to go get drinks and Alex and I moved further into the house. With so many bodies in there, we were pushed close together and had to talk directly into each other’s ear to be heard over the music.

“Sorry about Liz, I don’t know why she is acting like that. She always seems to do this whenever I visit. She wants it to be just us and acts super weird and jealous around other girls,” he told me.

“Weird,” I replied, “do you sleep with all her friends or something?”

“Not yet.”

Liz took that opportunity to pop out of nowhere with her acquisition of drinks. She had grabbed 3 cans but one was soda. She gave me the soda and I took it and shrugged. She was being weird but I let it go. Maybe after a few drinks, she would chill out as the night went on.

Luckily, the guy that Liz had been hanging out with made an appearance soon after. Our awkward and forced conversation came to a blissful end. Liz seemed to change gears and became more animated and less pouty. They were making out a few minutes later and her boyfriend told us he was taking her with him to his place and asked me to make sure Alex got back to our dorm okay. Liz protested for a moment but her boyfriend must have been very persuasive because she soon went with him.

Alex and I had a few drinks before we left to walk back to the doms.

On the way, I stumbled a little over the uneven path through a group of trees. Alex used this opportunity to wrap his arm around me for the rest of the walk. HIs fingers running up and down the bare skin of my arm was distracting and before we made it to the building, we were wrapped around one and other, his mouth on mine,

We made it inside the building, for a scary moment I thought I lost my key card to enter the building but it was just in the wrong pocket. We opted for the stairs, a the elevator was further into the building than I wanted to go.

I dropped my keys twice when unlocking my door, as his fingers were trying to push past the little fabric of my shorts and under my panties while my back was pressed against the wall next to my door.

“Just, give me a minute,” I gasped.

He laughed and took the keys from me to open the door himself.

He hooked his fingers through the belt loops on my shorts and pulled me into the room. It was 6 steps from the door to my bed and we were there, him on top of me as we frantically moved our mouths over each other; kissing, licking, sucking. The small bed did not give us much room to maneuver as we pulled at each other’s clothes, the need to feel skin on skin was immense.

The heat built between my legs and when he reached down to rub my clit, his hand came back wet with evidence of my want for him. His head moved down my chest to take my nipple in his mouth, his tongue flicking over it before he nipped lightly at it.

I groaned in response and he took that opportunity to slip two fingers inside of me, his fingers and tongue working in tandem to push me over the edge. As I orgasmed, my pussy clamped down on the fingers inside of me.

I pushed him away and sat up in the small bed. I took his dick in my hand and worked it as I nudged him into a sitting position with his legs over the side of the bed. I got onto my knees on the floor next to the bed, the soft carpet I had placed there made kneeling in front of him comfortable as I licked and teased him with the possibility of a blow job.

After a minute or two he groaned, “Oh, come on.”

I laughed and took him into my mouth all the way as my head and hand began to move up and down on him. With one hand on my shoulder and the other on my head, he guided me as I pleasured him.

He stopped me after a little while and pulled me up onto the bed with him. He guided me into a slightly bent position, my ass out, boobs smashed against the wall, with his hand on my back. I was held in place as he moved in behind me and his dick pressed into me. Then he started to move.

His hand held me in place against the wall, my face and boobs pressed against the wall, as he pounded into me from behind. My body was unable to move so as he pounded into me, I could only try to grip the wall as he rode me.

He increased his pace to something impossibly fast and my legs shook with the pleasure coming from between them. Then he pulled me back and lay down on his back, helping me to swing my leg over his waist.

As I straddled him, I used my hand to hold his dick in place as I centered myself over him. Before I could start to move, his hips thrust up and he was inside me again, his hands on my hips, moving me up and down to a rhythm he chose.

Once we got into the rhythm, his hand came away from my waist to reach up and pinch my nipples. The pleasure made it difficult to continue holding myself upright so I leaned down over him. His mouth came up to take my breast in his mouth as he continued to use my hips to bring me down on his dick over and over.

I was making little gasps and moans and with my new position, the sounds were right next to his ear. This excited him and he moved faster inside of me, his dick growing harder and more engorged. This made me clamp down on him as I went over the edge again. He moved inside of me, unable to stop as he neared the edge of his own. He thrust several more times, deep and hard before he came, then he thrust into me several more times, slower, as he finished.

We fell back into the bed next to each other, naked and panting.

After a few minutes, he rose up next to me, moving over me as he started to lick and kiss a trail down my body as he moved lower. Under my blanket, he spread my legs to get in between them and then his mouth was on my clit.

The build up was fast as he licked and sucked on me, my moans slightly muffled by the pillow I put over my face. I came again fast and hard, my attempt to muffle my moans forgotten, as I cried out from the pleasure. He softly licked me a few more times before moving back up my body to lay next to me again.

Once I had the presence of mind to talk again, I told him, “That was fun.”

He laughed and agreed before giving me some horrifying news, “We are in some big trouble though.”

“What? Why? I asked him.

“Well… right before you came, Liz came in here and saw what we were doing. I heard her storm out and slam the door.”

I was dumbfounded, I had not heard anything like that, but I wasn’t exactly paying attention to much at the time.

“Why didn’t you stop?” I asked him.

“It seemed rude, we were having such a good time,” he told me.

Liz moved to a new dorm a little over a week later. She didn’t really talk to me at that time. I am still a little unsure what her issue was, but it was worth it.
