[F] My butt plug betrayed me and I ended up cumming in the middle of a conference room work meeting

As a new member to the daily butt plug club (I’m still wearing my small princess plug with appropriate breaks and cleaning) there’s definitely been a learning curve. That hasn’t been as evident until this afternoon. I’ve had a few sudden orgasms while wearing my plug but it’s usually been when I’m alone and pushing the pressure to the limit. That was not the case today.

We were halfway through a two hour meeting. About 20 of us were crammed into the conference room (masks on) and to be perfectly frank I was bored and zoning out. Started daydreaming about sex and skimming Reddit messages under the table. Leaned back into the chair to put pressure onto my plug and it hit like lightning. I went right past the point of no return. It was immediate.

The tightness and pressure in my ass exploded through my entire body, causing me to shiver all over and then it was happening. I was cumming right there. In the middle of a work meeting.

The emotions going through my mind were complicated and unclear. It was a lot at once.

I jammed my legs together as tight as I could and prayed no one was looking at my face. Thank god for the mask being on, it hid my expression. I closed my eyes tightly.

I felt the wetness spreading in my panties and prayed it wasn’t going through my jeans. My body was almost shaking. I kept my mouth sealed shut as the orgasm rattled up and down my body. Finally it was over. I slumped back into the seat and discretely looked around.

A few people glanced at me. But nothing egregious. I took a deep breath and tried to focus.

Then I saw George, a coworker I didn’t know very well, staring at me. He saw me looking and gave me a discrete thumbs up.

I looked down and thankfully I didn’t fully squirt so no wet spot. I looked back up, George was looking back at the projector screen.

Maybe he didn’t see anything…

Might need to take a break with the plug for a bit…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ta7njn/f_my_butt_plug_betrayed_me_and_i_ended_up_cumming


  1. Is there a valid reason you can talk to George to see if he brings anything up during that talk?

  2. You should convert to the Njoy plugs..
    Much better for Daily long term wear

  3. Great story! How was it sitting there through the rest of your meeting with your panties all wet?

  4. I think you need to tell George about it before you remove it, sounds like you two could be having some fun at work together

  5. Sounds hot and sounds like a good time, I think you should just keep wearing them and start sizing up when you can 💪🏼

  6. Awesome 👏 you will have to let me know if George says anything to you 🥵

  7. This made me laugh out loud…bravo! The corporate world needs more people like you!!!!

  8. Tbh it was probably a “you good??” Type thing. I don’t think most people would assume closing your eyes and even a small body shudder is an orgasm at work. I would assume you’re just bored out of your mind and had just imagined jumping out the window lol

  9. I don’t get it, don’t you need to go to the bathroom ever during the day? Do you just put it in after that, seems a little unclean?

  10. Ha! That’s hysterical! As a big believer in being sex positive I just love seeing people come into their own, so-to-speak, good for you!

  11. I think the biggest problem here is a two-hour meeting. That’s inhumane. On the positive side, you probably enjoyed it more than anyone else.

    I know the rest of us reading your story did.

  12. I mean I would probably just assume you were having a stomach cramp or something. I would not worry too much.

  13. Now I have to look for masked co workers shutting eyes during meeting for catching them during orgasm. But, that’s hot!

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