Step Sister Corruption Part 228 – Day 126 Mia Date Pt 3 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


We sat in the sauna as I smiled at Mia’s *question* and answered, “It was good.”

Mia smiled, “Good I’m glad.  I just wanted to show you I can be fun too.”

I chuckled, “Yeah I gathered that.  So what other fun activities do you have planned for **your** day?”

Mia blushed and spoke softly, “Yeah that’s the thing.  I was hoping that I might create a fun relaxing atmosphere.”

I chuckled, “Well mission succeeded.”

Mia blushed and continued to speak softly, “Cause tonight is going to be stressful as I have a **huge** favor to ask you.”

I raised my eyebrow at her already not liking where this is going, “Oh?  What happens tonight?”

Mia rubbed her hands together as she looked down, not looking at my eyes as she spoke, “Family dinner.”

I looked at her, “And you want me to play as your boyfriend?”

She nodded, not looking at my eyes.  She pointed to the switch and meekly spoke, “You can flip the switch if you want.  I won’t mind.  It’s the least you can do before you meet my family.”

I looked at her confused and asked the obvious question, “Why?  Are they that bad?”

Mia smirked, “More like it’ll be multiple levels of interrogation and embarrassing.”

She looked up at me finally, “But don’t worry they’ll be nice.”  She mumbled, “To you at least.”

She looked towards the switch, “Most of them anyways.”

I looked at her, “What will happen?”

Mia shrugged, “No telling, seeing how **ALL** of us will be there.”

I looked at her, “ALL of you?”

She nodded, “Yes, all my sister’s and my parents.”

I looked at her, “It can’t be that bad?”

She looked at me as her eyes were beginning to fill with tears, “Oh it will be…..for me.”

I looked at her confused, “Ok you’re gonna have to explain.”

Mia sighed, “Where do I start?”

I looked at her, “How about the beginning?”

She quickly shook her head, “No that’s too much.”  She looked at me, “Just know my mom will more than likely be grilling me and my other sister about our life choices all while she praises my other two sisters as they can never do any wrong.”

I blinked and spoke, “OOOkkk…..”

She sighed, “Here just let me flip the switch for you.”

She reached out to flip the switch to gain the attention of Morgan and her colleague but I grabbed her hand before she could even touch the switch causing her to stop.

She looked at my hand firmly wrapped around her tiny hand keeping her from touching the switch.  She followed the connection and looked at me, “What are you doing?”

I looked at her, “This is **your** day Mia.  If you want me to play boyfriend for tonight I will but I need to know what will happen.”

Her eyes filled with tears, “You really mean that?”

I looked at her, “We’re friends right?”

She nodded.

I smiled, “Then I’ll help you.  I just need to know what I’m getting into.  That’s all.”

Mia quickly moved into me and kissed me full on the lips making me let go of her hand as she wrapped both hands on my face as she kissed me.

She broke the kiss, “Thank you Gabe.”  She kissed me again and broke, “Thank you!”

I put my hands on her tiny waist keeping her in place and smiled, “Sure.  Just fill me in.”

She smiled, “How about you fill me again.”

As she reached down grabbing the hanging appendage and brought it up as she quickly grinded the tip along her pussy giving it a jolt of life as it quickly stood of its own accord.  

Mia didn’t stop as she guided my dick towards her pussy and lowered herself down as let out a moan and a groan.

Soon we were fucking as I let Mia take control of the situation allowing her to determine the depth and speed of the session as our bodies were quickly dripping sweat at a high rate.

Mia just kept moaning as she controlled the session quickly grabbing the back of my head and forcing it into her small breasts as she used her body on me.

Mia quickly jumped up wrapping her legs around me and re-guiding my dick back in her as she fucked herself on me quickly achieving orgasm as her body shook and her pussy quivered hard on my dick.

When her orgasm subsided she got off me and flopped back down on the bench that was behind her as she panted heavily.  She looked down at my meat and smiled, “God that thing is too good.”

She looked at me, “Still can’t believe you haven’t nutted yet.”

I shrugged, “eh I’m used to it now.”

She laughed as she panted.

She looked at the window, “Fuck we still have 13 minutes in this bitch.”

I looked out the window of the door to see the clock she was looking at before I looked at her, “So now that you’ve had your *fill*,” Mia smiled at my inflection of the word *she* used before this started, “mind telling me what landmines I need to avoid tonight?”

She chuckled, “It’s not you who will have to avoid the *landmines*, as you put it, it’s me that’ll have to avoid them and explain myself.  You’re just candy to get them off my back.”

I looked at her, “Oookkkk…..what landmines will you have to avoid?”

Mia sighed as she looked at me, “You’re not gonna let this go?  Are you?”

I shook my head slowly.

Mia sighed, “Fine!”

She looked out the window before saying, “Fuck it!”

She looked at me, “All four of us are heavily competitive and use each other to gain favor with our parents.  My sister Moira, the oldest, is a highly experienced interior decorator but she’s always overseas with her current client.  Only problem is her client, though she’s making a shit ton of money, part of her contract she’s also a *breeder* for Zuchterin Inc.”

Zuchterin Inc?

Never heard of that company.

And what the hell is a *breeder*?

Is it what I think it is?

Mia could obviously see my confusion as she explained, “My sister stupidly signed a contract only seeing the money, as she says it was a metric fuck ton, and being freshly out of college she quickly signed the contract but not reading the fine print making her a *breeder* as part of her contract.  Meaning whoever they choose to have her breed with she fucks them until she’s pregnant and then at birth they take away the child and she goes into a healing state until she’s able to be bred again and gets bred again.  Rinse and repeat.”

I looked at her, “That’s horrible.”

Mia smiled, “Yeah at first Moira was pissed about her predicament and didn’t know about it for over a year but when she was called for her first breeding session is when she found out about that little clause.”

Mia chuckled, “At first she tried quitting but then the other clause kicked in meaning she had to pay them back all the money she had gotten plus interest.”

I listened and spoke, “So what did she do?”

MIa shrugged, “She got bred.  She didn’t have the money plus interest.”

I spoke, “So how long does she have to do this for?”

Mia shrugged, “Another six years I think.  She signed a twelve year contract.”

TWELVE YEARS???  To be bred by whoever they tell you!

Mia chuckled, “So mom is obviously pissed at her for making that decision.  But Moira kindly reminds my mom that their house wouldn’t be paid off which usually shuts up my mom.”

I nodded thinking that was a good come back.  I looked at Mia, “And the other’s?”

Mia smirked, “Then there’s the *TWISTED* sister’s, Becky And Geri.”

Wait….Geri… in Geri Phillips???

I looked at her, “You mean to tell me Geri Phillips is your sister?”

Mia looked at me and smirked as she nodded, “Yeah Miss Nine Gold Medals Gymnast herself.”

I blinked and spoke, “Well that’s why your mom holds her on a high pedestal.”

Mia lightly chuckled, “Yeah though she keeps her eccentricities to herself.”


I looked at her, “Meaning?”

Mia chuckled, “Meaning Geri has an embarrassing fetish if the public found out she would lose her sponsors.  The world can’t know Geri is a freak behind closed doors.”

I nodded.  That makes sense.

Last thing the world needs to see an Olympian that has many medals as Geri does is just as human as you or I.

Hell if I think about it, there have been A LOT of Olympian’s that after their career was over a lot of their *issues* came out into the light.  Like that one Olympian who is in jail for being a smuggler… the wrong country.  Or the other Olympian who was a HUGE drug addict but claimed it helped him remain calm.  

I know the list goes on as Olympians that brought home medals either get their name put into the history books and put on a pedestal or get their names dragged through the mud.

I dared not ask *WHAT* kind of *freak* Geri was as I felt it wasn’t my place to ask.

Mia sighed, “Then there’s Becky.  Our little ballerina.”


I have no idea as I didn’t pay attention to ballerina’s……or opera for that matter.

Mia smiled, “Becky has a unique taste in men.”

I looked at her and rolled my hand before Mia blinked and realized something as she quickly blurted out, “Wait you can’t be my boyfriend….NO NO NO!  Just tell them we’re friends.”

I looked at her confused at the sudden change in our *fake* status.

Mia quickly answered the question that loomed after that little blurt, “Becky has a propensity to go after rich, powerful, **taken** men.”

I looked at her a little confused, “But I’m not rich or powerful.”

She looked at me, “But if we go with my original idea you are **taken** meaning she will try to hit on you to see if she can *steal* you away from ***me***.”

She pointed down and my slowly deflating member, “And *IF* either find out about that.  There’s a HIGH chance either of them or ALL of them will throw themselves at you.”

I spoke, “OOOkkkkk….what should I do?”

Mia looked at me, “**DO NOT** tell *EITHER* of them about your online channel or the fact you’re sponsored.  The moment Becky finds out you’re an online star there’s no telling what she will do.  Geri might think it’s cool and you might be able to get her on your channel for an interview, *if* her agent let’s her that is.  AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! **DO NOT** mention **your** unique love life.”

Mia hissed, “God this whole idea has turned out to be fucking stupid.”

She ran her hands through her long hair, “And fucking Becky has a *god damn* sixth sense for big cocked fuckers like yourself.”

She quickly put her face in her hands, “Just take me home.  This has been a royally stupid idea.”

I put my hand on her shoulder, “Hey you got a day with me and I promise I’ll help you out.  What time is dinner?”

Mia spoke in her hands, “At 6PM.”

I looked out the window to see the clock read 10:14.  Meaning we had roughly 7 hours and some change to fix this.

I spoke, “Is there any way to make me look bad so I wouldn’t attract either of your sister’s?”

Mia quickly shook her head as she nearly sobbed, “Then what’s the fucking point of bringing you around to *meet* my parents if you aren’t **my** boyfriend.”

I spoke, “Is there a way we can word *our* relationship without mentioning that I’m *taken* so Becky doesn’t try to steal me away?”

She stopped and looked at me, “Not that I can think of.”

I spoke, “Ok how about we word it *we’re* getting to *know* each other in **front** of Becky showing that I’m not exactly taken but will be taken sometime soon.”

Mia thought about and quickly shook her head, “No because she will try to tease you and the moment your bulge sticks out then she’ll try to go for you even harder.”

I spoke, “How about if I wear a cup?”

Mia chuckled, “I don’t think that’ll work.  Maybe a cage to keep you from bulging.”

I shook my head, “Nope I’m not caging my new dick.”

Mia chuckled, “And I’m not asking you too.”

I smiled, “Exactly what if Becky teases me and the cage breaks something?”

Mia laughed, “For how solid that thing is I’m more afraid the actual cage will break not you.”

I smiled knowing I was getting Mia to lighten up, “How about after this we can go over to Lilith’s Playhouse and see if there’s some type of boxers to keep my dick in place without caging it.  That’ll solve the first problem.  Right?”

Mia sighed as she thought of it before she looked at me and nodded, “We can try.”




  1. Poor Mia I feel bad for her she’s such a sweet girl my heart nearly melted

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