Another ordinary day [M/F][bd]

*A very quick one just to try to write without editing. Hope it turned out OK. :)*


Yujin smiled as she handed lunches over to her family, each meal packed in a stainless steel tin, a favorite drink on each: milk tea, green tea, lemonade for her husband, who never outgrew the taste no matter how old he got. A kiss on the cheek from everyone, and then silence fell with the settling dust; another day to herself.

She hummed to herself as she cleaned the breakfast dishes, dried her hands on her skirt before sweeping the floor. Tidied the main room, her bedroom, the study nook. Shook her head at the rest of the rooms, and resolved to make them clean their own spaces that evening. Cleaned the bathroom, mopped the floors, then stripped naked and placed her clothing in the washing machine along with the rest of the laundry waiting in the hamper. Showered.

After her shower she wrapped herself in a thin fuzzy towel, perfect in the rising heat of the day. Looked at herself critically in the mirror, frowned at the stretch marks along her belly, ran a thumb along one nipple. Then laughed at herself…she was 32 this month. What did it matter?

In the bedroom, she hung the towel on a hook, and from another in the closet took a length of black ribbon which she tied around her waist, then a longer length of rope, which she carefully looped around first one breast,then the other, before tying it loosely just above the ribbon. She then donned her silk housecoat – the one that was translucent in the sunlight – and left her apartment to knock on the door across the hall.

Her neighbor Min-soo let her in, greeted her warmly with a kiss on the cheek, closed the door behind her. He offered her tea and a taro bun, and while she ate the bun he asked after her husband while he pulled off her housecoat, placing it on a chair in the kitchen. He took her by the hand and brought her over to stand by the patio door, the balcony seventeen floors up, in the sunlight that streamed through the glass, all the while talking about what he and his wife Hye-jin had planned for the weekend when she was home from work, listening to Yujin talk about hers. While he listened he ran his hands along her breasts, down her belly, between her legs, and clucked disapprovingly at her *grunt* of discomfort when he roughly ran a finger up into her dry. Felt her wetten around his finger as he worked a second one in.

Roughly, suddenly, without warning, he jammed a third, fourth finger up in her, up to the palm, and she turned her face away with a groan of pleasure. As he slowly worked his hand up, stretching, twisting, her groan became louder, to fall to a hiss of disappointment when he pulled his hand away. He brought it up to her mouth,and her tongue darted out, tasting herself on the tips of his fingers.

He ducked into his bedroom, and emerged holding some underwear. He held them up to Yujin. “See this?” he asked her. “This is Hye-jin’s. She’s worn it every night for two weeks. Here,” he said, holding it up to her nose, “*smell* it.” Eagerly, Yujin breathed deep of the pungent smell of the panties. “Now,” he said, taking them and rubbing them between Yujin’s legs, “*feel* her on you. *In* you,” he said, as he slowly worked them inside of her. “The two of you, together,” he said, and she groaned again, softly, shaking as she came as the last of the crusted cloth disappeared in her. He waited until she fell silent again, then pulled them out and forced them between her lips, into her mouth, strong, animalistic, the taste of herself bright against the coppery tang of Hye-jin. She held them in her mouth, letting her tongue run along the spot where she could taste the other woman, only reluctantly giving them up when she no longer could.

She leaned forward towards him, reaching for him, urgent noises coming from her throat, but swayed back at a slap on her breasts. He twisted first one nipple, then the other, hard enough to turn the already dark flesh darker, then turned and took his wife’s sewing kit from a shelf. Opening it, he took a thin needle and fine thread, held it up to Yujin questioningly. She closed her eyes and nodded, her lips parting slightly as her breathing became heavier. It was a favorite of hers.

Silently, he threaded the needle, and the sting of the metal and the feel of the thread through her left nipple was yet another orgasm, staggering her slightly as she stood.Quickly, gently, he ran the needle through the right one, drawing the thread tight so her two breasts were bound together. As she felt the knot at the end run up against her flesh again she leaned towards him, this time taking hold of his head, pressing her mouth against his neck, his cheek, his mouth, pressing down, the taste of the two women on her tongue hot against his.

He pushed her away, she urgently licking at him before standing once again in the sunlight, and he began to spank her, telling her what a terrible person she was, how she needed punishment. She tuned him out and let him do so; the spanking bored her but since he seemed to enjoy it she put up with it until he was done. Idly, lost in thought, she fingered herself until he gave one last smack across her bottom. He moved back to stand in front of her, and looked at her questioningly.

While he was occupied, she’d had an idea. Silently, she pointed at the needle on the coffee table, then with a sweet smile at each nipple, followed by a finger along her labia. Back to her nipples. His eyes widened. “Are you sure?” he asked her, and she nodded, beckoning with her finger. As he threaded the needle once again, she closed her eyes in anticipation. It would hurt, in brand new ways, and she couldn’t wait.

At the sting of the needle again, she shuddered, and the pierce of the needle at her leftmost lip was ecstasy; she could feel moisture begin to bead along her slit. He ran the thread back up to her breast and pulled the thread taut, and she had him pull it tight, tighter, until the lip was lifted up and her breast pulled slightly down. The second thread was run and the felling between the two of them and the string between her nipples was pain and pleasure and ecstasy in a threnody of sensation, and she came again, a yowl that echoed from the walls and staggered her where she stood, and still, still it wasn’t enough.

She stepped forward, and leaned across the back of their couch, panting. “Take me, *Take* me, fuck me *hard*, *hard* as you can!” she commanded, and he came forward, thrusting deep inside of her with no warning given, no warning wanted. Hard he thrust between her legs, and it was *good*…but not enough. Not enough.

“Wait,” she told him, standing so he could not continue. “Go and get more underwear. Bring it here.” When he returned with a new pair, she told him to put them inside of her, until they weren’t visible. “Now,” she told him once they were in, bending back over the couch, “fuck me *hard!*”

Once again he entered her, his member pushing the panties up in her bunching them tightly, every thrust knocking uncomfortably against her cervix, each spasm bringing her closer to the edge. She turned to take him from the front, grazing along her clitoris, one leg wrapped around his waist to take as much of him as could fit, the threads jarring and pulling at each coupling. “Come on,” she panted, the pleasure in her mind fuelled by the ache within her, the sharp bite of the thread, “*come* on, *come on*, come, come, *come*…” and with one, two, three *hard* thrusts inside of her, hard enough to make her cry out in a burning, aching ecstasy, hard enough to lose control of her bladder, liquid gushing from between her legs onto the floor, the two of them. Strengthless, she held tightly on to him, her belly aching from the wave that swept her body, dimly feeling a hot rush inside of her as he came in her as well, came again, then bit his shoulder as she came yet *again* as he slid slowly, deliberately out of her.

She distantly felt him fish the panties out of her and place them on the coffee table while she leaned there, catching her breath, waiting for her vision to clear. Felt the relief of the thread being cut, winced at the sting of the thread as he pulled it out. When her breathing had calmed, she donned her housecoat and handed him the damp, come-soaked panties.

“Give these to Hye-jin tonight,” she told him. “Make her wear them while she eats, while she watches TV, while she sleeps. Make sure she knows where they’ve been,” she said, retying the ribbon that had come loose and coiling the thin rope she’d brought with her. She placed her arms on his shoulders and gave him a quick kiss on the nose. “I want to smell her on them next time,” she whispered to him, eyes closed, tilting her waist forward to rub up against him, already aroused at the thought. “Do your best,” she ground against him harder, taking him in her hand to brush him along her clitoris. “I want to *taste* her on them next time,” she breathed, then released him, walking back to her own apartment to begin preparing for dinner.
