Valley View Hot Springs

One of the best features of this place is the dry sauna by the pool. The redwood purpose-built sauna is amazing with a cool pool in the floor. When you get too hot you can step down for a quick dunk into the cool (not cold) water. The air in the sauna was particularly warm against the cold chill of the outside. It took a while for my skin to adjust to the temperature. The sauna is also not lit, so while there is a small window in the door which lets in some light, for the most part it’s pretty dark inside. My cock was semi-engorged shifting from cold air to warm air, and from the frolicking out in the hot springs. Once in, I climbed up to the upper tier to really soak in the heat, leaving my feet on the bench below. My thighs soaks up the heat from the wood, while my cock enjoy waving free in the heated air.

After a couple of minutes of enjoying both the feeling of the warm sauna and the semi-erect cock, I opened my eyes to see an older woman sitting across from me. She had dark hair which hung down around her face and over her shoulders. Her breasts were nicely plump and gleaming with sweat. Sitting back against the wall caused her stomach to have a soft, round shape. She wasn’t fat, just comfortably proportioned.

She noticed my eyes open, offered a friendly smile and said, “I love the sauna on days like today.”

“Mmmm, me too,” I replied, putting my head back against the wall and closing my eyes, but only halfway. I still wanted to enjoy the view. Dark as it was, I loved gazing at her full breasts, and the dark bush between her legs. I shouldn’t have been thinking sexual thoughts about a woman I don’t know, but it was dark, and my cock had a large say in the matter.

“I noticed,” she remarked.

I heard her comment but really didn’t understand the reference. As I laid against the wall taking in the heat and letting my eyes ponder the naked body across from me, something about what she said left me curious. It may have been 5 minutes, perhaps only a half dozen seconds, whatever it was, it felt like a long time between her comment and when I sat up and asked, “I’m sorry. What do you mean by that? Noticed how?”

“You’re obviously enjoying the day,” she began. “I don’t want to disturb you.”

“No, it’s ok. I really am enjoying the day. I’m curious as to how you know this, beyond this place just being amazing.”

“Well, if you don’t mind me saying so, your penis is, shall we say ‘happy’.”

“Oh!” I hadn’t really thought about my cock, consciously, but it was still erect, point up from my groin, rather than lying flat against my legs. Yes, it was pretty obvious I was on my way to having a good time. “My apologies. I don’t have a towel, or I’d cover up. I can sit another way or leave if it would make you more comfortable.”

“No, not at all. You’re fine.” Her voice was relaxed and at ease with the situation. It quickly relaxed any apprehensions I’d had about my “exposure.” At this point I noticed she was facing me with her knees slightly spread. She wasn’t sitting there as if to expose herself, but in the same instance, most women sit with their legs together or at least facing a direction that doesn’t put their pussy in full view. As I paid more attention, I also noticed her pussy lips were engorged and slightly parted. They looked moist too, but that could be the steam coming off the pool below, the sweat from her own body or a trick of the limited light. Regardless, the idea of her pussy lips being wet only served to strengthen my cocks resolve for attention.

We sat and chatted about nothing—the weather, the hot springs, other attractions in Colorado—but I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander (a bit too often) down to her bush, taking in the dark, untrimmed hair of an older woman. She would occasionally rock her knees back and forth, only serving to call attention to her semi-open pussy lips. My cock continued to grow.

“Now it’s my turn,” she began changing the topic. “Am I making you uncomfortable, or would you like some privacy?”

Yet another comment I couldn’t wrap my head around. “What do you mean?”

“The more we talk the more your penis seems to need attention. I don’t mind; you have a very lovely cock, but perhaps you’d like to take care of that. And if so, maybe I’d better leave.”

“Oh,” I could feel a blush coming on. Good thing it was dark in here. “I … ah…” stammered out, not sure what to say. “Are you offering…?”

She laughed. “As lovely as it is, I saw you and your wife earlier. I’m not interested in being a home wrecker.”

We sat there silent for a bit. Then I said, “Yeah, I really do need to take care of this. I don’t think you need to leave, though.”

Her eyebrows raised and she looked down at my cock. “Would you be willing to let me watch?”

“Oh…” again at a loss for words. “That wasn’t what I was suggesting. I was thinking it was me who should leave. But now that you mention it, I would be… willing… to let you watch.”

She lifted her eyes to meet mine, smiled and returned her gaze to my cock as she smiled. That was my cue.

I leaned back, and with one hand reach down to my cock and started slowly stroking my sweat-soaked cock. My eyes closed halfway. This put me part way into a dream state enjoying the situation, but still aware of my surrounding as I watched her watch me. She pulled her feet up on the bench, then rocked her knees back and forth. With her knees were up, her pussy bloomed, spreading wide open and glistening. I think she wanted to touch herself but couldn’t quite bring herself to do it.

As my hand increased the tempo, she continued rocking her legs. My hips began to involuntarily press forward as I felt the blood rise. Eventually my hand was stroking my cock quickly and I heard myself moan. That’s when she gave up the ghost. Her knees fell to the side, spreading her pussy lips open wide, and let her own hand slide down between her legs to finger her cunt. This simple act put me over the edge.

I stood up and she said, “Oh yeah!” As I started to cum, shooting streams of gism into the pool below, I heard her own moans with her own orgasm as her fingers found their target. As I sent three streams of cum down to the water, I watched intently as she dove two finger into her cunt, while her other hand gyrated circles on her clit. The sound of steam, her moans, and the slick fingers rubbing her cunt encouraged a strong orgasm for me. My fourth grunt oozing out more cum from the head of my cock and down across my fingers.

For a while, I stood there squeezing my cock, letting my orgasm subside, as her fingers made slower and slower circles as she came down from her own. When I was finally calm enough to say something, “I’d better step into the pool and make sure my cum gets washed away. I don’t want anyone to have a surprised when they take a dip.” She was still speechless, her fingers motionless but still buried between her pussy lips.

The sauna is built with two benches on either side of the pool below, in tiers. We’d been on the upper tier, but when I stepped down into the pool, she lowered herself to the bottom tier, so her feet could cool off in the water. This practically put me right between her legs. The water was warm water, but given the heat of the sauna, it felt chilly. It also only comes up to waist height, so to really immerse yourself, you need to sit down into the water. As I squat down in the water encouraging my cum to find its way to the exit filter, I found myself with my head at practically crotch level with the woman.

“I’m glad you could have some fun too.” I mentioned as I looked over at her fingers and her soaking wet cunt.

“Me too,” she replied as she gave her pussy a slow, loving stroke inches away from my face. The motion (and the beautiful aroma of a wet cunt) took my mind off what I was doing. Without thinking, I leaned toward her and kissed her fingers, tasting her sweet juices. The kisses where quickly replaced with a tongue as I leaned further between her legs. She offered no resistance; on the contrary, her hand slid out of the way and on to my head.

I started with long licks up the length of her pussy, starting at her vaginal opening and gliding up past the clit. After several long licks, I focused on my tongue making circles around her clit. The afforded me the opportunity to slide a finger, then two, into her vagina. As my fingers slid in and out, my lips and tongue played with her clit. Within a few minutes she was cumming again, all over my face!

Cunnalingus is my favorite act. Even though I had just cum, my cock quickly sprang back to attention. As I pulled my face from her cunt, catching a glimpse of the glow on her face, I realized I wanted to cum again. I stood up between her legs. She kept one knee on either side of my hips and just sat there looking at my erect cock. My hand slid to my cock and stroked it a few times. Her hips involuntarily rotated forward, as if inviting me in for a kiss.

Her hands were resting on her thighs and twitched. It felt like she wanted to reach up, grab my hips and pull me close for an embrace. But had she done it, my cock would have buried itself into her cunt, and we would have fucked a good long time. I wanted to fuck her, but I knew, as much as both of us wanted it in that moment, we would regret it immediately after.

So, I slid down to the bench next to her. Our legs were touching from hip to knee. I started masturbating again, thinking about her masturbating, her watching me masturbate, about eating her out. She sat next to me watching, placed a hand along my thigh to feel my muscles tense as I built to another orgasm. Before long I was cumming again. This time I didn’t stand, but rather just let the cum ooze out the top of my cock.

She reached over and played with the tip of my cock and the puddle of cum. “That’s beautiful,” she said, transfixed with watching the cum slide down my fingers.

“Sorry about earlier. I was down there and, well, just couldn’t resist.”

“No, my God! Thank you. I haven’t cum that hard in years. You have a very lucky wife.”

“I’m a very lucky man.”

“With a beautiful cock.” We sat there for while enjoying the moment until she sat up, “I had probably best be going. You’ve just cum twice, but if I don’t leave, I’m going to want to suck you hard again, and if that happens, we won’t be good.”

I looked down at my cock, the cum sliding over my fingers. It wasn’t hard but hearing her talk about sucking me meant it wasn’t going soft either. “Yeah, just thinking about what we’ve done, I don’t think it would take that much to get me hard again.”

Before I knew it, she bent over and sucked on the head of my cock. It was short and sweet, but enough to clear most of the cum off my cock. “Sorry, as you said, I just couldn’t resist.” She then turned and headed to the door before it was too late. “I don’t know how long I’ve been in here, but I’m only here for the day. I need to get down the mountain before dark.”

I slid back down into the water to rinse off. She turned around at the door. For a brief moment we were standing naked face to face, touching and yet not really touching. It was evident my cock was not going down. She slid a hand to my cock and said, “It really is beautiful, hard and soft.”

“Thanks, but as you can tell, it’s not really getting soft just yet.” I smiled as I could feel my cock growing under her touch.

Still holding onto my cock, she smiled again, partly for what I said and partly because she could feel it get hard again too. “Thanks! I’ll remember this day for a long time.”

I expected her to turn and leave, but she didn’t. She kept staring at my cock, while her hand brought me a full erection. Realizing if I let this go on restraint would be nowhere to be found. I stepped back pulling my cock out of reach.

This broke her trance. With a relaxed smile that signified our adventure was over, she stepped forward and gave my lips a light kiss. “You’d better wash your face too. You are rather fragrant!”

“I intend on telling my wife about this afternoon. We’re not ‘swingers’ per-se, but we are honest about everything.”

“Good,” and she turned to the door. As she opened the door, the sunlight turned her body into a beautiful silhouette.
