New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus (CH 212-214) [Futanari][Futa/Female][Futa/Futa]

## 212: Cleansing (18+)

Beatrice returned to her mind’s eye to search for a solution within the Skills she could possibly acquire or enhance. *I gained another level! Another Skill Point to use! Just need a good one.* Beatrice brought up her Skill Point tab to confirm.

**Skill Points**

Total Skill Points 29

Unused Skill Points 2

Skill Points in Combat Craft 6

Skill Points in Mischief Craft 4

Skill Points in Eros Craft 17

The succubus did indeed have two more Skill Points to use. One to keep in reserve, for emergencies. And as her mind came more into focus, Beatrice remembered that as she swam in the carefree sea of pleasure her mind was bombarded with notifications about level-ups, Skill Points, and—most importantly—new Skills available! Beatrice did not recall ever getting notified of new Skills, but that meant there was all the more reason to find out what those Skills were.

Obviously, she checked the Eros Craft first. And it did not take long to find a name that stood out like a sore… *Who would’ve thought it could ever become unpleasant to have your cocks massaged by a pussy of a horny cock-worshipper?*

**Skill Name: Taint Cleansing**

Rank: D

Type: Eros Craft / Active

Cost: 100 Stamina

Cooldown: 24 Hours

Description: The Succubus can buff her cum with Taint cleansing properties. For 1 hour completely subdues the effects of the Taint. Additionally, after 1 hour the level of the Taint’s corruption is decreased by 30%.

Can only be used once on each unique target.

Must cum directly into the womb of the target and remain in contact with the cum with her cock to activate the Skill.

**Minimum Requirements:**

Character level: 10

Skill Points in Eros Craft: 10

At least once, the Succubus must use her cock to penetrate and cum directly inside the womb of a woman affected by the Taint.

*About time!* Beatrice smiled as she acquired the Skill.

The succubus then pulled herself together and made one final thrust with her hips, pushing her sore cocks inside Samantha’s pussy, barely reaching the woman’s womb, and cast the [Taint Cleansing] Skill.

“Hahn~!?” Beatrice moaned in surprise from the sudden rush of warm magic through her cocks. The feeling was akin to the orgasmic rush she felt with each load of cum that jetted through her cocks. And as that warm magic exited her cocks, it altered the cum around them, making it even warmer than before for Beatrice’s. The magical cum felt soothing, healing.

“Ahhh!?” Samantha moaned as her entire body trembled. She leaned against her elbows and brushed the hair away from her face as she tried to figure out what was this new warm feeling. What at first seemed like a sudden onset of another orgasm, soon turned into something… Less.

As seconds passed, Beatrice noticed that her cocks no longer ached nearly as much as before. With each second her soreness dissipated until it felt like she simply rested inside Samantha without a care in the world. Her cocks softened and Beatrice felt like she could finally remove them without pain, should she choose to. However, unsure whether her [Taint Cleansing] Skill already worked, Beatrice decided to remain inside Samantha’s for a little longer. To pass all the healing magic, obviously.

“Huh?” Samantha blinked, unable to make sense of what she felt. What she did not feel. What was at first some kind of magical, healing warmth that spread from within her womb and pussy, quickly dissipated as it spread through her body.

And as the warmth grew weaker within Samantha’s body, so did the other feelings. No pleasure. No pain. No aching. No cravings. Nothing. Like a cool shower that refreshed on a hot summer day, the magical wave seemed to have erased the entire cocktail of chemicals and emotions that had raged within Samantha’s body. Samantha found herself wanting for nothing.

“W-what happened?” Samantha asked as she finally dared to move her body that felt somehow alien to her. The first thing she felt again was slight discomfort from having some kind of strange objects within her.

Samantha’s eyes went wide in astonishment as she realized that those objects were cocks and that she felt discomfort from having them inside her pussy. Samantha slowly moved forward and slid off Beatrice’s cocks.

“Ah!” Samantha gasped with a grin of surprise and joy when the two soft cocks fell out of her pussy with a squelching sound, along with massive amounts of cum leaking out of her liberated pussy.

“Ha… Ha, ha, ha… It… It can’t be!” Samantha laughed as tears built up in her eyes. “I… I feel… At piece!? Hahaha!”

Samantha continued laughing even as her laughter broke up and tears poured down her face. Samantha fell on her side as she wept from joy with a radiating smile.

“This settles it!” Samantha cried. “This has to be a dream!”

“Unfortunately, yes,” Beatrice confirmed as she stood up with her limp cocks dangling between her legs. One of those two cocks continued to shrink, until it disappeared, due to the magic of the succubus’s [Dick Growing (+1)] Skill having finally run out.

“I… I see,” Samantha cried with a bittersweet smile and covered her eyes with her forearm. “This was too good to be true.”

“Although the worse part of your cravings will remain subdued at least for some time, the Taint-cleansing part of the magic will run out in an hour,” Beatrice said. “So, how do you want to spend this one hour completely liberated from the need for cocks?”

## 213: Nobody Home

“We’re back~!” Ember announced loudly in an upbeat tone as she walked into the warm lair that was Samantha’s armor shop. She was shadowed by two shirtless young lads that looked like they’d arrived at the gym for their daily workout: well-built, toned muscles, and fiery passion in their eyes.

“Huh? Nobody here?” Ember wondered as she walked from room to room, past the armor stands, looking around for any sign of life.

“Are you telling me I passed up on drowning my dick in soft breasts of two twin milfs for this?” one of the men complained as it became more and more apparent that nobody was home.

“Have you ever seen how an eyeball boils?” Ember asked as she slowly walked forward without even turning to the complaining young man.

“N-no,” the young man answered nervously.

Ember stopped, turned around, and glared at the man while asking, “Do you want to find out how it feels like?”

The man shook his head as drops of cold sweat formed on his pale forehead.

“Good, then we have an understanding,” Ember said and walked forward to the spot where she left Samantha and Beatrice. She almost took another step, but stopped just before stepping with her boot into a giant, glistening, drying puddle.

“Looks like we missed all the action,” the other man commented as he recognized the contents of the drying puddle.

Ember crouched at the edge of the puddle and run her index finger through it. She then brought the finger close to her thumb and rubbed the collected sample between the index finger and her thumb before taking a whiff.

“About half an hour old,” Ember concluded.

“No way!” the complaining man protested. “It’s on a wooden floor! In that amount of time, the liquid would have seeped in and absorbed by the wood! For it still to be on the surface…”

“Just what kind of orgy did we miss that created such was amounts of cum and juices?” the other man asked in disbelief.

“I honestly did not think it was an event we could miss,” Ember said quietly. “Even in utter desperation, Samantha would have never ran out of here in her condition… Unless… It can’t be!”

Ember swiftly stood up and rushed back outside. The two shirtless men glanced at each other before following Ember without question.

The moment that Ember was back out in the dark alley, she rushed up the same narrow stairs she used to get down, but as soon as she was at the top, she took another turn, away from the direction that lead toward the busier streets.

Ember swiftly navigated the dark, claustrophobic, winding alleys that led past sadder and sadder looking buildings, most of which looked abandoned, ruined, and on the brink of collapse. Upon coming across a half-open wooden door that hung at an angle on its rusty hinges, Ember went inside, quickly followed by the two men who had no desire to fall behind and get lose track of a very scary woman.

It was pitch black inside the building Ember went in and smelled of mold, but Ember lit the way forward with a small flame in her hand, and the men saw her approach a wooden, rotting staircase. The light was just bright enough for the men to see where to place their feet without tripping, as long as they stayed just a few steps behind Ember.

Although the men had good enough cardio to not get winded as they went higher and higher, they noted that Ember’s swift pace did not slow in the slightest even as they passed the fourth floor of this ruined building and went up another flight.

The final flight of stairs was brighter as the men saw another source of light—an open hatch to the roof with a separate ladder leading up to it just a few feet away from the staircase. Ember put her fire out and went up the ladder first. The men followed.

“Woah,” one of the shirtless men gasped when he raised his head outside and saw a beautiful evening view of the city.

As both men got on the roof, they saw Ember approach two other women that sat at the end of the ridge of the roof, observing the red sky as the sun disappeared behind the city walls in the distance.

“There was a time when you despised this city,” Ember announced her presence as she approached Samantha’s back, who wore her dark red, sleek scale mail armor.

“I had forgotten how much I missed being outside,” Samantha said in a melancholic tone.

## 214: Hope

“Nothing really kept you from coming here before,” Ember said to Samantha, who sat on the ridge of the roof. “Even if you couldn’t fathom letting anyone see you in your cock-need state, it’s not like anyone in this city would care even if they did catch a glimpse of yet another pair fucking on the roof.”

“The fact that they’re sick enough to not care does not mean that I wouldn’t,” Samantha said quietly with her back still facing Ember.

Ember looked at Beatrice who stood next to Samantha. Beatrice’s and Ember’s eyes met, and Ember saw that Beatrice was less than happy for some reason. What also did not escape Ember’s notice was that Beatrice had a much-improved, brown woven cloak covering her body. Even though it looked to be as generic as possible by design to avoid attracting attention, the quality was unmistakable to those that knew what to look for.

Ember approached the edge of the roof, skipping from one spot to another, avoiding blatant holes as well as particularly suspect tiles and boards that looked like they might slide off or cave in if so much as a pigeon landed on them. “This roof probably won’t survive another winter.”

“Just like the rest of the city then?” Samantha asked as she kept staring into the distance. “All the more reason to enjoy the view while it lasts.”

“Damn, I thought you’d be celebrating or something now that you’re able to just sit here without your staple craving!” Ember frowned and crossed her arms. “How did you manage to become so despondent? Was your time with Beatrice so magical that you confessed your love to Beatrice only to get rejected?”

Samantha glanced at Ember with somber anger but did not give a response.

“Oh, not you too!” Ember rolled her eyes in frustration that Samantha did not even attempt a comeback. “You were more fun when you rode cocks all day long! Even if your mind no longer craves for them, they’re still readily available in all amounts, shapes, and sizes that you could desire!

“Look, I even brought two sample cocks for you to try out! I know they don’t look all that impressive, and they’ll probably pale in comparison to Beatrice, but it’s the best that was available on such short notice.

“What the—” one of the shirtless men behind Ember started to protest.

“Oh, shut up!” Ember quickly put her second-rate offering in its place.

“How much time do you think I still have left?” Samantha asked Beatrice.

Beatrice checked the remaining cooldown of her [Taint Cleansing] Spell and—after doing simple math—answered, “Nineteen minutes.”

“I see,” Samantha sighed. “Go.”

“Hey, when you say ‘time left’…” Ember’s tone and expression changed to a quieter, weary intonation.

“I’m not dying or anything, okay!?” Samantha snapped for a moment before returning to her quieter tone. “Your friend’s ‘magic’ is only temporary. Soon enough I’ll be back to ‘cock riding’, as you would say. So, you can leave those boy-toys down by the ladder before you leave for your Games.”

“What are you talking about?” the shirtless man asked.

“Something that does not concern you!” Ember said. “Didn’t you hear? Go down at once and wait for Samantha at the ladder to the roof!”

The two shirtless men looked at each other, confused and displeased about the way they were treated, but they knew better than to disobey Ember and went back to the hatch, and down below.

As soon as both men were gone, Ember switched her gaze to Beatrice and asked, “So, you actually are already able to manage the Taint, even if temporarily?”

“Yes, but it in an extremely limited capacity,” Beatrice answered. “I can’t do anything more for her right now.”

Although the [Taint Cleaning] decreased the severity of the Taint by thirty percent, that would most likely just lead to Samantha returning to her pre-Gregor level or “cock addiction”. And the double-whammy of twenty-four-hour cooldown combined with the no recast on the same person meant that Beatrice couldn’t spam-cleanse anyone even if she wanted to.

The succubus had even checked out what the enhancement for [Taint Cleansing] looked like and it was nothing even remotely close to what would allow her to cure Samantha. And even that enhancement required level twenty. Which meant it would take even more leveling to get to the potential (+2) enhancement, that could hopefully bring relief to Samantha. This meant that in the meantime Samantha would have no choice but to return to her hiding as she was so uncomfortable to be in the public with her condition.

“But that’s still great news!” Ember cheered. “Don’t you get it, Sam!? Beatrice will keep getting stronger, and even if not today or tomorrow, she’ll be able to cure you permanently!”

“LEAVE!!” Samantha screamed


“Can’t I even have these few minutes of peace without talking or thinking about dicks!?” Samantha shouted at Ember and turned to her friend, revealing a tearful face. “I asked you to go! I don’t need any more false hope! Neither of you knows for sure that you’ll be able to cure me! You don’t even know if either of you will be alive tomorrow! Just go have fun in the Forge! Please! I gave Beatrice what she needs!”

Beatrice stepped away from Samantha, placed her hand on Ember’s shoulder, and said, “We should go.”

Beatrice had decided to respect Samantha’s wishes, something that Ember struggle to do. But after a few seconds of hesitation, Ember followed Beatrice off the roof, leaving Samantha alone as the sun disappeared behind the city walls.

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