How I Became a Cuckold Pt 6 – Almost There

As instructed, we were both sitting on the sofa, waiting for his knock on the door. Exactly at 6, I heard him walk up to the door, and he knocked loudly. I looked my wife in the eyes, grabbed her hand, kissed her and said, “I love you.” I walked to the door, opened it, and let him in.

It might have been an awkward moment, opening the door for the man who was about to fuck my wife, but it wasn’t at all… he took charge right away with his easy-going charisma. “Well, we all know why we are here. Let’s get down to it.” Michelle stood up as he shook my hand. He gave her a big hug, and I couldn’t help but notice how small she looked next to him. She’s a slightly small woman, but he was more than a slightly large man, and you could tell how well-muscled he was even fully dressed. He gave her that hug and then met my eyes as he groped her ass with both hands, casually. I had never, in my entire life, despite many hours of fantasizing, seen another man touch my wife like that. He held her at arms’ length and just looked her body up and down. I could see the hunger in his eyes and couldn’t help but notice the visible bulge in his pants.

I asked if he wanted anything, anything to drink, and he told me to make him a drink but said that neither of us was to have any alcohol… only water. He looked long into both our eyes and then said, “we’re just here to have fun. You can say no or stop at any time, but I honestly hope you don’t.” An easy laugh there, and I knew this was all for her benefit. I knew I had no place saying no… no way to slow anything down or stop it. Once I had opened that door for him, everything was really, truly, fully, and completely out of my control.

He handed me a USB drive and told me to plug it in to the TV but not to play the file yet. We sat down on the sofa… my wife in the middle, him on her right side and me on her left. He put his arm casually around her shoulder and told her that there was a folder on the USB drive that had two things in it. One, while she was meeting him at a bar last night, I was, according to his instruction, finding video clips and pictures that showed sexual images that excited me. Two, he had added some things himself in that folder.

He said this was an icebreaker and this was a good way for her to see what excited me. He told her that he would not, mostly, tell her which images were his choice and which were mine, but he said if I saw anything that I did not like I was to say so. My cock was already, again, dripping precum and I could see a visible spot on the front of my jeans… I knew this meant that I had also soaked through the pair of her panties I was wearing (again per his instruction) under those jeans. He said that some of what she saw might shock her, but it was good for her to know what was in my head. It was good for her to know what her husband wanted… what her husband wanted her to do.

He told me to open the first file in the folder, so I did, clicking the file as I sat beside her on the sofa. The image that opened on our large TV was one I had found last night: a white woman, on her back, legs wrapped around a large black man who was certainly inside her. Her arms were wrapped around his large shoulders and they were kissing passionately. He laughed and said, “ok, I will tell you for sure this one your devoted husband sent me. Wasn’t it, Tony?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Have you masturbated to this picture or something like it?”

No place to hide now. “Yes…”

He smiled. I looked at her and she was entranced. I had been worried she would be judgmental, but all I saw on her face was excitement.

“Go ahead. Next… Actually, flip back and forth between the next two.” The next two images were kind of strange anatomical cutaways showing a woman’s reproductive organs with a penis inside her. (This doesn’t sound sexual or exciting, but it was.) One picture was an average penis, and the other featured a large penis. “I wanted you to see this so you would know. I know you are worried about being able to fit me inside you, but look carefully at the difference.”

He went on and explained that a large cock, if the owner of that cock knew how to use it, actually pushed a woman’s insides around. Her womb and internal organs moved to make room for him. He pointed out that he was large enough he would go in her deeper than her belly button, “about to here, probably,” he said as he touched her stomach. But he said that the movement of her insides would feel very good, that it was a pleasure only a large cock could give a woman.

He asked what she thought about it, and she had trouble talking, but eventually managed, “I’m still worried. I can’t imagine how something that big fits inside me.”

“Don’t worry. I will go slow and gentle. I’ll give you time to get used to it. If it hurts or anything we will slow down or stop. I will make you love it.” And then he looked at me and smirked, “She will love it.”

He talked a little bit about submission and about how it might not come completely naturally for us. He reminded us that he would probably be a little extra humiliating to me, calling me things like girl or sissy, and that she shouldn’t be shocked… these words were just to remind us all that he was the man in charge here. “In fact,” he told her, “it would be best if you weren’t shocked at anything,” and he laughed. He told me that she was more than a little interested when he mentioned spanking at the bar, and said that he might sometimes use a little pain or control to help us submit and obey. In a stage whisper, he said that nipples could be good for encouraging a girl who was having trouble obeying.

He said that we were lucky, and that this wasn’t so unusual. He said our sex life had hit a dry spot but that happened to every couple, and that few couples were lucky enough to be open enough to rediscover a spark. He said this was not about him hurting our relationship and we both had to be sure of that. (I assured her again that I wanted this and that nothing she did could change the way I felt about her.) He said he had played with three married couples extensively. “I’m not going to tell you they are all just fine. People get divorced. One of the couples did get divorced, but I will tell you it’s not because of what we did. Her becoming a slut for black cock probably kept them together longer actually.”

I could describe every other image in detail, but it’s not too important. We sat there on the sofa while I flipped through each one at his instruction. There was a group sex scene… a white woman with a cock in her ass and pussy and mouth… some light bondage… all the pictures of a woman dripping cum after she was filled. There were a few more internal animations showing how a woman’s body moved when she orgasmed, and that it was designed to pull the man’s cum deep inside her.

He asked us both a few questions about some of the images, and a few times asked if I saw anything I didn’t like. When I said no, he told her that everything she was seeing were things I wanted her to do. Most of the photos and clips were things I chose, but we stopped for a minute on one he had chosen: a woman with a black queen of spades tattoo on her lower back, like a “tramp stamp”. He asked me why a woman would get a tattoo like that, and I said to show she was owned. He said that was right, and then asked her what she thought about a tattoo. She laughed and said not tonight, and then he asked me where else a woman might get a tattoo. I tried not to answer, but he kept asking. I said right above her pussy, and he said that was right, and where else? On her ankle, on the side of her body… he kept pushing me for ideas while he sat with his arm around her shoulder casually stroking her hair, her shoulder, and the side of her neck.

Along the way he reminded us of his interest in the “breeding fetish”. How it excited him for a woman to crave cum inside her. How much he loved cumming deep in a married cunt. The more he talked, the more I could see her eyes glaze over and the more excited she was. He asked her if she wanted the pill to help that he had mentioned… said no pressure and it’s completely up to you, but she readily agreed and took the pill. (I later found out that the little pill had the effect of heightening sexual arousal for a woman, physically, emotionally, and mentally. It increased her sensitivity to touch, desire for penetration, and made orgasm more intense. He told me after that part of the benefit was that having the pill on board gave a woman a little bit of an “out” and an excuse for letting go completely. As an aside, the pill also made her sweat a bit more, but that also worked for his interests.)

When we finished with the images, he asked her if she was still thinking about any of them… which was her favorite. She tried to act shy and coy, or I guess she really was shy, but he kept encouraging and pushing her. Finally she said “the one with the pussy with the big cock in it.”

“Where she was stretched tight?”


“How do you think that felt for her?”

“I don’t know…”

“That’s right… you’ve never had anything like that in you. Are you ready to find out?”

She froze… like a deer in the headlights, and then bit her bottom lip and nodded.

“Do something for me. Stand up and walk forward just a bit.” She did… standing here, legs together, standing in her high heels that showed off the back of her legs to perfect effect. “Tony, do you see that I see?”

“Um… yes, Sir.”

“What do you see?”

“She’s wet.”

“Yes, she is. Your wife has made a wet spot on her dress. Come back here, sweetheart. Sit back down, between us. Tony… I think it’s time we got your wife naked, don’t you?”

(All the parts of the story are linked in the first comment here: []( )
