Daddy’s Weekend Pt. 1

Disclaimer: This is fantasy made by adults, about adults, for adults. 18+

Daddy gave me specific instructions on exactly what to do when I came to meet him at his condo, and I really hope that I remember them all just right. We had been together for over 9 months now but had never met for a playdate, let alone an entire weekend together and I was beyond excited! Of course, we’d talked on the phone often, video chatted and I had even spanked myself for him when I had broken one of his very few rules. But now, today was the day!

I got up extra early this morning (not as if I could really sleep anyway) and saw the aesthetician so I was perfectly smooth from my toenails to my belly button… Daddy insisted that I MUST be completely smooth. He also insisted on a special full-body massage as he said he wanted every single knot and bit of tension to be worked out of my body before I came to see him at the condo.

Daddy had spared no expense, I was sent to a very special spa to be sure I was perfect for Him and I milked every single thing I could out of it. This was my first chance to meet Daddy and I wasn’t going to waste it, no matter what they did to me! The ladies at the spa started by stripping me completely naked to see what they had to work with and then lowered me into a perfumed bath to my chin. They told me to soak until they came to continue with me and I closed my eyes and reveled in the feeling of the hot water wrapping around me. Then it was a full-body salt and sugar scrub to exfoliate everything, and I seriously mean everything, even the crack of my ass! It was luxurious and I didn’t think it could get better until they told me that my massage was next… I was in heaven!

Finally, after a few HOURS of being tortured to remove every hair below my head and massaged until I thought my bones would fall out of my skin I left the spa. It was a little odd though, the moment a new technician saw my “wish list” they just smiled, one of them said to another… “it’s a #13, do your worst” and “make her perfect or we will hear about it!”

I looked in the mirror at what they had done to me… I was completely hairless from the waist down, yes, everything was gone. The skin around my tight sex was an angry red, but, they told me that that would be gone soon. They even said they would help, and even though I wasn’t sure what Daddy would think about it, I accepted.,,,

Ines was so gentle with me, her special cream had a numbing effect but it couldn’t change how her hands felt as they glided over my smooth skin. She rubbed the cream into my skin and took special care around my clit and at the edges of my pussy lips, my body getting heated at her touch and my thoughts started to drift off to Daddy. Ines rubbed more of the cream down to my butthole and I flinched, realizing what she was doing. I’d never done much anal play, but I knew that Daddy was a fan so it might be on the list of activities for the weekend… I was more than nervous about it.

When she saw me flinch, Ines cooed softly in her husky voice “Just relax, it will feel better very… very soon. The numbing lotion will help your skin recover from the waxing, and I’ll take care of everything else. Close your eyes, honey, this is what I do.” she giggled softly in her honey-thick accent. And god help me, I closed my eyes and I let her do whatever she wanted to me. She took her time with me, her fingers starting gently and then becoming more insistent as I started to respond to her touch; soon my hips were bucking off the table and I was panting and moaning for her to touch me. I lost all sense of time and space, I had no idea how long I was there or if anyone else was in the room, all I could feel was her hands on my skin and the table under me… I was floating in extacy and I never wanted it to end.

Her hands finally slowed down and held me right on the edge of orgasm, right to where I could feel my drenched flower actually clenching and trying to pull her fingers inside of me. I was so drunk with my need to orgasm that I barely felt when she stepped away completely and left me there in a state of bliss as my hungy cunt begged for more. I slowly slipped back down into my body from Nirvana and groaned out-loud when I noticed I was alone.

The only thing in the room with me was the garment bag I had brought for my outfit for Daddy: a super-light yellow chiffon sundress and a matching set of peach silk and cream lace lingerie, the first lingerie set that Daddy had ever bought me. The clothes I had worn in had been sent to the cleaners and would arrive at Daddy’s house some time over the weekend. I quickly pulled out the shoebag with the Grecian sandals in it and set it aside, focusing on the skimpy lingerie. As I slithered my way into the panties I could feel the lace brushing over my skin, the feeling electric and keeping me on edge. Then the bra, which I clipped in front of me and spun around before pulling the straps up over my shoulders and adjusted it so I looked as yummy as possible. Once that was done, I bunched up the dress and slipped it over my shoulders and looked in the mirror when it settled examining myself.

I was shapely and the chiffon of the dress hung in waves around my hips, teasing the curves at my waist. The bottom of the hemline flared out in a babydoll shape that was asymmetrical so it highlighted my thighs in a very sexy way that I knew Daddy was going to love. He had a thing with my legs and I picked out this dress just to tease him today. The thicker spaghetti straps were just barely enough that I could hide my bra straps but the lower balconette line of the bodice let the tops of my bra peek out and I loved the way it looked with the cream lace just barely showing. I rustled the dress around, trying to get it just right and when I did there was a knock at the door.

“Are you ready for us to do your hair and make-up, Miss? It goes with the package you’ve ordered.”

I sat down in the chair and was treated to both my makeup and hair being done at the same time, and shortly, I looked like a completely new woman.

I was positively glowing when the towncar showed up and all the girls in the salon started blushing and chortling among themselves as I walked to the curb and slid into the back. The driver gently closed the door and soon started driving.

“Do you need the address?” I asked shyly.

“No Miss, I was given very specific directions as to the route to take and where I should drop you.” was all the driver said.

And with that we drove on in silence.

I texted Daddy and thanked him for the spa day, letting him know that I would be there soon and that the driver had been very nice to me. I didn’t say anything about Ines, not yet. I was too excited and I could feel the heat rising in my skin as we drove to Daddy’s building in the middle of the waterfront.

“I’ll see you soon, baby girl, I miss you and I can’t wait to spend the weekend with you!” his baritone voice was soft but confident, just like always.

“I’m so excited Daddy, I’ll see you as soon as I can!”

The towncar pulled up at the building and I looked up, it was a commercial high-rise, very industrial and very clean in it’s styling. The driver checked in with security and we pulled into an underground parking garage, just for him to stop at an elevator door.

“Here we are, Miss. I’ve been instructed to buzz you in to the elevator and push the button for the penthouse for you. Your gentleman is waiting for you upstairs, I hope you have a lovely time.” the driver said with a smile before stepping out and opening my door. He helped me out with a gentle hand, then opened the elevator with the code and pushed the button.

I thanked the driver and tipped him, even though Daddy had told me not to, just because he had been so nice. I winked at him as I shook his hand and he just nodded and smiled. I knew that he had been paid very well to take care of me, but I wanted to say thank you all the same. The elevator doors closed and I was whisked quickly up to the penthouse floor, and my heart started racing… I knew what was going to happen. I was going to submit to my Daddy and he was going to keep me for the whole weekend. He was going to finally put a collar around my neck and fuck me like I had been dreaming of for months and I couldn’t wait. My cunny was already throbbing just at the thought of what he was going to do to me!

When the elevator door opened I could see that there were several doors in the hallway but only one was cracked open, and I headed straight for it. I just knew that it had to be his penthouse, his home… and he was inviting me in. My breath caught in my throat and my pulse quickened as I looked at that door… and after a complicated first step, I strode forward. Before I could reach the door though, Daddy was there holding it open, looking intimidating and incredible as he nearly filled the door frame. I’d seen him on video chat, sure, but this was my first time seeing him in person like this… at his home, and my heart skipped a beat as I froze a few steps from him.

He was quiet, his face calm, his stance soft in the door as he looked me up and down; nothing moved but his eyes and that had me off balance. I tried to hold still and hoped that he liked what he saw, but he showed absolutely no emotion in his face… I was worried. Did he like my dress, my hair, was I good enough, did I look different than what he expected from the video chats? I knew I couldn’t say anything but all of this and more raced through my mind as his eyes wandered over my body.



  1. I promise folks, the second part is coming! All I can say is to remember Ines!

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