Used on a Sleeper Train [FM][nc][bondage][public][choking][creampie]

TW: rape

*What’s the worst that could happen?* I had thought when booking a bunk bed instead of a private room for the sleeper train. *A hundred dollars is a hundred dollars.*

I board my train in London and find my way to my bunk. It’s a cramped little bed, with a single privacy curtain. From the look and thickness of it, at least it’s a blackout curtain. Across the walking space, is another set of bunks, with some of their own occupants settling in. I might be a young woman travelling alone, but at least there was safety in numbers.

I quickly shelve that thought when my bunkmate approaches the top bunk above mine. A tall, broad-chested man, older than me and with salt-and-pepper hair, a sharp jawline, and coarse stubble. Dressed in a sharp blazer and dark jeans. As if that all weren’t enough, he has the gall to open his mouth and say, “Excuse me, miss, I believe I have the top bunk.”

In. A. Scottish. Accent.

I know, I know. American girl fangirling over a Scottish accent on a train to Scotland. But sometimes things are fawned over for a reason. And boy is there a reason for a voice like his to be fawned over. Deep and confident, like he owns the place and speaking to me is a mere formality. But a warmth to it, too, like he enjoys the formality nonetheless. Suddenly every fiber of my body wishes I had gotten a private room, not for safety, but so I could invite him in and ride this gorgeous man off into the sunset… and even ride him into the sunrise, too, for good measure. It is a sleeper train, after all.

Hell, I even wish there were no bunks across from us, that I could just climb up into his bunk in the middle of the night and ride him that way. I quickly make a mental note to slip him my number in the morning when we arrive.

“So, what brings you on a sleeper train to Edinburgh?” he asked me, pulling me out of my impure thoughts. He gestured to all my luggage, contrasting with the small messenger bag hanging on his shoulder.

“Oh, uh, I’m visiting for the weekend.” I paused. He looked me in the eye, attentive. I continued, “Visiting Edinburgh, that is. I just finished visiting London for the week. After this, I’ll be heading back home.”

“Home, aye? Whereabouts is that for you, America?”

“Yup, Cincinnati. This is actually my first solo trip to Europe, let alone the UK.” I pause another half second, then say, “I’m Melissa, by the way.” Wow, I’m revealing so much about myself so quickly, and I don’t even know a single thing about him. “So, what brings you on a sleeper train to Edinburgh?” I asked, mirroring his question back to him.

The man chuckles for a moment. “Ah, I’m travelling for the weekend, too. Work in London, family in Edinburgh.”

“Oh, are you taking the return train on Sunday? Because that’s the one I’m taking, too.”

“Aye, I am. Same bunk and all. I already look forward to meeting ye again on the return, Miss Melissa.”

And on that, my cheeks immediately flush. I hope it’s not too obvious that I already low-key have a massive crush on him. Then again, someone as attractive as him has gotta be used to thirsty young women throwing themselves at him left and right. A veritable game of dodgeball for him, I bet.

He and I end up chatting for a few minutes longer, although he isn’t a huge talker, until we figure we oughta both head to bed. It’s already pretty late, and the train arrives in Edinburgh at the ungodly hour of 7 in the morning.

I don’t really feel like changing into pajamas this late just to change back into clothes so early, especially not without a private room to change in. So I just kick off my chucks, peel off my sweater, and slide into bed still in my skirt and blouse.

The whole time I lay there, I spend thinking about the man a mere two feet above me. Thinking about all the ways I could get his meat inside me. About how happily I would spread my legs for him…

I’m sharply awoken, unable to breathe. There’s a tight feeling around my neck. So tight I can’t breathe at all. My brain goes into full panic mode, and my body tries to fight off whatever attacker is strangling me in the night.

It’s no use. A hand much stronger than the strongest muscle in my whole body jerks my neck back, choking me even harder. Another hand pins my wrists away uselessly. A gruff, Scottish whispers in my ear, “If you ever want to see your dear Cincinnati again, Miss Melissa, you dinnae want to struggle.” His voice is rough and I fully believe every word he says. “I’d hate to have to fasten this here belt nice and tight and leave ye be.” He continues, “But if you’re a good girl and stay quiet, you’ll get home safe, aye?”

I’m on the verge of passing out, but I manage a small nod. He loosens the belt around my neck, and I gulp in as much air as I can. With oxygen once again restored to my prefrontal cortex, I think *What does he want with me?*

No sooner do I think it than I have my answer. While his hand holding the belt around my neck is loosened, it’s still there. Meanwhile, his other hand forces both my hands behind my back, and I feel cold steel against my wrists and hear a soft *clink clink* as he handcuffs me.

His body scoots closer into my bunk with me, and his free hand slides down under my skirt and begins to peel off my panties underneath. Worst of all, my body betrays me, and the man gets a feel of my wetness for him.

“Naughty, naughty girl,” he says.

He stuffs my soaking wet panties into my mouth, then reaches back and inserts a huge ballgag on top of it. I feel him fasten a lock on the gag behind my head. He tops it off with a tight-fitting blindfold, not that I could see anything in this darkness anyways.

Next, he reaches down and I feel more cold steel. This time, the cold steel is pushing into my traitorous wet cunt. He swirls it around, then extracts it, before plunging it straight into my asshole.


Why hadn’t I acted sooner? Before he gagged me, I could’ve screamed, and the people in the opposite bunks could have gotten here within seconds. I could’ve resisted more.

But now I’m helpless. Gagged, blinded, cuffed, choked, and plugged. And completely at this man’s mercy.

And yet my nipples stand to attention. My clitoris aches. My pussy pours for this man. My body *wants* to be filled. I *want* to spread my legs for him. As I part my legs like the greedy whore I regretfully am, I tell myself that it’s just what I have to do to stay alive now. But my body knows the truth. And so does the man.

Soon, I’m rewarded with a hard rod pushing its way under my skirt, into my sopping interior. Thrusting inside me.

His free hand wraps around my waist and squeezes me against his firm torso. His other hand begins to tighten on the belt around my neck again, choking me.

His thrusting forms a rhythm, his member stretching my walls like I’ve never had them stretched before. With my other hole plugged as well, I am absolutely filled to my limit.

The man begins grunting softly into my ear, his grunting along with the rhythm. I can’t help but moan into my gag to the same rhythm.

It goes on for only a couple minutes, his tempo increasing, reaching a crescendo. Until finally he straps the belt as tight as it will go around my neck and buckles it, leaving me to strangle. Both his hands grasp my hips in such a way that they’re guaranteed to leave a mark. He thrusts harder and deeper than ever.

My vision is blacked out and blurry, and my head is swirling, fighting for oxygen that isn’t there. But I’m also somehow in fucking ecstasy. He gives one last thrust, deep into my furthest reaches, and begins to spurt hot cum into my womb.

Pulse after pulse, spurt after spurt, my hungry cunt laps up everything he’ll feed it. Milking out every last drop from his member. All as my consciousness begins to fade.

I come to when the belt is loosened once again, and a rush of oxygen returns to my brain. I gasp for air, in shock as to what just happened.

The man pulls out from inside me and speaks again. “Now, if you’re a good girl and don’t make a fuss all night, I’ll let ye out in the morning when we arrive. I’d hate for you to have to be found by the train staff in such a state as yours, aye?”

It’s all I can do to nod.

After he returns to his bunk, I’m left helpless and bound, trusting that the mysterious man who just used me will make good on his promise. I drift off to sleep with his cum slowly dripping out of me, knowing I’ve now technically been railed on a railway.

I wake up in the morning to him making good on his promise, returning me to my previous state. Well, previous state, plus his cum and buttplug, which he leaves as something for me to remember him by. I go about my weekend, a little shocked but surprisingly okay, almost giddy in a weird way. When I board my return train, I see he’s bunked above me again, although this time I say nothing to him.

Instead, I just go to sleep with a smile on my face and my phone number on a slip of paper stuffed into the back of my panties.
