Stephanie’s Discovery [FM][Fdom]

“Hey, Steph, you listening?”

Tom’s stocky frame leaned into the side of her cubicle. Stephanie secretly hoped it would buckle and send him to the floor.

“Yes, sorry.” Her voice came out so quietly he had to strain to hear her. She tucked a small tuft of her mousey brown hair behind an ear.

“You really need to pay better attention, or you’re not going to get very far in this company.” He took a long sip of his tepid coffee. “Anyway, I’m going to need both those financial reports on that ILP acquisition by Friday.”

Stephanie blinked, looking visibly confused. “But I thought those were supposed to be yours and Steve’s responsibility?”

He coughed. “Yeah, well Steve and I are going to be working on a new restructuring internally, and those new hires we got need to be trained. We’re just going to be too busy for it, and they need to be done ASAP.”

“I’ve already got so much going on, though. I have to get our entire department’s budget report finished before the 15th, and-”

Tom cut her off. “Steph, you’re doing it, okay? I don’t want to get Bill involved, but you know how he feels about people not being a team player.”

She sighed. “Yeah. Okay.”

“Great!” He smiled, and began to walk away. “Y’know, you might want to try a little more makeup. Word around the office is you’re looking a little sick. My wife just got this new stuff online, looks great!” He waddled off around the corner.

She hung her head.

*Why can’t I just tell that prick no?*

Suddenly, her phone lit up. She smiled. it was Nathan.

>hey hun, I thought I’d come over and make dinner tonight. I’m thinking Mexican?

*He’s such a sweetheart.*

>sounds great. I’ll see you tonight. <3

She put her phone down, and looked at her computer.

*Nose to the grind stone, I guess.*

**∾ ∾ ∾**

“Well hello there, beautiful.” Nathan swung his arm behind Stephanie, pulling her in gently for a forehead kiss. He had to lean down pretty far, as the difference in their size was substantial, but he managed to hit his target every time.

She smiled. “I haven’t even changed out of my work clothes yet, let alone showered. I don’t feel very beautiful.”

He wiggled his bushy, dark eyebrows playfully. “Ah, but that just means you’re marinated in your wonderful *musk*.” He inhaled deeply, sniffing her head, his scratchy beard tickling her a bit.

She let out a small giggle. “You’re so weird.”

He picked her up, twirling, then set her down on the couch. “Now you just relax, and I’ll make us some tacos.” He kissed her on the forehead again.

As she curled up in one of her big, fuzzy blankets, she glanced over to Nathan. He looked comically large in her tiny kitchen, but it almost made the whole scene more endearing. He danced a little while he cooked, rocking his hips to some song in his head while he browned beef and chopped veggies. He was tall enough his broad shoulders threatened to run into her cabinets while he worked, but he managed to maintain excellent control of himself. Truth be told, the whole scene was pretty precious.

After ten minutes or so, he came parading out to her, two plates in hand. “For you, my lady.” Then he sat next to her on the couch. She had to move over a touch, as he took up nearly three times as much space as she did, but she didn’t mind. It made it easier to cuddle him.

“I…I got pressured into more work today.”

Nathan put the remote down, a heartbroken look on his face. “Again?”

She nodded, taking a bite of her taco.

“You’ve got to stand up for yourself, or they’re going to keep pushing you around.” He rubbed her shoulder.

“It’s easy for you…” she took another bite. “You’re so…big and confident. I don’t know how to be like that…”

He smiled. “It’s all about attitude. Not everybody’s as big on the inside as they look.” He set his plate down on the coffee table. “I think you’ve got it in you.”

She nuzzled into him, still holding her taco. “Thanks, babe.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw his phone light up. Looked like…an email notification?

“Oh, hey, it looks like you’ve got a…” Her eyes took in the subject line. *MistressWares*

His head snapped to look at it. “O-oh! Look at that.” He scooped it up quickly. “Must have gotten on the email list for one of those shops you look at once.” He put his phone is his pocket. “Damn ads.”

Stephanie didn’t respond, choosing to instead quietly eat her taco, something nibbling at the back of her brain just insistently as she nibbled her dinner.

**∾ ∾ ∾**

*He never lies to me.*

As she stared up at her ceiling, Stephanie couldn’t let the thought go.

*He was totally lying. But…why?*

She sat up, exasperated. Reaching over and grabbing her laptop, she popped open the lid. The screen cast a pale glow over her and her bed, making her wince momentarily. She glanced at the system clock: 3:36am. She groaned.

No matter how she tried to put it from her mind, she couldn’t take it anymore. She had to know. She opened her browser, and slowly typed in the address she’d read on the subject line of the email.


The search pulled up several sites, but the top one matched exactly. She clicked it.

She covered her mouth in surprise as the page loaded in. It was an eCommerce site, done up very professionally, with big, bold font: *Mistress Wares, For All Your Domme Needs*.

As she scrolled, lists of categories of items filled the screen. Harnesses, Crops, Chastity Cages, Gags, Binds, and more. She was vaguely aware of BDSM culture, but she wouldn’t have had an inkling Nathan would have been into this. One thing didn’t sit right with her, though. If he’d wanted to experiment with her, why didn’t he just try being more dominant? She tried thinking back.

*Nathan’s never been overly dominant. Confident and bold, yeah, but not dominant…*

She continued scrolling, then that’s when it clicked. The last item category. *Strap-Ons*

She clicked on it impulsively, opening an enormous menu of options. Harness sizes, Harness styles, Adapter Sets, and then finally…Dick sizes.

She gasped audibly.

*He…he wants me to…?*

She leaned back, her thoughts trying to grapple with this new revelation. It couldn’t be true. Her Nathan? A sub?

*But he’s so sure of himself. He always takes control, takes care of me. Could he really…?*

Maybe it really was just an ad. Maybe she was blowing this up over nothing. She tried to convince herself maybe she was simply overreacting.

She knew in her gut she was right. She could read him like a book, and what he’d told her on the couch was a lie. There had to be a way to make sure. She took a deep breath.

*Well, I don’t think I’m going to sleep tonight anyway.*

She opened up a tab for YouTube.

*Maybe it’s time to further my kink education.*

She searched *female domination*, and immediately there was a plethora of choices. She hovered over one creator, MissInControl, and clicked. It was going to be a long night.

**∾ ∾ ∾**

With half a pot of coffee in her, and barely a minute to spare, Stephanie had managed to get to work on time, sitting in her desk right as the clock rolled over to 8:00am. She felt like she was running on fumes, but if she just took the day slow, she knew she’d make it through.

She’d just signed in to her machine, when she heard a familiar voice. “God, you look *terrible*.”

It was like nails on a chalkboard. “Morning, Tom.”

He slurped his coffee, the dingy white mug hitting his teeth as he did so. “Rough night, huh? Nathan keep you up?” He winked.

Stephanie felt her stomach turn. “Did you need something?”

“Yeah, I’m actually going to need those reports by end of day today. Bill wants them quicker than I thought.”

Her eyes shot open. “I…Tom, there’s no way I can-”

“Come on, now. You can do it.”

“Tom, I…” Her mind, in its frazzled, agitated state, rolled back to the surprisingly calming videos of MissInControl. Her pleasant, calm face illuminated by a ring light as she laid out the steps for enforcing obedience.

*”Remember, they **want** to know their boundaries. Your pets will crave firm direction, praise, and punishment from you. You don’t need to be cruel, only strong. Strong as iron, gentle as a feather. That’s the way to make them bend over for you.”*

Her eyes narrowed. She felt a flash of something deep inside her. Something pushing up through her willowy, thin frame. In an instant, she remembered Nathan’s words again.

*”I think you’ve got it in you.”*

She took a deep breath, and assumed a relaxed expression, as she did her best to level off her voice. It was strong, but soft. “No, Tom.”

He got a small fraction of a smile in the corner of his mouth. “Steph, this isn’t an argument, you’re-”

“You’re right, it isn’t. I’m simply not agreeing to do it.” Her heart was racing. It took everything she had to not crack the façade.

*Stay strong. Stay calm. That’s what MissInControl said.*

Tom sighed. “I really didn’t want to pull Bill into this, but I guess we gotta now.”

She smiled coldly. “You know what, Tom? I agree. Let’s go talk to Bill. I think he needs to hear this.”

Tom’s expression changed. “Well, uh…yeah…okay.”

She pushed past him, leading the way down the hall towards their manager Bill’s office. She kept her head high, walking with a metered gait. Tom followed behind her. She was terrified, but also felt so *alive*.

She opened Bill’s door, while simultaneously knocking on it. “Morning, Bill. You have a moment to address something?”

Bill’s balding head was angled down towards his desk, trying to read the small print on a document. He glanced up for a moment, his half-rim cheaters balancing precariously on his bulbous nose. “Sure.”

“Tom here is telling me I’m responsible for the ILP Acquisition reports, and that they’re due by end of day today. I’m afraid that’s just not possible with my given workload.”

The older man looked at her, then glanced over to Tom. “Tom, are you that busy with Steve and the trainings?”

Tom nodded nervously. “Y-yeah, there’s just a lot going on.”

Bill shrugged. “There’s your answer, then. I’ll see those by the end of the day today, Steph.”

She could practically *hear* Tom’s grin. He really thought he’d won.

*Strong. Confident. Gently remind them who’s in charge.* MissInConrtol’s voice rang out in her head.

“Then I’d like to tender my resignation, Bill. That workload is, quite frankly, unacceptable. Hopefully you’ll be able to find someone to replace me in time to get caught up, pick up the department’s budget report, and have it done by the 15th.” She smiled.

Bill’s expression fell. “Wait, now hold on, Steph, let’s not doing anything rash.”

“I’m perfectly lucid. The workload you’re proposing isn’t feasible, and I’m not going to do it. The only thing that changes is whether or not you get your budget report on time. I know the CFO gets pretty nasty with you when it’s late, so it really would be a shame if you had to hire someone on top of all that stress.” There was no waiver in her voice as she looked him straight in the eye.

Bill cleared his throat. “Tom, I’m going to need you and Steve to get those reports done.”

“Thank you.” Her voice sounded practically melodious. After turning on her heel to leave, she stopped for a moment, and whispered to Tom. “The next time you try something like that, I won’t be so nice.” Then continued back to her desk.

Taking a seat in her cubicle, she let out a massive sigh of relief. She couldn’t stop herself from grinning. The rush, that feeling of control, it was *intoxicating*.

“Thank you, MissInControl,” she whispered to herself.

**∾ ∾ ∾**

>I finally did it. I told Tom to shove it and got Bill to back me up.

Stephanie was giddy as she sat on her couch, glass of wine in hand, texting Nathan. The day had been such a rush, a complete eye-opening experience. She felt like the Queen of Everything.

>I’m so proud of you! I told you ya had it in you. :)

She took a sip from her glass before typing her response.

>wanna come over on Friday? you can cook me dinner again ;)

She was already opening her phone’s browser to go back to MistressWares. Scrolling down through the list of items, she found what she was looking for. Grinning wickedly, she made her purchase, just in time for the text notification to come down.

>Hell yeah! We’ll celebrate. love you!

*Hopefully it gets here on time*,” she thought, taking another sip.



  1. Everything was in place. Stephanie stared at herself in the mirror, touching up her makeup, and putting the final touches on her hair. She couldn’t stop herself from smiling, the energy of the night had her electrified. She’d been planning this for several days, and it was all ready to go. She just needed Nathan.

    She’d binge-watched the rest of MissInControl’s channel, even going so far as to take notes. She could feel herself practically dripping with excitement.

    She’d chosen a flowy top with her leggings, something not restrictive, and a bit flirty.

    *I never thought I could ever feel like this.* She heard a knock at her door.

    Unlocking and opening it, she was greeted by the sight of her huge boyfriend, holding two bags of groceries. “I was thinking Steak and Asparagus tonight, My Lady.” He took a slight bow.

    “Oohh, such a gentleman.” She stood aside, allowing his broad body entrance into her apartment.

    After getting his shoes off, he made his way to the kitchen, and began laying out everything on the counter. Stephanie bit her lip, and sauntered over to him, wrapping her arms around him from behind.

    “Oh,” he let out a little mock-gasp, “What’s this?”

    “I just really appreciate you, you know?” She squeezed tighter.

    She felt his big hand touch hers. “I love you, babe.”

    “I love you too.” Her grip shifted lower, placing her hand gently on his bulge. “I think I’ll want dessert after dinner.” She gently fondled him through his pants.

    “Steph…what’s gotten into you?”

    “We’ll see later.” Her voice dripped with arousal. She let go of him, and sat down at her small kitchen-side table.

    Nathan turned to her. “I’m just…not used to seeing this side of you.” He looked her up and down, and grinned. “Can’t say I dislike it.”

    She smiled, glancing down to his package, which had noticeably grown. “I think he agrees with me.” She bit her lip, and gave him a little “shoo” gesture. “Back to cooking with you. I want to watch.”

    It was faint, and she could barely tell with the light, but it looked as though his face flushed slightly. He quickly turned, and got back to prepping.

    It was by the time the asparagus had been put in the oven that she tried her next step.


    “Yes?” he said without turning around, salting the steak.

    “Take your shirt off.”

    He stopped, and gave her a look over his shoulder. “What?”

    “Take your shirt off while you cook. I want to see.”

    He paused, unsure of himself at first. “You’re really…different tonight.” He gave her a small, crooked smile, then started to peel off his TShirt. He laid it over the other chair at the table.

    Stephanie drank the sight of him in. She’d always loved his body. He was big, muscular, but not cut. He had a belly, and a little extra fat here and there, but she thought it suited him perfectly. She’d always compared him in her head to being built out of stone. Solid, thick, powerful. She even loved how hairy he was. He just looked so *masculine*, and with his kind, gentle personality to top it all off…it drove her wild.

    “There you go. Now finish our dinner, love.” She gave him a wink.

    He turned back around, grinning sheepishly. She stared at his wide back, watching every ripple of his muscles as he worked. She could feel herself getting wet.

    *This is addictive.*

    He seared the steaks, then as he set them off to the side to rest, she got an evil idea. It was a gamble, but one she was willing to take. She patiently waited for him to take the asparagus out of the oven, and place it to the side. This was her chance.

    While he was placing a loose foil tent over the meat, she quietly came up behind him, and placed her hands on his shoulders. She felt him tense up ever so slightly.

    “Well hello there, babe.” His voice had an overt coy tone.

    Without a word, she dug her nails into him, not too hard, just enough to leave a light mark, and dragged them down his back. She could feel every corded ridge of his back and she scratched him.

    Instantly, she heard his deep voice moan, and he gripped the counter, his knuckles going white as he held himself up for support.

    She’d often heard her friends use the term “sploosh” to describe a scenario that was so sexy, just so insanely *hot* that it made them instantly soak themselves. She’d always laughed it off in the past, knowing that wasn’t how it worked. It was in this moment she discovered she was completely wrong. His deep, loud moan resonated through her, ringing her like a bell. In just seconds, she felt her pussy flood her leggings, and a wave of gentle heat sweep over her. It was intense, this kind of power. She *loved* it.

    Nathan’s breaths came out in quick gasps, as he continued to hold on to the counter.

    “Look at me, baby.” Her voice was playful, but firm. Just like she’d practiced.

    He turned around, slowly facing her. His face was red, and his eyes were wide with surprise, and…something else. A hint of something. Excitement?

    “Steph…what…” She put a finger to his lips, even with it being a bit of a reach for her.

    “Shhh. It’s okay. Remember that email you got?”

    He blinked. “I…”

    “Don’t lie to me again, Nathan,” she said, a smile curling the side of her mouth. “You already lied once. Tell me the truth.”

    He paused, then quietly responded. “I’m…I’m sorry. I was just looking. I made an account, and…I don’t know what-”

    She shushed him again. “It’s okay. I did a little research. Turns out…I think I might be kind of *really* into this.”

    She looked down at his crotch, where his jeans threatened to split with his burgeoning erection.

    “And I think you like it too.” She tugged at his button, then zipper, pulling it down. His boxers tented out, with a small wet spot right at the tip of his cock. She gingerly wrapped her hand around it, barely making contact. “Bedroom. Now.”

    He nodded, then tore off, taking his pants off as he went. Seeing him so eager made her pussy throb. This was going to be *fun*.

    She followed him in, then closed the door. He was sitting on the bed, breathing heavily, each ragged breathe making his whole body heave. His face was still tinged with that look of wonder and desire. He just looked so ready.

    “Boxers off.” She motioned with her finger.

    He nodded, then kicked them off the bed.

    She took her time walking up to him, exaggerating the movement of her hips, locking eyes with him. When she’d reached the bed, she carefully, deliberately wrapped her hand around his throbbing cock. It felt molten in her hand, and she could feel his heart beat through it.

    “Look how hard you’ve gotten for me, love.” She gave him a single, gentle stroke. Precum trickled down the shaft to her hand. “Oh, you’re so *ready* for me, aren’t you?”

    Words of affirmation. MissInControl had paid careful attention to them, citing them as one of the most singularly powerful tools to any gentle domme.

    Nathan nodded, smiling slightly.

    She let go, then took down her leggings, slowly, then kicked them to the other side of the room. She watched his eyes light up as he realized she wasn’t wearing anything under them. She walked to the bed, then got on her knees, half crawling up him. She kept going until she was about to straddle his chest, he legs having to spread so wide to do so it was almost uncomfortable.

    “I’m going to take a seat on your handsome face, and you’re going to eat me until I come. Okay, love?” She touched his face, gently and lovingly. He nodded with enough enthusiasm to make her giggle.

  2. Omg I absolutely love it. Just detailed enough to keep the mental image so vivid. I wish steph would dom females too! Her aloft neighbour, Erin, perhaps? Hehe perhaps punish her for touching herself through this series

  3. Killed it. Great story. Maybe add some cum play to a future story. Not saying your stories need anything else. All amazing!

  4. Great story and very well written. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope to see you write more. 😎💪

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