My [F]irst encounter with a cock

I thought I’d share a formative experience for me.

By way of background, this took place quite a while ago. Some of the words are definitely correct, some or more the gist of it as I remember it.

I’m from rural England and enjoyed I very happy and simple childhood. My world was small and looking back I was quite sheltered. Then I went to university!

Given the mix of hormones and alcohol at uni, there was a lot of sex around. I found my thoughts were quickly dominated by sexual things – who’s doing what with who, what do they look like when they do it? How would it feel? Does everyone else masturbate? How often? What gets them off? What about him? What about her? You get the idea.

Unsurprisingly the thought life went have in hand with a fairly frequent masturbation habit.
I felt a disconnect between my thought life and how people saw me that was uncomfortable but also really fun.

Among my closest friends was a guy I can call anything for this story so let’s call him Quentin. He had a TV in his room and 4 or 5 of us often hung out in there. He was funny and kind and I just loved his company. We had almost had a drunken kiss about a month before this story and I ended up giving him the ‘just friends’ talk, which wasn’t really necessary.

So we were alone in his room 1 evening, watching TV. We started hearing sex noises from the next room.

Quentin said “I don’t know whether to turn the volume up or down”.

I was happily pretending to be normal and not show that I quite enjoyed the noises in halls. I just laughed.

Me: Do they do it often?
Q: no. Yesterday was the first time.
Me: is it Talula? (I’m enjoying making up fake names, can you tell?)
Q: yes. I think so.
Me: what did you do last night?
Q: ?
Me: did you turn the volume up or down?
Q: oh… Um…. Ok. I turned it down. I know it sounds gross. I think most guys would.
Me: I’d do the same.
It was true but I said it to see his reaction, which was as enjoyable confused as I’d hoped.
Some minutes past. The noises got louder.
Q: shall we go and hang out in your room?
Me: no. I don’t mind it.
Q: you like it! *Loud laughter *

Me: well… Did you cum yesterday listening to it?

He avoided the question but we ended up talking about masturbation. I wasnt quite honest about how much I did it but he was shocked at how horny I was.

Q: are you wet now?
Me: you can’t ask a girl that!
Q: I can ask… You don’t have to answer. I wouldn’t mind you asking if I’m hard. It’s the same.
Me: I don’t need to – you’ve put a cushion on your crotch.
Q: do you mind?
Me: no
Q: so are you?
Me: what do you think?
Q: definitely
Me: why ask then?

We laughed. He was clearly enjoying seeing this horny side of me and I was getting such a rush from letting him see it.

Q: shall we take off our tops?

I didn’t really know what to do. I froze a bit.

Q: what’s the difference between a bra and a bikini?

A classic line! I could answer the question now, but at the time it was a winning argument. His top came off. I followed suit.

I felt the heat of his eyes on me. He complemented my body, my boobs. Emboldened by my responses he kept going .

Q: do you want to see my penis? (even at the time it felt like a funny choice of words.)
Me: sure
Q: have you seen 1 before?
Me: no
Q: are you sure you want to?
Me: get it out Quentin (I wish he was actually called Quentin – the line sounds better than with his real name) .

He took his trousers off. I could see his cock straining at the material of his boxers. A nice big clear bulge. I could see a dark red patch of pre-cum (which I didn’t know about and wasn’t expecting). He sat back down on his bed opposite me and peeled back the elastic to let his cock out. He held it in his hand.

Me: shit
Q: what do you think?
Me: take your hand away so I can see it properly
He took his hand off and looked at me. I was transfixed.
Me: that’s so hot
Q: do you want to take any more off?

I was so turned on. Being with his naked body, the sexual tension, his lust towards me.
Something in me definitely just wanted to touch him but I really didn’t want to go too far and I was a bit worried that I already had.

I watched him looking at me as I took off my bra and trousers.

Q: look at that wet patch – you’re such a horny girl Laura.
Me: this is crazy. I’m so turned on.
Q: do you want to see me cum?
I smiled.
Q: if not, you should leave soon because I need to.
Me: I’ll stay

I slid my hand down, dipped my finger slightly inside to enjoy my wetness and started stroking my clit. Q gave his cock a few tugs.

Q: I’m close. Cum with me Laura
I was fully in the zone. Lost. I nodded.
Q: where do you want it?

I wasn’t expecting that question. I think I assumed he’d just stay where he was. It jolted me back into the room for a second.

Me: um. I don’t know. Where do you want?
Q: on your boobs.
Me: ok.

He gave his cock 5 – 10 pumps and came towards me. He knelt down straddling me. I had slipped down a bit from my initial seated position but I wasn’t properly lying down. I had my hand in my panties, rubbing my clit. He kept giving his pulsing hard cock intermittent pumps, eyes darting between my eyes and my boobs.

Q: slide your fingers into your pussy .

Without thinking, I did. My middle finger slipped in.

Me: oh shit. I’m cumming Quentin (maybe Quentin isn’t such a good name for this story!)

As the orgasm spread through my body, I heard him say “fuck Laura”. I looked down to see his cock twitch and shoot his thick load on my cheek and then onto my boob.

I closed my eyes and sank back. He climbed off and went to get a towel to clean me up.

I know it’s a long story for something quite tame bit it was pivotal in my life and a moment I’ll never forget.

Thanks for bearing with me. Let me know what you think of the story and what I should cut out if I write another.

Get in touch!



  1. Brilliant and very gentle if i may say, mutual orgasm tugging..

  2. Very interesting and different method of delivery for this sub. I liked it.

  3. Idk why probably because I’m American but “He took his trousers off” made me laugh so hard 😂

  4. This is wholesome, cute and sexy. It reminds me of my early experiences. Good times.

  5. Very well written story of innocence and discovery while still being red hot!

  6. Sweet and sexy story. I bet you have have more stories about you and Quentin.

    The quiet ones always have more stories, you know.

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