Gay – My secret sexual experience – Getting sucked by a pro cocksucker

My secretly first sexual experience – Getting sucked from an local pro cocksucker

So there i was a young virgin boy totally stoned and desperate for my first blowjob

I had not cum for like 21 days and touched myself for hours to the edge so I there I was moaning in my bed desperate to cum

I searched for a whore on Grindr and saw an ad “free blowjobs for everybody” it kinda triggered me so I clicked on it

He wrote a whole book how much he loved to suck dick so I wrote him to see if it was legit

He told me to come to his apartment and get blown while looking at a porn screen

He only lives 200 meters away from me so something in my head told me to get my first blow

There I was 18 years old walking the streets totally stoned with an erect 6.5 inches dick

I ringed on his door and an bald old men opened the door he instantly grinned like he won a lottery

He made smalltalk with me to get me comfortable but after he saw my bulge he laughed and told me to get naked on his bed

There I was now totally naked and embarrassed in someone’s else guys bed with really thick load in my balls

I was getting at that moment really nervous when he came naked to me in bed and touches my thighs I was like wtf I am not really into guys I need to leave

He told me to chill and look into the porn monitor

I really don’t know what he did to me but I felt something different between my legs it made me instantly hard like I never was and made me moan

I looked down and saw him deep down my dick

A 50 year old bald chubby guy sucking my dick

I gotta be honest after that look I only had my head up and moaned and moved like a bitch

I really couldn’t look at it because I was in a shock stare I couldn’t move and do else but moan like a bitch

He even came up to my nipples sucked on them while he did jerk me and told me to get ready in my head to fuck him

And that moment everything in my head went black

I told him something like ooooh……kay he laughed and told me he is going for a little suck

After that little suck I felt it coming
Everything came out and I heard him only gagging because it was that much

After 30 seconds I looked down and my dick was totally clean

Remember three week load

He told me to drink something and get ready for the next round

Shame came over me and I left his apartment

I felt really bad for the next months because I did that. I was not into guys and had someone suck me off

I had thoughts like

Why I could let that happen
Was it really the weed
I was only desperate

After I smoked again weed and went to my bed after some months I got more horny than before

My body wanted his mouth

So there I was again in my bed writing this guy to blow me again
Totally high

He told me only if he can pay me if I let him suck my toes I was like okay just suck me off

The same happened again

He did blow me after I came instant regret and left

I told this nobody I was there 18 now I am 22

My ex girlfriend and other girls I had after that did never blow me like this guy did

To be honest I am not into guys I don’t know why I was that horny that time and ready to get myself into that

I never smoked weed again after that second blow but sometimes I was there was a guy smoking weed with me and sucking me on this guys level when I feel lonely when I’m single

That’s my story hit the like and tell me what you think and what could help me there 😁
