One comment led to soooo much more! [MF] (Dominated by a College girl) THE FULL STORY + ENDING.

Pt 1.

Id just turned 21 and i was in college one day a week every Wednesday. It was a small group of just men in our class, all mixed ages but a handful of us had ‘teamed up’ and formed a friendship.

Basically long story short, on our break we’d go around the back of the college to the smoking shelter, one lad called Nathan pulled out a tightly rolled joint… the rest is history.

In the second week of term, the tutor informed us that there was another class doing the same subject. Due to a lack a rooms available in the college the two classes would be merged to one that day and for future classes.

The merge didn’t happen immediately but after we had gone on our 15 minute break. We all went out for our usual smoke, grabbed a drink from canteen and made our way back up.

When we arrived the other class had already made there way into our room. A small group had turned into a large room of people, there was just enough seats for us all. To my surprise when I walked in it was no longer a penis party!

The only seats available was next to a girl or another lad called Ben. I quickly snapped up the opportunity and sat down next to her, nervously i introduced myself and got chatting. Fiona, was older than me by around 7 years, she was a-lot taller than me stood about 6 foot, I’m 5’7. She was brunette, her hair in a bun tailed with long curls, she wore glasses and had pale blue eyes which where quite captivating. She was slim, dressed down in a sort of ‘chavy/hippy’ appearance, loads of earrings and had a pierced nose.
Her face was serious, it made her very difficult to read and engage in enthusiastic conversation. She was short and snappy with me but always reply’d to whatever i said to her. Because of that and our age gap i naturally took a submissive innocent approach to her.

On our lunch break, id been to the canteen. And me and a few other lads walk around to the shelter for a smoke. We light up a joint and a few minutes later Fiona walks around. She says,

“You know you can smell that at the main doors don’t you”

Everyone remained silent, but given our introduction earlier i took the opportunity to make a joke of it and reply’d

“We didn’t choose the thug life Fiona”

Her face went from dead serious to actually smiling! Amused she walked over.

“Can i have two on it?”

“Oh! You smoke?”

“Well yeah. What do you think I’m here for?”

We all blaze the rest of the joint and make our way back. We sat in our same chairs which once chosen didn’t change through out the rest of the collage term. We didn’t talk too much afterwards, we just got on with our work. By the end of the day we got our shit together and i said,

“See you next week?”

“You will” smiled “bye hun”

The ‘hun’ played on my mind the drive home. I couldn’t figure out if she was being sarcastic in her response or just being pleasant. She was hard to read!

Next Wednesday came around. I hatched a plan looking forward to seeing her. I stuffed some weed in my pocket and set off. Im never on time to college, the distance from my house is far, traffics a nightmare and….. well, its not work so i don’t get up when my alarm goes off.

I walked in around 9:30, the tutor sarcastically said, as he did every week,

“Mr ***** I’m glad you could take the time from your busy schedule to join us”

“My apologies Niel, you know i live far.”

My seat empty i sat with her, she said

“Ooooo didn’t know you was a badboy”

To which i had the perfect reply….

“I already told you fiona…. I didn’t chose the thug life!”

She properly laughed! “You wasn’t joking was you”

This was a great start, not only had i cracked her serious expression but id made her laugh straight away.
We have a 15 minute break at 10:30, i did the usual trip and went for a cigarette. Kieron one of the ‘crew’ said

“You’re well into her aren’t you?”

“Who?… Fiona?”

“Yeah! You fucking perv i can see you staring at her”

“Ha, right okay. Better than looking at you’re ugly mug!”

The rest of them piped up and began the “oh Fiona! Fiona Where art thou Fiona!”

“Fuck off!!”

I should mention id already done the year before with this lot, so we knew each other fairly well.

I got back to the room and we engaged in little small talk, i found her intimidating, there was something about her. I was very attracted to her and I’m certain she sensed it, I didn’t have much to say but as she tapped her finger nails on the desk i came out with,

“I like your nails”

She laughed and replied,

“ is that the best you’ve got?”

“W-what do you mean?”

“You like my nails? Is that you’re best chat up line?”

“Oh, I wasn’t trying t-”

“Riiiight, I’m sure you was really just interested in my nails”

I just shut my mouth, i was embarrassed, i felt like an idiot, a little boy trying to impress a pretty girl, then lifting her hand towards me she said,

“Wasn’t the best I’ve heard, but thanks hun”

Hmmm, theres that word again.

12:30 rolled around, we were dismissed for our hour long dinner and i asked,

“Are you coming for a zoot?” (joint)

“No. Im not going out there its freezing”

FUCK!!! To be fair it was mid November and about 4°C. Then my lightbulb clicked.

“Ive brought my car we can go there?”

“Oh! Cool i didnt know you drove. Okay, I wanna grab some dinner first I’m starving!”

We head to the canteen, walking past the rest of the lads making silent ‘fucking’ gestures behind her back.

“Dickhead!” I mouthed back, we sat down ate our dinner, grabbed some drinks a head outside to the carpark. Id parked way away from everyone. I don’t like getting my doors hit.

“Wow! I like your car!”

I had a nearly new white Golf GTI at the time.

“Did your daddy buy it for you?”

“Fucking hell Fiona, i do work you know!”

“Im joking! Calm down! God I know how to work you up don’t I ?”

We jumped in and got some heat going, i rolled up, lit and past her the joint.
I was wearing sweat pants and when id got in I slid down on the leather, my underwear rode up my arse crack strangling my balls (you know) i lifted my arse up and pulled them back down to comfort,

“Whats up?”

“Nothing, just rearranging, making room for my massive nob”

I immediately regretted saying it, in my head I’m thinking why the fuck did you just say that! You stupid fuck!
Passes back the joint. Anxiously awaiting her response she laughed!! And then…..!

“Ha show me”

I nervously laughed back but she didn’t break eye contact.


“Show me, your massive nob”

“I was only messing its not massive”

“Okay….. well let me see”

“No! Why? In a car park?!”

“Just show me”


“Please i wanna see”

the way she said it I can’t even put into words but somehow, instantly she’d persuaded me to get my cock out in the middle of a college carpark, with the thought of possibilities running through my head ( i really thought, yes shes so gonna blow me ) i was already beginning to grow as i grabbed both my pants and underwear, pulling them down just underneath my balls as she peered over in curiosity,

“Oh wow!”


“No really, you’re a good size!”

Kinda felt more self conscious than i did flattered. I sat with my thumbs holding down my pants with an un-lit joint in my mouth wondering why the fuck my cocks hanging out… in my car to a girl I’ve know for all of a couple of hours, pretty awkward really! I pulled my pants back up, lit the joint and past back to her.

“I didn’t tell you to put it away”


“I wanna watch you grow”


“Go on…”

“I- um- okay” (possibilities remember)

I knew she was manipulating me, i felt a little uneasy by the control she had over the situation.. but.. i kinda liked it, it was something new. I pulled my pants down for a second time whilst she sized me up again.

“Im not just gonna get hard like that”

She took a drag on the joint and blew the smoke over my cock, her mouth a couple inches away….. i was fucking rock hard!!


“There he is”

“Um yeah”

She threw the rest of the joint out the window. Edged her way towards me an reached out for my now throbbing cock. With her index finger she ran it over the tip of my urethra making my cock jump each time she ran back and forth. I dribbled a little amount of precum onto her finger, she stopped… licked her finger and said

“Come on. Were going to be late”

NOOOOO!!!! Fuck! She left me rock hard. I pulled my pants up and tucked myself under my pant waste hiding my disappointment.

We got back to class and set out with our work. She put her hand on my thigh and within seconds i was hard again! Nathan was sat at the opposite end of the room but able to see under the table. He looked over and winked at me. I nodded my head in amusement but with sheer embarrassment and fear of someone seeing my raging cock, I asked her to stop. She did. And after a couple of minutes i managed to calm myself down feeling the wetness of my precum inside my underwear.

At the end of the day, it was pouring outside, i made my way to my car and Nathan ran up behind me.

“Can i catch a lift?”

He only lived 5 minutes up the road so no problem at all. We jump in and make our way to his. During the ride he asked me where we went. I told him everything. The full story, and what really surprised me was his response. He said.

“Im gonna be honest that sounds abit concerning to me. I think you need to be careful with her”

His words really played over in my mind but I wasn’t in a position where i felt so uncomfortable to avoid her. I found her controlling demands somehow exciting. And in all honesty I couldn’t wait to see her again.

Pt 2.

Throughout the week. I couldn’t help but masturbate to her, it was as-though she had me under her hypnotic spell.

Despite Nathan’s warning ringing in my ears, the burning desire for more was overpowering, i delicately envisioned the scenarios of what could happen this week, only yet to know that they’d be wrong.

Wednesday comes around. Im eager this morning. I was prepped, id shaved my balls the night before ready for another hopeful encounter with Fiona. I again stuffed some weed in my pocket and set off.

I arrived at 8:45. Neil my tutor literally did a double take on me walking through the door before 9.

“Thirsty for knowledge this morning Mr *****”

“Yeah, you could say that!”

Fiona arrived dead on 9 o’clock. As she sat down she said,

“Morning big boy”

I grinned “morning Fiona”

My tutor overheard our greeting and looked at me with his eyes slightly squinted in a sense of wonder, i knew the thought of his students fucking each-other was stirring around in his head and it really did make me feel like a ‘big boy’

She was wearing a tight pair of skinny jeans outlining her towering legs and a pair of chunky black boots, she sat down and removed her coat. Underneath wearing a short sleeved nirvana t-shirt revealing and sleeve of tattoos on her arm.



“You’re tattoos are cool!”

She said nothing. We listened to our lecture, and with more growing confidence than I’ve ever had with her, i gingerly placed my hand on-top of her thigh….. Immediately she removed my hand and placed it back onto my own. She looked at me with her enchanting blue eyes and nodded her head downwards as if to say “what the fuck are you doing”

Confidence shot i went back to my place…. From big boy to good boy all in one gaze and suggestive nod.

15 minute break, i asked

“Are you coming?”

“No. I need to do my student id card”

Outside with just me, Nathan and Kieron, Kieron asked

“Are you two love birds disappearing again at dinner?”

“I hope so!”

“Where did you go last time?”

Id only told Nathan at this point and he remained quiet.

“Had a joint in my car with her”

“Why don’t we get an invite?”

“Because you’ve got your own car! And besides how am i gonna get lucky with her if you two ugly twats are in the back seat!?”

Them both howling away, they agreed with me. We made our way back and during the class i needed an answer from her.

“Are me and you going out again?”

i must of seemed like a desperate puppy wanting a treat.

“Why what you hoping for?”

“N-no nothing i didn’t mean it like that im-“

“-Yeah ill get dinner with you hun”

Mission accomplished, fuck me she had me sweating! Sat in frustration watching the clock tick by awaiting our dismissal noon rolls around, we walk down the stairs and i head towards the canteen again, she abruptly stopped me.

“No, i don’t wanna go in there lets go out and get something”


I felt like i should be saying “yes miss” at this point,

We get in my car drive out the college grounds and towards the town close by… Mc Donald’s.. of all the places, we ate inside and made our way back watching her suck her milkshake straw wishing it was my cock. As we enter the carpark she said

“park over there”

pointing to a place furthest away from the main doors, out of sight from the yard and closest to the back football field. A flood of thoughts began rushing through my brain as drove in silence.

“Why did you wanna come here?”

“Because the weed stinks and i don’t want to be near the doors”

“Oh!” Shit. Wasn’t the answer i was wishing for.

The same as last time I rolled up. Lit and past her the joint, i knew something was coming i just didn’t know when or how. Nor did i want to instigate it. Eventually she turned to me, gazing into her eyes like a submissive little boy awaiting her command and FINALLY said.

“ can i see him again”

This time I didn’t hesitate. I was hungry for her touch, i whipped my pants down to the middle of my thighs faster than she could finish her sentence. She glanced over my already hardening cock noticing my freshly shaven balls. Reached out and ran her hands from underneath to the top of my throbbing shaft holding me steady in her hand, she made me gasp and rocket to fully hard.

“Is this for me?” She laughed “you shaved for me!?”

“E-er no!! I always do it!”

“So you where expecting something!?”

My face gleaming red in humiliation

“No! Honestly! I wasn’t!”

“What do you want me to do with it?”

“Uh W-w-“

“Just tell me!”

“I don’t know Fiona! Fucking suck it if you want!”

She looked at me with that serious look again, i couldn’t tell if id upset her. Angered her or surprised her. She passed me the joint. Leaned in and put her head close to my cock… really close i could feel her breathing over my newly sensitive hairless ballsack. She paused and so did i. The longer I waited the heavier my breathing become, i had such an urge to thrust towards her mouth but I knew she’d move away and most importantly….. she hadn’t commanded me to, she began to inch closer, finally opening her mouth allowing entry, in one continuous movement she took me in her mouth, slowly working her way down my entire shaft to my base holding for a second before coming back up

“Oooooohh fucking hell Fiona!”

She kissed my tip, licked and went back down for another gulp, this time using her hand to pull my foreskin back as she worked her way up, the feeling was so intense she made my body tremble, my cock throbbed and pulsed in her throat,

“F-Fucking feels so good!”

Then… she stopped. She sat back upright and watched me stutter.

“Fucking hell Fiona! You’re such a tease!!!”

“You want more?”


She leaned in towards my face, kissed my lips and then stuck her tongue in my mouth. We snogged. I throbbed hoping she’d go back down. She didn’t….

“Don’t cut your nose off. It’ll be worth it i promise”

I huffed in disappointment yet again!


We made our way back, it was 1:20 we was late. Time had clearly ran away with her “experiment” as we walked into a full room of people, everyones head turned to look towards us, we was met with prying eyes and cheeky grins. Clearly they were talking about us in our absence. She blushed a little, a side id never seen. I walked in behind her feeling like the absolute shit! Knowing that everyone could only imagine what we was getting up to.

I didn’t dare pull another stunt trying to touch her again, before we left to go home i sheepishly asked,

“Can i have your number?”


“I don’t know”

“Then no.”

“Oh. Okay”

“Give me yours”

“My number??”


I did and we left. On the drive home the words

“it’ll be worth it, i promise”

began to sink in, playing over and over and over in my mind. I couldn’t wait for next week.

Pt 3.

My thoughts of endless possibilities running wild, i was now hooked under the clasp of Fiona’s palm, thinking of her night and day she held me in a position of not wanting but needing more, yet, too afraid to ask fearing her rejection.

Constantly conjuring up ways to beat her at her own game, it was late Saturday night and i received a message.

“Missing me?”

I obviously didn’t have her number saved in my phone but knew immediately who it was. I wrote back three times and deleted before i sent a message. I didn’t want to seem too eager, i delayed my response and eventually replied.

“As much as you’re thinking of me”

Genius I thought! I awaited a response but she left me hanging, (i was really expecting a picture ill be honest) typical of her style she was playing with me again, i resisted the urge to send her another message. I even contemplated sending her a picture of you know what but i knew the consequences.

Wednesday. I arrived a few minutes late, Fiona was already in, her head buried in a harry potter book, which kind of surprised me. My tutor sat behind his desk,

“Good morning Mr *****”

She looked up.

“Morning Neil”

I realised he was watching as i walked towards my desk, likely waiting for my exchange in words with Fiona to see what this week would unveil,

“Morning hun”


“Did you shave for me again?“

“Ssssshhhhh!! Fiona seriously!”

She knew exactly what she was doing, I glanced over at Neil looking right back at me with a grin ear to ear, he raised his eyebrows in amusement.

“Really? Everyone doesn’t need to know!”

“I didn’t take you as the embarrassed type”

“Well i am when your talking about my balls in-front of everyone!”

“Okay, Okay I’m sorry….”

“.…but did you though?”

“Did i what?”

“Shave your balls ag-“

“-yes i fucking shaved my balls again!!”

She put her hand over her mouth and giggled like id never heard before,

“You’re so funny!”

Fucking desperate more like! I got settled took my coat off, my eyes shot down as i noticed she had a pair of ripped jeans on exposing her pale white skin on her thigh, the impulse was overwhelming, with the back of my finger i hesitantly ran over her smooth skin expecting my reprimanding… she said nothing, my excitement grew, I started out touching in a playful manner before turning my hand using my finger tips to stroke her skin.

“Your hands are so sweaty”

“Y-yeah, i know”


“…… do I make you nervous?”

“You fucking terrify me Fiona”

She laughed about it, but little to her knowledge I wasn’t actually joking. I bravely started caressing her whole thigh, down to her kneecap around and back up to her pelvis, spreading my fingers out more and more towards her inner thigh with each stroke.. i was already fucking beyond rock hard, almost in a hypnotic type state when….

“MR ******! NOT in my classroom please”

Before he snapped me back to earth i didn’t even realise he was talking, the entire room looked towards us, some in disapproval and disgust others with grins. Nathan and Kieron smirking, nodding their heads I didn’t feel embarrassment but more empowered.

15 minute, Neil walks over as i gather my stuff.

“Listen, whatever you two have going on, I’m happy for you but please refrain from doing it in my classroom. Me and the others don’t need to see it.”

“Sorry Neil. It was my fault. It wont happen again.”

Regardless of my wrong doing, i was actually his top student. I had way more experience than the others and always walked through the tests he set out for us. For that reason he always cut me slack.

Fiona didn’t come out. She wanted to read her book, she didn’t actually smoke cigarettes either so i left and met up with Nathan and Kieron.

“Yes boys”

“You shaved your balls?!?”

“For fuck sake…. Yes i did”

“That is fucking hilarious! Why!? What did she say?”

“I think she was impressed to be fair”

“Have you fucked her?”


“What’ve you done?”

“So far… nothing she’s just tortured me”

Nathan – “what do you mean?!”

“Not literally. She proper teases me, she gets me hard and leaves me hanging”

“Thats awful!”

“I know. She told me it’ll be worth it”

We got back. Neil said

“Right gather your things, we need to go to the library to use the computers”

In the far corner of the library is where the computers are. The tables and monitors a back to back chained up as though we’re going to steal a full size desktop pc under our coats! me and Fiona sat at the far end of the table closest to the corner wall.

I log in and open up the application as instructed when i felt her warm hand grip my thigh, she squeezed and ran her hand inward towards my balls cupping them in her palm, i could feel the heat radiating through my pants as she searched around for my growing cock. With her fingers she grabbed ahold of my little boy pointing it upwards allowing me room to get fully hard.


She continued. Rubbing her hand up and down my cock through my pants i pleaded,


“Please stop”

I didn’t want her to stop. Her touch felt so amazing i wanted more but my paranoia set me on edge. We was in a room full of people after all!

Ignoring my plea she continued increasing her pressure, she patted her hand up my cock to the top of my pant line and pulled. Like a hypnotised fool I allowed her access, lifted my arse and helped her expose my cock to the cold library air.
She grabbed ahold and began working my foreskin up and down slowly. Careful not to make movements to obvious, she slowly pulled downward pulling my skin all the way to stop and letting her hand slide down to my balls before bringing her way back up. The heat from her sweaty hand felt intoxicating, i wasn’t focusing on anything other than her hand stroking my cock so masterfully. After a minute i felt it. The unmistakable tingle of euphoria stirring up inside me. I was about to fucking cum!! I grabbed her hand and gripped tight stopping her movement. She could feel me trembling as i moved her away. I plead again,



“Please just stop” i whispered

“Why!?” She whispered back



“You’re gonna make me cum Fiona!”

“No way! Really? That easy?”

“Yes! Fiona please just stop”

There was no way i was about to cum all over myself in a fucking college library! And thank fuck she did.

I pulled my pants over my throbbing cock in relief. Slowly inhaling and exhaling trying to calm myself down, continuing with my work in disbelief.

Pt 4.

12 o’clock.

We walked out from the library. I needed a piss so i went to the bathroom whilst she waited. i rearranged my precum soaked underwear wash my hands and left back to Fiona.

“Are we going into town again?”

“Yeah can do”

We jump in my car and on the way she asked.

“Was you really about to cum?”

By this point my embarrassment and shame with her had long gone. I was in her pocket, with a desire for her attention so strong, if she told me to sit and beg id of probably done so.

“Yeah i was”

“Why so quickly?? I barely touched you”

“Im not sure Fiona. Over excitement i suppose”

“Do you always cum quickly?”

I didn’t feel a need to lie to her.

“I do sometimes yeah, depends how focused i am”


I wasn’t too sure where she was heading with the conversation but now id parked my car. We got to a small café a grabbed our dinner inside. She continued..

“So.. are you sexually experienced?”


“Have you had sex?”

“Jesus Christ Fiona! Of course i have!”


“A fair amount yes!”


Back in my car entering college grounds,

“Am i parking over there again?”

“You’re a right little horny boy aren’t you!”

“Uh- no I didn’t mean for that!…And you said you didn’t like smoking near the doors!!”

“Go on then…”

I did the usual. Roll, light, pass. I could see the cogs Turning in her head,

“So you know when your about to cum, and you don’t. What does it feel like?”

“Id assume the same as it would for you, irritating”

“Are you angry you didn’t’?”

“No… I stopped you, I didn’t want to do it all over myself… in a library!”

She laughed. Took a big puff and passed me the joint.

“Would you cum as fast now?”

Music to my ears! I knew where this was about to lead. She wanted to experiment and i was happy to be her test subject.

“Ive no idea….”

I waited for her response. She said nothing. I passed her back the joint still waiting in anticipation. I watched her finish and throw the joint out window STILL waiting for her to say something. She clicked the window up.

“Get him out.”

Oh my fucking god yes! Zero hesitation I slouched back and yanked down my pants as she turned and edged her way over, she tied back her remaining curls into her bun and brought her head mere inches away from my boy making me instantly rock hard again.

She stopped, just looking she said,

“I really like him you know”

I was absolutely flattered by her compliment, i loved how she referred to my cock as ‘him’ I was about to reply with thanks but before i could draw the words she took me in her mouth completely suppressing my voice.

Her soft lips wrapped around me, i could feel her tongue rolling over my urethra making my cock involuntary spasm before slowly working her way down, I tried to grab ahold of her breast and straight away she moved my hand pushing it down into my seat. She sucked me skilfully working me into euphoric pleasure. Using her hand to milk the cum from inside me i blurted out

“Oooooookay Fi- Fu-fuck!”

The irrepressible tingle building up in my legs, this was it. Finally i was about to feel relief! I grabbed a hold of my seat bolsters,


“Fiona im-“

She stopped.

“Don’t stop!!”

She sat back up right looking at me relishing in desperation and frustrations , she was the master and I was stringed puppet. I knew she wasn’t going to finish me off, an unimaginable force of anger came over me, i yanked my pants up over my throbbing cock.

“I swear to god! You’re fucking pissing me off doing this shit Fiona!!“

“Why do you keep building me up to let me down!!”

“Its not funny!!”

She remained silent. As angry as i was, i was now feeling like a twat for shouting at her for not sucking my cock! What the fuck was she doing to me!

“Come on. I’m done.”

I got back to class in the foulest mood, i didn’t even want to talk to her. My anger clearly showing in my face.

3 o’clock we’re dismissed.

“Bye hun”


Nathan caught up with me outside.

“Whats happened??”

“Get in I’ll tell you”

I told him everything down to the last detail.

“She just teasing you mate, and she’s enjoying, just ignore her!”

“How the fuck can i ignore her Nathan she sits next to me every week! She fucking messages me asking if miss her! shes playing on my mind!”

“Mate. Next week just swap seats with someone. Shes not worth it”

I made my way home, thinking he’s right. Shes not, as unbelievably fit as she is, shes just not worth it.

I got home for 4 pm. Had something to eat and went for a shower. I had the intention to masturbate my now bursting for relief dick when… my phone pings.


“Come to me”

Not even 10 seconds past before i replied.


She sent me her address. I threw my cloths on and practically dived into my car.

“Ill be there in 20”

As i sped towards her house i was in a total trance, my radio turned to almost mute I hadn’t even second thought what i was doing.

I arrived at hers, a well presented end terrace with stone driveway to the side, i park my car. My heart thumping in my throat, i had no idea what i was going to walk into, i messaged,

“Im outside”

Her reply was fast.

“Come in.”

I leave my car and walk to her door pausing in hesitation to pull the handle. A deep breath i went in.

I was met with warmth and the scent of her perfume, stood in the hallway I look up to the top of the stairs to where she was standing. her long curly hair down, she looked as though she’d just showered. She was wearing a pair of purple silk pj’s with a buttoned front.

“Come up”

I kick my shoes off and hang my coat making my way up, I was nervous to whoelse was in the house and asked,

“Is this your own place?”

“Yeah hun”

A sigh of relief. In wasn’t about to walk in to a beating. I followed her to her dimly lit bedroom with just the bedside table lamp glowing, at the end of the bed was a set of drawers with a cushioned top.

“Sit down”

She stood towering in-front of me, the room wasn’t cold but I couldn’t stop shaking with nerves.

She began to unbutton her top slowly revealing her big pale breasts letting her top drop to the floor. Up to this point I hadn’t seen a single part of her skin other than her arms and a small portion of her thigh,

“Oh my god fio-“

“Shhh shut up” she whispered

She placed her thumbs in the top of her elasticated pant waist pulling them slowly over the hump of her narrow curved hips, dropping to the floor she stepped over them and come towards me completely nude.

My eyes completely fixated on her body she reached out her arms around the back of my neck pulling me towards her breasts. I could smell her. I could feel the heat from her body. Face to face with her nipple i went for a lick, my tongue rolled over her making her body twitch as she giggled

“They’re sensitive”

I went in for another, taking her whole nipple in my mouth, my eyes closed in pure intoxication as she tightened her grip around my neck, letting out the most erotic soft moans my ears have been blessed with, feeling her nipple harden in my mouth. She pushed me back, walking over to her bed she lay down as my eyes followed awaiting further instruction.

“Take your clothes off”

I pulled my jumper over my head, my t shirt along with it, rolled down my pants kicking them out from beneath me just leaving my underwear in place.

“Those too”

I pulled them over my already hard cock awaiting my command.

“Come here!”

Pt 5.

With her posed on the bed, i walk and climb over her gazing into her eyes, my hearts pounding in my chest,

“Have you made a girl cum before?”




I didn’t really know how to answer her question,

“I don’t know, i just follow their lead..”

“Show me….”

I got to work. Kissing her soft lips down to her neck, she ran her hands over my back onto my shoulders, i progressed downwards with my face in her soft pillowy breast squeezing them into my cheeks…still working my way down, Fiona had abs! And i mean abs! her body didn’t have a muscle that wasn’t firmly toned, in full view of her shaven pussy, i spread her legs apart lay flat my stomach with my cock now dribbling precum onto her sheets.

I pressed my lips against her labia inhaling her sweet scent before working my tongue in for a taste of her clit. Her short gasps and hip thrusts spurring me on, wetting my tongue i worked my way down and back up, she tasted fucking incredible!! i was so horny I couldn’t help but rub my cock hard against her sheets as i sucked on her clit, i wanted her entire pussy juice on my face whilst she moaned out

“Feels sooo fucking good!”

I started using my fingers, slowly working my way inside her deep until my knuckles bottomed out. Twisting my wrist and pushing hard whilst indulging on her pussy. Fucking hell I couldn’t get enough of her! I couldn’t suppress the desire to fuck her any longer i NEEDED my cock inside her.

I didn’t even ask if she had protection, in that moment I couldn’t care less, i sat up

“Can i fuck you?”

“I don’t know. Can you?”

Yes i fucking could!! Kneeling on the bed i grabbed her legs dragging her pussy towards my cock, squeezing tight at the base i pressed against her lips feeling the wet slippery warmth of her on my head beginning my entry,

“Ohh go deep”

With her hand firmly planted on my arse guiding me in, she moaned out the entire length of my cock inching inside her, our pelvises rubbing i worked in every millimetre i could and clenched HARD expanding the head of my cock deep into her making her jolt her hips, i stayed clenched as tight as possible forcing my cock to be as hard as it could and began to ram her, in a broken sentence she then proposed i do something for her.

have you read my story “my lust for the other girl” I mentioned doing something in the story…. Fiona is where that started.

“S-s-stop, stop, stop!”

“What? Whats wrong?”

“I want you to choke me”


“I want you to choke me!”

In disbelief of what she was asking me,

“What!? …..Im not fucking choking you!”

“Please, just trust me!”

Id had a pretty wild sex life to this point but this was ‘new territory’

“Erm.. okay, do we need like a safe word or something??”

My cock was still inside, her pussy clamped tightening around my cock as she laughed hard at me

“How the fuck am i going to safe word if you’re choking me!?”

“Oh yeah, good point! Well…blink twice or something??”

“Yeah whatever.. I’ll blink twice just put your fucking hands on me!”

I was hesitant, i envisioned this going badly wrong and having to explain how i went to my college classmates house at night and fucking straggled her to death!


I wrapped both my hands around her neck


I squeezed a little harder and resumed my thrusts watching for her directions


I squeezed tighter and thrusted harder


I fucking clamped my hands forbiddingly tight as she nodded in agreement inhaling her last breath i fucked her like her life depended on it

completely focused on her, awaiting a gesture for me to release her a breath i continued pounding my cock deep inside her literally counting seconds in my head as i squeezed overlapping my thumbs,

Her face turning red, her eyes closed, mouth open making no sound i watched her hands clench onto the bed sheets…

21…22…23…24… i felt her body quiver beneath me and took it as my cue to let go as rapidly as i could! she inhaled a deep gasp followed by a moan so loud she put the fear of christ in to my bones!


I pulled my cock out of her a pushed back watching her full body spasm whilst her hands still clenched on to her sheets! the rush of oxygen back to her head made her cum so violently! i sat back in complete relief she was okay and her colour began to return to her face

“Fucking hell Fiona!”

Still inhaling deep breaths as she smiled she exclaimed

“THAT….. thats how you make a girl cum!!”

Sat with my hands on knees in between her legs completely shook up in amazement, fear and confusion

“What the fuck!! What the fuck was that?”

“God that was good!”

“That was fucking scary Fiona! I thought you was about to pass out!”

She laughed at my panicked concern

“So did i!”

She reached out her arm for me to lift her up, rubbed her hand along her neck

“Shit, you really choked me didn’t you!”

“Im so sorry!”

“Can you get me some water hun?”

I jumped up and ran downstairs stark ballock naked opening every cupboard in her kitchen looking for a glass, filled up and bolted back upstairs


“Ta hun”

She took a small sip and then burst out into laughter again

“What? Whats so funny?”

“You! You look like you’ve seen a ghost you’ve turned white!”

“Fuck off Fiona! Im not into this weird choking fetish you’ve got going on!”

She placed her cup down.

“Come here”

I knelt back on the bed facing towards her. She put her hand on my chest pushing me down onto the bed and wrapped her leg over me.

It was time for round 2.

Pt 6. The finale.

With all the excitement and the experience of choking a girl to orgasm, gazing up at her beautiful breasts whilst she sat on top of me, my member had left the party.

“Does he not like me anymore?“

she asked walking her fingers over my chest.

“Of course he does! But i cant stay hard forever”

“Let me see if i can change his mind”

On her knees she planted her arse in the air giving me full view of her perfectly smooth humps, began slowly kissing my neck working her way down past my nipple. By the time she got to my stomach i was rock hard again! She looked up

“That didn’t take long!”


She ran her tongue to my balls licking up my shaft, With her hand lifting me upright and swallowed me whole in one eager gulp.

One quick gasp i realised i wasn’t cut out for another one of her blowjobs. They were too good!

“Whoa! Fiona calm down!”

She stopped.

“What do you want?”

“Ride me..”

My wish granted she lifted her way up, holding my cock in her hand she slowly slid her way down my shaft

“Mmmmm” she moaned

Even i fucking moaned at the feeling of her slippery wet lips gripping onto my cock! She worked her way deep circling her hips before arching her back lifting back up to my tip.

Grinding away whilst i pulled and squeezed her hard nipples, the feeling of euphoria soon came around! I could feel my cum working its way to freedom, but I wasn’t ready for it to end! In a desperate bid I pushed her off me with my palms on her hips

“I need to change positions.. quick!!”

“Where do you want me!?”

I dragged her to the edge of the bed lay on her back. Stood up placing my hands at the back of her thighs pressing them into her body.

Pushing my way back into her pussy i pumped hard! Forcing deep long strokes, her hand made its way down and began to rub her clit

“Mmmm keep going! Keep going I’m gonna cum!”

I pumped harder and faster, the sight of my cock disappearing inside her puffed lips was overwhelming. I closed my eyes desperately trying to think of something else! (a wooden chair actually!)

“Thats it! Keep going! OH GOD!!”

I felt her pussy widen around my cock as she shouted out in relief! I slowed my pace allowing her to ride out her orgasm but i was already at the point of no return! The eruption built up inside me, I managed to mumble the words as i gasped

“F-fiona!! Im gonna cum!!!“

I backed out from her

“Your mouth! I want your mouth!”

She jumped up off the bed throwing me backwards, diving onto her knees she gulped my cock down her throat, her hands jerking my cock rapidly… this was it!…

“OHH FF-U-!!”

precum sprayed out from my urethra following by the thickest ropes of cum ive ever shot! Bursting their way into her mouth, bouncing off her top lip dripping onto her tongue, the sound of my cum pooling in her closed throat only made me blow more and more ropes! She held her hand under her chin capturing the overspill as she gargled the words in pure surprise


My knees buckled, i could barely take the weight of my own body as i watched her swallow my full thick load and lick the remnants from her hand! I stumbled my way onto the bed and collapsed onto my back. Fiona lay next to me,

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much cum in my life!”

I couldn’t even reply, all i could do was gasp and inhale the life that left my body.

I stayed with her that night before having to leave early for work.

From then on, I picked her up every college morning to make our way in together. We never continued our lunchtime fondles but made it our routine to fuck after the days end.

Yes the choking continued. I even began to enjoy it…..


1 comment

  1. Bravo. Well paced writing, plenty of intrigue and of course, erotic as hell. Great job.

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